Published in Appl Environ Microbiol on June 01, 1985
Regulation of groE expression in Bacillus subtilis: the involvement of the sigma A-like promoter and the roles of the inverted repeat sequence (CIRCE). J Bacteriol (1995) 2.11
Structure of a beta-galactosidase gene of Bacillus stearothermophilus. J Bacteriol (1986) 1.99
The dnaK operon of Bacillus subtilis is heptacistronic. J Bacteriol (1997) 1.89
Construction and application of epitope- and green fluorescent protein-tagging integration vectors for Bacillus subtilis. Appl Environ Microbiol (2002) 1.47
Function of a principal Na(+)/H(+) antiporter, ShaA, is required for initiation of sporulation in Bacillus subtilis. J Bacteriol (2000) 1.22
Expression of ykdA, encoding a Bacillus subtilis homologue of HtrA, is heat shock inducible and negatively autoregulated. J Bacteriol (2000) 1.17
The htpG gene of Bacillus subtilis belongs to class III heat shock genes and is under negative control. J Bacteriol (1997) 1.13
Biochemical and phylogenetic analyses of a cold-active beta-galactosidase from the lactic acid bacterium Carnobacterium piscicola BA. Appl Environ Microbiol (1999) 1.12
Analysis of a novel gene and beta-galactosidase isozyme from a psychrotrophic Arthrobacter isolate. J Bacteriol (1995) 1.10
Regulation of the Bacillus subtilis heat shock gene htpG is under positive control. J Bacteriol (2003) 0.85
Development of inducer-free expression plasmids based on IPTG-inducible promoters for Bacillus subtilis. Microb Cell Fact (2017) 0.75
Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4. Nature (1970) 1528.65
Construction and characterization of amplifiable multicopy DNA cloning vehicles derived from the P15A cryptic miniplasmid. J Bacteriol (1978) 75.38
Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus plasmids introduced by transformation into Bacillus subtilis. J Bacteriol (1978) 10.31
Cloning of 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase gene of an extreme thermophile and partial purification of the gene product. J Biochem (1981) 1.68
Molecular basis of isozyme formation of beta-galactosidases in Bacillus stearothermophilus: isolation of two beta-galactosidase genes, bgaA and bgaB. J Bacteriol (1984) 1.24
beta-Galactosidase from Bacillus stearothermophilus. Can J Microbiol (1976) 1.20
Properties of a thermostable beta-galactosidase from a thermophilic Bacillus: comparison of the enzyme activity of whole cells, purified enzyme and immobilised whole cells. J Sci Food Agric (1978) 1.15
The reversible modification regulates the membrane-binding state of Apg8/Aut7 essential for autophagy and the cytoplasm to vacuole targeting pathway. J Cell Biol (2000) 7.48
Identification and characterization of a fibroblast marker: FSP1. J Cell Biol (1995) 6.33
The antisense homology box: a new motif within proteins that encodes biologically active peptides. Nat Med (1995) 2.79
Deletion of SHIP or SHP-1 reveals two distinct pathways for inhibitory signaling. Cell (1997) 2.77
Oxidative degradation of squalene by Arthrobacter species. Appl Microbiol (1975) 2.73
A phase II study of CPT-11, a new derivative of camptothecin, for previously untreated non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol (1992) 2.58
Endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric cancer: results and degrees of technical difficulty as well as success. Endoscopy (2006) 2.48
Type C retrovirus inactivation by human complement is determined by both the viral genome and the producer cell. J Virol (1994) 2.36
Myocardial perfusion patterns related to thrombolysis in myocardial infarction perfusion grades after coronary angioplasty in patients with acute anterior wall myocardial infarction. Circulation (1996) 2.31
Evolutionary adaptation of plasmid-encoded enzymes for degrading nylon oligomers. Nature (1984) 2.29
Multicentre prospective phase II trial of gefitinib for advanced non-small cell lung cancer with epidermal growth factor receptor mutations: results of the West Japan Thoracic Oncology Group trial (WJTOG0403). Br J Cancer (2008) 2.19
Quality of life and disease-related symptoms in previously treated Japanese patients with non-small-cell lung cancer: results of a randomized phase III study (V-15-32) of gefitinib versus docetaxel. Ann Oncol (2009) 2.14
CD48 is a counter-receptor for mouse CD2 and is involved in T cell activation. J Exp Med (1992) 2.13
Loss of cerebellar Purkinje cells in aged mice homozygous for a disrupted PrP gene. Nature (1996) 2.13
Detection of rotavirus in faeces by latex agglutination. J Immunol Methods (1981) 2.01
The structure of inducing factors for virginiamycin production in Streptomyces virginiae. J Antibiot (Tokyo) (1987) 1.99
Structure of a beta-galactosidase gene of Bacillus stearothermophilus. J Bacteriol (1986) 1.99
Autopsy study of granulocytic sarcoma (chloroma) in patients with myelogenous leukemia, Hiroshima-Nagasaki 1949-1969. Cancer (1973) 1.99
A novel membrane glycoprotein capable of inhibiting membrane attack by homologous complement. Int Immunol (1989) 1.98
Conditional abatement of tissue fibrosis using nucleoside analogs to selectively corrupt DNA replication in transgenic fibroblasts. Mol Ther (2001) 1.95
Methamphetamine-related psychiatric symptoms and reduced brain dopamine transporters studied with PET. Am J Psychiatry (2001) 1.94
6-Aminohexanoic acid cyclic dimer hydrolase. A new cyclic amide hydrolase produced by Achromobacter guttatus KI74. Eur J Biochem (1977) 1.91
Genes affecting the productivity of alpha-amylase in Bacillus subtilis Marburg. J Bacteriol (1975) 1.88
Urinary excretion of lignans and isoflavonoid phytoestrogens in Japanese men and women consuming a traditional Japanese diet. Am J Clin Nutr (1991) 1.83
Purification and characterization of 6-aminohexanoic-acid-oligomer hydrolase of Flavobacterium sp. Ki72. Eur J Biochem (1981) 1.82
Oxidation of linear terpenes and squalene variants by Arthrobacter sp. Appl Environ Microbiol (1977) 1.79
Phase I pharmacokinetic trial of the selective oral epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor gefitinib ('Iressa', ZD1839) in Japanese patients with solid malignant tumors. Ann Oncol (2003) 1.75
Monoclonal antibodies capable of causing hemolysis of neuraminidase-treated human erythrocytes by homologous complement. J Immunol (1989) 1.70
Health-related quality of life after radical cystectomy for bladder cancer: a comparison of ileal conduit and orthotopic bladder replacement. BJU Int (2002) 1.69
An epitope in hepatitis C virus core region recognized by cytotoxic T cells in mice and humans. J Virol (1994) 1.68
Serum matrix metalloproteinase-2 and its density in men with prostate cancer as a new predictor of disease extension. Int J Cancer (1998) 1.65
Requirement of Runx1/AML1/PEBP2alphaB for the generation of haematopoietic cells from endothelial cells. Genes Cells (2001) 1.65
Hematopoiesis in the fetal liver is impaired by targeted mutagenesis of a gene encoding a non-DNA binding subunit of the transcription factor, polyomavirus enhancer binding protein 2/core binding factor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1997) 1.62
Monoclonal antibodies to poly(adenosine diphosphate ribose) recognize different structures. Biochemistry (1984) 1.60
Crystal nephropathy: a variant form of myeloma kidney--a case report and review of the literature. Clin Nephrol (2001) 1.58
Mapping quantitative trait loci for proteinuria-induced renal collagen deposition. Kidney Int (2008) 1.58
Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of 5-substituted 6,8-difluoroquinolones, including sparfloxacin, a new quinolone antibacterial agent with improved potency. J Med Chem (1990) 1.56
Persistently increased serum concentrations of cardiac troponin t in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy are predictive of adverse outcomes. Circulation (2001) 1.56
Plasmid control of 6-aminohexanoic acid cyclic dimer degradation enzymes of Flavobacterium sp. KI72. J Bacteriol (1980) 1.55
Sequence and properties of beta-xylosidase from Bacillus pumilus IPO. Contradiction of the previous nucleotide sequence. Eur J Biochem (1991) 1.55
Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 in the heart transduces not only a hypertrophic signal but a protective signal against doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2000) 1.55
FAT is a component of glomerular slit diaphragms. Kidney Int (2001) 1.53
Cavitary lung cancer with an aspergilloma-like shadow. Lung Cancer (1999) 1.53
Susceptibility to anti-glomerular basement membrane disease and Goodpasture syndrome is linked to MHC class II genes and the emergence of T cell-mediated immunity in mice. J Clin Invest (1997) 1.52
Plasmid-determined enzymatic degradation of nylon oligomers. J Bacteriol (1983) 1.50
Isopeptidase: a novel eukaryotic enzyme that cleaves isopeptide bonds. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1982) 1.47
Molecular cloning of the genes for xylan degradation of Bacillus pumilus and their expression in Escherichia coli. Mol Gen Genet (1983) 1.45
Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 is required for glycoprotein 130-mediated induction of vascular endothelial growth factor in cardiac myocytes. J Biol Chem (2000) 1.42
Alternation in the coronary blood flow velocity pattern in patients with no reflow and reperfused acute myocardial infarction. Circulation (1996) 1.41
Mutant fibronectin gene in skin fibroblasts of sclerotic lesions from patients with progressive systemic sclerosis. Arthritis Rheum (1989) 1.41
Human pregnancy serum suppresses the proliferative response of lymphocytes to autologous PHA-activated T lymphoblasts. Am J Reprod Immunol (1996) 1.40
CPT-11: a new derivative of camptothecin for the treatment of refractory or relapsed small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol (1992) 1.40
The inositol phosphatase SHIP inhibits Akt/PKB activation in B cells. J Biol Chem (1998) 1.39
Round fingerpad sign: an early sign of scleroderma. J Am Acad Dermatol (1991) 1.39
Observation of an antimatter hypernucleus. Science (2010) 1.38
Localization of the complement regulatory proteins in the normal human kidney. Kidney Int (1994) 1.37
Isolation of two beta-xylosidase genes of Bacillus pumilus and comparison of their gene products. Eur J Biochem (1984) 1.37
Tissue distribution of HRF20, a novel factor preventing the membrane attack of homologous complement, and its predominant expression on endothelial cells in vivo. Immunology (1990) 1.37
Identification and distribution of immunocompetent cells in inflamed gingiva of human chronic periodontitis. Infect Immun (1983) 1.34
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of Bacillus pumilus IPO xylanase. J Mol Biol (1987) 1.33
Rosette formation of human erythrocytes on cultured cells of tumour origin and activation of complement by cell membrane. Nature (1974) 1.33
Purification of murine IgG monoclonal antibodies by precipitation with caprylic acid: comparison with other methods of purification. Hybridoma (1989) 1.32
Structure of the horseradish peroxidase isozyme C genes. Eur J Biochem (1988) 1.31
Angioma serpiginosum: a report of 2 cases identified using epiluminescence microscopy. Arch Dermatol (1999) 1.31
High homology between 6-aminohexanoate-cyclic-dimer hydrolases of Flavobacterium and Pseudomonas strains. J Bacteriol (1989) 1.29
Tissue distribution of complement regulatory membrane proteins in rats. Immunology (1994) 1.29
Purification of 1F5 antigen that prevents complement attack on homologous cell membranes. J Immunol (1990) 1.28
Microbial Transformation of Squalene: Terminal Methyl Group Oxidation by Corynebacterium sp. Appl Environ Microbiol (1983) 1.27
A randomized trial in inoperable non-small-cell lung cancer: vindesine and cisplatin versus mitomycin, vindesine, and cisplatin versus etoposide and cisplatin alternating with vindesine and mitomycin. J Clin Oncol (1991) 1.27
Restriction of alternative complement pathway activation by sialosylglycolipids. Nature (1982) 1.26
Anti-bacillus substance in the marine sponge, Hyatella species, produced by an associated Vibrio species bacterium. Microbios (1994) 1.25
Molecular basis of isozyme formation of beta-galactosidases in Bacillus stearothermophilus: isolation of two beta-galactosidase genes, bgaA and bgaB. J Bacteriol (1984) 1.24
Phase I and pharmacologic study of docetaxel and irinotecan in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol (2000) 1.23
A new nylon oligomer degradation gene (nylC) on plasmid pOAD2 from a Flavobacterium sp. J Bacteriol (1992) 1.23
Intestinal absorption of luteolin and luteolin 7-O-beta-glucoside in rats and humans. FEBS Lett (1998) 1.23
Brain activation during maintenance of standing postures in humans. Brain (1999) 1.22
Newly developed immobilized polymyxin B fibers improve the survival of patients with sepsis. Blood Purif (2001) 1.22
Recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) stimulates periodontal regeneration in class II furcation defects created in beagle dogs. J Periodontal Res (2003) 1.20
Helicobacter pylori eradication reduced the incidence of gastric cancer, especially of the intestinal type. Aliment Pharmacol Ther (2007) 1.19
Complement inhibitor of rat cell membrane resembling mouse Crry/p65. J Immunol (1994) 1.19
Depressed immunological defence mechanisms in mice with experimentally induced diabetes. Infect Immun (1980) 1.18
Leukemia in atomic bomb survivors, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1 October 1950--30 September 1966. Radiat Res (1971) 1.18
Murine membrane inhibitor of complement which accelerates decay of human C3 convertase. Immunology (1989) 1.17
A new complement inhibitor in guinea pig serum. Jpn J Exp Med (1969) 1.17
Human T-cell leukaemia virus is not lysed by human serum. Nature (1984) 1.17
Expression of HRF20, a regulatory molecule of complement activation, on peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Immunology (1990) 1.17
Long-term experience with orthotopic reconstruction of the lower urinary tract in women. J Urol (1999) 1.16
Measurement of direct photon production in p+p collisions at sqrt[s] = 200 GeV. Phys Rev Lett (2007) 1.16
Plasmid dependence of Pseudomonas sp. strain NK87 enzymes that degrade 6-aminohexanoate-cyclic dimer. J Bacteriol (1989) 1.16