Published in J Wildl Dis on January 01, 1980
Plaque assay for Ebola virus. J Clin Microbiol (1981) 1.99
Cloning and cleavage site mapping of DNA from bovine herpesvirus 1 (Cooper strain). J Virol (1983) 1.81
Development of an attenuated strain of chikungunya virus for use in vaccine production. Vaccine (1986) 1.74
Detection of bovine herpesvirus type 1 RNA in trigeminal ganglia of latently infected rabbits by in situ hybridization. J Gen Virol (1986) 1.68
Systemic form of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis in young calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc (1973) 1.56
Immunization against bovine papillomavirus infection. Ciba Found Symp (1986) 1.33
Studies with an unclassified virus isolated from diarrheic calves. Vet Microbiol (1982) 1.32
Inactivation of Ebola virus with 60Co irradiation. J Infect Dis (1981) 1.18
Studies on the pathogenesis of a bovine cytomegalo-like virus in an experimental host. J Gen Virol (1985) 1.17
Filovirus contamination of cell cultures. Dev Biol Stand (1992) 1.17
Persistent infection with bovine herpesvirus type 1: rabbit model. Infect Immun (1982) 1.15
Inactivated vaccine for Ebola virus efficacious in guineapig model. Lancet (1980) 1.14
A diagnostic survey of bovine abortion and stillbirth in the Northern Plains States. J Am Vet Med Assoc (1973) 1.13
Necropsy and laboratory findings in free-living deer in South Dakota. J Am Vet Med Assoc (1976) 1.10
Experimental inoculation of cattle with bovine herpesvirus-4: evidence for a lymphoid-associated persistent infection. Am J Vet Res (1983) 1.04
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus-induced abortion: rapid diagnosis by fluorescent antibody technique. Am J Vet Res (1971) 1.04
Observations on the conversion of N-acetylglutamate to proline in extracts of Escherichia coli. J Biol Chem (1966) 1.03
Twelve years' experience with a comprehensive ambulatory care program. J Med Educ (1970) 1.02
Acceptability of an expanded nurse role to nurses and physicians. Med Care (1971) 1.01
Experimental infection of rabbits with bovine herpesvirus-4: acute and persistent infection. Vet Microbiol (1982) 0.99
Coronaviral enteritis of young calves: virologic and pathologic findings in naturally occurring infections. Am J Vet Res (1979) 0.97
Isolation and comparison of bovine parvoviruses. J Infect Dis (1972) 0.96
Evaluation of a formalin-inactivated Rift Valley fever vaccine in sheep. Am J Vet Res (1980) 0.94
Comparison of the herpesviruses of cattle by DNA restriction endonuclease analysis and serologic analysis. Am J Vet Res (1985) 0.94
Clearance and shedding of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus from the nasal mucosa of immune and nonimmune calves. Am J Vet Res (1980) 0.92
Identification of Mycoplasmatales in pneumonic calf lungs. Vet Microbiol (1986) 0.91
Investigation of possible vaccine-induced epizootics of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, using restriction endonuclease analysis of viral DNA. Am J Vet Res (1986) 0.91
Characterization and identification of a bovine respiratory syncytial virus isolated from young calves. Am J Vet Res (1979) 0.91
Evaluation of experimental subunit vaccines for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis. Am J Vet Res (1980) 0.91
Negative contrast electron microscopic techniques for diagnosis of viruses of veterinary importance. Cornell Vet (1980) 0.90
Rabies antibodies in sera of wild birds. J Wildl Dis (1976) 0.89
Identification of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus in house flies (Musca domestica Linneaus). Am J Vet Res (1983) 0.89
Isolation of bovine adenovirus type 7 from calves with pneumonia and enteritis. Am J Vet Res (1978) 0.88
Malignant catarrhal fever in bison. J Am Vet Med Assoc (1977) 0.88
Problems concerning the taxonomy of the 'Movar-type' bovine herpesviruses. Intervirology (1987) 0.86
Bovine abortion associated with Torulopsis glabrata. J Am Vet Med Assoc (1972) 0.86
Direct electron transfer reactions of cytochrome c at silver electrodes. Anal Chem (1987) 0.84
Experimental infection of eastern cottontail rabbits Sylvilagus floridanus) with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus. Am J Vet Res (1979) 0.84
Vaccine-induced pseudorabies in lambs. J Am Vet Med Assoc (1984) 0.84
Epizootic bovine abortion: clinical and serologic responses and pathologic changes in extragenital organs of pregnant heifers. Am J Vet Res (1969) 0.84
Bovine abortion associated with mixed Movar 33/63 type herpesvirus and bovine viral diarrhea virus infection. Cornell Vet (1979) 0.83
Evaluation of the rabbit as a laboratory model for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus infection. Cornell Vet (1980) 0.83
A standard logbook for the coronary-care unit. Heart Lung (1975) 0.83
Continuing education based on record audit in a community hospital. J Med Educ (1973) 0.82
Comparison of antigenic structure and pathogenicity of bovine intestinal Chlamydia isolate with an agent of epizootic bovine abortion. Am J Vet Res (1975) 0.81
The use of medical facilities for cerebrovascular disease patients in a county of Western Pennsylvania. Stroke (1973) 0.81
Prevalence of Bordetella bronchiseptica in certain central Iowa. J Wildl Dis (1976) 0.80
Characterization of herpesviruses isolated from lactating dairy cows with mammary pustular dermatitis. Am J Vet Res (1977) 0.80
Identification and control of paratuberculosis in a large goat herd. Am J Vet Res (1988) 0.80
Enhanced therapeutic efficacy of poly(ICLC) and ribavirin combinations against Rift Valley fever virus infection in mice. Antimicrob Agents Chemother (1987) 0.79
Pathologic changes of placentas from heifers with experimentally induced epizootic bovine abortion. Am J Vet Res (1970) 0.79
Blood and tissue levels of [14C]isosorbide dinitrate after oral and intravenous administration to rat. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (1977) 0.79
About the cellular tropism of the gammaherpesvirus bovine herpesvirus type 4. J Clin Microbiol (1996) 0.78
Reaction of convalescent bovine antisera with strain-specific antigens of parapoxviruses. Am J Vet Res (1983) 0.78
Gastrointestinal parasitism of Iowa coyotes in relation to age. J Parasitol (1978) 0.78
Pulmonary hypertension and systemic hypotension as limitations to exercise in chronic heart failure. J Card Fail (1994) 0.78
A reversible morphological change in mouse cells (strain L, clone NCTC 929) under the influence of insulin. Tex Rep Biol Med (1965) 0.77
Identification of bovine herpesvirus-1 polypeptides involved in serum neutralization. Vet Microbiol (1986) 0.77
Dirofilariasis in Iowa coyotes. J Wildl Dis (1976) 0.76
Ranking of prophylactic efficacy of poly(ICLC) against Rift Valley fever virus infection in mice by incremental relative risk of death. Antimicrob Agents Chemother (1987) 0.76
Calf response to the initiation of parturition in dairy cows with dexamethasone or dexamethasone with estradiol benzoate. J Anim Sci (1975) 0.76
Doubting a correlation between the teaching of ethics and moral development. J Am Vet Med Assoc (1997) 0.75
Electrophoretic protein transfer applied to immunoelectrophoresis. J Immunol Methods (1983) 0.75
Identification of the urinary metabolites of isosorbide dinitrate in dogs. Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther (1971) 0.75
Adjuvant effects of tilorone hydrochloride (analog 11,567) with inactivated Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus vaccine. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med (1981) 0.75
The effectiveness of mobile coronary care in a nonurban area. JACEP (1976) 0.75
Integration of larval surveillance techniques in the operational program of the Fresno Westside Mosquito Abatement District. Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Control Assoc (1969) 0.75
Data retrieval in the coronary care unit: prospective vs. retrospective. Med Care (1975) 0.75
Identification and characterization of a bovine rhinovirus isolated from Iowa cattle with acute respiratory tract disease. Am J Vet Res (1980) 0.75
Mosquito control. Southern San Joaquin region. Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Control Assoc (1966) 0.75
Daily flight rhythms of Aedes melalimon Dyar on duck club lands of the west side of the San Joaquin Valley of California. Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Control Assoc (1969) 0.75
Pseudorabies virus associated with abortion in swine. J Am Vet Med Assoc (1978) 0.75
Reporting statistics in coronary care units. Pa Med (1972) 0.75
The effect of some common inactivation procedures on the antigens of bovine herpesvirus 1. Vet Microbiol (1984) 0.75
Embryo transfer for conserving valuable genetic material from swine herds with pseudorabies. J Am Vet Med Assoc (1983) 0.75
A comparison of larval mosquito species occurrence and light trap data. Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Control Assoc (1969) 0.75
Non-physician development of problem lists from office records. J Fam Pract (1975) 0.75
Pathogenic properties of six bovine picornavirus isolates in mice. Am J Vet Res (1974) 0.75
Diagnostic information available in university and community hospital medical records: patients with cerebrovascular disease. Stroke (1973) 0.75
Isolation, identification, and characterization of six bovine picornavirus isolates. Am J Vet Res (1974) 0.75
Comparisons between two isolates of stomatitis papulosa virus. Vet Microbiol (1982) 0.75
Remission of FeLV-associated lymphosarcoma and persistent viral infection after extracorporeal immunoadsorption of plasma using staphylococcal protein A columns: details of immune response. Semin Hematol (1989) 0.75
Should cost be a factor in personal medical care? N Engl J Med (1980) 0.75
Comparison of inactivated Newcastle disease viral vaccines containing different emulsion adjuvants. Am J Vet Res (1983) 0.75
Community practice experience developed for third-year residents. Fam Med (2000) 0.75
Cross-reactions of bovine herpesvirus 1 antigens with those of other cattle herpesviruses. Vet Microbiol (1984) 0.75
The outcome for patients with cerebrovascular disease in university and community hospitals. Stroke (1973) 0.75
The weed system and complete records. Arch Intern Med (1972) 0.75