Published in Hemoglobin on January 01, 1980
Sickle retinopathy in a person with hemoglobin s/new york disease. Case Rep Genet (2012) 0.91
White matter hyperintensity volume is increased in small vessel stroke subtypes. Neurology (2010) 2.49
Prospective study of infection, colonization and carriage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in an outbreak affecting 990 patients. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (1994) 2.04
Eradication of bovine brucellosis in the Azores, Portugal-Outcome of a 5-year programme (2002-2007) based on test-and-slaughter and RB51 vaccination. Prev Vet Med (2009) 1.99
Antidiarrhoeic activity of Euphorbia hirta extract and isolation of an active flavonoid constituent. Planta Med (1993) 1.74
Successful treatment of refractory mucosal leishmaniasis with pentoxifylline plus antimony. Am J Trop Med Hyg (2001) 1.65
Intermittent trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole compared with dapsone-pyrimethamine for the simultaneous primary prophylaxis of Pneumocystis pneumonia and toxoplasmosis in patients infected with HIV. Ann Intern Med (1995) 1.58
Free radical scavenger and antihepatotoxic activity of Rosmarinus tomentosus. Planta Med (1993) 1.54
Nutritional value and antigenicity of two milk protein hydrolysates in rats and guinea pigs. J Nutr (1994) 1.51
Porokeratotic eccrine ostial and dermal duct naevus. Br J Dermatol (1995) 1.48
[Usefulness of computerized tomography and bronchoscopy in patients with hemoptysis. Analysis of 482 cases]. An Med Interna (2002) 1.45
Increased rate of lupus flare during pregnancy and the puerperium: a prospective study of 78 pregnancies. Br J Rheumatol (1996) 1.44
Cuban programme for prevention of sickle cell disease. Lancet (1991) 1.43
Management of choledocholithiasis found during laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a strategy based on the use of postoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiography and sphincterotomy. Rev Invest Clin (2001) 1.43
Impaired visual evoked flow velocity response in cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Neurology (2008) 1.42
[Clinical factors associated with bone mass loss previous cardiac transplantation]. Med Clin (Barc) (2000) 1.41
[Transesophageal echocardiography in mitral prosthesis dysfunction: usefulness and limitations in the evaluation of mitral insufficiency]. Rev Esp Cardiol (1993) 1.40
[Estimate of HIV-1 infection prevalence in pregnant women and effectiveness of zidovudine administered during pregnancy in the prevention of vertical transmission]. Med Clin (Barc) (2000) 1.39
[Comparative study of high-frequency jet ventilation in 4 types of patients undergoing laryngeal microsurgery]. Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim (1997) 1.38
[Usefulness of carcinoembryonic antigen and other markers in patients with hemoptysis]. An Med Interna (2000) 1.38
Antidiarrhoeic activity of quercitrin in mice and rats. J Pharm Pharmacol (1993) 1.19
Vasodilatory effects of flavonoids in rat aortic smooth muscle. Structure-activity relationships. Gen Pharmacol (1993) 1.18
Changes of ploidy during the Azotobacter vinelandii growth cycle. J Bacteriol (1994) 1.17
Evaluation of an absorbable synthetic suture material. Surg Gynecol Obstet (1970) 1.15
Time course of oxidative damage in different brain regions following transient cerebral ischemia in gerbils. Neurosci Res (2001) 1.15
Computer graphic display method for visualizing three-dimensional biological structures. Science (1986) 1.14
Clinicopathologic features of a systemic coronavirus-associated disease resembling feline infectious peritonitis in the domestic ferret (Mustela putorius). Vet Pathol (2008) 1.14
Establishment of 2-docosanol as a cellular marker compound in the identification of Mycobacterium xenopi. J Clin Microbiol (1989) 1.13
Vasodilator effects of quercetin in isolated rat vascular smooth muscle. Eur J Pharmacol (1993) 1.12
Dielectric characterization of bacterial cells using dielectrophoresis. Bioelectromagnetics (2007) 1.11
[Percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty. Immediate results with the 30 mm diameter dilatation balloon]. Rev Esp Cardiol (1992) 1.09
[Pulmonary thromboembolism in a female with resistance to activated protein C]. Rev Port Cardiol (1999) 1.08
Immunogenicity of CIGB-230, a therapeutic DNA vaccine preparation, in HCV-chronically infected individuals in a Phase I clinical trial. J Viral Hepat (2008) 1.07
[Protein quality of three strains of Mexican mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus)]. Arch Latinoam Nutr (1999) 1.01
[Synchronous diagnosis of small-cell lung cancer and Hodgkin lymphoma]. An Med Interna (2006) 1.00
Effects of flavonoids on rat aortic smooth muscle contractility: structure-activity relationships. Gen Pharmacol (1996) 1.00
The budding yeast Cdc15 localizes to the spindle pole body in a cell-cycle-dependent manner. Mol Cell Biol Res Commun (2000) 1.00
Electrostatic modeling of dipole-ion interactions in gramicidinlike channels. Biophys J (1991) 1.00
Hydroxychloroquine and lupus pregnancy: review of a series of 36 cases. Ann Rheum Dis (1996) 0.96
A glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase variant, Gd(-) Santamaria found in Costa Rica. Acta Haematol (1984) 0.96
[Ureteral duplications with a blind branch. Apropos of 4 cases]. An Esp Pediatr (1986) 0.95
Geographic differences in bone mineral density of Mexican women. Osteoporos Int (2000) 0.95
Effect of bromochloromethane on methane emission, rumen fermentation pattern, milk yield, and fatty acid profile in lactating dairy goats. J Dairy Sci (2012) 0.94
The PCR-based detection of Trypanosoma cruzi in the faeces of Triatoma infestans fed on patients with chronic American trypanosomiasis gives higher sensitivity and a quicker result than routine xenodiagnosis. Ann Trop Med Parasitol (2007) 0.94
Nimesulide limits kainate-induced oxidative damage in the rat hippocampus. Eur J Pharmacol (2000) 0.93
Ozone treatment reduces markers of oxidative and endothelial damage in an experimental diabetes model in rats. Pharmacol Res (2001) 0.93
Prevalence of dementia and cognitive impairment in Southeastern Spain: the Ariadna study. Acta Neurol Scand (2009) 0.93
Mode of action of Buddleja cordata verbascoside against Staphylococcus aureus. J Ethnopharmacol (1999) 0.93
Usefulness of transesophageal echocardiography for diagnosis of infected transvenous permanent pacemakers. Circulation (1994) 0.93
Selective vulnerability to kainate-induced oxidative damage in different rat brain regions. J Appl Toxicol (2001) 0.92
[Psychometric validation of translation to Spanish of the gastrointestinal symptoms rating scale (GSRS) and quality of life in reflux and dyspepsia (QOLRAD) in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease]. Rev Clin Esp (2005) 0.92
Atmospheric volatile organic compound measurements during the 1996 Paso del Norte Ozone Study. Sci Total Environ (2001) 0.92
TMBIM3/GRINA is a novel unfolded protein response (UPR) target gene that controls apoptosis through the modulation of ER calcium homeostasis. Cell Death Differ (2012) 0.92
Study of the burden on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Int J Clin Pract (2009) 0.91
Haemoglobin Porto Alegre in a Cuban family. J Med Genet (1977) 0.90
Prevalence of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in Spain and associated factors. Aliment Pharmacol Ther (2006) 0.90
A phase I-II study of weekly cisplatin and gemcitabine with concurrent radiotherapy in locally advanced cervical carcinoma. Ann Oncol (2003) 0.88
Safety of anti-immunoglobulin E therapy with omalizumab in allergic patients at risk of geohelminth infection. Clin Exp Allergy (2007) 0.88
Hypoglycemic activity of juniper "berries". Planta Med (1994) 0.88
Airway ignition during CO2 laser laryngeal surgery and high frequency jet ventilation. Eur J Anaesthesiol (2000) 0.87
[Epidemiologic study of Crohn's disease in the Asturian region]. Rev Esp Enferm Apar Dig (1983) 0.87
Vasodilator effect of olive leaf. Planta Med (1991) 0.87
Nutritional intervention in early life to manipulate rumen microbial colonization and methane output by kid goats postweaning. J Anim Sci (2013) 0.87
Ethanol inhibition of Saccharomyces and Candida enzymes. Curr Genet (1989) 0.87
Bone changes in pre- and postmenopausal women with thyroid cancer on levothyroxine therapy: evolution of axial and appendicular bone mass. Osteoporos Int (1998) 0.87
Early changes in biochemical markers of bone formation during teriparatide therapy correlate with improvements in vertebral strength in men with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int (2013) 0.87
Serum proteolytic activities and antiproteases in human colorectal carcinoma. J Physiol Biochem (1998) 0.86
Phase-II study of weekly schedule of trastuzumab, paclitaxel, and carboplatin followed by a week off every 28 days for HER2+ metastatic breast cancer. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol (2008) 0.86
A patient with spiny keratoderma of the palms and a lymphoproliferative syndrome: an unrelated paraneoplastic condition? Dermatology (2000) 0.86
[Results of studies performed in Cuba on hemoglobinopathy S]. Sangre (Barc) (1991) 0.86
Mechanisms of tau self-aggregation and neurotoxicity. Curr Alzheimer Res (2011) 0.86
Nonlinear modeling technique for the analysis of DNA chains. Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics (2000) 0.86
Interleukin-4-deficient BALB/c mice develop an enhanced Th1-like response but control cardiac inflammation following Borrelia burgdorferi infection. FEMS Microbiol Lett (2000) 0.86
Protective effect of ascorbic acid against the browning developed in apple fruit treated with high hydrostatic pressure. J Agric Food Chem (1999) 0.86
[Osteoporosis in Mexican postmenopausal women. Magnitude of the problem. Multicenter study]. Ginecol Obstet Mex (1999) 0.85
Antihepatotoxic activity of Rosmarinus tomentosus in a model of acute hepatic damage induced by thioacetamide. Phytother Res (2000) 0.85
[Inflammatory pseudotumor of the larynx]. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp (1999) 0.84
Fish oil (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids beneficially affect biliary cholesterol nucleation time in obese women losing weight. J Nutr (2001) 0.84
Risperidone safety and efficacy in the treatment of bipolar and schizoaffective disorders: results from a 6-month, multicenter, open study. J Clin Psychiatry (2001) 0.84
Evaluation of hematopoietic progenitors in hematopoietic progenitor cell transplants. CD34+ dose effect in marrow recovery. Retrospective analysis in 38 patients. Hematol Cell Ther (1999) 0.84
[Liver abscess in Crohn's disease due to Gemella morbillorum]. Rev Esp Enferm Dig (2003) 0.84
Comparison of the heart rate variability parameters obtained from the electrocardiogram and the blood pressure wave. J Med Eng Technol (1999) 0.84
Role of orthotopic liver transplant in the treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. Rev Esp Enferm Dig (2000) 0.83
Increased leptin/adiponectin ratio and free leptin index are markers of insulin resistance in obese girls during pubertal development. Horm Res Paediatr (2013) 0.83
Clinical spectrum of extramedullary acute promyelocytic leukemia. Eur J Haematol (2000) 0.83
Early redox changes during rat thymocyte apoptosis. Arch Biochem Biophys (1997) 0.83
n-3 Fatty acids plus oleic acid and vitamin supplemented milk consumption reduces total and LDL cholesterol, homocysteine and levels of endothelial adhesion molecules in healthy humans. Clin Nutr (2003) 0.83
Spider silkglands contain a tissue-specific alanine tRNA that accumulates in vitro in response to the stimulus for silk protein synthesis. Dev Biol (1990) 0.82
[Factors influencing the immunization of children in the outpatient clinic of a pediatric hospital]. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex (1992) 0.82
Effect of apoE genotype on the hypolipidaemic response to pravastatin in an outpatient setting. J Intern Med (2002) 0.82
[Abnormal hemoglobins among the Costa Rican negroid population]. Rev Biol Trop (1973) 0.81
A second family with hemoglobin Willamette. Hemoglobin (1984) 0.81
Phototoxicity from nalidixic acid: oxygen dependent photohemolysis. Farmaco Sci (1987) 0.81
Transglutaminase 2 as a novel activator of LRP6/β-catenin signaling. Cell Signal (2013) 0.81
Involvement of thromboxane A2 in the endothelium-dependent contractions induced by myricetin in rat isolated aorta. Br J Pharmacol (1999) 0.81
[Cardiovascular effects of omega-3-fatty acids and alternatives to increase their intake]. Nutr Hosp (2005) 0.81
Inhibitory effects of quercetin and staurosporine on phasic contractions in rat vascular smooth muscle. Eur J Pharmacol (1994) 0.80
[Immunochemical differences in the surface polysaccharides obtained from Entamoeba histolytica strain HM1:IMSS and its virulent (C-A) and non-virulent (L-6) clones]. Arch Invest Med (Mex) (1990) 0.80
High pressure response of fruit jams contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. Lett Appl Microbiol (1999) 0.80