Published in Am J Physiol on June 01, 1997
Coupling of a 3D finite element model of cardiac ventricular mechanics to lumped systems models of the systemic and pulmonic circulation. Ann Biomed Eng (2006) 2.41
Three-wall segment (TriSeg) model describing mechanics and hemodynamics of ventricular interaction. Ann Biomed Eng (2009) 1.20
Review of zero-D and 1-D models of blood flow in the cardiovascular system. Biomed Eng Online (2011) 1.12
Closed-loop real-time simulation model of hemodynamics and oxygen transport in the cardiovascular system. Biomed Eng Online (2013) 0.87
Using a human cardiovascular-respiratory model to characterize cardiac tamponade and pulsus paradoxus. Theor Biol Med Model (2009) 0.81
Modeling left ventricular diastolic dysfunction: classification and key indicators. Theor Biol Med Model (2011) 0.81
Beat-to-beat estimation of the continuous left and right cardiac elastance from metrics commonly available in clinical settings. Biomed Eng Online (2012) 0.81
Algorithmic processing of pressure waveforms to facilitate estimation of cardiac elastance. Biomed Eng Online (2012) 0.80
Computer simulation of human breath-hold diving: cardiovascular adjustments. Eur J Appl Physiol (2007) 0.77
Mechanism study of pulsus paradoxus using mechanical models. PLoS One (2013) 0.76
Simulation of dilated heart failure with continuous flow circulatory support. PLoS One (2014) 0.76
Minimally invasive, patient specific, beat-by-beat estimation of left ventricular time varying elastance. Biomed Eng Online (2017) 0.75
Quality of informed consent in cancer clinical trials: a cross-sectional survey. Lancet (2001) 6.07
Quality of informed consent: a new measure of understanding among research subjects. J Natl Cancer Inst (2001) 2.85
Extracorporeal circulation in neonatal respiratory failure: a prospective randomized study. Pediatrics (1985) 2.45
Brain microemboli during cardiac surgery or aortography. Ann Neurol (1990) 2.39
Further observations on the persistence of Treponema pallidum after treatment in rabbits and humans. Br J Vener Dis (1968) 2.37
Mathematical model of an adult human atrial cell: the role of K+ currents in repolarization. Circ Res (1998) 2.18
Derived pulmonary capillary pressure changes after smoke inhalation in sheep. Crit Care Med (1991) 2.15
Statistical approach to evaluating the method of Morgan and Vryonis for enumerating Treponema pallidum. Appl Microbiol (1969) 2.07
Clinical benefit of continuing ALK inhibition with crizotinib beyond initial disease progression in patients with advanced ALK-positive NSCLC. Ann Oncol (2014) 1.97
Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis is a predictable consequence of intraoperative infusion of 0.9% saline. Anesthesiology (1999) 1.94
Malignant hyperpyrexia with anesthesia. JAMA (1967) 1.93
Antineutrophil and myocardial protecting actions of a novel nitric oxide donor after acute myocardial ischemia and reperfusion of dogs. Circulation (1993) 1.86
Comparison of the VDRL slide, TPI, and FTA-ABS tests in experimental syphilis in rabbits. Br J Vener Dis (1967) 1.74
Separation of Treponema pallidum from tissue substances by continuous-flow zonal centrifugation. Appl Microbiol (1972) 1.72
A human cardiopulmonary system model applied to the analysis of the Valsalva maneuver. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (2001) 1.71
Total arteriovenous CO2 removal: simplifying extracorporeal support for respiratory failure. Ann Thorac Surg (1997) 1.71
New clinically relevant sheep model of severe respiratory failure secondary to combined smoke inhalation/cutaneous flame burn injury. Crit Care Med (2000) 1.63
Technique of controlled reperfusion of the transplanted lung in humans. Ann Thorac Surg (2000) 1.62
Effect on mortality of inhalation injury. J Trauma (1986) 1.58
The effects of cigarette smoking on T cell subsets. A population-based survey of healthy caucasians. Am Rev Respir Dis (1989) 1.57
A model of the action potential and underlying membrane currents in a rabbit atrial cell. Am J Physiol (1996) 1.55
Protective effect of tumor necrosis factor-alpha against subsequent endotoxemia in mice is mediated, in part, by interleukin-10. Crit Care Med (2001) 1.55
Does measurement of systolic blood pressure with a pulse oximeter correlate with conventional methods? J Clin Monit (1990) 1.55
The dynamics of vascular volume and fluid shifts of lactated Ringer's solution and hypertonic-saline-dextran solutions infused in normovolemic sheep. Anesth Analg (2001) 1.53
Permissive hypercapnia in acute respiratory failure. JAMA (1994) 1.53
Proteasome inhibition with bortezomib (PS-341): a phase I study with pharmacodynamic end points using a day 1 and day 4 schedule in a 14-day cycle. J Clin Oncol (2005) 1.50
Bronchodilator therapy with metered-dose inhaler and spacer versus nebulizer in mechanically ventilated patients: comparison of magnitude and duration of response. Respir Care (2000) 1.47
Pretreatment with tumor necrosis factor-alpha attenuates arterial hypotension and mortality induced by endotoxin in pigs. Crit Care Med (2000) 1.44
Hypertonic saline dextran produces early (8-12 hrs) fluid sparing in burn resuscitation: a 24-hr prospective, double-blind study in sheep. Crit Care Med (2000) 1.42
Pooled safety analysis of BAY 43-9006 (sorafenib) monotherapy in patients with advanced solid tumours: Is rash associated with treatment outcome? Eur J Cancer (2006) 1.42
Exacerbation of symptoms of autoimmune disease in patients receiving alpha-interferon therapy. Cancer (1990) 1.40
The influence of age, race, and gender on peripheral blood mononuclear-cell subsets in healthy nonsmokers. J Clin Immunol (1989) 1.35
Clinical detection of LPS and animal models of endotoxemia. Immunobiology (1993) 1.34
The in vitro cultivation of Treponema pallidum. Corroborative studies. Br J Vener Dis (1977) 1.33
Passage of Treponema pallidium through membrane filters of various pore sizes. Appl Microbiol (1970) 1.33
A- and C-type rat nodose sensory neurons: model interpretations of dynamic discharge characteristics. J Neurophysiol (1994) 1.32
Transmission of HTLV-I and HIV among homosexual men in Trinidad. JAMA (1987) 1.31
Platelet-derived growth factor indirectly stimulates angiogenesis in vitro. Am J Pathol (1993) 1.30
Long-term outcome after resection for bronchial carcinoid tumors. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg (2000) 1.27
Inhalation injury in burned patients: effects and treatment. Burns Incl Therm Inj (1988) 1.25
Up-regulation of the parathyroid calcium-sensing receptor after burn injury in sheep: a potential contributory factor to postburn hypocalcemia. Crit Care Med (2000) 1.25
Resistance to recombinant interferon alfa-2a in hairy-cell leukemia associated with neutralizing anti-interferon antibodies. N Engl J Med (1988) 1.25
Effect of a nitro-imidazole on primary experimental syphilis in rabbits. Br J Vener Dis (1966) 1.24
Differentiation of the cardiovascular effects of CI-581. Anesth Analg (1969) 1.24
Pathophysiological analysis of combined burn and smoke inhalation injuries in sheep. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol (2001) 1.23
Observations of the pathogenesis of syphilis in Aötus trivirgatus. Br J Vener Dis (1968) 1.21
Total extracorporeal arteriovenous carbon dioxide removal in acute respiratory failure: a phase I clinical study. Intensive Care Med (2001) 1.20
Catastrophic pulmonary vasoconstriction associated with protamine reversal of heparin. Anesthesiology (1983) 1.18
A mathematical model of a rabbit sinoatrial node cell. Am J Physiol (1994) 1.18
A mathematical criterion based on phase response curves for stability in a ring of coupled oscillators. Biol Cybern (1999) 1.16
Phase I and pharmacokinetic study of ecteinascidin 743 administered as a 72-hour continuous intravenous infusion in patients with solid malignancies. Clin Cancer Res (2001) 1.15
The role of the bronchial circulation in the acute lung injury resulting from burn and smoke inhalation. Pulm Pharmacol Ther (2006) 1.15
Role of nitric oxide in vascular permeability after combined burns and smoke inhalation injury. Am J Respir Crit Care Med (2001) 1.14
Effect of androgen on growth hormone secretion and growth in boys with short stature. Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) (1979) 1.13
Devices and monitoring during neonatal ECMO: survey results. Perfusion (1990) 1.13
Association of cigarette smoking with decreased numbers of circulating natural killer cells. Am Rev Respir Dis (1989) 1.13
Do treponemes survive adequate treatment of late syphilis? Arch Dermatol (1965) 1.12
Modes of transmission and evidence for viral latency from studies of human T-cell lymphotrophic virus type I in Japanese migrant populations in Hawaii. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 1.11
Hemoptysis secondary to pulmonary pseudoaneurysm 30 years after a gunshot wound. Ann Thorac Surg (2001) 1.10
Reversal of hyperdynamic response to continuous endotoxin administration by inhibition of NO synthesis. J Appl Physiol (1985) (1992) 1.09
Calcium dynamics underlying pacemaker-like and burst firing oscillations in midbrain dopaminergic neurons: a computational study. J Neurophysiol (1999) 1.09
A model of the L-type Ca2+ channel in rat ventricular myocytes: ion selectivity and inactivation mechanisms. J Physiol (2000) 1.08
Comparison of measures of left ventricular contractile performance derived from pressure-volume loops in conscious dogs. Circulation (1989) 1.08
Tracheoinnominate fistula: surgical management of an iatrogenic disaster. J Laryngol Otol (2006) 1.08
Activity of multitargeted antifolate (pemetrexed disodium, LY231514) in patients with advanced colorectal carcinoma: results from a phase II study. Cancer (2000) 1.06
Myocardial protective effects of adenosine. Infarct size reduction with pretreatment and continued receptor stimulation during ischemia. Circulation (1992) 1.06
Phase response characteristics of model neurons determine which patterns are expressed in a ring circuit model of gait generation. Biol Cybern (1997) 1.06
Parasympathetic modulation of sinoatrial node pacemaker activity in rabbit heart: a unifying model. Am J Physiol (1999) 1.05
A mathematical study of nerve fiber interaction. Biophys J (1970) 1.05
A distributed-parameter model of the myelinated nerve fiber. J Theor Biol (1991) 1.05
Preoperative and intraoperative predictors of inotropic support and long-term outcome in patients having coronary artery bypass grafting. Anesth Analg (1991) 1.04
Postcapillary changes in blood pH in vivo during carbonic anhydrase inhibition. J Appl Physiol Respir Environ Exerc Physiol (1977) 1.04
Control of multistability in ring circuits of oscillators. Biol Cybern (1999) 1.03
Simulation of the bursting activity of neuron R15 in Aplysia: role of ionic currents, calcium balance, and modulatory transmitters. J Neurophysiol (1991) 1.03
Antitussive effect of guaifenesin in young adults with natural colds. Objective and subjective assessment. Chest (1982) 1.02
Involvement of the sympathetic nervous system in the pressor response to ketamine. Anesth Analg (1969) 1.02
Free radical activity and loss of plasma antioxidants, vitamin E, and sulfhydryl groups in patients with burns: the 1993 Moyer Award. J Burn Care Rehabil (1994) 1.02
A two-stage identification scheme for the determination of the parameters of a model of left heart and systemic circulation. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng (1980) 1.02
Type-I HTLV antibody in urban and rural Ghana, West Africa. Int J Cancer (1984) 1.02
Population pharmacokinetic models: effect of explicit versus assumed constant serum concentration assay error patterns upon parameter values of gentamicin in infants on and off extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Ther Drug Monit (1994) 1.01
The pathophysiology of smoke inhalation injury in a sheep model. J Trauma (1984) 1.01
Serological tests for syphilis in healthy rabbits. Br J Vener Dis (1970) 1.00
Immunomodulatory properties and toxicity of interleukin 2 in patients with cancer. Cancer Res (1990) 1.00
Arteriovenous extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal: a mathematical model and experimental evaluation. ASAIO J (1998) 0.99
Increasing duration of smoke exposure induces more severe lung injury in sheep. J Appl Physiol (1985) (1988) 0.99
Cerebral autoregulation and gas exchange studied using a human cardiopulmonary model. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (2003) 0.99
Nonlinear dynamics in a model neuron provide a novel mechanism for transient synaptic inputs to produce long-term alterations of postsynaptic activity. J Neurophysiol (1993) 0.98
The effect of leukocyte depletion on smoke inhalation injury in sheep. Surgery (1988) 0.98
Phase sensitivity and entrainment in a modeled bursting neuron. Biophys J (1997) 0.98
Etiology of the pulmonary pathophysiology associated with inhalation injury. Resuscitation (1986) 0.98
Analysis of the effects of modulatory agents on a modeled bursting neuron: dynamic interactions between voltage and calcium dependent systems. J Comput Neurosci (1995) 0.98