Published in Am J Orthopsychiatry on January 01, 1979
Condom use in multi-ethnic neighborhoods of San Francisco: the population-based AMEN (AIDS in Multi-Ethnic Neighborhoods) Study. Am J Public Health (1992) 2.71
Adolescent contraceptive use: comparisons of male and female attitudes and information. Am J Public Health (1980) 1.34
Building skills of recovering women drug users to reduce heterosexual AIDS transmission. Public Health Rep (1991) 1.86
Smoking in the workplace: review of critical issues. Public Health Rep (1985) 1.38
Developing strategies for AIDS prevention research with black and Hispanic drug users. Public Health Rep (1989) 1.26
Pacific northwest native American youth and smokeless tobacco use. Int J Addict (1987) 1.17
Predictors of cigarette smoking among inner-city minority youth. J Dev Behav Pediatr (1994) 1.17
Urging the alcoholic client to quit smoking cigarettes. Addict Behav (1983) 1.12
Skills enhancement to prevent substance abuse among American Indian adolescents. Int J Addict (1987) 1.08
Cigarette smoking cessation attempts by recovering alcoholics. Addict Behav (1987) 1.03
Preventing substance abuse with children and adolescents. J Consult Clin Psychol (1985) 0.99
Skills intervention to prevent cigarette smoking among adolescents. Am J Public Health (1985) 0.96
Assessment of refusal skill in minority youth. Psychol Rep (1985) 0.96
Women and AIDS prevention. J Prim Prev (1988) 0.95
Smokeless tobacco use among native American adolescents. N Engl J Med (1986) 0.94
Preventing teenage pregnancy. Prog Behav Modif (1984) 0.92
Skills-building methods to prevent smoking by adolescents. J Adolesc Health Care (1985) 0.92
Primary prevention of adolescent pregnancy. Soc Work Groups (1985) 0.91
Coping with contraception: cognitive and behavioral methods with adolescents. Cognit Ther Res (1983) 0.91
Child maltreatment and mentally retarded parents: is there a relationship? Ment Retard (1982) 0.89
The relationship of cognitive and behavioral skills to adolescent tobacco smoking. J Sch Health (1985) 0.87
Psychosocial determinants of alcohol use among minority youth living in public housing developments. J Dev Behav Pediatr (1998) 0.87
Psychosocial approaches to substance abuse prevention: theoretical foundations and empirical findings. Crisis (1989) 0.87
The role of social factors and individual characteristics in promoting alcohol use among inner-city minority youths. J Stud Alcohol (1995) 0.86
Sexual behavior, attitudes toward safer sex, and gender among a cohort of 244 recovering i.v. drug users. Int J Addict (1991) 0.86
Psychological correlates of teenage motherhood. J Youth Adolesc (1983) 0.84
Organizational and individual factors influencing job satisfaction and burnout of mental health workers. Soc Work Health Care (1998) 0.84
Native youth and smokeless tobacco: prevalence rates, gender differences, and descriptive characteristics. NCI Monogr (1989) 0.84
Social and personal factors in marijuana use and intentions to use drugs among inner city minority youth. J Dev Behav Pediatr (1995) 0.82
Survey and evaluation methods: smoking prevention among children and adolescents. NIDA Res Monogr (1983) 0.82
Response bias associated with asking former study participants to assist in new research. Psychol Rep (1991) 0.82
Self-efficacy of children and adolescents: a meta-analysis. Psychol Rep (1990) 0.81
Continuing unsafe sex: assessing the need for AIDS prevention counseling. Public Health Rep (1990) 0.81
Reducing onset of habitual smoking among women. Prev Med (1989) 0.81
Smoking and smokeless tobacco use among adolescents: trends and intervention results. Public Health Rep (1986) 0.80
Primary prevention of tobacco smoking. J Sch Health (1983) 0.80
Skills methods to prevent smoking. Health Educ Q (1986) 0.79
Coping with a handicapped child: differences between mothers and fathers. Soc Sci Med (1985) 0.78
The double triumph: sustained sobriety and successful cigarette smoking cessation. J Subst Abuse Treat (1986) 0.78
Preventing tobacco use among young people. Health Soc Work (1986) 0.78
Child and adolescent drug use: a judgement and information processing perspective to health-behavior interventions. J Drug Educ (1987) 0.77
Avoidable mortality risks and cultural identification among urban Native American youths. J Adolesc Health Care (1990) 0.77
Self-control skills for preventing smoking. Addict Behav (1986) 0.77
Health effects of smokeless tobacco. JAMA (1987) 0.77
Factors related to substance use by pregnant, school-age adolescents. J Adolesc Health (1992) 0.76
Factors related to cigarette smoking during adolescent pregnancy. J Youth Adolesc (1992) 0.76
Developing coping styles and social support networks: an intervention outcome study with mothers of handicapped children. Child Care Health Dev (1987) 0.75
Tobacco use by American Indian youth. JAMA (1989) 0.75
Preventing cigarette smoking with youth. J Prim Prev (1984) 0.75
Evaluation of staff training in group homes for retarded persons. Am J Ment Defic (1977) 0.75
Adolescent pregnancy: an interpersonal skill training approach to prevention. Soc Work Health Care (1977) 0.75
Self-control skills for smoking prevention. Prog Clin Biol Res (1984) 0.75
Adolescent mothers, stress, and prevention. J Human Stress (1986) 0.75
The transition to junior high school: Opportunities for primary prevention. J Prim Prev (1988) 0.75
Role of communication in the prevention of teenage pregnancy. Health Soc Work (1980) 0.75
Nicotine dependence and intentions to quit smoking in three samples of male and female recovering alcoholics and problem drinkers. Subst Use Misuse (1996) 0.75
School-based tobacco use prevention. J Adolesc Health Care (1988) 0.75
Behavioral interventions with families of developmentally disabled children. Prog Behav Modif (1988) 0.75
Psychosocial correlates of adolescent substance use: a review of current etiological constructs. Int J Addict (1991) 0.75
Evaluation of the British Columbia AIDS Information Line. Can J Public Health (1992) 0.75
School-based model for preventing teenage pregnancy. Soc Work Educ (1982) 0.75
Self-control training with maltreating parents. Child Welfare (1983) 0.75
Preventing teenage pregnancy: translating research knowledge. J Hum Behav Soc Environ (1998) 0.75
Stress management with adolescents at the junior high transition: an outcome evaluation of coping skills intervention. J Human Stress (1987) 0.75
Group interpersonal skills training in a natural setting: an experimental study. Behav Res Ther (1979) 0.75