Published in J Autism Dev Disord on April 01, 2006
Deficits in facial affect recognition among antisocial populations: a meta-analysis. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2007) 2.62
Visual Fixation Patterns during Reciprocal Social Interaction Distinguish a Subgroup of 6-Month-Old Infants At-Risk for Autism from Comparison Infants. J Autism Dev Disord (2006) 2.40
Children with autism demonstrate circumscribed attention during passive viewing of complex social and nonsocial picture arrays. Autism Res (2008) 1.83
The development of emotion recognition in individuals with autism. Child Dev (2009) 1.37
Cognition in males and females with autism: similarities and differences. PLoS One (2012) 1.23
Brief report: Circumscribed attention in young children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 1.21
Impaired holistic coding of facial expression and facial identity in congenital prosopagnosia. Neuropsychologia (2011) 1.18
The development of face orienting mechanisms in infants at-risk for autism. Behav Brain Res (2012) 1.15
Fronto-limbic functioning in children and adolescents with and without autism. Neuropsychologia (2007) 1.07
Visual attention to competing social and object images by preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 1.07
Typical emotion processing for cartoon but not for real faces in children with autistic spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord (2008) 1.06
Avatar assistant: improving social skills in students with an ASD through a computer-based intervention. J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 1.02
Common and distinct neural features of social and non-social reward processing in autism and social anxiety disorder. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2012) 1.02
Atypical neural specialization for social percepts in autism spectrum disorder. Soc Neurosci (2011) 1.02
Prototype formation in autism: can individuals with autism abstract facial prototypes? Autism Res (2009) 1.01
Model syndromes for investigating social cognitive and affective neuroscience: a comparison of Autism and Williams syndrome. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2006) 1.00
Toddlers with elevated autism symptoms show slowed habituation to faces. Child Neuropsychol (2010) 0.99
The use of near-infrared spectroscopy in the study of typical and atypical development. Neuroimage (2013) 0.96
Atypical disengagement from faces and its modulation by the control of eye fixation in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 0.95
Age Trends in Visual Exploration of Social and Nonsocial Information in Children with Autism. Res Autism Spectr Disord (2012) 0.93
The Need for a Broader Approach to Emotion Regulation Research in Autism. Child Dev Perspect (2012) 0.93
Atypical categorization in children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. Psychon Bull Rev (2010) 0.90
Eye movements affirm: automatic overt gaze and arrow cueing for typical adults and adults with autism spectrum disorder. Exp Brain Res (2009) 0.90
Brief report: face configuration accuracy and processing speed among adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord (2008) 0.88
Affective responses by adults with autism are reduced to social images but elevated to images related to circumscribed interests. PLoS One (2012) 0.88
Social-cognitive, physiological, and neural mechanisms underlying emotion regulation impairments: understanding anxiety in autism spectrum disorder. Int J Dev Neurosci (2014) 0.87
Intact perception but abnormal orientation towards face-like objects in young children with ASD. Sci Rep (2016) 0.86
Atypical hemispheric specialization for faces in infants at risk for autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res (2015) 0.84
A lack of left visual field bias when individuals with autism process faces. J Autism Dev Disord (2012) 0.82
Facial identity recognition in the broader autism phenotype. PLoS One (2010) 0.81
Face processing in Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD): the roles of expertise and spatial frequency. J Neural Transm (Vienna) (2007) 0.81
Divergent patterns of social cognition performance in autism and 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS). J Autism Dev Disord (2013) 0.81
Serotonin transporter genotype impacts amygdala habituation in youth with autism spectrum disorders. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2013) 0.81
Visual scan paths and recognition of facial identity in autism spectrum disorder and typical development. PLoS One (2012) 0.81
Deficits in adults with autism spectrum disorders when processing multiple objects in dynamic scenes. Autism Res (2011) 0.80
Case report: Using an auditory trainer with caregiver video modeling to enhance communication and socialization behaviors in autism. J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 0.79
MET and AKT genetic influence on facial emotion perception. PLoS One (2012) 0.79
Face and object discrimination in autism, and relationship to IQ and age. J Autism Dev Disord (2014) 0.78
Delayed face recognition in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Iran J Psychiatry (2012) 0.77
Developmental plateau in visual object processing from adolescence to adulthood in autism. Brain Cogn (2014) 0.77
Face Recognition and Visual Search Strategies in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Amending and Extending a Recent Review by Weigelt et al. PLoS One (2015) 0.76
Impaired eye region search accuracy in children with autistic spectrum disorders. PLoS One (2013) 0.76
Differences in neural activity when processing emotional arousal and valence in autism spectrum disorders. Hum Brain Mapp (2015) 0.76
Developmental changes in face visual scanning in autism spectrum disorder as assessed by data-based analysis. Front Psychol (2015) 0.75
Social Referencing Gaze Behavior During a Videogame Task: Eye Tracking Evidence from Children With and Without ASD. J Autism Dev Disord (2016) 0.75
Brief Report: Reduced Prioritization of Facial Threat in Adults with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord (2016) 0.75
Visual fixation patterns during viewing of naturalistic social situations as predictors of social competence in individuals with autism. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2002) 7.43
Linguistic experience alters phonetic perception in infants by 6 months of age. Science (1992) 6.71
Early recognition of children with autism: a study of first birthday home videotapes. J Autism Dev Disord (1994) 4.86
Is face processing species-specific during the first year of life? Science (2002) 4.61
Abnormal ventral temporal cortical activity during face discrimination among individuals with autism and Asperger syndrome. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2000) 4.49
What is "special" about face perception? Psychol Rev (1998) 4.46
Configurational information in face perception. Perception (1987) 4.43
Expertise for cars and birds recruits brain areas involved in face recognition. Nat Neurosci (2000) 4.36
Visual scanning of faces in autism. J Autism Dev Disord (2002) 4.28
Why faces are and are not special: an effect of expertise. J Exp Psychol Gen (1986) 4.21
Brain structural abnormalities in young children with autism spectrum disorder. Neurology (2002) 4.20
Children with autism fail to orient to naturally occurring social stimuli. J Autism Dev Disord (1998) 4.19
Newborns' preferential tracking of face-like stimuli and its subsequent decline. Cognition (1991) 4.06
Activation of the middle fusiform 'face area' increases with expertise in recognizing novel objects. Nat Neurosci (1999) 3.96
Autism during infancy: a retrospective video analysis of sensory-motor and social behaviors at 9-12 months of age. J Autism Dev Disord (1999) 3.87
Visual following and pattern discrimination of face-like stimuli by newborn infants. Pediatrics (1975) 3.44
CONSPEC and CONLERN: a two-process theory of infant face recognition. Psychol Rev (1991) 3.43
Early recognition of 1-year-old infants with autism spectrum disorder versus mental retardation. Dev Psychopathol (2002) 3.25
Face processing occurs outside the fusiform 'face area' in autism: evidence from functional MRI. Brain (2001) 3.24
The amygdala theory of autism. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2000) 3.19
Face-specific processing in the human fusiform gyrus. J Cogn Neurosci (1997) 3.18
Becoming a "Greeble" expert: exploring mechanisms for face recognition. Vision Res (1997) 3.11
Abnormal processing of social information from faces in autism. J Cogn Neurosci (2001) 2.76
Psychological markers in the detection of autism in infancy in a large population. Br J Psychiatry (1996) 2.64
Neural correlates of face and object recognition in young children with autism spectrum disorder, developmental delay, and typical development. Child Dev (2002) 2.62
Configural face processing develops more slowly than featural face processing. Perception (2002) 2.37
Holistic and part-based face recognition in children with autism. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2003) 2.25
The face-inversion effect as a deficit in the encoding of configural information: direct evidence. Perception (2000) 2.24
Defining the broader phenotype of autism: genetic, brain, and behavioral perspectives. Dev Psychopathol (2002) 2.21
Eye contact and face scanning in early infancy. Science (1977) 2.20
The role of the fusiform face area in social cognition: implications for the pathobiology of autism. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2003) 2.19
Brain activity differentiates face and object processing in 6-month-old infants. Dev Psychol (1999) 2.12
Neuroperception. Early visual experience and face processing. Nature (2001) 1.97
A normed study of face recognition in autism and related disorders. J Autism Dev Disord (1999) 1.94
The frequency and distribution of spontaneous attention shifts between social and nonsocial stimuli in autistic, typically developing, and nonautistic developmentally delayed infants. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (1998) 1.91
Recognition of faces: an approach to the study of autism. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (1978) 1.87
Eye movement strategies involved in face perception. Perception (1977) 1.79
What's in a face? The case of autism. Br J Psychol (1988) 1.76
Social interest and the development of cortical face specialization: what autism teaches us about face processing. Dev Psychobiol (2002) 1.73
The understanding of the emotional meaning of facial expressions in people with autism. J Autism Dev Disord (1999) 1.71
Unfamiliar face recognition in relatively able autistic children. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (1992) 1.68
Convergent neuroanatomical and behavioural evidence of an amygdala hypothesis of autism. Neuroreport (2000) 1.68
Training 'greeble' experts: a framework for studying expert object recognition processes. Vision Res (1998) 1.65
Lesions of the fusiform face area impair perception of facial configuration in prosopagnosia. Neurology (2002) 1.64
Neural correlates of woman face processing by 2-month-old infants. Neuroimage (2002) 1.50
Developmental changes in the scanning of faces by young infants. Child Dev (1976) 1.46
Gaze behavior of children with pervasive developmental disorder toward human faces: a fixation time study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2002) 1.44
Response properties of the human fusiform face area. Cogn Neuropsychol (2000) 1.40
Autistic children's ability to interpret faces: a research note. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (1989) 1.37
Medial temporal lobe structures and autism: a review of clinical and experimental findings. Neuropsychologia (1994) 1.35
Face perception in children with autism and Asperger's syndrome. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (1994) 1.32
Early commitment of neural substrates for face recognition. Cogn Neuropsychol (2000) 1.31
Emotion recognition in autism: coordinating faces and voices. Psychol Med (1988) 1.29
Case Study of the Development of an Infant with Autism from Birth to Two Years of Age. J Appl Dev Psychol (2000) 1.19
The salience of facial expression for autistic children. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (1987) 1.08
Development of face processing: the effect of face inversion. Child Dev (2000) 1.05
Looking at faces: first-order and second-order features as determinants of facial appearance. Perception (1988) 1.05
Developmental prosopagnosia with normal configural processing. Neuroreport (2000) 0.98
Do autistics have a generalized face processing deficit? Int J Neurosci (1994) 0.87
Facial perception in autism. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (1989) 0.86
Exploring the neurofunctional organization of face processing in autism. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2000) 0.78
Neural bases and development of face recognition in autism. CNS Spectr (2001) 0.78