Published in Sex Transm Dis on July 01, 2005
Testing for sexually transmitted infections: a brave new world? Sex Transm Infect (2006) 1.30
Cost comparisons between home- and clinic-based testing for sexually transmitted diseases in high-risk young women. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol (2007) 1.09
Economic Evidence and Point-of-Care Testing. Clin Biochem Rev (2013) 1.02
Cost-effectiveness analysis and HIV screening: the emergency medicine perspective. Ann Emerg Med (2011) 0.89
Is gonococcal disease preventable? The importance of understanding immunity and pathogenesis in vaccine development. Crit Rev Microbiol (2016) 0.87
The genes that encode the gonococcal transferrin binding proteins, TbpB and TbpA, are differentially regulated by MisR under iron-replete and iron-depleted conditions. Mol Microbiol (2016) 0.77
Potential impact of vaccination against Neisseria meningitidis on Neisseria gonorrhoeae in the United States: results from a decision-analysis model. Hum Vaccin Immunother (2014) 0.76
Intractable problems require novel solutions: it's time to get serious about developing a gonorrhoea vaccine. Sex Transm Infect (2016) 0.76
Factors that influence the cost effectiveness of gonorrhea screening in emergency departments. Sex Transm Dis (2005) 0.75
Global health 2035: a world converging within a generation. Lancet (2013) 16.85
Expanded screening for HIV in the United States--an analysis of cost-effectiveness. N Engl J Med (2005) 8.49
Long-term persistence in use of statin therapy in elderly patients. JAMA (2002) 7.19
The survival benefits of AIDS treatment in the United States. J Infect Dis (2006) 7.08
The lifetime cost of current human immunodeficiency virus care in the United States. Med Care (2006) 5.87
Cost-effectiveness of HIV treatment in resource-poor settings--the case of Côte d'Ivoire. N Engl J Med (2006) 5.62
Expanded HIV screening in the United States: effect on clinical outcomes, HIV transmission, and costs. Ann Intern Med (2006) 5.53
Does preventive care save money? Health economics and the presidential candidates. N Engl J Med (2008) 4.78
Economic savings versus health losses: the cost-effectiveness of generic antiretroviral therapy in the United States. Ann Intern Med (2013) 4.43
When to start antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings. Ann Intern Med (2009) 4.31
Efficacy of an HIV prevention intervention for African American adolescent girls: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA (2004) 4.28
Medicare and cost-effectiveness analysis. N Engl J Med (2005) 4.20
Cost effectiveness analysis of including boys in a human papillomavirus vaccination programme in the United States. BMJ (2009) 4.18
Health and economic implications of HPV vaccination in the United States. N Engl J Med (2008) 3.81
Introducing HPV vaccine in developing countries--key challenges and issues. N Engl J Med (2007) 3.77
Cardiovascular disease prevention with a multidrug regimen in the developing world: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Lancet (2006) 3.60
Updating cost-effectiveness--the curious resilience of the $50,000-per-QALY threshold. N Engl J Med (2014) 3.57
Cost-effectiveness of cervical cancer screening with human papillomavirus DNA testing and HPV-16,18 vaccination. J Natl Cancer Inst (2008) 3.33
Racial and sex disparities in life expectancy losses among HIV-infected persons in the united states: impact of risk behavior, late initiation, and early discontinuation of antiretroviral therapy. Clin Infect Dis (2009) 3.30
Cost-effectiveness of treatment for chronic hepatitis C infection in an evolving patient population. JAMA (2003) 3.25
Projected clinical benefits and cost-effectiveness of a human papillomavirus 16/18 vaccine. J Natl Cancer Inst (2004) 3.11
Cost-effectiveness of HIV treatment as prevention in serodiscordant couples. N Engl J Med (2013) 3.10
Impact of referral patterns on the use of chemotherapy for lung cancer. J Clin Oncol (2002) 3.09
Scaling up antiretroviral therapy in South Africa: the impact of speed on survival. J Infect Dis (2008) 2.96
Screening for Chlamydia trachomatis in women 15 to 29 years of age: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Ann Intern Med (2004) 2.95
Cost-effectiveness of computed tomography screening for lung cancer in the United States. J Thorac Oncol (2011) 2.83
American Cancer Society Guideline for human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine use to prevent cervical cancer and its precursors. CA Cancer J Clin (2007) 2.81
HER-2 testing and trastuzumab therapy for metastatic breast cancer: a cost-effectiveness analysis. J Clin Oncol (2004) 2.78
Vaginal swabs are the specimens of choice when screening for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae: results from a multicenter evaluation of the APTIMA assays for both infections. Sex Transm Dis (2005) 2.70
Cost-effectiveness of full medicare coverage of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for beneficiaries with diabetes. Ann Intern Med (2005) 2.60
Epidemiology, clinical presentation, and antibody response to primary infection with herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 in young women. Clin Infect Dis (2012) 2.55
Multiparameter calibration of a natural history model of cervical cancer. Am J Epidemiol (2007) 2.49
Projecting the cost-effectiveness of adherence interventions in persons with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Am J Med (2003) 2.48
Should resistance testing be performed for treatment-naive HIV-infected patients? A cost-effectiveness analysis. Clin Infect Dis (2005) 2.47
Limitations of acceptability curves for presenting uncertainty in cost-effectiveness analysis. Med Decis Making (2007) 2.46
A randomized controlled trial to reduce HIV transmission risk behaviors and sexually transmitted diseases among women living with HIV: The WiLLOW Program. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2004) 2.42
Women find it easy and prefer to collect their own vaginal swabs to diagnose Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections. Sex Transm Dis (2005) 2.40
Clinical impact and cost-effectiveness of co-trimoxazole prophylaxis in patients with HIV/AIDS in Côte d'Ivoire: a trial-based analysis. AIDS (2005) 2.39
Estimating long-term effectiveness of lung cancer screening in the Mayo CT screening study. Radiology (2008) 2.37
Spontaneous resolution of genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection in women and protection from reinfection. J Infect Dis (2013) 2.33
Cost-effectiveness of alternative triage strategies for atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance. JAMA (2002) 2.29
A model-based estimate of cumulative excess mortality in survivors of childhood cancer. Ann Intern Med (2010) 2.28
Cost-effectiveness of treating multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. PLoS Med (2006) 2.28
Vaginal swabs are appropriate specimens for diagnosis of genital tract infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. J Clin Microbiol (2003) 2.24
Cost-effectiveness of preventing loss to follow-up in HIV treatment programs: a Côte d'Ivoire appraisal. PLoS Med (2009) 2.13
Assessing the sensitivity of decision-analytic results to unobserved markers of risk: defining the effects of heterogeneity bias. Med Decis Making (2002) 2.09
Church attendance in men who have sex with men diagnosed with HIV is associated with later presentation for HIV care. Clin Infect Dis (2013) 2.06
The global cost of nonoptimal blood pressure. J Hypertens (2009) 2.00
Population-based genetic and evolutionary analysis of Chlamydia trachomatis urogenital strain variation in the United States. J Bacteriol (2004) 1.94
Comparison of health state utilities using community and patient preference weights derived from a survey of patients with HIV/AIDS. Med Decis Making (2002) 1.94
Cost-effectiveness of rapid point-of-care prenatal syphilis screening in sub-Saharan Africa. Sex Transm Dis (2008) 1.90
The cost-effectiveness of sofosbuvir-based regimens for treatment of hepatitis C virus genotype 2 or 3 infection. Ann Intern Med (2015) 1.89
HPV communication: review of existing research and recommendations for patient education. CA Cancer J Clin (2004) 1.88
Predictors of serological cure and Serofast State after treatment in HIV-negative persons with early syphilis. Clin Infect Dis (2011) 1.88
Head-to-head multicenter comparison of DNA probe and nucleic acid amplification tests for Chlamydia trachomatis infection in women performed with an improved reference standard. J Clin Microbiol (2002) 1.85
Model parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis: a report of the ISPOR-SMDM Modeling Good Research Practices Task Force Working Group-6. Med Decis Making (2012) 1.81
Cost-effectiveness analysis of hypertension guidelines in South Africa: absolute risk versus blood pressure level. Circulation (2005) 1.80
Health economic evaluations: the special case of end-stage renal disease treatment. Med Decis Making (2002) 1.78
Model parameter estimation and uncertainty: a report of the ISPOR-SMDM Modeling Good Research Practices Task Force--6. Value Health (2012) 1.76
Chapter 21: Modelling the impact of HPV vaccines on cervical cancer and screening programmes. Vaccine (2006) 1.71
Cost-effectiveness of HIV testing and treatment in the United States. Clin Infect Dis (2007) 1.70
Cost effectiveness of thromboprophylaxis with a low-molecular-weight heparin versus unfractionated heparin in acutely ill medical inpatients. Am J Manag Care (2004) 1.69
Legislating against use of cost-effectiveness information. N Engl J Med (2010) 1.68
News media coverage of human papillomavirus. Cancer (2004) 1.68
Sexual risk behaviors associated with having older sex partners: a study of black adolescent females. Sex Transm Dis (2002) 1.65
Condom use and correlates of African American adolescent females' infrequent communication with sex partners about preventing sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. Health Educ Behav (2002) 1.63
The lifetime medical cost savings from preventing HIV in the United States. Med Care (2015) 1.61
Modeling cervical cancer prevention in developed countries. Vaccine (2008) 1.61
The natural history of untreated Chlamydia trachomatis infection in the interval between screening and returning for treatment. Sex Transm Dis (2008) 1.60
Cost-effectiveness analysis based on the atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance/low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion Triage Study (ALTS). J Natl Cancer Inst (2006) 1.58
Performance of the Cepheid CT/NG Xpert Rapid PCR Test for Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. J Clin Microbiol (2013) 1.58
Use of multiple nucleic acid amplification tests to define the infected-patient "gold standard" in clinical trials of new diagnostic tests for Chlamydia trachomatis infections. J Clin Microbiol (2004) 1.57
Laboratory monitoring to guide switching antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings: clinical benefits and cost-effectiveness. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2010) 1.57
Potential risks and benefits of HIV treatment simplification: a simulation model of a proposed clinical trial. Clin Infect Dis (2007) 1.57
Routine human immunodeficiency virus testing: an economic evaluation of current guidelines. Am J Med (2005) 1.56
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Antimicrobial Susceptibility Surveillance - The Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project, 27 Sites, United States, 2014. MMWR Surveill Summ (2016) 1.54
Efficacy of an HIV prevention program among female adolescents experiencing gender-based violence. Am J Public Health (2006) 1.54
Health and economic impact of HPV 16/18 vaccination and cervical cancer screening in Eastern Africa. Int J Cancer (2011) 1.53
HIV discrimination and the health of women living with HIV. Women Health (2007) 1.52
Cost-effectiveness of first-line antiretroviral therapy for HIV-infected African children less than 3 years of age. AIDS (2015) 1.49
Ten-year survival and cost following breast cancer recurrence: estimates from SEER-medicare data. Value Health (2008) 1.48
Cost-effectiveness analyses of vaccination programmes : a focused review of modelling approaches. Pharmacoeconomics (2008) 1.45
Multicomponent Internet continuing medical education to promote chlamydia screening. Am J Prev Med (2005) 1.44
Outcomes and costs of acute treatment of traumatic brain injury. J Trauma (2002) 1.44
The effect of antiretroviral therapy on secondary transmission of HIV among men who have sex with men. Clin Infect Dis (2007) 1.43
Association of adolescents' history of sexually transmitted disease (STD) and their current high-risk behavior and STD status: a case for intensifying clinic-based prevention efforts. Sex Transm Dis (2002) 1.41
Cost-effectiveness of posaconazole versus fluconazole for prevention of invasive fungal infections in U.S. patients with graft-versus-host disease. Am J Health Syst Pharm (2012) 1.41
Modeling human papillomavirus and cervical cancer in the United States for analyses of screening and vaccination. Popul Health Metr (2007) 1.39
Uncertainty and patient heterogeneity in medical decision models. Med Decis Making (2010) 1.38
Cost-effectiveness of coronary MDCT in the triage of patients with acute chest pain. AJR Am J Roentgenol (2008) 1.37
Self-concept and adolescents' refusal of unprotected sex: a test of mediating mechanisms among African American girls. Prev Sci (2004) 1.37
Comparative effectiveness evidence from the spine patient outcomes research trial: surgical versus nonoperative care for spinal stenosis, degenerative spondylolisthesis, and intervertebral disc herniation. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) (2011) 1.36