Published in J Virol on October 01, 2004
Coronavirus pathogenesis and the emerging pathogen severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev (2005) 3.18
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus open reading frame (ORF) 3b, ORF 6, and nucleocapsid proteins function as interferon antagonists. J Virol (2006) 2.78
Lambda interferon renders epithelial cells of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts resistant to viral infections. J Virol (2010) 2.28
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus ORF6 antagonizes STAT1 function by sequestering nuclear import factors on the rough endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi membrane. J Virol (2007) 2.18
A decade after SARS: strategies for controlling emerging coronaviruses. Nat Rev Microbiol (2013) 1.94
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus evades antiviral signaling: role of nsp1 and rational design of an attenuated strain. J Virol (2007) 1.75
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Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection of mice transgenic for the human Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 virus receptor. J Virol (2006) 1.49
Cynomolgus macaque as an animal model for severe acute respiratory syndrome. PLoS Med (2006) 1.40
SARS-CoV pathogenesis is regulated by a STAT1 dependent but a type I, II and III interferon receptor independent mechanism. PLoS Pathog (2010) 1.32
Vaccines to prevent severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-induced disease. Virus Res (2007) 1.21
Functional genomics highlights differential induction of antiviral pathways in the lungs of SARS-CoV-infected macaques. PLoS Pathog (2007) 1.16
ACE2 receptor expression and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection depend on differentiation of human airway epithelia. J Virol (2005) 1.14
A mouse model of lethal infection for evaluating prophylactics and therapeutics against Monkeypox virus. J Virol (2010) 1.12
Noncytolytic clearance of sindbis virus infection from neurons by gamma interferon is dependent on Jak/STAT signaling. J Virol (2009) 1.09
Molecular pathology of emerging coronavirus infections. J Pathol (2015) 1.05
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus gene 7 products contribute to virus-induced apoptosis. J Virol (2007) 1.02
STAT2 and IRF9: Beyond ISGF3. JAKSTAT (2013) 1.01
Genomic analysis reveals age-dependent innate immune responses to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. J Virol (2008) 1.00
Toll-like receptor 4 deficiency increases disease and mortality after mouse hepatitis virus type 1 infection of susceptible C3H mice. J Virol (2009) 0.94
The SARS-CoV ferret model in an infection-challenge study. Virology (2008) 0.91
Monkeypox virus infections in small animal models for evaluation of anti-poxvirus agents. Viruses (2010) 0.87
An immunosuppressed Syrian golden hamster model for SARS-CoV infection. Virology (2008) 0.84
Lack of innate interferon responses during SARS coronavirus infection in a vaccination and reinfection ferret model. PLoS One (2012) 0.82
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Animal models for SARS and MERS coronaviruses. Curr Opin Virol (2015) 0.80
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Development of animal models against emerging coronaviruses: From SARS to MERS coronavirus. Virology (2015) 0.76
A review of genetic methods and models for analysis of coronavirus-induced severe pneumonitis. J Gen Virol (2014) 0.75
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Adeno-associated viruses undergo substantial evolution in primates during natural infections. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2003) 3.31
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Overlapping motifs (PTAP and PPEY) within the Ebola virus VP40 protein function independently as late budding domains: involvement of host proteins TSG101 and VPS-4. J Virol (2003) 3.05
Properties of replication-competent vesicular stomatitis virus vectors expressing glycoproteins of filoviruses and arenaviruses. J Virol (2004) 2.99
Successful treatment of ebola virus-infected cynomolgus macaques with monoclonal antibodies. Sci Transl Med (2012) 2.98
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Reverse genetics demonstrates that proteolytic processing of the Ebola virus glycoprotein is not essential for replication in cell culture. J Virol (2002) 2.58
Recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus vector mediates postexposure protection against Sudan Ebola hemorrhagic fever in nonhuman primates. J Virol (2008) 2.58
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Isolation and characterization of avian influenza viruses, including highly pathogenic H5N1, from poultry in live bird markets in Hanoi, Vietnam, in 2001. J Virol (2005) 2.51
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Pneumonia from human coronavirus in a macaque model. N Engl J Med (2013) 2.47
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Natural killer T cell ligand alpha-galactosylceramide enhances protective immunity induced by malaria vaccines. J Exp Med (2002) 2.38
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Human macrophage C-type lectin specific for galactose and N-acetylgalactosamine promotes filovirus entry. J Virol (2004) 2.34
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Novel, chimpanzee serotype 68-based adenoviral vaccine carrier for induction of antibodies to a transgene product. J Virol (2002) 2.31
Influenza virus-like particles elicit broader immune responses than whole virion inactivated influenza virus or recombinant hemagglutinin. Vaccine (2007) 2.31
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) causes transient lower respiratory tract infection in rhesus macaques. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013) 2.29
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Tyro3 family-mediated cell entry of Ebola and Marburg viruses. J Virol (2006) 2.24
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Efficient serotype-dependent release of functional vector into the culture medium during adeno-associated virus manufacturing. Hum Gene Ther (2010) 2.19
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Circulating endothelial microparticles as a measure of early lung destruction in cigarette smokers. Am J Respir Crit Care Med (2011) 2.12
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Vesicular stomatitis virus-based ebola vaccine is well-tolerated and protects immunocompromised nonhuman primates. PLoS Pathog (2008) 2.10
mAbs and Ad-vectored IFN-α therapy rescue Ebola-infected nonhuman primates when administered after the detection of viremia and symptoms. Sci Transl Med (2013) 2.10
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The ecology of Ebola virus. Trends Microbiol (2007) 2.08
The pleiotropic effects of natural AAV infections on liver-directed gene transfer in macaques. Mol Ther (2009) 2.08
Disease modeling for Ebola and Marburg viruses. Dis Model Mech (2009) 2.07
Expanded repertoire of AAV vector serotypes mediate unique patterns of transduction in mouse brain. Mol Ther (2008) 2.06
Smoking-dependent reprogramming of alveolar macrophage polarization: implication for pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Immunol (2009) 2.05
Novel adeno-associated virus serotypes efficiently transduce murine photoreceptors. J Virol (2007) 2.05
Variability of antioxidant-related gene expression in the airway epithelium of cigarette smokers. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol (2003) 2.05
Sustained protection against Ebola virus infection following treatment of infected nonhuman primates with ZMAb. Sci Rep (2013) 2.01
Inactivated or live-attenuated bivalent vaccines that confer protection against rabies and Ebola viruses. J Virol (2011) 1.99
Treatment with interferon-α2b and ribavirin improves outcome in MERS-CoV-infected rhesus macaques. Nat Med (2013) 1.98
An inherently bifunctional subset of Foxp3+ T helper cells is controlled by the transcription factor eos. Immunity (2013) 1.98
Ebola virus VP40 late domains are not essential for viral replication in cell culture. J Virol (2005) 1.97
Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor is a potential therapeutic target for gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008) 1.97
A pilot study of in vivo liver-directed gene transfer with an adenoviral vector in partial ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency. Hum Gene Ther (2002) 1.96