Published in JAMA on June 02, 2004
Carotid-wall intima-media thickness and cardiovascular events. N Engl J Med (2011) 5.94
Laboratory-based versus non-laboratory-based method for assessment of cardiovascular disease risk: the NHANES I Follow-up Study cohort. Lancet (2008) 5.49
An analysis of calibration and discrimination among multiple cardiovascular risk scores in a modern multiethnic cohort. Ann Intern Med (2015) 4.18
Canadian Cardiovascular Society position statement--recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of dyslipidemia and prevention of cardiovascular disease. Can J Cardiol (2006) 4.02
Validation of an atrial fibrillation risk algorithm in whites and African Americans. Arch Intern Med (2010) 3.05
Prediction models for cardiovascular disease risk in the general population: systematic review. BMJ (2016) 2.81
Future cardiovascular disease in china: markov model and risk factor scenario projections from the coronary heart disease policy model-china. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes (2010) 2.63
C-reactive protein and reclassification of cardiovascular risk in the Framingham Heart Study. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes (2008) 2.50
Cardiovascular risk prediction tools for populations in Asia. J Epidemiol Community Health (2007) 2.25
Type 2 diabetes in East Asians: similarities and differences with populations in Europe and the United States. Ann N Y Acad Sci (2013) 2.15
Can non-physician health-care workers assess and manage cardiovascular risk in primary care? Bull World Health Organ (2007) 1.67
Heart failure risk prediction in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Heart (2014) 1.49
Diabetes in Asians. Endocrinol Metab (Seoul) (2015) 1.39
Trends in 10-year predicted risk of cardiovascular disease in the United States, 1976 to 2004. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes (2009) 1.35
Arterial stiffness contributes to coronary artery disease risk prediction beyond the traditional risk score (RAMA-EGAT score). Heart Asia (2012) 1.30
Validity of an adaptation of the Framingham cardiovascular risk function: the VERIFICA Study. J Epidemiol Community Health (2007) 1.28
Cardiovascular risk after bariatric surgery for obesity. Am J Cardiol (2008) 1.24
Validation of the health ABC heart failure model for incident heart failure risk prediction: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Circ Heart Fail (2010) 1.24
The future impact of population growth and aging on coronary heart disease in China: projections from the Coronary Heart Disease Policy Model-China. BMC Public Health (2008) 1.18
Evaluation of the quality of care of a multi-disciplinary risk factor assessment and management programme (RAMP) for diabetic patients. BMC Fam Pract (2012) 1.16
The Framingham Heart Study's impact on global risk assessment. Prog Cardiovasc Dis (2010) 1.16
Coronary heart disease attributable to passive smoking: CHD Policy Model. Am J Prev Med (2009) 1.15
The relative merits of population-based and targeted prevention strategies. Milbank Q (2008) 1.10
Could the new body shape index predict the new onset of diabetes mellitus in the Chinese population? PLoS One (2013) 1.10
Cardiovascular risk estimation in 2012: lessons learned and applicability to the HIV population. J Infect Dis (2012) 1.09
Cardiovascular risk assessment--from individual risk prediction to estimation of global risk and change in risk in the population. BMC Med (2010) 1.08
Prediction of cardiovascular death in racial/ethnic minorities using Framingham risk factors. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes (2010) 1.07
A coronary heart disease prediction model: the Korean Heart Study. BMJ Open (2014) 1.05
Cardiovascular risk assessment in low-resource settings: a consensus document of the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk in Low Resource Settings. J Hypertens (2014) 1.04
Framingham risk score and alternatives for prediction of coronary heart disease in older adults. PLoS One (2012) 1.03
Prognostic implications of surrogate markers of atherosclerosis in low to intermediate risk patients with type 2 diabetes. Cardiovasc Diabetol (2012) 1.01
Hypertension: reflections on risks and prognostication. Med Clin North Am (2009) 1.00
Opportunities and challenges in developing risk prediction models with electronic health records data: a systematic review. J Am Med Inform Assoc (2016) 1.00
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment: Insights from Framingham. Glob Heart (2013) 0.98
Prevalence of cardiovascular disease and risk factors in a rural district of Beijing, China: a population-based survey of 58,308 residents. BMC Public Health (2012) 0.97
Development and validation of a risk score for hospitalization for heart failure in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cardiovasc Diabetol (2008) 0.94
Population impact of a high cardiovascular risk management program delivered by village doctors in rural China: design and rationale of a large, cluster-randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health (2014) 0.93
Characteristics of high risk people with cardiovascular disease in Chinese rural areas: clinical indictors, disease patterns and drug treatment. PLoS One (2013) 0.91
Prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and their associations with diet and physical activity in suburban Beijing, China. J Epidemiol (2010) 0.91
Evaluation of a community intervention program in Japan using Framingham risk score and estimated 10-year coronary heart disease risk as outcome variables: a non-randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health (2013) 0.89
The Cost-Effectiveness of Low-Cost Essential Antihypertensive Medicines for Hypertension Control in China: A Modelling Study. PLoS Med (2015) 0.89
Validation of the Framingham general cardiovascular risk score in a multiethnic Asian population: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open (2015) 0.88
Evidence-based prescribing of statins: a developing world perspective. PLoS Med (2006) 0.88
Validation of the pooled cohort risk score in an Asian population - a retrospective cohort study. BMC Cardiovasc Disord (2014) 0.88
Cardiovascular disease risk reduction in rural China: a clustered randomized controlled trial in Zhejiang. Trials (2013) 0.87
Moderate alcohol use and mortality from ischaemic heart disease: a prospective study in older Chinese people. PLoS One (2008) 0.86
Consensus statement on the management of dyslipidemia in Indian subjects: A different perspective. Indian Heart J (2015) 0.86
Using clinical cardiovascular risk scores to predict coronary artery plaque severity and stenosis detected by CT coronary angiography in asymptomatic Chinese subjects. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging (2011) 0.86
Classical risk factors of cardiovascular disease among Chinese male steel workers: a prospective cohort study for 20 years. BMC Public Health (2011) 0.85
Cardiovascular diseases after kidney transplantation in Korea. J Korean Med Sci (2010) 0.85
High prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis by carotid ultrasound among Mexican Americans: discordance with 10-year risk assessment using the Framingham risk score. Echocardiography (2012) 0.85
Risk factors of stroke in Western and Asian countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. BMC Public Health (2014) 0.85
Risk assessment and aspirin use in Asian and Western populations. Vasc Health Risk Manag (2010) 0.84
Identification of effective screening strategies for cardiovascular disease prevention in a developing country: using cardiovascular risk-estimation and risk-reduction tools for policy recommendations. BMC Cardiovasc Disord (2013) 0.84
Prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors and adverse risk profiles among three ethnic groups in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. Lipids Health Dis (2013) 0.83
Carotid intima-media thickness progression and risk of vascular events in people with diabetes: results from the PROG-IMT collaboration. Diabetes Care (2015) 0.83
Vegetable intake is associated with lower Frammingham risk scores in Korean men: Korea National Health and Nutrition Survey 2007-2009. Nutr Res Pract (2016) 0.82
Methodological issues in cardiovascular epidemiology: the risk of determining absolute risk through statistical models. Vasc Health Risk Manag (2006) 0.82
Prevention of cardiovascular diseases: focus on modifiable cardiovascular risk. Heart (2005) 0.82
Risk charts illustrating the 10-year risk of stroke among residents of Japanese rural communities: the JMS Cohort Study. J Epidemiol (2009) 0.82
Comparison of four cardiovascular risk prediction functions among Chinese patients with diabetes mellitus in the primary care setting. J Diabetes Investig (2014) 0.81
Development of new risk score for pre-test probability of obstructive coronary artery disease based on coronary CT angiography. Heart Vessels (2014) 0.81
Ethnic differences in cardiovascular risk in rheumatic disease: focus on Asians. Nat Rev Rheumatol (2011) 0.80
Characterization of vascular disease risk in postmenopausal women and its association with cognitive performance. PLoS One (2013) 0.80
Higher blood pressure control rate in a real life management program provided by the community health service center in China. BMC Public Health (2014) 0.80
How to Establish Clinical Prediction Models. Endocrinol Metab (Seoul) (2016) 0.80
Exercise Effects on Risk of Cardiovascular Disease among Iranian Women. Asian J Sports Med (2011) 0.80
Barriers to translating EU and US CVD guidelines into practice in China. Nat Rev Cardiol (2012) 0.80
Adding multiple risk factors improves Framingham coronary heart disease risk scores. Vasc Health Risk Manag (2014) 0.80
Cohort profile: the Fangshan Cohort Study of cardiovascular epidemiology in Beijing, China. J Epidemiol (2013) 0.80
Over time, do anthropometric measures still predict diabetes incidence in chinese han nationality population from chengdu community? Int J Endocrinol (2013) 0.79
The utilization of carotid artery imaging beyond metabolic scores and high-sensitivity CRP in screening intermediate-to-high Framingham risk of asymptomatic Taiwanese population. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging (2012) 0.79
Risk charts illustrating the 10-year risk of myocardial infarction among residents of Japanese rural communities: the JMS Cohort Study. J Epidemiol (2009) 0.79
The Relationship between 10-Year Cardiovascular Risk Calculated Using the Pooled Cohort Equation and the Severity of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Endocrinol Metab (Seoul) (2016) 0.79
Outcome of coronary plaque burden: a 10-year follow-up of aggressive medical management. Cardiovasc Ultrasound (2010) 0.79
Body composition indices and predicted cardiovascular disease risk profile among urban dwellers in Malaysia. Biomed Res Int (2015) 0.79
Augmentation index is associated with coronary revascularization in patients with high Framingham risk scores: a hospital-based observational study. BMC Cardiovasc Disord (2015) 0.78
Estimating the risk of developing glaucoma. Open Ophthalmol J (2009) 0.78
KNOW-KT (KoreaN cohort study for outcome in patients with kidney transplantation: a 9-year longitudinal cohort study): study rationale and methodology. BMC Nephrol (2014) 0.78
The association between within-visit blood pressure variability and carotid artery atherosclerosis in general population. PLoS One (2014) 0.78
Reassessing the Usefulness of Coronary Artery Calcium Score among Varying Racial and Ethnic Groups by Geographic Locations: Relevance of the Korea Initiatives on Coronary Artery Calcification Registry. J Cardiovasc Ultrasound (2015) 0.78
Agreement Between Cardiovascular Disease Risk Scores in Resource-Limited Settings: Evidence from 5 Peruvian Sites. Crit Pathw Cardiol (2015) 0.77
Relationship between chronic kidney disease and risk of coronary heart disease in Korean men. J Korean Med Sci (2011) 0.77
The clinical performance of an office-based risk scoring system for fatal cardiovascular diseases in North-East of Iran. PLoS One (2015) 0.77
Ten-year cardiovascular risk in the general public of Hong Kong. Heart Asia (2011) 0.77
Age at quitting smoking as a predictor of risk of cardiovascular disease incidence independent of smoking status, time since quitting and pack-years. BMC Res Notes (2011) 0.77
Associations between serum potassium and sodium levels and risk of hypertension: a community-based cohort study. J Geriatr Cardiol (2015) 0.77
A literature review of the cardiovascular risk-assessment tools: applicability among Asian population. Heart Asia (2010) 0.77
A Novel Risk Score to the Prediction of 10-year Risk for Coronary Artery Disease Among the Elderly in Beijing Based on Competing Risk Model. Medicine (Baltimore) (2016) 0.77
Age-period-cohort projections of ischaemic heart disease mortality by socio-economic position in a rapidly transitioning Chinese population. PLoS One (2013) 0.77
Relationship between Serum Testosterone and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Determined Using the Framingham Risk Score in Male Patients with Sexual Dysfunction. World J Mens Health (2014) 0.77
Spicy food consumption is associated with adiposity measures among half a million Chinese people: the China Kadoorie Biobank study. BMC Public Health (2014) 0.77
Increased plasma levels of retinol-binding protein 4 with visceral obesity is associated with cardiovascular risk factors. J Diabetes Investig (2012) 0.77
Fruit and vegetable consumption and cardiovascular risk factors in older Chinese: the Guangzhou biobank cohort study. PLoS One (2015) 0.77
COSEHC global vascular risk management quality improvement program: rationale and design. Vasc Health Risk Manag (2010) 0.76
Projected Impact of Salt Restriction on Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in China: A Modeling Study. PLoS One (2016) 0.76
Prediction of cardiovascular disease risk among low-income urban dwellers in metropolitan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Biomed Res Int (2015) 0.76
Independent external validation of cardiovascular disease mortality in women utilising Framingham and SCORE risk models: a mortality follow-up study. BMC Womens Health (2014) 0.76
Comparisons of different metabolic syndrome definitions and associations with coronary heart disease, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease in a rural Chinese population. PLoS One (2015) 0.76
Agreement between Framingham Risk Score and United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study Risk Engine in Identifying High Coronary Heart Disease Risk in North Indian Population. Diabetes Metab J (2015) 0.76
A second generation human haplotype map of over 3.1 million SNPs. Nature (2007) 85.39
Scalable molecular dynamics with NAMD. J Comput Chem (2005) 59.49
Evaluating the added predictive ability of a new marker: from area under the ROC curve to reclassification and beyond. Stat Med (2008) 57.29
The diploid genome sequence of an Asian individual. Nature (2008) 46.29
Distinct and predictive chromatin signatures of transcriptional promoters and enhancers in the human genome. Nat Genet (2007) 32.41
General cardiovascular risk profile for use in primary care: the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation (2008) 26.42
Heart disease and stroke statistics--2008 update: a report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Circulation (2007) 22.81
Heart disease and stroke statistics--2007 update: a report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Circulation (2006) 19.43
Particulate matter air pollution and cardiovascular disease: An update to the scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation (2010) 19.30
Genome-wide detection and characterization of positive selection in human populations. Nature (2007) 17.27
2013 ACC/AHA guideline on the treatment of blood cholesterol to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk in adults: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol (2013) 17.18
Multiple biomarkers for the prediction of first major cardiovascular events and death. N Engl J Med (2006) 15.60
Heart disease and stroke statistics--2009 update: a report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Circulation (2008) 15.35
Heart disease and stroke statistics--2006 update: a report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Circulation (2006) 14.72
Extensions of net reclassification improvement calculations to measure usefulness of new biomarkers. Stat Med (2010) 14.49
Forecasting the future of cardiovascular disease in the United States: a policy statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation (2011) 14.00
Vitamin D deficiency and risk of cardiovascular disease. Circulation (2008) 13.39
Defining and setting national goals for cardiovascular health promotion and disease reduction: the American Heart Association's strategic Impact Goal through 2020 and beyond. Circulation (2010) 13.28
Air pollution and cardiovascular disease: a statement for healthcare professionals from the Expert Panel on Population and Prevention Science of the American Heart Association. Circulation (2004) 13.07
Abdominal visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue compartments: association with metabolic risk factors in the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation (2007) 12.79
Obesity and the risk of heart failure. N Engl J Med (2002) 12.58
Genome-wide association scan in women with systemic lupus erythematosus identifies susceptibility variants in ITGAM, PXK, KIAA1542 and other loci. Nat Genet (2008) 12.51
Heart disease and stroke statistics--2009 update: a report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Circulation (2009) 12.34
Overall C as a measure of discrimination in survival analysis: model specific population value and confidence interval estimation. Stat Med (2004) 11.46
piggyBac transposition reprograms fibroblasts to induced pluripotent stem cells. Nature (2009) 11.27
Sequencing of 50 human exomes reveals adaptation to high altitude. Science (2010) 11.27
Plasma homocysteine as a risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer's disease. N Engl J Med (2002) 11.20
2013 ACC/AHA guideline on the assessment of cardiovascular risk: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Circulation (2013) 10.24
The Third Generation Cohort of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Framingham Heart Study: design, recruitment, and initial examination. Am J Epidemiol (2007) 9.90
Genotype score in addition to common risk factors for prediction of type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med (2008) 9.68
Stenting and medical therapy for atherosclerotic renal-artery stenosis. N Engl J Med (2013) 8.91
2013 ACC/AHA guideline on the assessment of cardiovascular risk: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol (2013) 8.90
Lifetime risk for development of atrial fibrillation: the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation (2004) 8.80
Distinct epigenomic landscapes of pluripotent and lineage-committed human cells. Cell Stem Cell (2010) 8.74
Incidence of diabetes in youth in the United States. JAMA (2007) 8.70
Prediction of incident diabetes mellitus in middle-aged adults: the Framingham Offspring Study. Arch Intern Med (2007) 8.59
Metabolic syndrome as a precursor of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Circulation (2005) 8.54
Lifetime risk for developing congestive heart failure: the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation (2002) 8.49
Application of new cholesterol guidelines to a population-based sample. N Engl J Med (2014) 8.22
Criteria for evaluation of novel markers of cardiovascular risk: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation (2009) 8.11
A two-gene expression ratio predicts clinical outcome in breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen. Cancer Cell (2004) 8.06
Automatic atom type and bond type perception in molecular mechanical calculations. J Mol Graph Model (2006) 7.93
Targeted bisulfite sequencing reveals changes in DNA methylation associated with nuclear reprogramming. Nat Biotechnol (2009) 7.59
Obesity and systemic oxidative stress: clinical correlates of oxidative stress in the Framingham Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol (2003) 7.47
Predictors of new-onset kidney disease in a community-based population. JAMA (2004) 7.45
Oncogenic Kras maintains pancreatic tumors through regulation of anabolic glucose metabolism. Cell (2012) 7.36
Development of a risk score for atrial fibrillation (Framingham Heart Study): a community-based cohort study. Lancet (2009) 7.27
The burden of diabetes mellitus among US youth: prevalence estimates from the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Pediatrics (2006) 7.19
Acute renal failure and sepsis. N Engl J Med (2004) 7.18
The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC)-II study of common practices for the development and validation of microarray-based predictive models. Nat Biotechnol (2010) 7.08
Clinical utility of different lipid measures for prediction of coronary heart disease in men and women. JAMA (2007) 6.95
Overweight and obesity as determinants of cardiovascular risk: the Framingham experience. Arch Intern Med (2002) 6.92
Residual lifetime risk for developing hypertension in middle-aged women and men: The Framingham Heart Study. JAMA (2002) 6.84
Temporal relations of atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure and their joint influence on mortality: the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation (2003) 6.83
Obesity and the risk of new-onset atrial fibrillation. JAMA (2004) 6.73
High-performance neuroprosthetic control by an individual with tetraplegia. Lancet (2012) 6.66
Presentation of multivariate data for clinical use: The Framingham Study risk score functions. Stat Med (2004) 6.42
C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, and cardiovascular disease prediction. N Engl J Med (2012) 6.39
Soft drink consumption and risk of developing cardiometabolic risk factors and the metabolic syndrome in middle-aged adults in the community. Circulation (2007) 6.34
Relations of serum phosphorus and calcium levels to the incidence of cardiovascular disease in the community. Arch Intern Med (2007) 6.29
Prediction of lifetime risk for cardiovascular disease by risk factor burden at 50 years of age. Circulation (2006) 5.97
Carotid-wall intima-media thickness and cardiovascular events. N Engl J Med (2011) 5.94
The dog genome: survey sequencing and comparative analysis. Science (2003) 5.84
A genome-wide association study for blood lipid phenotypes in the Framingham Heart Study. BMC Med Genet (2007) 5.64
One-year cardiovascular event rates in outpatients with atherothrombosis. JAMA (2007) 5.61
New loci associated with kidney function and chronic kidney disease. Nat Genet (2010) 5.58
Antitumor activity of rapamycin in a Phase I trial for patients with recurrent PTEN-deficient glioblastoma. PLoS Med (2008) 5.54
The draft genome of the transgenic tropical fruit tree papaya (Carica papaya Linnaeus). Nature (2008) 5.54
Effect of iodine intake on thyroid diseases in China. N Engl J Med (2006) 5.46
Body mass index, metabolic syndrome, and risk of type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2006) 5.33
The oyster genome reveals stress adaptation and complexity of shell formation. Nature (2012) 5.30
Effectiveness-based guidelines for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in women--2011 update: a guideline from the american heart association. Circulation (2011) 5.26
Trends in cardiovascular health metrics and associations with all-cause and CVD mortality among US adults. JAMA (2012) 5.17
De novo mutations in histone-modifying genes in congenital heart disease. Nature (2013) 5.15
Evidence for HIV-associated B cell exhaustion in a dysfunctional memory B cell compartment in HIV-infected viremic individuals. J Exp Med (2008) 5.14
The Framingham Heart Study 100K SNP genome-wide association study resource: overview of 17 phenotype working group reports. BMC Med Genet (2007) 5.02
International prevalence, recognition, and treatment of cardiovascular risk factors in outpatients with atherothrombosis. JAMA (2006) 5.00
MicroRNA-34b and MicroRNA-34c are targets of p53 and cooperate in control of cell proliferation and adhesion-independent growth. Cancer Res (2007) 4.95
Serum aldosterone and the incidence of hypertension in nonhypertensive persons. N Engl J Med (2004) 4.92
Effect of pioglitazone compared with glimepiride on carotid intima-media thickness in type 2 diabetes: a randomized trial. JAMA (2006) 4.90