Published in Plant J on November 01, 1999
SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis. Genes Dev (2004) 8.18
Temporal regulation of shoot development in Arabidopsis thaliana by miR156 and its target SPL3. Development (2006) 4.16
Trans-acting siRNA-mediated repression of ETTIN and ARF4 regulates heteroblasty in Arabidopsis. Development (2006) 2.93
Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell (2008) 2.87
SERRATE: a new player on the plant microRNA scene. EMBO Rep (2006) 2.78
Dual roles of the nuclear cap-binding complex and SERRATE in pre-mRNA splicing and microRNA processing in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008) 2.74
The microRNA regulated SBP-box genes SPL9 and SPL15 control shoot maturation in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol Biol (2008) 2.62
The arabidopsis serrate gene encodes a zinc-finger protein required for normal shoot development. Plant Cell (2001) 2.24
Blocking histone deacetylation in Arabidopsis induces pleiotropic effects on plant gene regulation and development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2001) 2.05
SHORT INTEGUMENTS1/SUSPENSOR1/CARPEL FACTORY, a Dicer homolog, is a maternal effect gene required for embryo development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2002) 2.04
The FHA domain proteins DAWDLE in Arabidopsis and SNIP1 in humans act in small RNA biogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008) 1.99
Identification of MIR390a precursor processing-defective mutants in Arabidopsis by direct genome sequencing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009) 1.72
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Regulation of miRNA abundance by RNA binding protein TOUGH in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2012) 1.27
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Small RNAs in development - insights from plants. Curr Opin Genet Dev (2012) 1.21
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GLABROUS INFLORESCENCE STEMS modulates the regulation by gibberellins of epidermal differentiation and shoot maturation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2006) 1.11
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Disruption of a DNA topoisomerase I gene affects morphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2002) 1.09
The early phase change gene in maize. Plant Cell (2002) 1.04
Shoot meristem function and leaf polarity: the role of class III HD-ZIP genes. PLoS Genet (2006) 1.00
Time to grow up: the temporal role of smallRNAs in plants. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2005) 0.98
The dicer-like1 homolog fuzzy tassel is required for the regulation of meristem determinacy in the inflorescence and vegetative growth in maize. Plant Cell (2014) 0.97
Reconstruction of Arabidopsis thaliana fully integrated small RNA pathway. Funct Integr Genomics (2009) 0.96
Characterization of EMU, the Arabidopsis homolog of the yeast THO complex member HPR1. RNA (2010) 0.94
Molecular insights into miRNA processing by Arabidopsis thaliana SERRATE. Nucleic Acids Res (2011) 0.92
Ten members of the Arabidopsis gene family encoding methyl-CpG-binding domain proteins are transcriptionally active and at least one, AtMBD11, is crucial for normal development. Nucleic Acids Res (2003) 0.90
HYL1 controls the miR156-mediated juvenile phase of vegetative growth. J Exp Bot (2012) 0.88
DELAY OF GERMINATION1 (DOG1) regulates both seed dormancy and flowering time through microRNA pathways. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2016) 0.88
Control of shoot cell fate: beyond homeoboxes. Plant Cell (2001) 0.85
mirEX 2.0 - an integrated environment for expression profiling of plant microRNAs. BMC Plant Biol (2015) 0.82
Splicing and dicing with a SERRATEd edge. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008) 0.81
Expression-based functional investigation of the organ-specific microRNAs in Arabidopsis. PLoS One (2012) 0.79
miRNA863-3p sequentially targets negative immune regulator ARLPKs and positive regulator SERRATE upon bacterial infection. Nat Commun (2016) 0.77
ALTERED MERISTEM PROGRAM1 suppresses ectopic stem cell niche formation in the shoot apical meristem in a largely cytokinin-independent manner. Plant Physiol (2015) 0.76
Heteroblastic Development of Transfer Cells is Controlled by the microRNA miR156/SPL Module. Plant Physiol (2017) 0.75
A photoperiod-responsive protein compendium and conceptual proteome roadmap outline in maize grown in growth chambers with controlled conditions. PLoS One (2017) 0.75
A Global View of RNA-Protein Interactions Identifies Post-transcriptional Regulators of Root Hair Cell Fate. Dev Cell (2017) 0.75
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