Published in Am J Clin Nutr on October 01, 1999
Breastfeeding Support Intervention in Jaundiced Infants | NCT00966719
Global report on preterm birth and stillbirth (3 of 7): evidence for effectiveness of interventions. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2010) 2.63
What are the causal effects of breastfeeding on IQ, obesity and blood pressure? Evidence from comparing high-income with middle-income cohorts. Int J Epidemiol (2011) 2.54
Effect of breast feeding on intelligence in children: prospective study, sibling pairs analysis, and meta-analysis. BMJ (2006) 2.51
Moderation of breastfeeding effects on the IQ by genetic variation in fatty acid metabolism. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 2.32
Breast feeding and intergenerational social mobility: what are the mechanisms? Arch Dis Child (2013) 2.22
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The risks of not breastfeeding for mothers and infants. Rev Obstet Gynecol (2009) 1.99
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Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding. Dtsch Arztebl Int (2016) 1.78
Predictors of the risk of cognitive deficiency in very preterm infants: the EPIPAGE prospective cohort. Acta Paediatr (2011) 1.75
Growth faltering due to breastfeeding cessation in uninfected children born to HIV-infected mothers in Zambia. Am J Clin Nutr (2009) 1.73
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Effect of exclusive breastfeeding on the development of children's cognitive function in the Krakow prospective birth cohort study. Eur J Pediatr (2011) 1.39
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Genetic variants of the FADS gene cluster and ELOVL gene family, colostrums LC-PUFA levels, breastfeeding, and child cognition. PLoS One (2011) 0.99
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The apparent breastfeeding paradox in very preterm infants: relationship between breast feeding, early weight gain and neurodevelopment based on results from two cohorts, EPIPAGE and LIFT. BMJ Open (2012) 0.97
Infant feeding and school attainment in five cohorts from low- and middle-income countries. PLoS One (2013) 0.96
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The Influence of Acculturation on Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration for Mexican-Americans. Popul Res Policy Rev (2008) 0.93
Lactational exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene and infant neurodevelopment: an analysis of the pregnancy, infection, and nutrition babies study. Environ Health Perspect (2008) 0.89
Excess omega-3 fatty acid consumption by mothers during pregnancy and lactation caused shorter life span and abnormal ABRs in old adult offspring. Neurotoxicol Teratol (2009) 0.89
Breastfeeding, maternal education and cognitive function: a prospective study in twins. Behav Genet (2009) 0.89
Breast-feeding and mental and motor development at 51/2 years. Ambul Pediatr (2006) 0.89
Benefits of docosahexaenoic acid, folic acid, vitamin D and iodine on foetal and infant brain development and function following maternal supplementation during pregnancy and lactation. Nutrients (2012) 0.88
Immune cell-mediated protection of the mammary gland and the infant during breastfeeding. Adv Nutr (2015) 0.85
Infant feeding practice and childhood cognitive performance in South India. Arch Dis Child (2009) 0.85
Early supplementation of phospholipids and gangliosides affects brain and cognitive development in neonatal piglets. J Nutr (2014) 0.85
Different early rearing experiences have long-term effects on cortical organization in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Dev Sci (2013) 0.85
Using linked educational attainment data to reduce bias due to missing outcome data in estimates of the association between the duration of breastfeeding and IQ at 15 years. Int J Epidemiol (2015) 0.85
Fetal and neonatal levels of omega-3: effects on neurodevelopment, nutrition, and growth. ScientificWorldJournal (2012) 0.85
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Complementary feeding practices among mothers in selected slums of Dhaka city: a descriptive study. J Health Popul Nutr (2014) 0.84
Implementing Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative policy: the case of New Zealand public hospitals. Int Breastfeed J (2007) 0.84
Does docosahexaenoic acid supplementation in term infants enhance neurocognitive functioning in infancy? Front Hum Neurosci (2013) 0.84
Frequencies and demographic determinants of breastfeeding and DHA supplementation in a nationwide sample of mothers in Germany. Eur J Nutr (2013) 0.84
Practical Support from Fathers and Grandmothers Is Associated with Lower Levels of Breastfeeding in the UK Millennium Cohort Study. PLoS One (2015) 0.83
The role of gangliosides in neurodevelopment. Nutrients (2015) 0.83
Three randomized controlled trials of early long-chain polyunsaturated Fatty Acid supplementation on means-end problem solving in 9-month-olds. Child Dev (2009) 0.83
Abnormal neurological responses in young adult offspring caused by excess omega-3 fatty acid (fish oil) consumption by the mother during pregnancy and lactation. Neurotoxicol Teratol (2008) 0.83
Early administration of oropharyngeal colostrum to extremely low birth weight infants. Breastfeed Med (2013) 0.83
Reduced auditory acuity in rat pups from excess and deficient omega-3 fatty acid consumption by the mother. Neurotoxicol Teratol (2006) 0.83
Neuroimaging, a new tool for investigating the effects of early diet on cognitive and brain development. Front Hum Neurosci (2013) 0.83
Motor development in 9-month-old infants in relation to cultural differences and iron status. Dev Psychobiol (2010) 0.83
GRIN2B predicts attention problems among disadvantaged children. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2014) 0.82
The effects of breastfeeding exclusivity on early childhood outcomes. Am J Public Health (2013) 0.82
DoMINO: Donor milk for improved neurodevelopmental outcomes. BMC Pediatr (2014) 0.82
Breastfeeding and trajectories of children's cognitive development. Dev Sci (2014) 0.82
Nutrition in the 21st century: what is going wrong. Arch Dis Child (2004) 0.82
Breast feeding in infancy and social mobility: 60-year follow-up of the Boyd Orr cohort. Arch Dis Child (2007) 0.82
Enhancing breast milk production with Domperidone in mothers of preterm neonates (EMPOWER trial). BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2012) 0.81
Accelerated postnatal head growth follows preterm birth. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed (2006) 0.81
Induction of size-dependent breakdown of blood-milk barrier in lactating mice by TiO2 nanoparticles. PLoS One (2015) 0.81
Violent delinquency in a Brazilian birth cohort: the roles of breast feeding, early poverty and demographic factors. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol (2010) 0.81
Effect of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on neurodevelopmental outcome in full-term infants. Nutrients (2010) 0.81
Changes in knowledge, attitude and involvement of fathers in supporting exclusive breastfeeding: a community-based intervention study in a rural area of Vietnam. Int J Public Health (2016) 0.81
The impact of jaundice in newborn infants on the length of breastfeeding. Paediatr Child Health (2009) 0.80
The value of the medical home for children without special health care needs. Pediatrics (2011) 0.79
A descriptive study of Cambodian refugee infant feeding practices in the United States. Int Breastfeed J (2008) 0.79
Assessing exclusive breastfeeding practices, dietary intakes and body mass index (BMI) of nursing mothers in Ekiti State of Nigeria. Nutr Res Pract (2010) 0.79
Association between breastfeeding duration and cognitive development, autistic traits and ADHD symptoms: a multicenter study in Spain. Pediatr Res (2016) 0.79
Impact of music therapy on breast milk secretion in mothers of premature newborns. J Clin Diagn Res (2015) 0.79
Effects of different arachidonic acid supplementation on psychomotor development in very preterm infants; a randomized controlled trial. Nutr J (2015) 0.78
Breast feeding and intelligence in children. BMJ (2006) 0.78
Breastfeeding as a proxy for benefits of parenting skills for later reading readiness and cognitive competence. J Pediatr (2013) 0.78
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