Published in Chronobiol Int on February 01, 1994
Free-running circadian rhythms of muscle strength, reaction time, and body temperature in totally blind people. Eur J Appl Physiol (2012) 0.83
Frontoparietal cortex and cerebellum contribution to the update of actual and mental motor performance during the day. Sci Rep (2016) 0.75
Concepts in human biological rhythms. Dialogues Clin Neurosci (2003) 0.75
Temporal patterns of reported single-vehicle car and truck accidents in Texas, U.S.A. during 1980-1983. Chronobiol Int (1985) 1.71
Biologic rhythms in the immune system. Chronobiol Int (1999) 1.62
Bambuterol in the treatment of asthma. A placebo-controlled comparison of once-daily morning vs evening administration. Chest (1995) 1.55
Herpetic eye attacks: variability of circannual rhythms. Br J Ophthalmol (1995) 1.43
Day-night variation of airways status in sympathomimetic- and theophylline-treated asthma patients. J Am Osteopath Assoc (1993) 1.39
Diurnal variation in language tests and its relevance to early detection of dementia: time dependence of language test in healthy adults. J Am Geriatr Soc (1995) 1.39
Circannual rhythm in human sperm count revealed by serially independent sampling. Fertil Steril (1982) 1.25
Actigraphy: a means of assessing circadian patterns in human activity. Chronobiol Int (1990) 1.12
Circadian changes of drug disposition in man. Clin Pharmacokinet (1983) 1.08
Superactive lipophilic peptides discriminate multiple vasoactive intestinal peptide receptors. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (1995) 1.00
Day-night pattern in accidental exposures to blood-borne pathogens among medical students and residents. Chronobiol Int (2000) 0.94
Time dependent protection of amifostine from renal and hematopoietic cisplatin induced toxicity. Life Sci (2005) 0.93
Chronobiology and asthma. III. Timing corticotherapy to biological rhythms to optimize treatment goals. J Asthma (1988) 0.92
A health profile of American flight attendants (FA). J Hum Ergol (Tokyo) (1982) 0.90
Annual variation in semen characteristics and plasma hormone levels in men undergoing vasectomy. Fertil Steril (1988) 0.89
Field survey of circadian rhythm in PEF of electronics workers suffering from colophony-induced asthma. Chronobiol Int (1987) 0.87
Circadian rhythmic aspects of human cardiovascular function: a review by chronobiologic statistical methods. Chronobiologia (1977) 0.87
An assessment of peak expiratory flow as a surrogate measurement of FEV1 in stable asthmatic children. Chest (1989) 0.86
Chronoepidemiological search for circannual changes in the sexual activity of human males. Chronobiologia (1982) 0.84
The pattern of hormonal circadian time structure (acrophase) as an assessor of breast-cancer risk. Int J Cancer (1996) 0.83
Mechanism of GnRH receptor signaling on gonadotropin release and gene expression in pituitary gonadotrophs. Vitam Horm (2001) 0.83
Mechanism of GnRH receptor signaling: from the membrane to the nucleus. Ann Endocrinol (Paris) (1999) 0.83
Circadian rhythms in the cutaneous reactivity to histamine and selected antigens, including phase relationship to urinary cortisol excretion. Ann Allergy (1977) 0.82
Seasonal characteristics of and age at menarche. Chronobiol Int (1990) 0.81
Sleep quality and physical and social well-being in North American petrochemical shift workers. South Med J (1996) 0.81
The chronobiology and chronopharmacology of allergy. Ann Allergy (1981) 0.81
Circadian rhythms in hot flashes in natural and surgically-induced menopause. Chronobiol Int (1989) 0.81
Twenty-four hour lung function in adult patients with asthma. Chronoptimized theophylline therapy once-daily dosing in the evening versus conventional twice-daily dosing. Am Rev Respir Dis (1990) 0.81
Chronobiology and asthma. I. Day-night differences in bronchial patency and dyspnea and circadian rhythm dependencies. J Asthma (1986) 0.81
Stress levels of ambulance paramedics and fire fighters. J Occup Med (1978) 0.80
Seasonal variation in the effect of a fixed dose of heparin on activated clotting time in patients prepared for open-heart surgery. Chronobiol Int (2001) 0.80
Alteration of period and amplitude of circadian rhythms in shift workers. With special reference to temperature, right and left hand grip strength. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol (1988) 0.80
Circadian variation in human performance evaluated by the Walter Reed performance assessment battery. Chronobiol Int (1990) 0.79
Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) and estradiol (E(2)) regulation of cell cycle in gonadotrophs. Mol Cell Endocrinol (2003) 0.79
The chronotherapy of corticosteroids: practical application of chronobiologic findings to nursing. Nurs Clin North Am (1976) 0.79
Circadian rhythms in competitive sabre fencers: internal desynchronization and performance. Chronobiol Int (1985) 0.79
Comparison of once-daily evening versus morning sustained-release theophylline dosing for nocturnal asthma. Chronobiol Int (1987) 0.78
Circadian rhythms in theophylline pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in asthmatic children. Br J Clin Pract Suppl (1984) 0.78
From ultradian to infradian rhythms: LH release patterns in vitro. Chronobiol Int (1999) 0.78
Shiftwork and industrial injuries at a chemical plant in southeast Texas. Chronobiol Int (1990) 0.78
[Circadian rhythm of the grip strength of the right and left hands: desynchronization in some shift workers]. C R Acad Sci III (1984) 0.78
Rhythmicity of luteinizing hormone secretion expressed in vitro. Eur J Endocrinol (1996) 0.78
Compound structure of rodents activity rhythm. Physiol Behav (1995) 0.78
Preservation of the functional advantage of human time structure. FASEB J (1995) 0.77
Development of VIP agonists and antagonists with tissue and receptor specificity: effects on behavioral maturation, sexual function, and the biologic clock. Ann N Y Acad Sci (1996) 0.77
Ultradian, circadian and circannual rhythms of blood glucose and injected insulins documented in six self-controlled adult diabetics. Chronobiol Int (1986) 0.77
Circadian rhythm period in reaction time to light signals: difference between right- and left-hand side. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res (1997) 0.77
Effects of ethanol on methyl mercury toxicity in rats. J Toxicol Environ Health (1986) 0.77
Human circadian time structure in subjects of different gender and age. Chronobiol Int (1994) 0.77
Diurnal variation in responses to influenza vaccine. Chronobiol Int (1995) 0.77
Diurnal rhythms in performance tests of school children with and without language disorders. Chronobiol Int (1988) 0.77
Circadian and ultradian rhythms in blood glucose and plasma insulin of healthy adults. Chronobiol Int (1988) 0.77
Differences between left- and right-hand reaction time rhythms: indications of shifts in strategies of human brain activity. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res (1997) 0.77
The short- and long-term effects of a handbook on antimicrobial prescribing patterns of hospital physicians. Infect Control (1983) 0.76
Time dependency of hematopoietic growth factor coupled to chronotoxicity of carboplatin. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol (1998) 0.76
Prolactin rhythms-oscillators' response to photoperiodic cues is age and circadian time dependent. Neurobiol Aging (2005) 0.76
Circadian variation of nystagmus in healthy and sick subjects. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (1990) 0.76
Sex differential of methylmercury toxicity in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (1986) 0.76
Gentamicin-induced chronotoxicity: use of body temperature as a circadian marker rhythm. Chronobiol Int (1990) 0.76
Temperature rhythm of patients with major affective disorders: reduced circadian period length. Chronobiol Int (1996) 0.76
The genetic background of individual variations of circadian-rhythm periods in healthy human adults. Am J Hum Genet (1993) 0.76
Diurnal variation in language tests and relevance to early detection of dementia: disruption of time dependency in dementing subjects. J Am Geriatr Soc (1996) 0.75
The association of age, flying time, and aircraft type with hearing loss of aircrew in the Israeli Air Force. Aviat Space Environ Med (1985) 0.75
Circadian variation in theophylline 'trough' serum concentrations. Br J Clin Pharmacol (1985) 0.75
Strain dependent response of circadian rhythms during exposure to continuous illumination. Life Sci (1989) 0.75
Day-night variation in aggressive behavior among psychiatric inpatients. Chronobiol Int (2001) 0.75
[Oedipal gout]. Ann Med Psychol (Paris) (1976) 0.75
[The risk in medical use of so called psychotropic drugs (from thymic effect to fatal accident)]. Cah Med (1972) 0.75
Prevalence of genetic versus environmental factors in human female temporal organization: preliminary analysis. Hum Biol (1995) 0.75
Temporal pattern of LH secretion: regulation by multiple ultradian oscillators versus a single circadian oscillator. Chronobiol Int (2001) 0.75
[Thomas Chatterton: an adolescent's suicide in London in 1770]. Ann Med Psychol (Paris) (1971) 0.75
Genetic control of biological rhythms: independent expression of each rhythm parameter. Life Sci (1995) 0.75
ChronoBioNet: global and local area networking in the chronobiological sciences. Prog Clin Biol Res (1990) 0.75
[Body, time, death in toxicomania and suicide]. Med Leg Dommage Corpor (1972) 0.75
Long ultradian rhythms in red blood cells and ghost suspensions: possible involvement of cell membrane. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol (1990) 0.75
Time-dependent toxicity of drugs used in cancer chemotherapy: separate and combined administration. Int J Cancer (1989) 0.75
[Utilization of a self-contained psychometry-oriented device, for study of affective and cognitive function of a subject]. Encephale (1999) 0.75
The use of organizational principles in naming generation: its relation to time-dependency in normal elderly and Alzheimer patients. Arch Gerontol Geriatr (2008) 0.75
[Noxiousness of the environment in the determination of suicidal behavior]. Encephale (1972) 0.75
[Possible rôle of tranquilizing agents in bronchopulmonary disorders in the aged]. Eur J Toxicol (1973) 0.75
Chronobiology and viral diseases: a search for a probe which may assist in forecasting the onset of a disease and enhancing its treatment. Metab Pediatr Syst Ophthalmol (1985) (1987) 0.75
[Medico-psychological contribution to the comprehension of young drug addicts]. Ann Med Psychol (Paris) (1970) 0.75
[Current aspects of accidents due to psychotropic drugs: massive absorption of psychotropic drugs in adults]. Ann Med Interne (Paris) (1973) 0.75
[50 years after the 50th anniversary]. Ann Med Psychol (Paris) (1978) 0.75
Rhythms of enzymatic activity in maternal and umbilical cord blood. Experientia (1992) 0.75
[Value of pyrovalerone in the ambulatory treatment of fatigue states]. Ann Med Psychol (Paris) (1970) 0.75
Gender-dependent differences in biological rhythms of mice. Life Sci (2004) 0.75
[What should be expected of an anxiolytic drug? (author's transl)]. Nouv Presse Med (1982) 0.75
[When and how to suspend psychotropic drug treatment]. Sem Hop Ther (1977) 0.75
Altitude and hypoxia as phase shift inducers. Aviat Space Environ Med (1982) 0.75
[Is there a treatment for paranoia? (author's transl)]. Sem Hop (1982) 0.75
[Previous opiate addictions: trial of substitutive therapy using methadone chlorhydrate]. Ann Med Interne (Paris) (1974) 0.75
Interindividual differences in chronopharmacologic effects of drugs: a background for individualization of chronotherapy. Chronobiol Int (1993) 0.75
Two types of growth hormone rhythm in boys with constitutional short stature. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab (1997) 0.75
Circadian rhythms of enzymes' activity in mice tissues during exposure to continuous illumination. Chronobiol Int (1986) 0.75
Diurnal rhythmicity and Air Force flight accidents due to pilot error. Aviat Space Environ Med (1983) 0.75
Incorporation and uptake of thymidine and uridine by HeLa cells: effect of DNA extracts prepared from normal human fibroblasts. In Vitro (1976) 0.75
Circadian pattern of simulated flight performance of pilots is derived from ultradian components. Chronobiol Int (2001) 0.75