Published in Twin Res on December 01, 2002
Gene-environment correlations: a review of the evidence and implications for prevention of mental illness. Mol Psychiatry (2007) 2.85
Environmental adversity and increasing genetic risk for externalizing disorders. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2009) 2.11
Genotype by environment interaction in adolescents' cognitive aptitude. Behav Genet (2006) 2.02
Specification, testing, and interpretation of gene-by-measured-environment interaction models in the presence of gene-environment correlation. Behav Genet (2008) 2.00
Parental monitoring moderates the importance of genetic and environmental influences on adolescent smoking. J Abnorm Psychol (2007) 1.99
Genetics of white matter development: a DTI study of 705 twins and their siblings aged 12 to 29. Neuroimage (2010) 1.96
The continuing value of twin studies in the omics era. Nat Rev Genet (2012) 1.88
Understanding the Early Origins of the Education-Health Gradient: A Framework That Can Also Be Applied to Analyze Gene-Environment Interactions. Perspect Psychol Sci (2010) 1.86
Peer substance involvement modifies genetic influences on regular substance involvement in young women. Addiction (2010) 1.73
Emergence of a Gene x socioeconomic status interaction on infant mental ability between 10 months and 2 years. Psychol Sci (2010) 1.70
Changing environmental influences on substance use across development. Twin Res Hum Genet (2007) 1.70
Understanding the covariation among childhood externalizing symptoms: genetic and environmental influences on conduct disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder symptoms. J Abnorm Child Psychol (2005) 1.68
Measured gene-by-environment interaction in relation to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2010) 1.66
Puberty and the genetic diathesis of disordered eating attitudes and behaviors. J Abnorm Psychol (2009) 1.59
Socioeconomic status (SES) and children's intelligence (IQ): in a UK-representative sample SES moderates the environmental, not genetic, effect on IQ. PLoS One (2012) 1.56
Epigenetic variation during the adult lifespan: cross-sectional and longitudinal data on monozygotic twin pairs. Aging Cell (2012) 1.55
Low blood lead levels associated with clinically diagnosed attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and mediated by weak cognitive control. Biol Psychiatry (2007) 1.53
Genetic and environmental contributions to weight, height, and BMI from birth to 19 years of age: an international study of over 12,000 twin pairs. PLoS One (2012) 1.51
Teacher quality moderates the genetic effects on early reading. Science (2010) 1.49
Born to be happy? The etiology of subjective well-being. Behav Genet (2009) 1.48
Differentiation of cognitive abilities across the life span. Dev Psychol (2009) 1.43
Gene-environment interaction in psychological traits and disorders. Annu Rev Clin Psychol (2011) 1.40
Stability and change in personality traits from late adolescence to early adulthood: a longitudinal twin study. J Pers (2008) 1.40
Confirmation and extension of association of blood lead with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and ADHD symptom domains at population-typical exposure levels. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2009) 1.38
The influence of gene-environment interactions on alcohol consumption and alcohol use disorders: a comprehensive review. Clin Psychol Rev (2011) 1.36
Gene X environment interactions in reading disability and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Dev Psychol (2009) 1.36
Evidence for an interaction between age at first drink and genetic influences on DSM-IV alcohol dependence symptoms. Alcohol Clin Exp Res (2009) 1.34
Do schools moderate the genetic determinants of smoking? Behav Genet (2008) 1.31
Timing of menarche and the origins of conduct disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2006) 1.30
Modification effects of physical activity and protein intake on heritability of body size and composition. Am J Clin Nutr (2009) 1.30
Gene X environment interaction of vigorous exercise and body mass index among male Vietnam-era twins. Am J Clin Nutr (2009) 1.25
A note on false positives and power in G × E modelling of twin data. Behav Genet (2011) 1.23
The effect of assumptions about parental assortative mating and genotype-income correlation on estimates of genotype-environment interaction in the National Merit Twin Study. Behav Genet (2008) 1.23
Genetic epidemiology of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD index) in adults. PLoS One (2010) 1.23
Trends in the genetic influences on smoking. J Health Soc Behav (2010) 1.22
Operating characteristics of alternative statistical methods for detecting gene-by-measured environment interaction in the presence of gene-environment correlation in twin and sibling studies. Behav Genet (2012) 1.20
Gene-environment interplay in internalizing disorders: consistent findings across six environmental risk factors. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2009) 1.19
Preliminary evidence that estradiol moderates genetic influences on disordered eating attitudes and behaviors during puberty. Psychol Med (2010) 1.17
The heritability of personality is not always 50%: gene-environment interactions and correlations between personality and parenting. J Pers (2008) 1.17
Psychophysiological correlates of aggression and violence: an integrative review. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2008) 1.16
Candidate gene-environment interaction research: reflections and recommendations. Perspect Psychol Sci (2015) 1.16
The different origins of stability and change in antisocial personality disorder symptoms. Psychol Med (2006) 1.14
Genetic and Environmental Transactions Underlying Educational Attainment. Intelligence (2009) 1.14
Continuity of genetic and environmental influences on cognition across the life span: a meta-analysis of longitudinal twin and adoption studies. Psychol Bull (2014) 1.12
Aggressive versus nonaggressive antisocial behavior: distinctive etiological moderation by age. Dev Psychol (2009) 1.12
Sleep duration and body mass index in twins: a gene-environment interaction. Sleep (2012) 1.11
Intellectual interest mediates gene × socioeconomic status interaction on adolescent academic achievement. Child Dev (2012) 1.11
Marital quality moderates genetic and environmental influences on the internalizing spectrum. J Abnorm Psychol (2008) 1.10
Increasing genetic variance of body mass index during the Swedish obesity epidemic. PLoS One (2011) 1.10
Gene-environment interaction in adults' IQ scores: measures of past and present environment. Behav Genet (2008) 1.09
The role of socioregional factors in moderating genetic influences on early adolescent behavior problems and alcohol use. Alcohol Clin Exp Res (2009) 1.08
Genetic and environmental effects on body mass index during adolescence: a prospective study among Finnish twins. Int J Obes (Lond) (2009) 1.07
A note on the parameterization of Purcell's G x E model for ordinal and binary data. Behav Genet (2008) 1.07
Gene - Environment Interplay, Family Relationships, and Child Adjustment. J Marriage Fam (2011) 1.07
Heritability of high reading ability and its interaction with parental education. Behav Genet (2009) 1.06
The moderating role of close friends in the relationship between conduct problems and adolescent substance use. J Adolesc Health (2010) 1.06
Does parental education have a moderating effect on the genetic and environmental influences of general cognitive ability in early adulthood? Behav Genet (2010) 1.04
Meta-analysis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms, restriction diet, and synthetic food color additives. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2012) 1.04
Gene-by-socioeconomic status interaction on school readiness. Behav Genet (2012) 1.04
Heritability across the distribution: an application of quantile regression. Behav Genet (2011) 1.04
Expanding the environment: gene × school-level SES interaction on reading comprehension. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2013) 1.04
Parental punitive discipline, negative life events and gene-environment interplay in the development of externalizing behavior. Psychol Med (2007) 1.00
Heritability of insulin sensitivity and lipid profile depend on BMI: evidence for gene-obesity interaction. Diabetologia (2009) 1.00
Education modifies genetic and environmental influences on BMI. PLoS One (2011) 0.99
The genetic architecture of neuroticism in 3301 Dutch adolescent twins as a function of age and sex: a study from the Dutch twin register. Twin Res Hum Genet (2006) 0.99
Effect of polygenic risk scores on depression in childhood trauma. Br J Psychiatry (2014) 0.98
Genetics of disc-related disorders: current findings and lessons from other complex diseases. Eur Spine J (2013) 0.98
Preschools reduce early academic-achievement gaps: a longitudinal twin approach. Psychol Sci (2012) 0.98
Gene x environment interactions for ADHD: synergistic effect of 5HTTLPR genotype and youth appraisals of inter-parental conflict. Behav Brain Funct (2010) 0.98
Perceived peer delinquency and the genetic predisposition for substance dependence vulnerability. Drug Alcohol Depend (2008) 0.97
Learning Motivation Mediates Gene-by-Socioeconomic Status Interaction on Mathematics Achievement in Early Childhood. Learn Individ Differ (2011) 0.97
The dopamine receptor D4 gene (DRD4) moderates family environmental effects on ADHD. J Abnorm Child Psychol (2011) 0.97
Unstable maternal environment, separation anxiety, and heightened CO2 sensitivity induced by gene-by-environment interplay. PLoS One (2011) 0.97
Consilient research approaches in studying gene x environment interactions in alcohol research. Addict Biol (2010) 0.96
Age differences in genetic and environmental influences on weight and shape concerns. Int J Eat Disord (2010) 0.96
Genetic influences on the overlap between low IQ and antisocial behavior in young children. J Abnorm Psychol (2006) 0.96
Use of the Twin Design to Examine Evocative Gene-Environment Effects within a Conversational Context. Eur J Dev Sci (2009) 0.95
Twins and the mystery of missing heritability: the contribution of gene-environment interactions. J Intern Med (2012) 0.95
Moderating Effects of Personality on the Genetic and Environmental Influences of School Grades Helps to Explain Sex Differences in Scholastic Achievement. Eur J Pers (2008) 0.94
Modeling genetic and environmental factors to increase heritability and ease the identification of candidate genes for birth weight: a twin study. Behav Genet (2007) 0.94
Genetic and environmental contributions to food use patterns of young adult twins. Physiol Behav (2007) 0.94
Familial resemblance for loneliness. Behav Genet (2010) 0.94
Genetic and environmental contributions to prosocial behaviour in 2- to 9-year-old South Korean twins. Biol Lett (2007) 0.94
The correlation between reading and mathematics ability at age twelve has a substantial genetic component. Nat Commun (2014) 0.93
Examining the state-trait anxiety relationship: a behavioural genetic approach. J Abnorm Child Psychol (2006) 0.93
Longitudinal twin study of borderline personality disorder traits and substance use in adolescence: developmental change, reciprocal effects, and genetic and environmental influences. Personal Disord (2012) 0.92
Sleep duration and depressive symptoms: a gene-environment interaction. Sleep (2014) 0.92
The effects of puberty on genetic risk for disordered eating: evidence for a sex difference. Psychol Med (2011) 0.92
Reconsidering the heritability of intelligence in adulthood: taking assortative mating and cultural transmission into account. Behav Genet (2011) 0.91
How genes and the social environment moderate each other. Am J Public Health (2013) 0.91
Methylomic analysis of salivary DNA in childhood ADHD identifies altered DNA methylation in VIPR2. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2015) 0.91
Testing for measured gene-environment interaction: problems with the use of cross-product terms and a regression model reparameterization solution. Behav Genet (2014) 0.91
Genes, environments, personality, and successful aging: toward a comprehensive developmental model in later life. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci (2012) 0.91
Biosocial Influences on the Family: A Decade Review. J Marriage Fam (2010) 0.91
Public health genomics: translating obesity genomics research into population health benefits. Obesity (Silver Spring) (2008) 0.90
Genetic and environmental influences on obsessive-compulsive disorder. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci (2008) 0.90
The association between conduct problems and maltreatment: testing genetic and environmental mediation. Behav Genet (2009) 0.90
School performance and genetic and environmental variance in antisocial behavior at the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Dev Psychol (2009) 0.89
Family background buys an education in Minnesota but not in Sweden. Psychol Sci (2010) 0.89
Breastfeeding, maternal education and cognitive function: a prospective study in twins. Behav Genet (2009) 0.89