Published in Nervenarzt on July 01, 1996
Deficits in agency in schizophrenia, and additional deficits in body image, body schema, and internal timing, in passivity symptoms. Front Psychiatry (2014) 0.79
Study of cenesthesias and body image aberration in schizophrenia. Indian J Psychiatry (2009) 0.76
Mental health, health care utilisation of migrants in Europe. Eur Psychiatry (2008) 1.42
Measuring the quality of life of severely mentally ill people using the Lancashire Quality of Life Profile. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (1997) 1.27
Mental health care failure in England. Myth and reality. Br J Psychiatry (1999) 1.26
Outcomes of involuntary hospital admission--a review. Acta Psychiatr Scand (2006) 1.11
Are randomised controlled trials the only gold that glitters? Br J Psychiatry (2001) 1.08
Theoretical frameworks for understanding and investigating the therapeutic relationship in psychiatry. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2001) 1.03
Mental health service provision in England. Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl (2001) 0.99
Treatment completion in psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Psychiatr Scand (2010) 0.98
Subjective quality of life in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Qual Life Res (2005) 0.95
How to improve clinical practice on involuntary hospital admissions of psychiatric patients: suggestions from the EUNOMIA study. Eur Psychiatry (2010) 0.93
Measuring patients' views: a bifactor model of distinct patient-reported outcomes in psychosis. Psychol Med (2010) 0.91
Psychopathology and long-term adjustment after crises in refugees from East Germany. Int J Soc Psychiatry (1994) 0.88
Predicting outcome of assertive outreach across England. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2011) 0.87
Are therapeutic relationships in psychiatry explained by patients' symptoms? Factors influencing patient ratings. Eur Psychiatry (2003) 0.87
A comparison of the implementation of assertive community treatment in Melbourne, Australia and London, England. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci (2011) 0.87
Psychological and endocrine abnormalities in refugees from East Germany: Part I. Prolonged stress, psychopathology, and hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis activity. Psychiatry Res (1994) 0.86
Psychological and endocrine abnormalities in refugees from East Germany: Part II. Serum levels of cortisol, prolactin, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and testosterone. Psychiatry Res (1994) 0.86
Concept, development and application of a new mixed method assessment of cultural variations in illness perceptions: Barts Explanatory Model Inventory. J Health Psychol (2009) 0.85
Initial response to active drug and placebo predicts outcome of antidepressant treatment. Eur Psychiatry (1997) 0.84
Achiral and chiral high-performance liquid chromatographic methods for clinafloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibacterial, in human plasma. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl (1998) 0.84
Enantiomers of 1-ethyl-7-[3-[(ethylamino)methyl]-1-pyrrolidinyl]-6,8-difluoro-1,4- dihydro-4-oxo-3-quinoline-carboxylic acid: preparation and biological activity. J Med Chem (1987) 0.83
Communication about psychotic symptoms in long-term psychiatric illness. Psychopathology (2012) 0.83
Does quality of life differ in schizophrenic women and men? An empirical study. Int J Soc Psychiatry (1997) 0.83
A comparison of the quality of life of severely mentally ill people in UK & German samples. Int J Soc Psychiatry (2000) 0.83
Initial assessment of hospital treatment by patients with paranoid schizophrenia: a predictor of outcome. Psychiatry Res (1995) 0.82
Financial incentives to improve adherence to medication in five patients with schizophrenia in the Netherlands. Psychopharmacol Bull (2010) 0.82
A comparison of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome attending separate fatigue clinics based in immunology and psychiatry. J R Soc Med (2002) 0.82
Social disability in different mental disorders. Eur Psychiatry (2007) 0.82
Patients' and relatives' assessment of clozapine treatment. Psychol Med (2001) 0.82
Clinician and service user perceptions of implementing contingency management: a focus group study. Drug Alcohol Depend (2011) 0.81
The impact of the interviewer-interviewee relationship on subjective quality of life ratings in schizophrenia patients. Int J Soc Psychiatry (1999) 0.81
Long-term mental sequelae of political imprisonment in East Germany. J Nerv Ment Dis (1993) 0.80
Fired up, not burnt out--focusing on the rewards of working in psychiatry. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci (2011) 0.80
Health services and the treatment of immigrants: data on service use, interpreting services and immigrant staff members in services across Europe. Eur Psychiatry (2012) 0.80
Forget community care--reinstitutionalisation is here. Br J Psychiatry (2002) 0.80
Patient characteristics and symptoms associated with perceived coercion during hospital treatment. Acta Psychiatr Scand (2011) 0.80
[Long-term patients in supported housing after deinstitutionalisation--part V of the Berlin Deinstitutionalisation Study]. Psychiatr Prax (2001) 0.80
Therapeutic relationships and quality of life: association of two subjective constructs in schizophrenia patients. Int J Soc Psychiatry (1999) 0.80
[Causal beliefs of schizophrenic patients]. Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol (2001) 0.80
Subjective response to and tolerability of long-term supraphysiological doses of levothyroxine in refractory mood disorders. J Affect Disord (2001) 0.80
The quality of life of patients with paranoid schizophrenia in London and Berlin. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (1997) 0.79
Trauma and suicidality in war affected communities. Eur Psychiatry (2012) 0.79
[Etiology of schizophrenia from the viewpoint of the patient]. Psychiatr Prax (2001) 0.79
[Etiology of schizophrenia from the viewpoint of family]. Psychiatr Prax (2001) 0.79
Assessing the quality of psychiatric hospital care: a German approach. Psychiatr Serv (1998) 0.79
[People with mental disorders in East and West Germany: indicators of institutionalized care since reunification]. Nervenarzt (2013) 0.79
[Duration of treatment and case cost in different inpatient psychiatric facilities in Berlin]. Psychiatr Prax (1996) 0.79
Are important patient-rated outcomes in community mental health care explained by only one factor? Acta Psychiatr Scand (2007) 0.79
Subjective quality of life in female in-patients with depression: a longitudinal study. Int J Soc Psychiatry (1999) 0.78
What works for whom in a computer-mediated communication intervention in community psychiatry? Moderators of outcome in a cluster randomized trial. Acta Psychiatr Scand (2008) 0.78
[Short assessment of subjective quality of life. Application and results of a short form of the Berliner Lebensqualitätprofil (BELP-KF)]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr (1999) 0.78
[Similarities and differences in subjective quality of life of alcoholic women]. Psychiatr Prax (1999) 0.78
Who needs needs? Eur Psychiatry (1999) 0.78
[Disturbances of body experience in schizophrenic patients]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr (1997) 0.77
[Psychiatric disorders after political imprisonment in the Soviet occupation zone and in the GDR from 1945-1972]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr (1997) 0.77
[What needs following treatment have long-term schizophrenic patients? The problem of self- and external assessment of "needs"]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr (1996) 0.77
An unholy alliance: substance abuse and social exclusion among assertive outreach patients. Acta Psychiatr Scand (2006) 0.77
Non-verbal communication in meetings of psychiatrists and patients with schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatr Scand (2014) 0.77
Synthesis of the enantiomers of reduced haloperidol. Pharm Res (1991) 0.77
Levodopa dependence: a case report. Pharmacopsychiatry (1984) 0.77
Profiles of subjective quality of life in schizophrenic in- and out-patient samples. Psychiatry Res (1997) 0.75
Political change and course of affective psychoses: Berlin 1989-90. Psychiatry Res (1991) 0.75
Expressed emotion and lithium prophylaxis. Br J Psychiatry (1990) 0.75
[Intimate relations and the course of psychiatric disorders in relocated patients]. Z Klin Psychol Psychopathol Psychother (1995) 0.75
Modern disorders of vitality: the struggle for legitimate incapacity. J Psychosom Res (1999) 0.75
[Expert assessment of psychiatric disorders after political arrest in East Germany]. Nervenarzt (1995) 0.75
Establishing mutual understanding in interaction: an analysis of conversational repair in psychiatric consultations. Commun Med (2009) 0.75
[Attitude of family to clozapine]. Psychiatr Prax (1999) 0.75
Expressed emotion and auditory evoked potentials. Psychiatry (1990) 0.75
[Quality of life, needs and treatment evaluation of long-term hospitalized patients. Part II of the Berlin Deinstitutionalization Study]. Psychiatr Prax (1997) 0.75
[Psychosocial characteristics and attitudes of clients of day care centers and contact and counseling facilities]. Nervenarzt (1997) 0.75
Inclusion of psychological torture in PTSD criterion A. Am J Psychiatry (1995) 0.75
[Open care--the Rodewisch theses--psychiatry enquete: 3 reform approaches compared]. Psychiatr Prax (2000) 0.75
A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of dialectical behaviour therapy: effects on hospitalisation and post-treatment follow-up. Psychother Psychosom (2014) 0.75
Objective and subjective quality of life of first-admitted women and men with schizophrenia. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci (1998) 0.75
[Measuring changes in subjective quality of life in chronic schizophrenic patients]. Nervenarzt (1998) 0.75
[Political change in East Germany 1989-90 in the lives of chronic schizophrenic patients]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr (2000) 0.75
[Suicide rates in a community psychiatric service system]. Nervenarzt (1997) 0.75
[Psychological symptoms after immigration: a comparison of various groups of immigrants in Berlin]. Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol (1992) 0.75
[Evaluation of psychiatric treatment by patients--results and problems of systematic research]. Psychiatr Prax (1994) 0.75
[How does the quality of life of long-term hospitalized psychiatric patients change after their discharge into the community?]. Gesundheitswesen (1998) 0.75
["Rather overweight and mentally present...". Patients evaluate clozapine]. Psychiatr Prax (1999) 0.75
[The user perspective studied by users of psychiatric institutions]. Psychiatr Prax (1995) 0.75
[Treatment prognosis and discharge 2 years later. III. Berlin Deinstitutionalization Study]. Psychiatr Prax (1998) 0.75
[Discharge in inpatient care. Results of a survey. Postscript to part III of the Berlin Deinstitutionalization Study]. Psychiatr Prax (1999) 0.75
[Did deinstitutionalization studies achieve their objective?]. Psychiatr Prax (2001) 0.75
Different perspectives of short-term changes in the rehabilitation of schizophrenic patients. Compr Psychiatry (1994) 0.75
[Why history of psychiatry?]. Psychiatr Prax (2000) 0.75
[Psychiatric emergency in neurotic patients--solution by denial]. Psychiatr Prax (1987) 0.75
[Evaluation of psychiatric treatment by patients--a study of assessment and stability over time]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr (1992) 0.75
[Treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr (1996) 0.75
Mental health care systems and their characteristics: a proposal. Acta Psychiatr Scand (1996) 0.75
[Schizophrenia and quality of life--sex-specific aspects]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr (1995) 0.75
[Importance of quality of life for psychiatric management and research]. Psychiatr Prax (1994) 0.75
[Subjective quality of life of patients with chronic schizophrenia]. Nervenarzt (1996) 0.75
Prediction of hospitalization within a psychiatric community care system--a five-year study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (1992) 0.75
The feasibility of suicide rates as an evaluation criterion in community psychiatry: methodological problems. J Psychiatr Res (1996) 0.75
[Initial hospitalization of schizophrenic patients. Illness manifestations, stresses, problems and resources]. Psychiatr Prax (1998) 0.75
Quality of life of Turkish patients with depression in Ankara and in Berlin. Eur Psychiatry (2008) 0.75