P J Winch

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Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Treatment practices for degedege, a locally recognized febrile illness, and implications for strategies to decrease mortality from severe malaria in Bagamoyo District, Tanzania. Trop Med Int Health 1996 1.86
2 Can early postpartum home visits by trained community health workers improve breastfeeding of newborns? J Perinatol 2008 1.26
3 Trial of a community-based intervention to decrease infestation of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in cement washbasins in El Progreso, Honduras. Acta Trop 1998 1.18
4 Prevalent high-risk respiratory hygiene practices in urban and rural Bangladesh. Trop Med Int Health 2010 1.05
5 Newborn umbilical cord and skin care in Sylhet District, Bangladesh: implications for the promotion of umbilical cord cleansing with topical chlorhexidine. J Perinatol 2008 1.01
6 Impact of IMCI training and language used by provider on quality of counseling provided to parents of sick children in Bougouni District, Mali. Patient Educ Couns 2004 0.99
7 Mosques against malaria. World Health Forum 1997 0.97
8 Factors affecting knowledge of the symptoms of schistosomiasis in two rural areas near Ismailia, Egypt. Trop Med Int Health 1997 0.95
9 The prevalence of hepatitis B and C infections among immigrants to a newly reclaimed area endemic for Schistosoma mansoni in Sinai, Egypt. Acta Trop 1997 0.92
10 Community perceptions of birth weight in rural Uttar Pradesh, India: implications for care of low-birth-weight infants. J Perinatol 2008 0.89
11 La Untadita: a procedure for maintaining washbasins and drums free of Aedes aegypti based on modification of existing practices. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1998 0.88
12 Impact of clean delivery kit use on clean delivery practices in Beni Suef Governorate, Egypt. J Perinatol 2009 0.84
13 Disposable containers as larval habitats for Aedes aegypti in a city with regular refuse collection: a study in Marília, São Paulo State, Brazil. Acta Trop 1996 0.82
14 Prevalence and epidemiology of Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium infection in two areas of Egypt recently reclaimed from the desert. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1995 0.80
15 Development of an indicator to evaluate the impact, on a community-based Aedes aegypti control intervention, of improved cleaning of water-storage containers by householders. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 1998 0.80
16 Factors favoring houseplant container infestation with Aedes aegypti larvae in Marília, São Paulo, Brazil. Rev Panam Salud Publica 1997 0.78
17 Newsletters as a channel for communication in a community-based Aedes aegypti control program in Marília, Brazil. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 1996 0.77
18 Social and economic conditions in two newly reclaimed areas in Egypt: implications for schistosomiasis control strategies. J Trop Med Hyg 1994 0.75
19 Rate of reinfection with S. mansoni following treatment in two newly reclaimed areas of Egypt. J Egypt Soc Parasitol 1998 0.75