Search for supersymmetry with gauge-mediated breaking in diphoton events at D0.

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Published in Phys Rev Lett on January 31, 2005


V M Abazov1, B Abbott, M Abolins, B S Acharya, D L Adams, M Adams, T Adams, M Agelou, J-L Agram, S N Ahmed, S H Ahn, G D Alexeev, G Alkhazov, A Alton, G Alverson, G A Alves, S Anderson, B Andrieu, Y Arnoud, A Askew, B Asman, O Atramentov, C Autermann, C Avila, L Babukhadia, T C Bacon, A Baden, S Baffioni, B Baldin, P W Balm, S Banerjee, E Barberis, P Bargassa, P Baringer, C Barnes, J Barreto, J F Bartlett, U Bassler, D Bauer, A Bean, S Beauceron, F Beaudette, M Begel, A Bellavance, S B Beri, G Bernardi, R Bernhard, I Bertram, M Besançon, A Besson, R Beuselinck, V A Bezzubov, P C Bhat, V Bhatnagar, M Bhattacharjee, M Binder, A Bischoff, K M Black, I Blackler, G Blazey, F Blekman, D Bloch, U Blumenschein, A Boehnlein, O Boeriu, T A Bolton, P Bonamy, F Borcherding, G Borissov, K Bos, T Bose, C Boswell, A Brandt, G Briskin, R Brock, G Brooijmans, A Bross, N J Buchanan, D Buchholz, M Buehler, V Buescher, S Burdin, T H Burnett, E Busato, J M Butler, J Bystricky, F Canelli, W Carvalho, B C K Casey, D Casey, N M Cason, H Castilla-Valdez, S Chakrabarti, D Chakraborty, K M Chan, A Chandra, D Chapin, F Charles, E Cheu, L Chevalier, D K Cho, S Choi, S Chopra, T Christiansen, L Christofek, D Claes, A R Clark, B Clément, C Clément, Y Coadou, D J Colling, L Coney, B Connolly, M Cooke, W E Cooper, D Coppage, M Corcoran, J Coss, A Cothenet, M-C Cousinou, S Crépé-Renaudin, M Cristetiu, M A C Cummings, D Cutts, H da Motta, B Davies, G Davies, G A Davis, K De, P de Jong, S J de Jong, E De La Cruz-Burelo, C De Oliveira Martins, S Dean, K Del Signore, F Déliot, P A Delsart, M Demarteau, R Demina, P Demine, D Denisov, S P Denisov, S Desai, H T Diehl, M Diesburg, M Doidge, H Dong, S Doulas, L Duflot, S R Dugad, A Duperrin, J Dyer, A Dyshkant, M Eads, D Edmunds, T Edwards, J Ellison, J Elmsheuser, J T Eltzroth, V D Elvira, S Eno, P Ermolov, O V Eroshin, J Estrada, D Evans, H Evans, A Evdokimov, V N Evdokimov, J Fast, S N Fatakia, D Fein, L Feligioni, T Ferbel, F Fiedler, F Filthaut, W 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Van Kooten, W M van Leeuwen, N Varelas, E W Varnes, I A Vasilyev, M Vaupel, P Verdier, L S Vertogradov, M Verzocchi, F Villeneuve-Seguier, J-R Vlimant, E Von Toerne, M Vreeswijk, T Vu Anh, H D Wahl, R Walker, N Wallace, Z-M Wang, J Warchol, M Warsinsky, G Watts, M Wayne, M Weber, H Weerts, M Wegner, N Wermes, A White, V White, D Whiteson, D Wicke, D A Wijngaarden, G W Wilson, S J Wimpenny, J Wittlin, T Wlodek, M Wobisch, J Womersley, D R Wood, Z Wu, T R Wyatt, Q Xu, N Xuan, R Yamada, T Yasuda, Y A Yatsunenko, Y Yen, K Yip, S W Youn, J Yu, A Yurkewicz, A Zabi, A Zatserklyaniy, M Zdrazil, C Zeitnitz, B Zhang, D Zhang, X Zhang, T Zhao, Z Zhao, H Zheng, B Zhou, Z Zhou, J Zhu, M Zielinski, D Zieminska, A Zieminski, R Zitoun, V Zutshi, E G Zverev, A Zylberstejn, D0 Collaboration

Author Affiliations

1: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia.

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