Published in Poult Sci on September 01, 1978
Rearrangement of chicken immunoglobulin genes is not an ongoing process in the embryonic bursa of Fabricius. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 1.29
Generation of immunoglobulin heavy chain diversity subsequent to cell surface immunoglobulin expression in the avian bursa of Fabricius. J Exp Med (1989) 0.79
Differential selection of cells with proviral c-myc and c-erbB integrations after avian leukosis virus infection. J Virol (1998) 0.77
The bursa: Fabricius to Delaware. J R Soc Med (1982) 0.75
Role of the bursa of Fabricius in IgG and IgM production in the chicken: evidence for the role of a non-bursal site in the development of humoral immunity. J Immunol (1971) 1.65
Diagnosing and treating onychomycosis. J Fam Pract (1996) 1.57
The chicken lacrimal gland, gland of Harder, caecal tonsil, and accessory spleens as sources of antibody-producing cells. Cell Immunol (1971) 1.49
Structure and expression of amplified cKi-ras gene sequences in Y1 mouse adrenal tumor cells. EMBO J (1985) 1.46
Pseudotumor cerebri and coma in vitamin D--dependent rickets. Clin Pediatr (Phila) (1991) 1.43
Antley-Bixler syndrome and esophageal atresia in a patient with trisomy 21. Clin Genet (1995) 1.41
Onychomycosis treated until the nail is replaced by normal growth or there is failure. Arch Dermatol (2000) 1.39
Pneumopericardium during continuous positive airway pressure in respiratory distress syndrome. Crit Care Med (1984) 1.38
Fatal intravascular consumption coagulopathy in meningococcal sepsis. Am J Med (1969) 1.34
Enhanced c-Ki-ras expression associated with Friend virus integration in a bone marrow-derived mouse cell line. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 1.09
Autosomal dominant pattern of distal subungual onychomycosis caused by Trichophyton rubrum. J Am Acad Dermatol (1996) 1.08
Localized intestinal perforations after enteral administration of indomethacin in premature infants. J Pediatr (1985) 1.08
Morphological changes and humoral immunity in cyclophosphamide-treated chicks. Transplantation (1971) 1.07
Infantile spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and multiple congenital bone fractures in sibs: a lethal new syndrome. J Med Genet (1991) 1.00
Bronchoscopy and bronchography in children. Experience with 110 investigations. Am J Dis Child (1983) 0.97
Gut-associated-lymphoid tissue of the chicken. Scan Electron Microsc (1981) 0.91
The bursa of Fabricius and immunoglobulin synthesis. Int Rev Cytol (1977) 0.90
Immunosuppressive action of heat in chickens. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med (1970) 0.90
The fine structure of the bursa of Fabricius: "B" cell surface configuration and lymphoepithelial organization as revealed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. J Reticuloendothel Soc (1974) 0.88
Physiological response and stress. 3. The immunobiological control of the immune response of the fowl. Poult Sci (1969) 0.86
The elevated interferon gamma production is an important immunological marker in HAM/TSP pathogenesis. Scand J Immunol (2009) 0.86
An electron and light microscope study on the caecal tonsil: the basic unit of the caecal tonsil. Dev Comp Immunol (1981) 0.85
Lymphocyte migration through the lymphatic sinuses of the chicken's lymph node. Poult Sci (1985) 0.85
Splenic white pulp and associated vascular channels in chicken spleen. Am J Anat (1982) 0.85
Bilateral carotid occlusive disease. Following irradiation for carcinoma of the vocal cords. Arch Pathol (1972) 0.85
Immunoglobulin-positive cells from the gland of harder and bone marrow of the chicken. Cell Immunol (1977) 0.84
Heparinization of alimentation solutions administered through peripheral veins in premature infants: a controlled study. Pediatrics (1984) 0.84
Resistance to Mycoplasma synoviae is bursal dependent. Infect Immun (1973) 0.84
Central nervous system involvement in X-linked myotubular myopathy. J Child Neurol (1997) 0.84
Production of mercaptoethanol sensitive antibody in bursectomized chicks. Poult Sci (1972) 0.83
Effect of soluble antigen on the ellipsoid-associated cells of the chicken's spleen. J Leukoc Biol (1984) 0.83
Immune response of chickens following heat exposure or injections with ACTH. Poult Sci (1968) 0.83
Structure of the germinal centers in the chicken caecal tonsil: light and electron microscopic and autoradiographic studies. Poult Sci (1979) 0.83
Follicle-associated epithelium and medullary epithelial tissue of the bursa of fabricius are two different compartments. Anat Rec (1992) 0.83
Interrelation of the avian immune and neuroendocrine systems. J Exp Zool (1984) 0.83
Brain-associated thymic antigen in chickens. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol (1977) 0.83
Antibody and cell mediated immunity in corticosteroid-treated chicks. Poult Sci (1970) 0.82
The effect of different routes of antigen administration on the humoral immune response of the chick. Poult Sci (1986) 0.82
Immunity studies in testosterone propionate injected chicks. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol (1970) 0.82
Meconium plugs and intussusception in a premature infant. Am J Perinatol (1985) 0.82
Anti-vimentin monoclonal antibody recognizes a cell with dendritic appearance in the chicken's bursa of Fabricius. Anat Rec (1992) 0.82
A case report of transfusion-induced babesiosis. JAMA (1982) 0.82
Calorie-protein deficiencies and the immune response of the chicken I. Humoral immunity. Poult Sci (1981) 0.82
The spatial autocorrelation of cancer mortality. Soc Sci Med Med Geogr (1979) 0.81
Effect of human adenovirus on the ellipsoid-associated cells of the chicken's spleen. Poult Sci (1990) 0.81
Temperature control of testosterone propionate solutions used for reducing embryonic development of the bursa of fabricius. Poult Sci (1966) 0.81
Pneumothorax due to endotracheal tube suction. Am J Perinatol (1984) 0.81
Ontogeny of mating behavior in the chicken. Am J Physiol (1970) 0.81
Secretory cell in the medulla of the bursa of Fabricius. Experientia (1978) 0.81
Light and electron microscope structure of secretory cells in the medulla of bursal follicles of normal and cyclophosphamide treated chickens. Dev Comp Immunol (1979) 0.81
Acute severe combined demyelination. Childs Nerv Syst (1992) 0.81
Differential effect of bursectomy on antibody production in a large and small bursa line of New Hampshire chickens. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med (1973) 0.80
Identifying lympholytic and androgenic effects of androgenic steroids. Gen Comp Endocrinol (1977) 0.80
Aminophylline versus doxapram in idiopathic apnea of prematurity: a double-blind controlled study. Pediatrics (1985) 0.80
The ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm in a community hospital. A 5-year study. Am Surg (1992) 0.80
Contact sites between lymphoid cells of the bursa of Fabricius, in vivo and in vitro. Anat Rec (1977) 0.80
MELAS syndrome: peripheral neuropathy and cytochrome C-oxidase deficiency: a case report and review of the literature. Isr J Med Sci (1995) 0.79
Contribution of a specialized dendritic cell, the secretory cell, to the microenvironment of the bursa of Fabricius. Prog Clin Biol Res (1987) 0.79
Immunocytochemical evidence for a peroxisomal localization of manganese superoxide dismutase in leaf protoplasts from a higher plant. Planta (1983) 0.79
Are splenic plaque forming cells sensitive to heat in vitro. Life Sci (1970) 0.79
Bursal secretory dendritic-like cell: a microenvironment issue. Poult Sci (1993) 0.79
Mitochondrial protein import. J Bioenerg Biomembr (1990) 0.79
Comparison of lymphocyte populations bearing surface immunoglobulins in avian bone marrow, bursa, spleen and thymus. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol (1975) 0.78
The presence of immunoglobulin in the bursa of Fabricius. Poult Sci (1967) 0.78
Dendritic cells in the bursal follicles and germinal centers of the chicken's caecal tonsil express vimentin but not desmin. Anat Rec (1995) 0.78
Effect of thiouracil-induced hypothyroidism on the humoral immunity of New Hampshire chickens. Poult Sci (1985) 0.78
Anti-vimentin monoclonal antibodies differentiate two resident cell populations in chicken spleen. Dev Comp Immunol (1994) 0.78
Myopathological findings in thalassemia major. Eur Neurol (1990) 0.78
Avian lymph node: light and electron microscopic study. Anat Rec (1983) 0.78
Bursal development in normal and testosterone-treated chick embryos. Poult Sci (1986) 0.78
Phagocytosis: the metabolism of thrombocytes from intact and bursaless birds. J Reticuloendothel Soc (1971) 0.78
Methods of bursectomy. Methods Enzymol (1984) 0.78
A quantitative study of serum proteins in bursectomized and irradiated chickens. Poult Sci (1972) 0.78
Bursal secretory cells: an electron microscope study. Anat Rec (1987) 0.78
The role of avian macrophages in the production of avian lymphokines. Dev Comp Immunol (1990) 0.78
Meckel's diverticulum. II. A novel lymphoepithelial organ in the chicken. Anat Rec (1984) 0.77
The use of Ficoll-Hypaque double density gradients in the separation of avian granulocytes from other cell types for the purpose of cell flow cytometric analysis. Dev Comp Immunol (1985) 0.77
Antibody-mediated immunity in the presence of Mirex and DDT. Poult Sci (1974) 0.77
Antibody and gland studies in cortisone and ACTH-injected birds. J Immunol (1967) 0.77
Lymphopineal tissue in the chicken. Dev Comp Immunol (1984) 0.77
Effect of carrageenan on the histology of the bursa of fabricius and the humoral immune response to Salmonella O antigen. Anat Rec (1986) 0.77
Lymphopoiesis in the chicken pineal gland. Am J Anat (1981) 0.77
Antibody reactivation of kepone inhibited brain ATPase activities. Gen Pharmacol (1977) 0.77
Effect of levamisole on the phytohemagglutinin induced basophil hypersensitivity reaction in the chicken wattle. Poult Sci (1981) 0.77
The regulation of IgM production in the chick: roles of the bursa of fabricius, environmental antigens, and plasma IgG. J Immunol (1978) 0.77
Secretory cells in the medulla of the bursal follicle: the small lymphocyte-like cells are precursors of the secretory cells. Dev Comp Immunol (1981) 0.77
Functional lymphocytes in the chicken pineal gland. J Immunol (1983) 0.77
Flow cytometric analysis of bursal, thymic, and splenic cells from normal and cyclophosphamide-treated embryos. Poult Sci (1985) 0.77