Published in West J Med on October 01, 1994
Decline in tuberculosis among Mexico-born persons in the United States, 2000-2010. Ann Am Thorac Soc (2014) 1.99
The impact of Immigration and Customs Enforcement on immigrant health: perceptions of immigrants in Everett, Massachusetts, USA. Soc Sci Med (2011) 1.84
Variations in healthcare access and utilization among Mexican immigrants: the role of documentation status. J Immigr Minor Health (2012) 1.76
Impact of U.S. citizenship status on cancer screening among immigrant women. J Gen Intern Med (2005) 1.55
Health care expenditures of immigrants in the United States: a nationally representative analysis. Am J Public Health (2005) 1.53
Access to and use of health services among undocumented Mexican immigrants in a US urban area. Am J Public Health (2008) 1.41
Transmission of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Texas and Mexico. J Clin Microbiol (2002) 1.40
The impact of physician training and experience on the survival of patients with active tuberculosis. CMAJ (2006) 1.20
Strategies for improving influenza immunization rates among hard-to-reach populations. J Urban Health (2007) 1.14
Migration circumstances, psychological distress, and self-rated physical health for Latino immigrants in the United States. Am J Public Health (2013) 1.08
Providing medical care for undocumented migrants in Denmark: what are the challenges for health professionals? BMC Health Serv Res (2011) 1.02
Provider's perspectives on the impact of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) activity on immigrant health. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2012) 1.01
Impact of Alabama's immigration law on access to health care among Latina immigrants and children: implications for national reform. Am J Public Health (2014) 0.98
Do our patients have enough to eat?: Food insecurity among urban low-income cancer patients. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2014) 0.81
The foreignness of germs: the persistent association of immigrants and disease in American society. Milbank Q (2002) 0.80
Health situation of migrants with precarious status: review of the literature and implications for the Canadian context--Part A. Soc Work Public Health (2012) 0.79
Immigration reporting laws: ethical dilemmas in pediatric practice. Am J Public Health (1998) 0.79
Neighborhood socioeconomic position and tuberculosis transmission: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Infect Dis (2014) 0.78
A tuberculosis outbreak fueled by cross-border travel and illicit substances: Nevada and Arizona. Public Health Rep (2014) 0.78
Barriers to health care for undocumented immigrants: a literature review. Risk Manag Healthc Policy (2015) 0.78
Survey of illegal immigrants seen in an emergency department. West J Med (1996) 0.77
Middle-aged and older Latino American women in the patient-doctor interaction. J Cross Cult Gerontol (2004) 0.77
Assessing immigration status and eligibility for publicly funded medical care: a questionnaire for public health professionals. Am J Public Health (1996) 0.75
Ethical considerations about reporting research results with potential for further stigmatization of undocumented immigrants. Clin Infect Dis (2009) 0.75
Tuberculosis in undocumented migrants, Geneva. Emerg Infect Dis (2005) 0.75
Making darkness visible: breaking the silence on HIV travel restrictions. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed (2012) 0.75
Immigration policy and access to health services. J Immigr Minor Health (2014) 0.75
The epidemiology of tuberculosis in San Francisco. A population-based study using conventional and molecular methods. N Engl J Med (1994) 16.32
Access to medical care for black and white Americans. A matter of continuing concern. JAMA (1989) 6.58
Access to medical care in the U.S.: realized and potential. Med Care (1978) 4.56
Delayed access to health care: risk factors, reasons, and consequences. Ann Intern Med (1991) 4.51
Determinants of three stages of delay in seeking care at a medical clinic. Med Care (1979) 2.24
Epidemiology of tuberculosis. Am Rev Respir Dis (1982) 2.24
Infectivity of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in inner city homes. Am Rev Respir Dis (1974) 1.50
Collecting data to evaluate the effect of health policies on vulnerable populations. Fam Med (1993) 1.34
Quality-of-life outcomes in men treated for localized prostate cancer. JAMA (1995) 4.69
The UCLA Prostate Cancer Index: development, reliability, and validity of a health-related quality of life measure. Med Care (1998) 4.34
The drug transporter P-glycoprotein limits oral absorption and brain entry of HIV-1 protease inhibitors. J Clin Invest (1998) 3.66
Health behaviors, health status, and access to and use of health care: a population-based study of lesbian, bisexual, and heterosexual women. Arch Fam Med (2001) 3.60
Development of a brief screening instrument for detecting depressive disorders. Med Care (1988) 3.37
Why do symptomatic patients delay obtaining care for tuberculosis? Am J Respir Crit Care Med (1998) 3.30
Do physicians preach what they practice? A study of physicians' health habits and counseling practices. JAMA (1984) 3.05
Managed care and capitation in California: how do physicians at financial risk control their own utilization? Ann Intern Med (1995) 2.64
Health status, job satisfaction, job stress, and life satisfaction among academic and clinical faculty. JAMA (1985) 2.37
Quality of care for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. JAMA (2000) 2.30
Interrelationship between substrates and inhibitors of human CYP3A and P-glycoprotein. Pharm Res (1999) 2.24
How satisfying is the practice of internal medicine? A national survey. Ann Intern Med (1991) 2.20
The counseling practices of internists. Ann Intern Med (1991) 2.02
OATP and P-glycoprotein transporters mediate the cellular uptake and excretion of fexofenadine. Drug Metab Dispos (1999) 2.02
The effect of gender and training of residents on satisfaction ratings by patients. J Med Educ (1984) 1.89
Determinants of regular source of care among homeless adults in Los Angeles. Med Care (1997) 1.88
Pharmacological inhibition of P-glycoprotein transport enhances the distribution of HIV-1 protease inhibitors into brain and testes. Drug Metab Dispos (2000) 1.87
Effect of physician specialty on use of necessary coronary angiography. J Am Coll Cardiol (1995) 1.83
Agreement between face-to-face and telephone-administered versions of the depression section of the NIMH Diagnostic Interview Schedule. J Psychiatr Res (1988) 1.71
Primary care physicians' satisfaction with quality of care in California capitated medical groups. JAMA (1997) 1.68
Internal medicine patients' expectations for care during office visits. J Gen Intern Med (1994) 1.66
The role of patient participation in the doctor visit. Implications for adherence to diabetes care. Diabetes Care (1996) 1.66
Is food insufficiency associated with health status and health care utilization among adults with diabetes? J Gen Intern Med (2001) 1.61
Homing in on the homeless: assessing the physical health of homeless adults in Los Angeles County using an original method to obtain physical examination data in a survey. Health Serv Res (1996) 1.56
A population-based survey of tuberculosis symptoms: how atypical are atypical presentations? Clin Infect Dis (2000) 1.52
Patient care and professional staffing patterns in McKinney Act clinics providing primary care to the homeless. JAMA (1992) 1.51
Health care for the homeless: a family medicine perspective. Am Fam Physician (1994) 1.49
The practices of general and subspecialty internists in counseling about smoking and exercise. Am J Public Health (1986) 1.49
Physician role conflict and resulting career changes. Gender and generational differences. J Gen Intern Med (1996) 1.47
A randomized controlled trial of two treatment programs for homeless adults with latent tuberculosis infection. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis (2006) 1.46
Homeless veterans' utilization of medical, psychiatric, and substance abuse services. Med Care (1995) 1.45
Outcomes of specialized and traditional AIDS counseling programs for impoverished women of color. Res Nurs Health (1993) 1.43
AIDS-related knowledge, perceptions, and behaviors among impoverished minority women. Am J Public Health (1993) 1.36
Type of social support among homeless women: its impact on psychosocial resources, health and health behaviors, and use of health services. Nurs Res (2000) 1.33
Reliability of homeless women's reports: concordance between hair assay and self report of cocaine use. Nurs Res (2001) 1.30
Tuberculosis skin testing among homeless adults. J Gen Intern Med (1997) 1.28
The initial effects of the prospective payment system on nursing home patients. Am J Public Health (1987) 1.28
Marital and parental satisfaction of married physicians with children. J Gen Intern Med (1999) 1.26
Sheltered versus nonsheltered homeless women differences in health, behavior, victimization, and utilization of care. J Gen Intern Med (2000) 1.23
Identifying modifiable risk factors for rehospitalization: a case-control study of seriously mentally ill persons in Mississippi. Am J Psychiatry (1995) 1.20
Substance abuse and mental health status of homeless and domiciled low-income users of a medical clinic. Hosp Community Psychiatry (1990) 1.19
Health habits and coping behaviors among practicing physicians. West J Med (1986) 1.18
Antecedents of physical and sexual victimization among homeless women: a comparison to homeless men. Am J Community Psychol (2000) 1.18
Predicting health services utilization among homeless adults: a prospective analysis. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2000) 1.17
What are we measuring? An examination of self-reported functional status measures. Arthritis Rheum (1988) 1.12
Severity of homelessness and adverse birth outcomes. Health Psychol (2000) 1.12
Barriers to condom use and needle cleaning among impoverished minority female injection drug users and partners of injection drug users. Public Health Rep (1995) 1.11
Health of homeless women with recent experience of rape. J Gen Intern Med (2000) 1.10
Evaluating the impact of peer, nurse case-managed, and standard HIV risk-reduction programs on psychosocial and health-promoting behavioral outcomes among homeless women. Res Nurs Health (2001) 1.06
Case mix and outcomes of nursing home patients. The importance of prior nursing home care and admission from home versus hospital. Med Care (1989) 1.04
Modulation by drugs of human hepatic sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide) activity. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (1999) 1.04
Clinical factors associated with better quality of life in a seriously mentally ill population. Hosp Community Psychiatry (1992) 1.03
Testing for human immunodeficiency virus infection among tuberculosis patients in Los Angeles. Am J Respir Crit Care Med (1997) 1.02
The early effect of Medicare's prospective payment system on the use of medical intensive care services in three community hospitals. JAMA (1988) 1.01
Medical students' expectations for encounters with minority and nonminority patients. J Natl Med Assoc (1987) 1.00
The smoking gun: do clinicians follow guidelines on firearm safety counseling? Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (1998) 1.00
Quality assurance in capitated physician groups. Where is the emphasis? JAMA (1996) 0.99
Physician-reported determinants of screening mammography in older women: the impact of physician and practice characteristics. J Am Geriatr Soc (1995) 0.98
Physicians' attitudes toward the legalization of marijuana use. West J Med (1989) 0.98
Predictors of mortality in older patients following medical intensive care: the importance of functional status. J Am Geriatr Soc (1991) 0.95
Hepatitis B among homeless and other impoverished US military veterans in residential care in Los Angeles. Public Health (2001) 0.94
Indicators of chronic homelessness among veterans. Hosp Community Psychiatry (1993) 0.93
Factors associated with life satisfaction among practicing internists. Med Care (1986) 0.93
Periodicity of sleep states is altered in infants at risk for the sudden infant death syndrome. Science (1981) 0.92
Which first-year medical students expect to practice in an inner-city or ghetto setting. J Natl Med Assoc (1986) 0.91
HIV-risk behaviors and mental health characteristics among homeless or drug-recovering women and their closest sources of social support. Nurs Res (1997) 0.91
The influence of risk factors on breast carcinoma screening of Medicare-insured older women. National Cancer Institute Breast Cancer Screening Consortium. Cancer (1996) 0.91
Effectiveness of a specialized vs. traditional AIDS education program attended by homeless and drug-addicted women alone or with supportive persons. AIDS Educ Prev (1998) 0.91
Quantitative analysis of depth spiking in relation to seizure foci in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol (1978) 0.89
Nurses' responses to the AIDS crisis: implications for continuing education programs. J Contin Educ Nurs (1988) 0.89
Homeless women's gynecological symptoms and use of medical care. J Health Care Poor Underserved (2001) 0.89
A diabetes-specific measure of patient desire to participate in medical decision making. Diabetes Educ (2002) 0.89
Polygraphic studies of normal infants and infants at risk for the sudden infant death syndrome: heart rate and variability as a function of state. Pediatr Res (1978) 0.89
Feasibility of completing an accelerated vaccine series for homeless adults. J Viral Hepat (2009) 0.86
Initial clinical judgments by internists, family physicians, and psychiatrists in response to patient vignettes: II. Ordering of laboratory tests, consultations, and treatments. Gen Hosp Psychiatry (1986) 0.85
Assessing use of primary health care services by very low-income adults in a managed care program. Arch Intern Med (2001) 0.85
Comparison of psychosocial and behavioral profiles of victimized and nonvictimized homeless women and their intimate partners. Res Nurs Health (2001) 0.85
Evaluation of two AIDS education programs for impoverished Latina women. AIDS Educ Prev (1994) 0.85
Access to substance abuse treatment for homeless women of reproductive age. J Psychoactive Drugs (1996) 0.85
Associations between homeless women's intimate relationships and their health and well-being. Res Nurs Health (1999) 0.84
Drug-abusing homeless clients in California's substance abuse treatment system. J Psychoactive Drugs (1997) 0.84
What pediatricians can do to further youth violence prevention--a qualitative study. Inj Prev (1999) 0.84
First nursing home admissions: time spent at home and in institutions after discharge. Am J Public Health (1990) 0.84
Predicting clinician injury prevention counseling for young children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (1999) 0.84
The effects of spiritual/religious practices on psychological well-being among inner city homeless women. Nurse Pract Forum (1994) 0.84
Dental health of homeless adults. Spec Care Dentist (1990) 0.83
Quality of life of seriously mentally ill persons in Mississippi. Hosp Community Psychiatry (1991) 0.82
Tuberculosis in homeless patients: potential for case finding in public emergency departments. Ann Emerg Med (1998) 0.82
Development of sinus arrhythmia during sleeping and waking states in normal infants. Sleep (1978) 0.82
The termination of a randomized clinical trial for poor Hispanic children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (1994) 0.82
Development of ultradian periodicity and coalescence at 1 cycle per hour in electroencephalographic activity. Exp Neurol (1981) 0.82