Published in Science on January 03, 1992
Dynamic shifts of limited working memory resources in human vision. Science (2008) 4.55
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Updating of the visual representation in monkey striate and extrastriate cortex during saccades. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2002) 2.18
Top-down influences on visual processing. Nat Rev Neurosci (2013) 2.12
Remapping in human visual cortex. J Neurophysiol (2006) 2.08
Topographic organization for delayed saccades in human posterior parietal cortex. J Neurophysiol (2005) 1.93
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Dynamics of eye-position signals in the dorsal visual system. Curr Biol (2012) 1.70
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Saccadic Corollary Discharge Underlies Stable Visual Perception. J Neurosci (2016) 1.49
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Motor-related signals in the intraparietal cortex encode locations in a hybrid, rather than eye-centered reference frame. Cereb Cortex (2008) 1.20
Temporal dynamics of neuronal modulation during exogenous and endogenous shifts of visual attention in macaque area MT. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008) 1.20
Corollary discharge circuits in the primate brain. Curr Opin Neurobiol (2008) 1.18
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Multiple reference frames used by the human brain for spatial perception and memory. Exp Brain Res (2010) 1.12
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Cortical Dynamics of Figure-Ground Separation in Response to 2D Pictures and 3D Scenes: How V2 Combines Border Ownership, Stereoscopic Cues, and Gestalt Grouping Rules. Front Psychol (2016) 0.93
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