Published in Am J Ind Med on June 01, 2004
Workplace measurements by the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration since 1979: descriptive analysis and potential uses for exposure assessment. Ann Occup Hyg (2012) 2.06
Evaluating temporal trends from occupational lead exposure data reported in the published literature using meta-regression. Ann Occup Hyg (2014) 0.87
Lead exposure in US worksites: A literature review and development of an occupational lead exposure database from the published literature. Am J Ind Med (2015) 0.77
Adult blood lead reporting in New York State, 1994-2006. Public Health Rep (2010) 0.75
A probabilistic assessment of the impact of interventions on oncology nurses' exposure to antineoplastic agents. Occup Environ Med (2006) 0.75
Assessment of lead exposure risk in locksmiths. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2005) 0.75
Evaluating predictors of lead exposure for activities disturbing materials painted with or containing lead using historic published data from U.S. workplaces. Am J Ind Med (2017) 0.75
Retrospective Assessment of Occupational Exposures for the GENEVA Study of ALS among Military Veterans. Ann Work Expo Health (2017) 0.75
Prehospital hypertonic saline resuscitation of patients with hypotension and severe traumatic brain injury: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA (2004) 3.54
The use of screening colonoscopy for patients cared for by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Arch Intern Med (2006) 3.44
Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes: analysis of 139 cases. Arch Neurol (2011) 3.39
Quality of evidence must guide risk assessment of asbestos. Ann Occup Hyg (2012) 2.68
Biological stress response terminology: Integrating the concepts of adaptive response and preconditioning stress within a hormetic dose-response framework. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol (2007) 2.37
The changing landscape of practice patterns regarding unsedated endoscopy and propofol use: a national Web survey. Gastrointest Endosc (2005) 2.16
Factors associated with islet yield and insulin independence after total pancreatectomy and islet cell autotransplantation in patients with chronic pancreatitis utilizing off-site islet isolation: Cleveland Clinic experience. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2015) 2.14
Meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies on cigarette smoking and liver cancer. Int J Epidemiol (2009) 2.11
Mortality among survivors of the Sept 11, 2001, World Trade Center disaster: results from the World Trade Center Health Registry cohort. Lancet (2011) 1.79
Low sensitivity in clinical diagnoses of dementia with Lewy bodies. J Neurol (2009) 1.73
Long-term follow-up of type II endoleak embolization reveals the need for close surveillance. J Vasc Surg (2011) 1.72
WSARE: What's Strange About Recent Events? J Urban Health (2003) 1.61
University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown healthy brain aging volunteers: donor characteristics, procedures and neuropathology. Curr Alzheimer Res (2012) 1.52
Lung cancer risk and workplace exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. Am J Public Health (2007) 1.47
Assessing susceptibility to age-related macular degeneration with proteomic and genomic biomarkers. Mol Cell Proteomics (2009) 1.39
Inconsistencies in patient perceptions and observer ratings of shared decision making: the case of colorectal cancer screening. Patient Educ Couns (2010) 1.35
Conditional anomaly detection methods for patient-management alert systems. Proc Int Conf Mach Learn (2008) 1.35
Evaluation of toxic equivalency factors for induction of cytochromes P450 CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 enzyme activity by dioxin-like compounds. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol (2004) 1.29
Prospective evaluation of 4-mm diameter endoscopes for esophagoscopy in sedated and unsedated patients. Gastrointest Endosc (2003) 1.28
Fatal occupational injury rates in southern and non-southern States, by race and Hispanic ethnicity. Am J Public Health (2004) 1.17
Comparing median lethal concentration values using confidence interval overlap or ratio tests. Environ Toxicol Chem (2006) 1.14
Properties of model-averaged BMDLs: a study of model averaging in dichotomous response risk estimation. Risk Anal (2007) 1.12
Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Colorectal Version 1.2016, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. J Natl Compr Canc Netw (2016) 1.12
Characterizing uncertainty and variability in physiologically based pharmacokinetic models: state of the science and needs for research and implementation. Toxicol Sci (2007) 1.07
Cancer morbidity in iron and steel workers in Korea. Am J Ind Med (2006) 1.02
Iliofemoral stenting for venous occlusive disease. J Vasc Surg (2010) 1.02
Temporal differences in bladder dysfunction caused by diabetes, diuresis, and treated diabetes in mice. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol (2006) 1.00
Ethylene oxide and breast cancer incidence in a cohort study of 7576 women (United States). Cancer Causes Control (2003) 0.97
Endovascular repair of aortoiliac aneurysmal disease with the helical iliac bifurcation device and the bifurcated-bifurcated iliac bifurcation device. J Vasc Surg (2013) 0.97
AGRICOH: a consortium of agricultural cohorts. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2011) 0.96
Associations of doctor-diagnosed asthma with immigration status, age at immigration, and length of residence in the United States in a sample of Mexican American School Children in Chicago. J Asthma (2009) 0.96
Monotonic Bayesian semiparametric benchmark dose analysis. Risk Anal (2012) 0.94
Probabilistic case detection for disease surveillance using data in electronic medical records. Online J Public Health Inform (2011) 0.94
Risk factors of falls in community-dwelling older adults: logistic regression tree analysis. Gerontologist (2012) 0.93
A meta-analysis of asbestos and lung cancer: is better quality exposure assessment associated with steeper slopes of the exposure-response relationships? Environ Health Perspect (2011) 0.93
Role of sling integrity in the restoration of leak point pressure in the rat vaginal sling model. J Urol (2005) 0.93
Increased lung cancer mortality among chrysotile asbestos textile workers is more strongly associated with exposure to long thin fibres. Occup Environ Med (2012) 0.93
Pilot study to assess the frequency of fibromyalgia, depression, and sleep disorders in patients with granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's). Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) (2011) 0.92
Oxidative stress and tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced alterations in metaphase II mouse oocyte spindle structure. Fertil Steril (2007) 0.92
Political economy of US states and rates of fatal occupational injury. Am J Public Health (2009) 0.92
Primary care physician attitudes toward endoscopic screening for GERD symptoms and unsedated esophagoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc (2006) 0.92
Probabilistic, Decision-theoretic Disease Surveillance and Control. Online J Public Health Inform (2011) 0.89
Effects of data limitations when modeling fatal occupational injury rates. Am J Ind Med (2004) 0.88
Long-term efficacy of a vaginal sling procedure in a rat model of stress urinary incontinence. J Urol (2005) 0.88
Adults with long-duration type 2 diabetes have blunted glycemic and β-cell function improvements after bariatric surgery. Obesity (Silver Spring) (2015) 0.88
Predictors of over-the-counter drug and herbal therapies use in elderly patients with heart failure. J Card Fail (2009) 0.87
A review and characterization of the MDS process in nursing homes. J Gerontol Nurs (2008) 0.87
Grading of gastric foveolar-type dysplasia in Barrett's esophagus. Mod Pathol (2009) 0.86
Model-averaged benchmark concentration estimates for continuous response data arising from epidemiological studies. Risk Anal (2008) 0.86
Evaluation of a safety training program in three food service companies. J Safety Res (2003) 0.86
Lung cancer mortality in North Carolina and South Carolina chrysotile asbestos textile workers. Occup Environ Med (2012) 0.86
Diabetes slows the recovery from urinary incontinence due to simulated childbirth in female rats. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol (2007) 0.86
Gender differences in outcome in patients with hypotension and severe traumatic brain injury. Injury (2008) 0.85
Impact of publicly sponsored interventions on musculoskeletal injury claims in nursing homes. Am J Ind Med (2009) 0.85
Proteomic and genomic biomarkers for age-related macular degeneration. Adv Exp Med Biol (2010) 0.84
Sleep apnea and epilepsy: who's at risk? Epilepsy Behav (2012) 0.83
A brief review of the pharmacologic and therapeutic aspects of memantine in Alzheimer's disease. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol (2007) 0.83
Pain assessment in the intensive care unit: development and psychometric testing of the nonverbal pain assessment tool. Heart Lung (2010) 0.83
Value of the magnetic resonance imaging in patients with painful lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) undergoing lumbar epidural steroid injections. Clin J Pain (2007) 0.83
Plaque brachytherapy for uveal melanoma: a vision prognostication model. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys (2012) 0.82
Accuracy of a narrow-diameter battery-powered endoscope in sedated and unsedated patients. Gastrointest Endosc (2002) 0.81
Solvents for ring-closing metathesis reactions. Chem Commun (Camb) (2008) 0.81
The effect of rate denominator source on US fatal occupational injury rate estimates. Am J Ind Med (2004) 0.81
Pricing of surgeries for colon cancer: patient severity and market factors. Cancer (2012) 0.80
Bayesian approach to estimating reproductive inhibition potency in aquatic toxicity testing. Environ Toxicol Chem (2012) 0.80
Toxicokinetics of sediment-sorbed benzo[a]pyrene and hexachlorobiphenyl using the freshwater invertebrates Hyalella azteca, Chironomus tentans, and Lumbriculus variegatus. Environ Toxicol Chem (2003) 0.79
Comparative predictors of mortality for endovascular and open repair of ruptured infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms. Ann Vasc Surg (2011) 0.79
An alternate characterization of hazard in occupational epidemiology: years of life lost per years worked. Am J Ind Med (2002) 0.78
Sunscreen use: Non-Hispanic Blacks compared with other racial and/or ethnic groups. Arch Dermatol (2011) 0.78
Frequent ear infections in infancy and the risk of asthma in Mexican American children. J Asthma (2010) 0.78
A method for estimating from thermometer sales the incidence of diseases that are symptomatically similar to influenza. J Biomed Inform (2013) 0.78
Impact of exchanges and client-therapist alliance in online-text psychotherapy. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw (2013) 0.78
Safety of preoperative erythropoietin in surgical calvarial remodeling: an 8-year retrospective review and analysis. Plast Reconstr Surg (2012) 0.77
An empirical comparison of low-dose extrapolation from points of departure (PoD) compared to extrapolations based upon methods that account for model uncertainty. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol (2013) 0.77
Follow-up: orthognathic surgery. Is there a future? A national survey. Plast Reconstr Surg (2008) 0.77
Orthognathic surgery: is there a future? Plast Reconstr Surg (2005) 0.77
Combining information. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Comput Stat (2009) 0.77
Benchmark dose estimation incorporating multiple data sources. Risk Anal (2008) 0.77
Reoperative lower extremity revascularization with cadaver vein for limb salvage. Ann Vasc Surg (2008) 0.77
Neurodegenerative memory disorders: a potential role of environmental toxins. Neurol Clin (2005) 0.76
Comparing methods for analyzing overdispersed count data in aquatic toxicology. Environ Toxicol Chem (2010) 0.76
Baseline characteristics and statistical implications for the OECD 210 fish early-life stage chronic toxicity test. Environ Toxicol Chem (2011) 0.76
Fall risk factors in community-dwelling elderly who receive Medicaid-supported home- and community-based care services. J Aging Health (2010) 0.76
Evaluation of the effect of ambrisentan on digital microvascular flow in patients with systemic sclerosis using laser Doppler perfusion imaging: a 12-week randomized double-blind placebo controlled trial. Arthritis Res Ther (2015) 0.76
Use of meta-analyses by IARC Working Groups. Environ Health Perspect (2012) 0.75
Author Response to Letter by Delibasi T., et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2015) 0.75
The Feasibility of Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Grading of Anterior Chamber Inflammation in a Rabbit Model of Anterior Uveitis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (2016) 0.75
A simulation study of methods for constructing confidence intervals for bioaccumulation factors. Environ Toxicol Chem (2003) 0.75
Preregistration of epidemiology protocols. Epidemiology (2011) 0.75
Can health promotion at the workplace help prevent cancer? Scand J Work Environ Health (2002) 0.75
Selecting the best design for nonstandard toxicology experiments. Environ Toxicol Chem (2014) 0.75
Comparing methods for analyzing overdispersed binary data in aquatic toxicology. Environ Toxicol Chem (2009) 0.75
Adjunctive use of the superficial femoral vein for vascular reconstructions. J Vasc Surg (2012) 0.75
Psychometric Evaluation of the Hospital Culture of Transitions Survey. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf (2017) 0.75
Comparing weighted and unweighted analyses applied to data with a mix of pooled and individual observations. Environ Toxicol Chem (2010) 0.75