Published in Arch Neurol on August 01, 2002
αβγ-Synuclein triple knockout mice reveal age-dependent neuronal dysfunction. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010) 1.83
Non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease. J Neurol (2009) 1.37
Visual symptoms in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsons Dis (2011) 1.17
Hallucinations in Parkinson disease. Nat Rev Neurol (2009) 1.13
Biomarker candidates of neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease for the evaluation of disease-modifying therapeutics. J Neural Transm (Vienna) (2011) 1.04
Retinal nerve changes in patients with tremor dominant and akinetic rigid Parkinson's disease. Neurol Sci (2012) 0.97
Relation of Parkinson's disease subtypes to visual activities of daily living. J Int Neuropsychol Soc (2011) 0.92
Altered functional organization of the motor system related to ankle movements in Parkinson's disease: insights from functional MRI. J Neural Transm (Vienna) (2011) 0.83
Are patients with Parkinson's disease blind to blindsight? Brain (2014) 0.79
Visual dysfunction in patients with Parkinson's disease and essential tremor. Neurol Sci (2014) 0.78
Visualizing the next steps in Parkinson disease. Arch Neurol (2002) 0.77
Oculo-Visual Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease. J Parkinsons Dis (2015) 0.75
Visual dysfunction in Parkinson's disease. Brain (2016) 0.75
Movement Disorder Society-sponsored revision of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS): scale presentation and clinimetric testing results. Mov Disord (2008) 9.52
Phase 3 trials of solanezumab for mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease. N Engl J Med (2014) 6.67
A double-blind controlled trial of bilateral fetal nigral transplantation in Parkinson's disease. Ann Neurol (2003) 6.21
Axonopathy and transport deficits early in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Science (2005) 5.49
Movement Disorders Society Scientific Issues Committee report: SIC Task Force appraisal of clinical diagnostic criteria for Parkinsonian disorders. Mov Disord (2003) 4.56
A phase 3 trial of semagacestat for treatment of Alzheimer's disease. N Engl J Med (2013) 4.11
Movement Disorder Society-sponsored revision of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS): Process, format, and clinimetric testing plan. Mov Disord (2007) 3.86
Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation and cognitive decline in Alzheimer disease: a randomized trial. JAMA (2010) 3.58
Aspirin and ticlopidine for prevention of recurrent stroke in black patients: a randomized trial. JAMA (2003) 3.49
Mitochondrial polymorphisms significantly reduce the risk of Parkinson disease. Am J Hum Genet (2003) 3.39
Efficacy of site-independent telemedicine in the STRokE DOC trial: a randomised, blinded, prospective study. Lancet Neurol (2008) 3.18
Clinical Core of the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: progress and plans. Alzheimers Dement (2010) 3.11
Age at onset in two common neurodegenerative diseases is genetically controlled. Am J Hum Genet (2002) 2.90
Missing pieces in the Parkinson's disease puzzle. Nat Med (2010) 2.90
White matter changes in mild cognitive impairment and AD: A diffusion tensor imaging study. Neurobiol Aging (2005) 2.79
A multicenter retrieval study of the taper interfaces of modular hip prostheses. Clin Orthop Relat Res (2002) 2.78
Depression rating scales in Parkinson's disease: critique and recommendations. Mov Disord (2007) 2.62
Intravenous thrombolysis plus hypothermia for acute treatment of ischemic stroke (ICTuS-L): final results. Stroke (2010) 2.29
Apathy and anhedonia rating scales in Parkinson's disease: critique and recommendations. Mov Disord (2008) 2.28
Association between late-life social activity and motor decline in older adults. Arch Intern Med (2009) 2.26
Phase 2 safety trial targeting amyloid beta production with a gamma-secretase inhibitor in Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol (2008) 2.25
The Movement Disorder Society Evidence-Based Medicine Review Update: Treatments for the non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord (2011) 2.05
Parkin mutations and susceptibility alleles in late-onset Parkinson's disease. Ann Neurol (2003) 2.01
Glutathione S-transferase omega-1 modifies age-at-onset of Alzheimer disease and Parkinson disease. Hum Mol Genet (2003) 1.98
Levodopa-induced dyskinesias. Mov Disord (2007) 1.94
The placebo treatments in neurosciences: New insights from clinical and neuroimaging studies. Neurology (2008) 1.92
Effect of head impacts on diffusivity measures in a cohort of collegiate contact sport athletes. Neurology (2013) 1.79
Placebo response in Parkinson's disease: comparisons among 11 trials covering medical and surgical interventions. Mov Disord (2008) 1.78
Rating scales for dystonia: a multicenter assessment. Mov Disord (2003) 1.77
Self-reported experiences of everyday discrimination are associated with elevated C-reactive protein levels in older African-American adults. Brain Behav Immun (2009) 1.75
Parkinson disease with old-age onset: a comparative study with subjects with middle-age onset. Arch Neurol (2003) 1.74
Scales to assess psychosis in Parkinson's disease: Critique and recommendations. Mov Disord (2008) 1.71
A 12-year population-based study of psychosis in Parkinson disease. Arch Neurol (2010) 1.70
The Movement Disorder Society Evidence-Based Medicine Review Update: Treatments for the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord (2011) 1.70
Diffusion tensor imaging of Parkinson's disease, atypical parkinsonism, and essential tremor. Mov Disord (2013) 1.68
Priorities in Parkinson's disease research. Nat Rev Drug Discov (2011) 1.66
Time to redefine PD? Introductory statement of the MDS Task Force on the definition of Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord (2014) 1.63
Hippocampal disconnection contributes to memory dysfunction in individuals at risk for Alzheimer's disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2006) 1.63
Physical frailty in older persons is associated with Alzheimer disease pathology. Neurology (2008) 1.59
An expedited code stroke protocol is feasible and safe. Stroke (2006) 1.57
Neuropathic features in fragile X premutation carriers. Am J Med Genet A (2007) 1.56
Tau conformational changes correspond to impairments of episodic memory in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Exp Neurol (2002) 1.54
Sham neurosurgical procedures in clinical trials for neurodegenerative diseases: scientific and ethical considerations. Lancet Neurol (2012) 1.54
Part 1: the history of 19th century neurology and the American Neurological Association. Ann Neurol (2003) 1.54
NIHSS training and certification using a new digital video disk is reliable. Stroke (2005) 1.53
A responsive outcome for Parkinson's disease neuroprotection futility studies. Ann Neurol (2005) 1.48
Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome in sisters related to X-inactivation. Ann Neurol (2005) 1.48
Acute stroke care in Illinois: a statewide assessment of diagnostic and treatment capabilities. Stroke (2002) 1.48
Effect of CX516, an AMPA-modulating compound, on cognition and behavior in fragile X syndrome: a controlled trial. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol (2006) 1.47
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale certification is reliable across multiple venues. Stroke (2009) 1.45
Measurement of costs and scales for outcome evaluation in health economic studies of Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord (2013) 1.44
Repeated visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease as disturbed external/internal perceptions: focused review and a new integrative model. Mov Disord (2005) 1.41
The localizing yield of sphenoidal and anterior temporal electrodes in ictal recordings: a comparison study. Epilepsia (2002) 1.41
Dementia from Alzheimer disease and mixed pathologies in the oldest old. JAMA (2012) 1.40
The origins of scientific cinematography and early medical applications. Neurology (2004) 1.39
Can comprehensive stroke centers erase the 'weekend effect'? Cerebrovasc Dis (2008) 1.39
Health-related quality-of-life scales in Parkinson's disease: critique and recommendations. Mov Disord (2011) 1.31
Clinical interview assessment of financial capacity in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. J Am Geriatr Soc (2009) 1.30
Prevalence and correlates of suicidal behavior among new soldiers in the U.S. Army: results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS). Depress Anxiety (2014) 1.29
Association of anxiety and depression with microtubule-associated protein 2- and synaptopodin-immunolabeled dendrite and spine densities in hippocampal CA3 of older humans. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2010) 1.27
Divalproex sodium in nursing home residents with possible or probable Alzheimer Disease complicated by agitation: a randomized, controlled trial. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry (2005) 1.27
Anxiety rating scales in Parkinson's disease: critique and recommendations. Mov Disord (2008) 1.24
Tremor and ataxia in fragile X premutation carriers: blinded videotape study. Ann Neurol (2003) 1.22
Chronic divalproex sodium to attenuate agitation and clinical progression of Alzheimer disease. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2011) 1.22
The etiopathogenesis of Parkinson disease and suggestions for future research. Part I. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol (2007) 1.21
Stroke team remote evaluation using a digital observation camera in Arizona: the initial mayo clinic experience trial. Stroke (2010) 1.21
Expanded and independent validation of the Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS). J Neurol (2012) 1.20
Loss of basal forebrain P75(NTR) immunoreactivity in subjects with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. J Comp Neurol (2002) 1.19
Dystonia rating scales: critique and recommendations. Mov Disord (2013) 1.17
Contribution of Jules Froment to the study of parkinsonian rigidity. Mov Disord (2007) 1.16
Plasma urate and progression of mild cognitive impairment. Neurodegener Dis (2008) 1.16
Placebo-associated improvements in motor function: comparison of subjective and objective sections of the UPDRS in early Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord (2002) 1.15
Clinical differences among mild cognitive impairment subtypes in Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord (2012) 1.15
Effect of study partner on the conduct of Alzheimer disease clinical trials. Neurology (2012) 1.14
Hallucinations in Parkinson disease. Nat Rev Neurol (2009) 1.13
The first puff: forces in smoking initiation among Californians of Korean descent. Nicotine Tob Res (2007) 1.13
Efficacy of telemedicine for stroke: pooled analysis of the Stroke Team Remote Evaluation Using a Digital Observation Camera (STRokE DOC) and STRokE DOC Arizona telestroke trials. Telemed J E Health (2012) 1.13
Progression of gait, speech and swallowing deficits in progressive supranuclear palsy. Neurology (2003) 1.12
Reliability of site-independent telemedicine when assessed by telemedicine-naive stroke practitioners. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis (2008) 1.12
Open-label flexible-dose pilot study to evaluate the safety and tolerability of aripiprazole in patients with psychosis associated with Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord (2006) 1.12
Fibroblast phenotype in male carriers of FMR1 premutation alleles. Hum Mol Genet (2009) 1.11
Scales to assess sleep impairment in Parkinson's disease: critique and recommendations. Mov Disord (2010) 1.10
Fatigue rating scales critique and recommendations by the Movement Disorders Society task force on rating scales for Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord (2010) 1.09
Defining optimal cutoff scores for cognitive impairment using Movement Disorder Society Task Force criteria for mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord (2013) 1.07
Multicenter, open-label, trial of sarizotan in Parkinson disease patients with levodopa-induced dyskinesias (the SPLENDID Study). Clin Neuropharmacol (2004) 1.07
Validation of the Italian version of the Movement Disorder Society--Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale. Neurol Sci (2012) 1.06
Short-term and practice effects of metronome pacing in Parkinson's disease patients with gait freezing while in the 'on' state: randomized single blind evaluation. Parkinsonism Relat Disord (2004) 1.05
Awareness of deficits in financial abilities in patients with mild cognitive impairment: going beyond self-informant discrepancy. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry (2008) 1.05
Task force report: scales for screening and evaluating tremor: critique and recommendations. Mov Disord (2013) 1.05
A random change point model for cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. Neuroepidemiology (2012) 1.05
Endovascular therapeutic hypothermia for acute ischemic stroke: ICTuS 2/3 protocol. Int J Stroke (2013) 1.04
The Montreal Cognitive Assessment as a screening tool for cognitive dysfunction in Huntington's disease. Mov Disord (2010) 1.04
Association of total daily physical activity with disability in community-dwelling older persons: a prospective cohort study. BMC Geriatr (2012) 1.04
Diffusion of cancer education information through a Latino community health advisor program. Prev Med (2007) 1.03
Visuospatial deficits predict rate of cognitive decline in autopsy-verified dementia with Lewy bodies. Neuropsychology (2008) 1.03
Non-linearity of Parkinson's disease progression: implications for sample size calculations in clinical trials. Clin Trials (2005) 1.02