Published in J Am Geriatr Soc on April 21, 2009
Neurocognitive predictors of financial capacity across the dementia spectrum: Normal aging, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease. J Int Neuropsychol Soc (2009) 1.39
A Person-Centered Approach to Financial Capacity Assessment: Preliminary Development of a New Rating Scale. Clin Gerontol (2015) 1.33
Complex activities of daily living vary by mild cognitive impairment subtype. J Int Neuropsychol Soc (2010) 1.16
Mild cognitive impairment and deficits in instrumental activities of daily living: a systematic review. Alzheimers Res Ther (2015) 1.16
Finances in the older patient with cognitive impairment: "He didn't want me to take over". JAMA (2011) 1.06
Financial decision-making abilities and financial exploitation in older African Americans: Preliminary validity evidence for the Lichtenberg Financial Decision Rating Scale (LFDRS). J Elder Abuse Negl (2015) 0.98
Challenges and opportunities for developing and implementing incentives to improve health-related behaviors in older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc (2010) 0.91
Development and psychometric properties of the instrumental activities of daily living: compensation scale. Arch Clin Neuropsychol (2014) 0.89
Memory Awareness Influences Everyday Decision Making Capacity about Medication Management in Alzheimer's Disease. Int J Alzheimers Dis (2011) 0.87
Conceptual Models and Guidelines for Clinical Assessment of Financial Capacity. Arch Clin Neuropsychol (2016) 0.81
The Lichtenberg Financial Decision Screening Scale (LFDSS): A new tool for assessing financial decision making and preventing financial exploitation. J Elder Abuse Negl (2016) 0.81
Specific cognitive functions and depressive symptoms as predictors of activities of daily living in older adults with heterogeneous cognitive backgrounds. Front Aging Neurosci (2015) 0.80
Early diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia through basic and instrumental activities of daily living: Development of a new evaluation tool. PLoS Med (2017) 0.79
All-data approach to assessing financial capability in people with psychiatric disabilities. Psychol Assess (2015) 0.78
Mild cognitive impairment is associated with poorer decision-making in community-based older persons. J Am Geriatr Soc (2015) 0.77
A new clinical tool for assessing numerical abilities in neurological diseases: numerical activities of daily living. Front Aging Neurosci (2014) 0.77
Financial exploitation, financial capacity, and Alzheimer's disease. Am Psychol (2016) 0.77
Subtle changes in daily functioning predict conversion from normal to mild cognitive impairment or dementia: an analysis of the NACC database. Int Psychogeriatr (2016) 0.77
Clinical and ethical aspects of financial capacity in dementia: a commentary. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry (2013) 0.76
Daily Activity Abilities in MCI, Alzheimer's Disease, and Healthy Controls. GeroPsych (Bern) (2015) 0.75
Physician education on decision-making capacity assessment: Current state and future directions. Can Fam Physician (2017) 0.75
"Mini-mental state". A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. J Psychiatr Res (1975) 301.74
Clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease: report of the NINCDS-ADRDA Work Group under the auspices of Department of Health and Human Services Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease. Neurology (1984) 119.59
The Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR): current version and scoring rules. Neurology (1993) 47.72
Current concepts in mild cognitive impairment. Arch Neurol (2001) 18.09
Assessing the competency of patients with Alzheimer's disease under different legal standards. A prototype instrument. Arch Neurol (1995) 4.58
The MacCAT-T: a clinical tool to assess patients' capacities to make treatment decisions. Psychiatr Serv (1997) 4.47
Refusal of care: patients' well-being and physicians' ethical obligations: "but doctor, I want to go home". JAMA (2006) 3.61
Communicating evidence for participatory decision making. JAMA (2004) 3.49
Current state of research on decision-making competence of cognitively impaired elderly persons. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry (2002) 3.00
Impaired financial abilities in mild cognitive impairment: a direct assessment approach. Neurology (2003) 2.97
Assessing financial capacity in patients with Alzheimer disease: A conceptual model and prototype instrument. Arch Neurol (2000) 2.17
Medical decision-making capacity in patients with mild cognitive impairment. Neurology (2007) 2.11
Consistency of physicians' legal standard and personal judgments of competency in patients with Alzheimer's disease. J Am Geriatr Soc (2000) 1.95
Competence of depressed patients for consent to research. Am J Psychiatry (1999) 1.91
Consistency of physician judgments of capacity to consent in mild Alzheimer's disease. J Am Geriatr Soc (1997) 1.87
Everyday cognitive competence in elderly persons: conceptual issues and empirical findings. Gerontologist (1996) 1.64
Assessment of patient capacity to consent to treatment. J Gen Intern Med (1999) 1.46
Self- and informant report of financial abilities in patients with Alzheimer's disease: reliable and valid? J Am Geriatr Soc (2003) 1.39
Structured assessment of independent living skills: preliminary report of a performance measure of functional abilities in dementia. J Gerontol (1991) 1.39
Impaired decision-making ability in subjects with Alzheimer's disease and willingness to participate in research. Am J Psychiatry (2002) 1.29
Medical decision-making capacity in mild cognitive impairment: a 3-year longitudinal study. Neurology (2008) 1.25
Declining financial capacity in patients with mild Alzheimer disease: a one-year longitudinal study. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry (2008) 1.15
Pitfalls in assessment of decision-making capacity. Psychosomatics (2003) 1.11
Common variants at MS4A4/MS4A6E, CD2AP, CD33 and EPHA1 are associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Nat Genet (2011) 10.07
Phase 3 trials of solanezumab for mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease. N Engl J Med (2014) 6.67
Axonopathy and transport deficits early in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Science (2005) 5.49
A phase 3 trial of semagacestat for treatment of Alzheimer's disease. N Engl J Med (2013) 4.11
Kidney function and cognitive impairment in US adults: the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) Study. Am J Kidney Dis (2008) 3.87
Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation and cognitive decline in Alzheimer disease: a randomized trial. JAMA (2010) 3.58
MS disease activity in RESTORE: a randomized 24-week natalizumab treatment interruption study. Neurology (2014) 3.27
Efficacy of site-independent telemedicine in the STRokE DOC trial: a randomised, blinded, prospective study. Lancet Neurol (2008) 3.18
Clinical Core of the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: progress and plans. Alzheimers Dement (2010) 3.11
Results of a high-resolution genome screen of 437 Alzheimer's disease families. Hum Mol Genet (2003) 3.00
Behavioral training with and without biofeedback in the treatment of urge incontinence in older women: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA (2002) 2.79
Fecal incontinence in US adults: epidemiology and risk factors. Gastroenterology (2009) 2.52
Global ratings of patient satisfaction and perceptions of improvement with treatment for urinary incontinence: validation of three global patient ratings. Neurourol Urodyn (2006) 2.48
Intravenous thrombolysis plus hypothermia for acute treatment of ischemic stroke (ICTuS-L): final results. Stroke (2010) 2.29
Phase 2 safety trial targeting amyloid beta production with a gamma-secretase inhibitor in Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol (2008) 2.25
Novel late-onset Alzheimer disease loci variants associate with brain gene expression. Neurology (2012) 2.08
Effect of head impacts on diffusivity measures in a cohort of collegiate contact sport athletes. Neurology (2013) 1.79
Incidence and risk factors for fecal incontinence in black and white older adults: a population-based study. J Am Geriatr Soc (2010) 1.79
Preoperative biofeedback assisted behavioral training to decrease post-prostatectomy incontinence: a randomized, controlled trial. J Urol (2006) 1.72
Prevalence and trends of symptomatic pelvic floor disorders in U.S. women. Obstet Gynecol (2014) 1.70
Behavioral therapy to enable women with urge incontinence to discontinue drug treatment: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med (2008) 1.68
International controlled clinical trial of thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair with the Zenith TX2 endovascular graft: 1-year results. J Vasc Surg (2008) 1.67
Prevalence and correlates of nocturia in community-dwelling older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc (2010) 1.62
Adherence to behavioral interventions for urge incontinence when combined with drug therapy: adherence rates, barriers, and predictors. Phys Ther (2010) 1.62
Evolving antiepileptic drug treatment in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Arch Neurol (2003) 1.60
Malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde adducts and anti-malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheumatol (2015) 1.58
An expedited code stroke protocol is feasible and safe. Stroke (2006) 1.57
Progressive worsening of spatial and chromatic processing deficits in Parkinson disease. Arch Neurol (2002) 1.55
NIHSS training and certification using a new digital video disk is reliable. Stroke (2005) 1.53
Cognitive correlates of financial abilities in mild cognitive impairment. J Am Geriatr Soc (2006) 1.52
Caffeine intake and its association with urinary incontinence in United States men: results from National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys 2005-2006 and 2007-2008. J Urol (2012) 1.50
Factors impacting quality of life in women with fecal incontinence. Dis Colon Rectum (2010) 1.49
Quality of life in women with stress urinary incontinence. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct (2006) 1.49
Changes in urinary and fecal incontinence symptoms with weight loss surgery in morbidly obese women. Obstet Gynecol (2007) 1.49
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale certification is reliable across multiple venues. Stroke (2009) 1.45
Synovial intracellular citrullinated proteins colocalizing with peptidyl arginine deiminase as pathophysiologically relevant antigenic determinants of rheumatoid arthritis-specific humoral autoimmunity. Arthritis Rheum (2005) 1.42
Medical decision-making capacity in cognitively impaired Parkinson's disease patients without dementia. Mov Disord (2008) 1.40
Self- and informant report of financial abilities in patients with Alzheimer's disease: reliable and valid? J Am Geriatr Soc (2003) 1.39
Can comprehensive stroke centers erase the 'weekend effect'? Cerebrovasc Dis (2008) 1.39
Neurocognitive predictors of financial capacity across the dementia spectrum: Normal aging, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease. J Int Neuropsychol Soc (2009) 1.39
Socioeconomic and racial predictors of undergoing laparoscopic hysterectomy for selected benign diseases: analysis of 341487 hysterectomies. J Minim Invasive Gynecol (2008) 1.33
Albuminuria, kidney function, and the incidence of cognitive impairment among adults in the United States. Am J Kidney Dis (2011) 1.31
Cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities and rate of decline in everyday function across the dementia spectrum: normal aging, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol (2010) 1.29
Prevalence and correlates of suicidal behavior among new soldiers in the U.S. Army: results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS). Depress Anxiety (2014) 1.29
Urinary and anal incontinence in morbidly obese women considering weight loss surgery. Obstet Gynecol (2005) 1.29
Divalproex sodium in nursing home residents with possible or probable Alzheimer Disease complicated by agitation: a randomized, controlled trial. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry (2005) 1.27
Non-surgical management of stress urinary incontinence: ambulatory treatments for leakage associated with stress (ATLAS) trial. Clin Trials (2007) 1.26
Ethical and practical considerations in the management of incidental findings in pediatric MRI studies. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2006) 1.24
Bayesian analyses of multiple epistatic QTL models for body weight and body composition in mice. Genet Res (2006) 1.24
Chronic divalproex sodium to attenuate agitation and clinical progression of Alzheimer disease. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2011) 1.22
Medical decision-making capacity in patients with malignant glioma. Neurology (2009) 1.22
Effects of behavioral and drug therapy on nocturia in older incontinent women. J Am Geriatr Soc (2005) 1.21
Prevalence of nocturia in United States men: results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. J Urol (2011) 1.21
Stroke team remote evaluation using a digital observation camera in Arizona: the initial mayo clinic experience trial. Stroke (2010) 1.21
Bowel symptoms in women 1 year after sacrocolpopexy. Am J Obstet Gynecol (2007) 1.19
Two-year outcomes after surgery for stress urinary incontinence in older compared with younger women. Obstet Gynecol (2008) 1.18
Awareness of functional difficulties in mild cognitive impairment: a multidomain assessment approach. J Am Geriatr Soc (2009) 1.18
Plasma urate and progression of mild cognitive impairment. Neurodegener Dis (2008) 1.16
Placebo-associated improvements in motor function: comparison of subjective and objective sections of the UPDRS in early Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord (2002) 1.15
Declining financial capacity in patients with mild Alzheimer disease: a one-year longitudinal study. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry (2008) 1.15
Effect of study partner on the conduct of Alzheimer disease clinical trials. Neurology (2012) 1.14
Efficacy of telemedicine for stroke: pooled analysis of the Stroke Team Remote Evaluation Using a Digital Observation Camera (STRokE DOC) and STRokE DOC Arizona telestroke trials. Telemed J E Health (2012) 1.13
The first puff: forces in smoking initiation among Californians of Korean descent. Nicotine Tob Res (2007) 1.13
Role of N-acetylglucosamine within core lipopolysaccharide of several species of gram-negative bacteria in targeting the DC-SIGN (CD209). J Immunol (2006) 1.13
Protein deiminases: new players in the developmentally regulated loss of neural regenerative ability. Dev Biol (2011) 1.12
Reliability of site-independent telemedicine when assessed by telemedicine-naive stroke practitioners. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis (2008) 1.12
Spatial probability AIDS visual stimulus discrimination. Front Hum Neurosci (2010) 1.11
The periodontium of periodontitis patients contains citrullinated proteins which may play a role in ACPA (anti-citrullinated protein antibody) formation. J Clin Periodontol (2012) 1.11
Continence pessary compared with behavioral therapy or combined therapy for stress incontinence: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol (2010) 1.09
High costs of urinary incontinence among women electing surgery to treat stress incontinence. Obstet Gynecol (2008) 1.08
Amnestic mild cognitive impairment: diagnostic outcomes and clinical prediction over a two-year time period. J Int Neuropsychol Soc (2006) 1.07
Comparison of metabolic and heart rate responses to super slow vs. traditional resistance training. J Strength Cond Res (2003) 1.07
The Enhancing Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease Trial (ENRICHD): strategies and techniques for enhancing retention of patients with acute myocardial infarction and depression or social isolation. J Cardiopulm Rehabil (2003) 1.07
Regret, satisfaction, and symptom improvement: analysis of the impact of partial colpocleisis for the management of severe pelvic organ prolapse. Am J Obstet Gynecol (2005) 1.07
Improving processes of hospital care during the last hours of life. Arch Intern Med (2005) 1.05
Predictors of outcome in the behavioral treatment of urinary incontinence in women. Obstet Gynecol (2003) 1.05
Awareness of deficits in financial abilities in patients with mild cognitive impairment: going beyond self-informant discrepancy. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry (2008) 1.05
Endovascular therapeutic hypothermia for acute ischemic stroke: ICTuS 2/3 protocol. Int J Stroke (2013) 1.04
Temporal lobectomy in congenital porencephaly associated with hippocampal sclerosis. Arch Neurol (2003) 1.04
Correlates of urinary, fecal, and dual incontinence in older African-American and white men and women. J Am Geriatr Soc (2007) 1.03
Diffusion of cancer education information through a Latino community health advisor program. Prev Med (2007) 1.03
Visuospatial deficits predict rate of cognitive decline in autopsy-verified dementia with Lewy bodies. Neuropsychology (2008) 1.03
Bowel symptoms in women planning surgery for pelvic organ prolapse. Am J Obstet Gynecol (2006) 1.02
Comprehensive stroke centers and the 'weekend effect': the SPOTRIAS experience. Cerebrovasc Dis (2012) 1.02
MS analysis of rheumatoid arthritic synovial tissue identifies specific citrullination sites on fibrinogen. Proteomics Clin Appl (2010) 1.02
Taking charge of epilepsy: the development of a structured psychoeducational group intervention for adolescents with epilepsy and their parents. Epilepsy Behav (2004) 1.02
Quetiapine for agitation or psychosis in patients with dementia and parkinsonism. Neurology (2007) 1.01
ADCS Prevention Instrument Project: ADCS-clinicians' global impression of change scales (ADCS-CGIC), self-rated and study partner-rated versions. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord (2006) 1.01
Citrullinated proteins in rheumatoid arthritis: crucial...but not sufficient! Arthritis Rheum (2006) 1.01
Loss of calculation abilities in patients with mild and moderate Alzheimer disease. Arch Neurol (2003) 1.00
Association of low dietary intake of fiber and liquids with constipation: evidence from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Am J Gastroenterol (2013) 1.00