Published in Am J Med Genet on September 06, 1996
Usher syndrome: animal models, retinal function of Usher proteins, and prospects for gene therapy. Vision Res (2007) 1.72
Usher syndrome in Denmark: mutation spectrum and some clinical observations. Mol Genet Genomic Med (2016) 0.75
Accelerated age-related olfactory decline among type 1 Usher patients. Sci Rep (2016) 0.75
Development of the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test: a standardized microencapsulated test of olfactory function. Physiol Behav (1984) 6.50
University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test: a rapid quantitative olfactory function test for the clinic. Laryngoscope (1984) 3.80
Smell identification ability: changes with age. Science (1984) 2.87
Smell and taste disorders, a study of 750 patients from the University of Pennsylvania Smell and Taste Center. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (1991) 2.34
Olfaction in neurodegenerative disease: a meta-analysis of olfactory functioning in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Arch Neurol (1998) 2.29
Dose-related effects of cigarette smoking on olfactory function. JAMA (1990) 1.94
Presence of both odor identification and detection deficits in Alzheimer's disease. Brain Res Bull (1987) 1.79
Retinal dopamine and form-deprivation myopia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1989) 1.75
Olfactory identification deficits in schizophrenia: correlation with duration of illness. Am J Psychiatry (1997) 1.71
Intranasal trigeminal stimulation from odorous volatiles: psychometric responses from anosmic and normal humans. Physiol Behav (1978) 1.69
Internal consistency reliability of the fractionated and whole University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test. Percept Psychophys (1989) 1.63
Sex differences in odor identification ability: a cross-cultural analysis. Neuropsychologia (1985) 1.55
Olfactory dysfunction in schizophrenia: a qualitative and quantitative review. Neuropsychopharmacology (1999) 1.50
A review of olfactory dysfunctions in man. Am J Otolaryngol (1979) 1.49
Effects of apomorphine, a dopamine receptor agonist, on ocular refraction and axial elongation in a primate model of myopia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (1991) 1.46
Activation of caspase-3 in the retina of transgenic rats with the rhodopsin mutation s334ter during photoreceptor degeneration. J Neurosci (1999) 1.40
Ocular axial length and choroidal thickness in newly hatched chicks and one-year-old chickens fluctuate in a diurnal pattern that is influenced by visual experience and intraocular pressure changes. Exp Eye Res (1998) 1.37
[99mTc]TRODAT-1 SPECT imaging correlates with odor identification in early Parkinson disease. Neurology (2005) 1.30
A comparative study of the autonomic innervation of the eye in monkey, cat, and rabbit. Anat Rec (1966) 1.27
Peptidergic innervation of the retinal vasculature and optic nerve head. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (1990) 1.26
Kallmann syndrome: MR evaluation of olfactory system. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol (1993) 1.24
Augmented rod bipolar cell function in partial receptor loss: an ERG study in P23H rhodopsin transgenic and aging normal rats. Vision Res (2001) 1.23
Odor-guided behavior in mammals. Experientia (1986) 1.22
Dopaminergic neurons in the human retina. J Comp Neurol (1982) 1.21
Reduced olfactory bulb volume in patients with schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry (2000) 1.21
Central retinal artery innervation. Absence of adrenergic innervation to the intraocular branches. Arch Ophthalmol (1967) 1.20
Endocrine, cardiovascular, and psychological correlated of olfactory sensitivity changes during the human menstrual cycle. J Comp Physiol Psychol (1981) 1.19
A permeability defect of the retinal pigment epithelium. Occurrence in early streptozocin diabetes. Arch Ophthalmol (1980) 1.17
Preconditioning with bright light evokes a protective response against light damage in the rat retina. J Neurosci (1998) 1.17
Taste and smell perception in depression. Biol Psychiatry (1987) 1.16
Increase in retinal vasoactive intestinal polypeptide after eyelid fusion in primates. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1988) 1.16
Effects of muscarinic cholinergic receptor antagonists on postnatal eye growth of rhesus monkeys. Optom Vis Sci (1999) 1.13
Influence of epilepsy and temporal lobe resection on olfactory function. Epilepsia (1995) 1.12
Procion yellow: a marker dye for outer segment disc patency and for rod renewal. Exp Eye Res (1976) 1.11
Carboxyfluorescein. A probe of the blood-ocular barriers with lower membrane permeability than fluorescein. Arch Ophthalmol (1982) 1.10
Olfactory function in Parkinson's disease subtypes. Neurology (1994) 1.10
Muscarinic antagonist effects on experimental chick myopia. Exp Eye Res (1991) 1.09
Changes in the intensity and pleasantness of human vaginal odors during the menstrual cycle. Science (1975) 1.09
Altered retinal metabolism in diabetes. I. Microanalysis of lipid, glucose, sorbitol, and myo-inositol in the choroid and in the individual layers of the rabbit retina. J Biol Chem (1986) 1.07
Validation of laser Doppler interferometric measurements in vivo of axial eye length and thickness of fundus layers in chicks. Curr Eye Res (1996) 1.07
An analysis of retinal receptor orientation. I. Angular relationship of neighboring photoreceptors. Invest Ophthalmol (1971) 1.05
Reduced Purkinje cell size in the cerebellar vermis of elderly patients with schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry (1998) 1.05
Posttraumatic smell loss: relationship of psychophysical tests and volumes of the olfactory bulbs and tracts and the temporal lobes. Acad Radiol (1999) 1.03
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Actin filaments in apical projections of the primate pigmented epithelial cell. Invest Ophthalmol (1976) 1.02
Early morphological alteration of the pigment epithelium in streptozotocin-induced diabetes: increased surface area of the basal cell membrane. Exp Eye Res (1980) 1.02
MR evaluation of patients with congenital hyposmia or anosmia. AJR Am J Roentgenol (1996) 1.01
Regulatory peptides in the eye. Experientia (1987) 1.01
Posttraumatic olfactory dysfunction: MR and clinical evaluation. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol (1996) 1.00
Interplexiform cells of the mammalian retina and their comparison with catecholamine-containing retinal cells. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (1975) 0.98
Communication of gender from human axillary odors: relationship to perceived intensity and hedonicity. Behav Biol (1978) 0.97
The projection of optic fibers to the visual centers in the cat. J Comp Neurol (1966) 0.97
Intranasal trigeminal detection of chemical vapors by humans. Physiol Behav (1975) 0.97
Autonomic denervations influence ocular dimensions and intraocular pressure in chicks. Exp Eye Res (1999) 0.96
Olfactory dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. N Engl J Med (1997) 0.96
Measurement by laser Doppler interferometry of intraocular distances in humans and chicks with a precision of better than ±20 µm. Appl Opt (1996) 0.96
Adie's syndrome: duration of methacholine sensitivity. Arch Ophthalmol (1965) 0.95
Olfactory function in chemical workers exposed to acrylate and methacrylate vapors. Am J Public Health (1989) 0.94
Choroidal vascular permeability in visually regulated eye growth. Exp Eye Res (2000) 0.94
Induction of axial eye elongation and myopic refractive shift in one-year-old chickens. Vision Res (1998) 0.94
The effects of mouth movements, swallowing, and spitting on retronasal odor perception. Physiol Behav (1987) 0.94
Calcium channel blocker D-cis-diltiazem does not slow retinal degeneration in the PDE6B mutant rcd1 canine model of retinitis pigmentosa. Mol Vis (2001) 0.94
Sarcoid granuloma of the optic disk: evolution of multiple small tumors. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc (1970) 0.94
Photoreceptor orientation in the primate eye. Nature (1968) 0.94
Gender effects on odor-stimulated functional magnetic resonance imaging. Brain Res (1999) 0.94
Odor recognition memory is better under bilateral than unilateral test conditions. Cortex (1995) 0.93
Ocular localization of sodium fluorescein. Effects of administration in rabbit and monkey. Arch Ophthalmol (1971) 0.92
Olfactory dysfunction in degenerative ataxias. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (2003) 0.92
Effect of duration of stimulus presentation on the angular acceleration threshold. J Exp Psychol (1969) 0.91
Estrogen protects against 3-methylindole-induced olfactory loss. Brain Res (1999) 0.91
The L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency. Prog Clin Biol Res (1990) 0.90
Increased intracranial pressure in disseminated lupus erythematosus. Arch Neurol (1973) 0.90
Intranasal localizability of odorants: influence of stimulus volume. Chem Senses (2011) 0.90
Olfactory function in Huntington's disease patients and at-risk offspring. Int J Neurosci (1997) 0.89
Olfactory function in young adolescents with Down's syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1996) 0.89
Postnatal control of ocular growth: dopaminergic mechanisms. Ciba Found Symp (1990) 0.89
Male rat of odor preferences for female urine as a function of sexual experience, urine age, and urine source. Horm Behav (1972) 0.87
Evolution of multiple small tumors in sarcoid granuloma of the optic disk. Am J Ophthalmol (1972) 0.87
The effect of age on odor-stimulated functional MR imaging. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol (1999) 0.87
Monoamine-containing cell bodies in the squirrel monkey brain. Am J Anat (1974) 0.87
The effect of human olfactory biopsy on olfaction: a preliminary report. Laryngoscope (1994) 0.86
Taste responses of dogs to ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and ethylene glycol-based antifreeze. J Am Vet Med Assoc (1990) 0.86
DARPP-32 in the ciliary epithelium of the eye: a neurotransmitter-regulated phosphoprotein of brain localizes to secretory cells. J Histochem Cytochem (1986) 0.86
Bilateral detection thresholds in dextrals and sinistrals reflect the more sensitive side of the nose, which is not lateralized. Chem Senses (1998) 0.86
Ocular melanin and the adrenergic innervation to the eye. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc (1974) 0.86
Functional MR imaging during odor stimulation: preliminary data. Radiology (1997) 0.86
Adrenergic neurons in teleost retina. Z Zellforsch Mikrosk Anat (1969) 0.86
Reproducibility and reliability of volumetric measurements of olfactory eloquent structures. Acad Radiol (1997) 0.86
Olfactory dysfunction in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord (1995) 0.85
Olfactory identification in elderly schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging (1997) 0.85
Immunopathology of ascarid infection of the eye. Role of IgE antibodies and mast cells. Arch Ophthalmol (1981) 0.85
Monorhinal odor identification and depression scores in patients with seasonal affective disorder. J Affect Disord (1999) 0.85
A simplified method for the histochemical localization of cardiac catecholamine-containing nerve fibers. J Histochem Cytochem (1967) 0.85
Olfactory bulb and tract and temporal lobe volumes. Normative data across decades. Ann N Y Acad Sci (1998) 0.85
Odor perception in children in relation to nasal obstruction. Pediatrics (1983) 0.84
Substance P-like immunoreactive nerves in the anterior segment of the rabbit, cat and monkey eye. Neuroscience (1982) 0.84
Smell and taste function in the visually impaired. Percept Psychophys (1993) 0.84
Odor preferences of female Peromyscus maniculatus bairdi for male mouse odors of P. m. bairdi and P. leucopus noveboracensis as a function of estrous state. J Comp Physiol Psychol (1972) 0.84
Cones of living amphibian eye: selective staining. Science (1970) 0.84
Multimodal sensory discrimination deficits in Korsakoff's psychosis. Neuropsychologia (1986) 0.84