Published in Scand J Immunol on June 01, 2006
Alarmins link neutrophils and dendritic cells. Trends Immunol (2009) 1.61
Cathelicidin-deficient (Cnlp -/- ) mice show increased susceptibility to Pseudomonas aeruginosa keratitis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (2007) 1.33
Modulation of interleukin-1β-induced inflammatory responses by a synthetic cationic innate defence regulator peptide, IDR-1002, in synovial fibroblasts. Arthritis Res Ther (2011) 0.89
Generation of novel bone forming cells (monoosteophils) from the cathelicidin-derived peptide LL-37 treated monocytes. PLoS One (2010) 0.89
Multiple immune-modulatory functions of cathelicidin host defense peptides. Front Immunol (2012) 0.88
Human cathelicidin LL-37 and its derivative IG-19 regulate interleukin-32-induced inflammation. Immunology (2014) 0.81
Various forms of tissue damage and danger signals following hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. Front Immunol (2015) 0.81
Nuclear localization of HBD-1 in human keratinocytes. J Burns Wounds (2007) 0.80
P2X7 Receptor Regulates Internalization of Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37 by Human Macrophages That Promotes Intracellular Pathogen Clearance. J Immunol (2015) 0.77
The expression of the gene coding for the antibacterial peptide LL-37 is induced in human keratinocytes during inflammatory disorders. J Biol Chem (1997) 3.82
Atopy in children of families with an anthroposophic lifestyle. Lancet (1999) 3.41
Cutaneous injury induces the release of cathelicidin anti-microbial peptides active against group A Streptococcus. J Invest Dermatol (2001) 3.39
Downregulation of bactericidal peptides in enteric infections: a novel immune escape mechanism with bacterial DNA as a potential regulator. Nat Med (2001) 3.11
The human antimicrobial and chemotactic peptides LL-37 and alpha-defensins are expressed by specific lymphocyte and monocyte populations. Blood (2000) 3.09
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Exosomes with major histocompatibility complex class II and co-stimulatory molecules are present in human BAL fluid. Eur Respir J (2003) 1.97
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Allergic diseases and atopic sensitization in children related to farming and anthroposophic lifestyle--the PARSIFAL study. Allergy (2006) 1.49
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Selective cloning of allergens from the skin colonizing yeast Malassezia furfur by phage surface display technology. J Invest Dermatol (1999) 1.11
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Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid exosomes contribute to cytokine and leukotriene production in allergic asthma. Allergy (2012) 1.08
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Lifestyle factors and sensitization in children - the ALADDIN birth cohort. Allergy (2011) 1.02
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Ketoconazole in atopic dermatitis: therapeutic response is correlated with decrease in serum IgE. Arch Dermatol Res (1995) 1.01
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In vivo induction of Ia antigens on rat keratinocytes by gamma-interferon. Br J Dermatol (1986) 0.99
Phylogeny, processing and expression of the rat cathelicidin rCRAMP: a model for innate antimicrobial peptides. Cell Mol Life Sci (2003) 0.99
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Cloning, characterization and expression of complete coding sequences of three IgE binding Malassezia furfur allergens, Mal f 7, Mal f 8 and Mal f 9. Eur J Biochem (2000) 0.96
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Enhancement of DTH reaction and inhibition of the expression of class II transplantation antigens by in vivo treatment with antibodies against gamma-interferon. Clin Exp Immunol (1988) 0.95
Germline-encoded IgG antibodies bind mouse cartilage in vivo: epitope- and idiotype-specific binding and inhibition. Scand J Immunol (1994) 0.95
The allergenic yeast Malassezia furfur induces maturation of human dendritic cells. Clin Exp Allergy (2001) 0.95
Virus-activated T cells regulate expression of adhesion molecules on endothelial cells in sites of infection. J Neuroimmunol (1995) 0.94
Circulating reticulin autoantibodies of IgA class in dermatitis herpetiformis. Br J Dermatol (1979) 0.94
In vivo treatment with interferon-gamma during early pregnancy in mice induces strong expression of major histocompatibility complex class I and II molecules in uterus and decidua but not in extra-embryonic tissues. Biol Reprod (1992) 0.93
Structural requirements for transport of preprocecropinA and related presecretory proteins into mammalian microsomes. J Biol Chem (1992) 0.93
Lack of concomitant expression of ICAM-1 and HLA-DR on bile duct cells from patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis and primary biliary cirrhosis. Scand J Gastroenterol (1993) 0.92
Not only Th2 cells but also Th1 and Th0 cells express CD30 after activation. J Leukoc Biol (1995) 0.91
Positive atopy patch test reactions to Pityrosporum orbiculare in atopic dermatitis patients. Clin Exp Allergy (2000) 0.91
Decreased pulmonary levels of the anti-inflammatory Clara cell 16 kDa protein after induction of airway inflammation in asthmatics. Cell Mol Life Sci (2000) 0.90
The protective effect of farm animal exposure on childhood allergy is modified by NPSR1 polymorphisms. J Med Genet (2008) 0.90
N,N'-Diacetyl-L-cystine-the disulfide dimer of N-acetylcysteine-is a potent modulator of contact sensitivity/delayed type hypersensitivity reactions in rodents. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (1999) 0.90
Atopy patch test reactions to Malassezia allergens differentiate subgroups of atopic dermatitis patients. Br J Dermatol (2003) 0.89
Role of interferon-gamma in the pathogenesis of LCMV-induced meningitis: unimpaired leucocyte recruitment, but deficient macrophage activation in interferon-gamma knock-out mice. J Neuroimmunol (1998) 0.89
Truncated thioredoxin (Trx80) induces production of interleukin-12 and enhances CD14 expression in human monocytes. Blood (2001) 0.88
Higher pH level, corresponding to that on the skin of patients with atopic eczema, stimulates the release of Malassezia sympodialis allergens. Allergy (2006) 0.88
Efficient identification of Malassezia yeasts by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Br J Dermatol (2014) 0.88
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Cytokine production in nickel-sensitized individuals analysed with enzyme-linked immunospot assay: possible implication for diagnosis. Br J Dermatol (2002) 0.87
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Differences in exosome populations in human breast milk in relation to allergic sensitization and lifestyle. Allergy (2014) 0.86