Characterization of a radish introgression carrying the Ogura fertility restorer gene Rfo in rapeseed, using the Arabidopsis genome sequence and radish genetic mapping.

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Published in Theor Appl Genet on August 27, 2003


Sandra Giancola1, Sylvie Marhadour, Sophie Desloire, Vanessa Clouet, Hélène Falentin-Guyomarc'h, Wassila Laloui, Cyril Falentin, Georges Pelletier, Michel Renard, Abdelhafid Bendahmane, Régine Delourme, Françoise Budar

Author Affiliations

1: Station de Génétique et d'Amélioration des Plantes, INRA, Route de Saint-Cyr, 78026, Versailles cedex, France.

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