M R Kuehn

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1 Nodal is a novel TGF-beta-like gene expressed in the mouse node during gastrulation. Nature 1993 2.45
2 Conserved left-right asymmetry of nodal expression and alterations in murine situs inversus. Nature 1996 2.35
3 A potential animal model for Lesch-Nyhan syndrome through introduction of HPRT mutations into mice. Nature 1987 2.33
4 Nodal-related signals induce axial mesoderm and dorsalize mesoderm during gastrulation. Development 1995 2.16
5 Genetic dissection of nodal function in patterning the mouse embryo. Development 2001 2.07
6 The SIL gene is required for mouse embryonic axial development and left-right specification. Nature 1999 1.81
7 Targeted deletion of the ATP binding domain of left-right dynein confirms its role in specifying development of left-right asymmetries. Development 1999 1.67
8 The homeobox gene Pitx2: mediator of asymmetric left-right signaling in vertebrate heart and gut looping. Development 1999 1.42
9 Nodal induces ectopic goosecoid and lim1 expression and axis duplication in zebrafish. Development 1995 1.32
10 Left/right patterning signals and the independent regulation of different aspects of situs in the chick embryo. Dev Biol 1997 1.22
11 No turning, a mouse mutation causing left-right and axial patterning defects. Dev Biol 1998 1.21
12 Nodal signaling uses activin and transforming growth factor-beta receptor-regulated Smads. J Biol Chem 2001 1.18
13 Genetic evidence that Sil is required for the Sonic Hedgehog response pathway. Genesis 2001 1.15
14 HoxB6-Cre transgenic mice express Cre recombinase in extra-embryonic mesoderm, in lateral plate and limb mesoderm and at the midbrain/hindbrain junction. Genesis 2000 1.12
15 Insertional mutation of a gene involved in growth regulation of the early mouse embryo. Dev Dyn 1992 1.07
16 Nodal regulates trophoblast differentiation and placental development. Dev Biol 2001 1.05
17 Behavioral and neurochemical evaluation of a transgenic mouse model of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. J Neurol Sci 1988 0.99
18 The ability of EK cells to form chimeras after selection of clones in G418 and some observations on the integration of retroviral vector proviral DNA into EK cells. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 1985 0.87
19 Nodal and bone morphogenetic protein 5 interact in murine mesoderm formation and implantation. Genesis 2000 0.87
20 Monoamine deficiency in a transgenic (Hprt-) mouse model of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. Brain Res 1989 0.84
21 Whole mount in situ hybridization to study gene expression during mouse development. Methods Mol Biol 2000 0.80
22 alpha(1)-Adrenergic stimulation perturbs the left-right asymmetric expression pattern of nodal during rat embryogenesis. Teratology 2000 0.75
23 Use of superovulated mice as embryo donors for ES cell injection chimeras. Lab Anim Sci 1993 0.75