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Rank | Title | Journal | Year | PubWeight™‹?› |
1 | Current progress in immunotherapy for pancreatic cancer. | Cancer Lett | 2015 | 0.83 |
2 | Improving the clinical impact of biomaterials in cancer immunotherapy. | Oncotarget | 2016 | 0.83 |
3 | Fueling the engine and releasing the break: combinational therapy of cancer vaccines and immune checkpoint inhibitors. | Cancer Biol Med | 2015 | 0.80 |
4 | Immune checkpoint therapy for pancreatic cancer. | World J Gastroenterol | 2016 | 0.79 |
5 | Metabolic regulation of immune responses: therapeutic opportunities. | J Clin Invest | 2016 | 0.75 |
6 | Immune checkpoint and inflammation as therapeutic targets in pancreatic carcinoma. | World J Gastroenterol | 2016 | 0.75 |
7 | Pancreatic cancer: Update on immunotherapies and algenpantucel-L. | Hum Vaccin Immunother | 2016 | 0.75 |