Published in Genes Chromosomes Cancer on January 01, 2005
Radiation exposure, the ATM Gene, and contralateral breast cancer in the women's environmental cancer and radiation epidemiology study. J Natl Cancer Inst (2010) 1.91
Single nucleotide polymorphism D1853N of the ATM gene may alter the risk for breast cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol (2008) 1.13
The spectrum of ATM missense variants and their contribution to contralateral breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat (2007) 1.03
Clinical Application of Multigene Panels: Challenges of Next-Generation Counseling and Cancer Risk Management. Front Oncol (2015) 0.95
ATM variants and cancer risk in breast cancer patients from Southern Finland. BMC Cancer (2006) 0.90
Linkage disequilibrium pattern of the ATM gene in breast cancer patients and controls; association of SNPs and haplotypes to radio-sensitivity and post-lumpectomy local recurrence. Radiat Oncol (2007) 0.82
ATM gene mutations in sporadic breast cancer patients from Brazil. Springerplus (2015) 0.79
Increased risk of breast cancer among female relatives of patients with ataxia-telangiectasia: a causal relationship? Br J Cancer (2005) 0.75
LMO2-associated clonal T cell proliferation in two patients after gene therapy for SCID-X1. Science (2003) 19.77
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The complete BRCA2 gene and mutations in chromosome 13q-linked kindreds. Nat Genet (1996) 6.43
Multifactorial analysis of differences between sporadic breast cancers and cancers involving BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. J Natl Cancer Inst (1998) 6.06
Genome sequence of Halobacterium species NRC-1. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2000) 5.87
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A pilot longitudinal study of hippocampal volumes in pediatric maltreatment-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Biol Psychiatry (2001) 1.46
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Mutations in the follicle-stimulating hormone receptor and familial dizygotic twinning. Lancet (2001) 1.43
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Analysis of p53 antibodies in patients with various cancers define B-cell epitopes of human p53: distribution on primary structure and exposure on protein surface. Cancer Res (1993) 1.41
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Breast cancer risk in ataxia telangiectasia (AT) heterozygotes: haplotype study in French AT families. Br J Cancer (1999) 1.30