Published in Nat Biotechnol on March 01, 2000
The taming of the cell penetrating domain of the HIV Tat: myths and realities. J Control Release (2006) 1.30
Synthesis, cellular uptake and HIV-1 Tat-dependent trans-activation inhibition activity of oligonucleotide analogues disulphide-conjugated to cell-penetrating peptides. Nucleic Acids Res (2005) 1.27
Insights into peptide nucleic acid (PNA) structural features: the crystal structure of a D-lysine-based chiral PNA-DNA duplex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2003) 1.08
Down-regulation of MDM2 and activation of p53 in human cancer cells by antisense 9-aminoacridine-PNA (peptide nucleic acid) conjugates. Nucleic Acids Res (2004) 0.94
In vivo identification of ribonucleoprotein-RNA interactions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2006) 0.87
Pharmacokinetic analysis of polyamide nucleic-acid-cell penetrating peptide conjugates targeted against HIV-1 transactivation response element. Oligonucleotides (2008) 0.86
Iron oxide-based nanomagnets in nanomedicine: fabrication and applications. Nano Rev (2010) 0.85
Targeting DNA G-quadruplex structures with peptide nucleic acids. Curr Pharm Des (2012) 0.84
CD10 is a marker for cycling cells with propensity to apoptosis in childhood ALL. Br J Cancer (2002) 0.83
Gene targeted therapeutics for liver disease in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Biologics (2009) 0.82
Quadruplex formation is necessary for stable PNA invasion into duplex DNA of BCL2 promoter region. Nucleic Acids Res (2011) 0.81
MYCN is a novel oncogenic target in pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Oncotarget (2014) 0.79
Design of embedded chimeric peptide nucleic acids that efficiently enter and accurately reactivate gene expression in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010) 0.78
Antitumor effects of EGFR antisense guanidine-based peptide nucleic acids in cancer models. ACS Chem Biol (2012) 0.78
Fluorescence detection of KRAS2 mRNA hybridization in lung cancer cells with PNA-peptides containing an internal thiazole orange. Bioconjug Chem (2014) 0.77
Humanized c-Myc mouse. PLoS One (2012) 0.76
MDM2 E3 ligase-mediated ubiquitination and degradation of HDAC1 in vascular calcification. Nat Commun (2016) 0.76
Effective delivery of antisense peptide nucleic acid oligomers into cells by anthrax protective antigen. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (2008) 0.76
The peptide nucleic acids (PNAs): introduction to a new class of probes for chromosomal investigation. Chromosoma (2004) 0.76
Inhibition of multidrug resistance by SV40 pseudovirion delivery of an antigene peptide nucleic acid (PNA) in cultured cells. PLoS One (2011) 0.76
Antiproliferative effect in chronic myeloid leukaemia cells by antisense peptide nucleic acids. Nucleic Acids Res (2002) 0.75
A peptide nucleic acid targeting nuclear RAD51 sensitizes multiple myeloma cells to melphalan treatment. Cancer Biol Ther (2015) 0.75
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Assays for laboratory confirmation of novel human coronavirus (hCoV-EMC) infections. Euro Surveill (2012) 4.95
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