Published in EMBO J on April 01, 1988
Genetic analysis of the tomato golden mosaic virus. II. The product of the AL1 coding sequence is required for replication. Nucleic Acids Res (1988) 2.29
Transactivation of geminivirus AR1 and BR1 gene expression by the viral AL2 gene product occurs at the level of transcription. Plant Cell (1992) 1.78
A geminivirus replication protein is a sequence-specific DNA binding protein. Plant Cell (1992) 1.61
DNA replicons for plant genome engineering. Plant Cell (2014) 1.57
Transient expression of heterologous RNAs using tomato golden mosaic virus. Nucleic Acids Res (1988) 1.53
Sequence-specific interaction with the viral AL1 protein identifies a geminivirus DNA replication origin. Plant Cell (1992) 1.52
Maize streak virus genes essential for systemic spread and symptom development. EMBO J (1989) 1.43
The geminivirus BR1 movement protein binds single-stranded DNA and localizes to the cell nucleus. Plant Cell (1994) 1.34
DNA sequences essential for replication of the B genome component of tomato golden mosaic virus. Plant Cell (1989) 1.28
Cellular pathways for viral transport through plasmodesmata. Protoplasma (2010) 1.27
Expression of an antisense viral gene in transgenic tobacco confers resistance to the DNA virus tomato golden mosaic virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1991) 1.20
Transgenic tobacco plants expressing the geminivirus BL1 protein exhibit symptoms of viral disease. Plant Cell (1993) 1.20
Functional expression of the leftward open reading frames of the A component of tomato golden mosaic virus in transgenic tobacco plants. Plant Cell (1989) 1.15
Expression of functional replication protein from tomato golden mosaic virus in transgenic tobacco plants. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1990) 1.11
Amino acids in the capsid protein of tomato yellow leaf curl virus that are crucial for systemic infection, particle formation, and insect transmission. J Virol (1998) 1.07
Replication of tomato golden mosaic virus DNA B in transgenic plants expressing open reading frames (ORFs) of DNA A: requirement of ORF AL2 for production of single-stranded DNA. Nucleic Acids Res (1989) 1.06
The bipartite geminivirus coat protein aids BR1 function in viral movement by affecting the accumulation of viral single-stranded DNA. J Virol (1998) 1.03
Stability and expression of bacterial genes in replicating geminivirus vectors in plants. Nucleic Acids Res (1989) 0.99
Interaction of DNA with the movement proteins of geminiviruses revisited. J Virol (2004) 0.98
Systemic spread of an RNA insect virus in plants expressing plant viral movement protein genes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2001) 0.96
Replication of wheat dwarf virus DNA in protoplasts and analysis of coat protein mutants in protoplasts and plants. Nucleic Acids Res (1989) 0.92
Interaction of the movement protein NSP and the Arabidopsis acetyltransferase AtNSI is necessary for Cabbage leaf curl geminivirus infection and pathogenicity. J Virol (2004) 0.90
Tissue specificity of geminivirus infection is genetically determined. Plant Cell (2000) 0.90
In vivo analysis of plant pre-mRNA splicing using an autonomously replicating vector. Nucleic Acids Res (1991) 0.88
A phage single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding protein complements ssDNA accumulation of a geminivirus and interferes with viral movement. J Virol (1999) 0.86
The Arabidopsis synaptotagmin SYTA regulates the cell-to-cell movement of diverse plant viruses. Front Plant Sci (2014) 0.84
Selection for wild type size derivatives of tomato golden mosaic virus during systemic infection. Nucleic Acids Res (1990) 0.82
Improved M13 phage cloning vectors and host strains: nucleotide sequences of the M13mp18 and pUC19 vectors. Gene (1985) 213.67
Rapid and efficient site-specific mutagenesis without phenotypic selection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1985) 68.48
A system for shotgun DNA sequencing. Nucleic Acids Res (1981) 52.99
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Complete nucleotide sequence of the infectious cloned DNA components of tomato golden mosaic virus: potential coding regions and regulatory sequences. EMBO J (1984) 2.63
Expression of bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene in tobacco plants mediated by TMV-RNA. EMBO J (1987) 2.61
Tomato golden mosaic virus A component DNA replicates autonomously in transgenic plants. Cell (1986) 2.55
Demonstration of the bipartite nature of the genome of a single-stranded DNA plant virus by infection with the cloned DNA components. Nucleic Acids Res (1983) 2.24
Major polyadenylated transcripts of cassava latent virus and location of the gene encoding coat protein. EMBO J (1985) 2.04
Identification of novel DNA forms in tomato golden mosaic virus infected tissue. Evidence for a two component viral genome. Nucleic Acids Res (1982) 1.80
Molecular cloning and characterisation of the two DNA components of tomato golden mosaic virus. Nucleic Acids Res (1982) 1.77
"Agroinfection," an alternative route for viral infection of plants by using the Ti plasmid. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 1.69
The molecular biology of geminiviruses. Adv Virus Res (1985) 1.44
Insertional mutagenesis of the cauliflower mosaic virus genome. Gene (1983) 1.44
Characterisation of DNA forms associated with cassava latent virus infection. Nucleic Acids Res (1985) 1.43
Nucleotide sequence of bean golden mosaic virus and a model for gene regulation in geminiviruses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1985) 1.35
Infectious mutants of cassava latent virus generated in vivo from intact recombinant DNA clones containing single copies of the genome. Nucleic Acids Res (1986) 1.29
Molecular characterisation of subgenomic single-stranded and double-stranded DNA forms isolated from plants infected with tomato golden mosaic virus. Nucleic Acids Res (1986) 1.24
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Accumulation and assembly of soybean beta-conglycinin in seeds of transformed petunia plants. EMBO J (1985) 3.13
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Comparison of cauliflower mosaic virus 35S and nopaline synthase promoters in transgenic plants. Nucleic Acids Res (1987) 2.89
Monitoring conformational dynamics of a single molecule by selective fluorescence spectroscopy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1998) 2.72
Tomato golden mosaic virus A component DNA replicates autonomously in transgenic plants. Cell (1986) 2.55
Replicational release of geminivirus genomes from tandemly repeated copies: evidence for rolling-circle replication of a plant viral DNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1991) 2.54
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Data registration and selective single-molecule analysis using multi-parameter fluorescence detection. J Biotechnol (2001) 2.35
Genetic analysis of the tomato golden mosaic virus. II. The product of the AL1 coding sequence is required for replication. Nucleic Acids Res (1988) 2.29
Demonstration of the bipartite nature of the genome of a single-stranded DNA plant virus by infection with the cloned DNA components. Nucleic Acids Res (1983) 2.24
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In vitro cleavage and joining at the viral origin of replication by the replication initiator protein of tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1995) 1.93
Analysis of Agrobacterium tumefaciens virulence mutants in leaf discs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 1.87
Genetic analysis of tomato golden mosaic virus: ORF AL2 is required for coat protein accumulation while ORF AL3 is necessary for efficient DNA replication. Virology (1990) 1.86
Identification of novel DNA forms in tomato golden mosaic virus infected tissue. Evidence for a two component viral genome. Nucleic Acids Res (1982) 1.80
Transactivation of geminivirus AR1 and BR1 gene expression by the viral AL2 gene product occurs at the level of transcription. Plant Cell (1992) 1.78
The importance of hiatal hernia in reflux esophagitis compared with lower esophageal sphincter pressure or smoking. J Clin Gastroenterol (1991) 1.77
Molecular cloning and characterisation of the two DNA components of tomato golden mosaic virus. Nucleic Acids Res (1982) 1.77
A DNase for apurinic/apyrimidinic sites associated with exonuclease III of Hemophilus influenzae. J Biol Chem (1978) 1.75
Quantitative estimation of protein binding site polarity. Fluorescence of N-arylaminonaphthalenesulfonates. Biochemistry (1968) 1.70
A social skills group for boys with Asperger's syndrome. Aust N Z J Psychiatry (1995) 1.66
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Nucleotide sequence of the tmr locus of Agrobacterium tumefaciens pTi T37 T-DNA. Nucleic Acids Res (1984) 1.62
Impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on the microbial landscape of the New Orleans area. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 1.59
Rotational relaxation of the "microviscosity" probe diphenylhexatriene in paraffin oil and egg lecithin vesicles. J Biol Chem (1977) 1.56
Cholinergic receptor mutants of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. J Neurosci (1987) 1.56
Transient expression of heterologous RNAs using tomato golden mosaic virus. Nucleic Acids Res (1988) 1.53
Fluorescence probes for structure. Annu Rev Biochem (1972) 1.53
Sequence-specific interaction with the viral AL1 protein identifies a geminivirus DNA replication origin. Plant Cell (1992) 1.52
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Time-resolved fluorescence of the two tryptophans in horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase. Biochemistry (1981) 1.48
Maize streak virus genes essential for systemic spread and symptom development. EMBO J (1989) 1.43
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Bacteriophage T5-induced endonucleases that introduce site-specific single-chain interruptions in duplex DNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1976) 1.39
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Profluorescent protease substrates: intramolecular dimers described by the exciton model. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1996) 1.35
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Interterminal distance and flexibility of a triantennary glycopeptide as measured by resonance energy transfer. Biochemistry (1991) 1.28
DNA sequences essential for replication of the B genome component of tomato golden mosaic virus. Plant Cell (1989) 1.28
Plants expressing tomato golden mosaic virus AL2 or beet curly top virus L2 transgenes show enhanced susceptibility to infection by DNA and RNA viruses. Virology (2001) 1.27
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Genetic analysis of beet curly top virus: examination of the roles of L2 and L3 genes in viral pathogenesis. Virology (1995) 1.25
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A thermoinducible lambda phage-ColE1 plasmid chimera for the overproduction of gene products from cloned DNA segments. Gene (1978) 1.21
Tomato golden mosaic virus leftward gene expression: autoregulation of geminivirus replication protein. Virology (1993) 1.20
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Development of a plant transformation selection system based on expression of genes encoding gentamicin acetyltransferases. Plant Physiol (1988) 1.20
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Conformational flexibility in a staphylococcal nuclease mutant K45C from time-resolved resonance energy transfer measurements. Biochemistry (1994) 1.18
Transactivation in a geminivirus: AL2 gene product is needed for coat protein expression. Virology (1991) 1.16
A high-risk method for studying psychosocial antecedents of chronic pain: the prospective investigation of herpes zoster. J Abnorm Psychol (1992) 1.15
Functional expression of the leftward open reading frames of the A component of tomato golden mosaic virus in transgenic tobacco plants. Plant Cell (1989) 1.15
Identification of loci in Arabidopsis that confer resistance to geminivirus infection. Plant J (1994) 1.15
Identification of tomato golden mosaic virus-specific RNAs in infected plants. Virology (1989) 1.15
DNA methylation inhibits propagation of tomato golden mosaic virus DNA in transfected protoplasts. Plant Mol Biol (1992) 1.15
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In vitro transcription and translational efficiency of chimeric SP6 messenger RNAs devoid of 5' vector nucleotides. Nucleic Acids Res (1988) 1.14
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Transcription map of the B genome component of tomato golden mosaic virus and comparison with A component transcripts. Virology (1989) 1.12
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Expression of functional replication protein from tomato golden mosaic virus in transgenic tobacco plants. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1990) 1.11
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