T M Alcorn

Author PubWeight™ 9.41‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Phenotypic and genotypic analysis of clinical HIV-1 isolates reveals extensive protease inhibitor cross-resistance: a survey of over 6000 samples. AIDS 2000 2.15
2 Molecular typing of Neisseria gonorrhoeae causing repeated infections: evolution of porin during passage within a community. J Infect Dis 1999 1.62
3 Resistance of HIV-1 to antiretroviral agents in blood and seminal plasma: implications for transmission. AIDS 1998 1.59
4 Effects of H2O2-producing lactobacilli on Neisseria gonorrhoeae growth and catalase activity. J Infect Dis 1994 1.38
5 Longitudinal human immunodeficiency virus type 1 load in the italian seroconversion study: correlates and temporal trends of virus load. J Infect Dis 1999 1.01
6 HIV genotyping by DNA sequencing. Am Clin Lab 2000 0.84
7 Characterisation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in semen during urethral infection in men. Genitourin Med 1997 0.79