Published in Mol Ecol on July 01, 2006
Computer simulations: tools for population and evolutionary genetics. Nat Rev Genet (2012) 1.92
Detecting population structure in a high gene-flow species, Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus): direct, simultaneous evaluation of neutral vs putatively selected loci. Heredity (Edinb) (2010) 1.29
Multi-locus inference of population structure: a comparison between single nucleotide polymorphisms and microsatellites. Heredity (Edinb) (2010) 1.25
Molecular epidemiology of Schistosoma mansoni: a robust, high-throughput method to assess multiple microsatellite markers from individual miracidia. Infect Genet Evol (2008) 1.16
Genome wide SNP discovery, analysis and evaluation in mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). BMC Genomics (2011) 1.10
On the reproductive success of early-generation hatchery fish in the wild. Evol Appl (2014) 1.00
Age structure, changing demography and effective population size in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Genetics (2009) 0.97
Genetic panmixia and demographic dependence across the North Atlantic in the deep-sea fish, blue hake (Antimora rostrata). Heredity (Edinb) (2010) 0.88
Single nucleotide polymorphism discovery from expressed sequence tags in the waterflea Daphnia magna. BMC Genomics (2011) 0.87
Temporal variation of genetic composition in Atlantic salmon populations from the Western White Sea Basin: influence of anthropogenic factors? BMC Genet (2013) 0.85
Temporal genetic homogeneity among shore crab (Carcinus maenas) larval events supplied to an estuarine system on the Portuguese northwest coast. Heredity (Edinb) (2010) 0.84
Development of novel LOXL1 genotyping method and evaluation of LOXL1, APOE and MTHFR polymorphisms in exfoliation syndrome/glaucoma in a Greek population. Mol Vis (2013) 0.82
Spatial heterogeneity as a genetic mixing mechanism in highly philopatric colonial seabirds. PLoS One (2015) 0.82
New Nuclear SNP Markers Unravel the Genetic Structure and Effective Population Size of Albacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga). PLoS One (2015) 0.81
Samples from subdivided populations yield biased estimates of effective size that overestimate the rate of loss of genetic variation. Mol Ecol Resour (2013) 0.81
Phylogeographic analyses of submesophotic snappers Etelis coruscans and Etelis "marshi" (family Lutjanidae) reveal concordant genetic structure across the Hawaiian Archipelago. PLoS One (2014) 0.81
High potential for using DNA from ancient herring bones to inform modern fisheries management and conservation. PLoS One (2012) 0.81
What maintains the central North Pacific genetic discontinuity in Pacific herring? PLoS One (2012) 0.80
Recent physical connections may explain weak genetic structure in western Alaskan chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) populations. Ecol Evol (2013) 0.79
Empirical Bayes inference of pairwise F(ST) and its distribution in the genome. Genetics (2007) 0.79
Development of a SNP-based assay for measuring genetic diversity in the Tasmanian devil insurance population. BMC Genomics (2015) 0.77
Genetic diversity of Atlantic Bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean Sea: insights from genome-wide SNPs and microsatellites. J Biol Res (Thessalon) (2017) 0.75
Investigation of genetic structure between deep and shallow populations of the southern Rock Lobster, Jasus edwardsii in Tasmania, Australia. PLoS One (2013) 0.75
Discovery of Genome-Wide Microsatellite Markers in Scombridae: A Pilot Study on Albacore Tuna. PLoS One (2015) 0.75
Keeping things local: Subpopulation Nb and Ne in a stream network with partial barriers to fish migration. Evol Appl (2017) 0.75
Comparative population genetics and evolutionary history of two commonly misidentified billfishes of management and conservation concern. BMC Genet (2014) 0.75
Multilocus Bayesian Estimates of Intra-Oceanic Genetic Differentiation, Connectivity, and Admixture in Atlantic Swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.). PLoS One (2015) 0.75
Glacial refugia: hotspots but not melting pots of genetic diversity. Science (2003) 4.91
Second-generation environmental sequencing unmasks marine metazoan biodiversity. Nat Commun (2010) 2.77
Genetic estimates of contemporary effective population size: what can they tell us about the importance of genetic stochasticity for wild population persistence? Mol Ecol (2008) 2.69
Age of cichlids: new dates for ancient lake fish radiations. Mol Biol Evol (2007) 2.50
Temporal analysis of archived samples indicates marked genetic changes in declining North Sea cod (Gadus morhua). Proc Biol Sci (2003) 2.42
World-wide whale worms? A new species of Osedax from the shallow north Atlantic. Proc Biol Sci (2005) 2.18
Speciation in ancient cryptic species complexes: evidence from the molecular phylogeny of Brachionus plicatilis (Rotifera). Evolution (2002) 2.03
Life on the margin: genetic isolation and diversity loss in a peripheral marine ecosystem, the Baltic Sea. Mol Ecol (2006) 2.02
Loss of microsatellite diversity and low effective population size in an overexploited population of New Zealand snapper (Pagrus auratus). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2002) 1.94
Biocomplexity in a highly migratory pelagic marine fish, Atlantic herring. Proc Biol Sci (2006) 1.90
Evidence of a hybrid-zone in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Baltic and the Danish Belt Sea revealed by individual admixture analysis. Mol Ecol (2003) 1.78
Disentangling the effects of evolutionary, demographic, and environmental factors influencing genetic structure of natural populations: Atlantic herring as a case study. Evolution (2009) 1.64
Marine landscapes and population genetic structure of herring (Clupea harengus L.) in the Baltic Sea. Mol Ecol (2005) 1.64
Environmental correlates of population differentiation in Atlantic herring. Evolution (2005) 1.61
Understanding and estimating effective population size for practical application in marine species management. Conserv Biol (2011) 1.53
Validation of the barcoding gene COI for use in forensic genetic species identification. Forensic Sci Int (2007) 1.53
Population-scale sequencing reveals genetic differentiation due to local adaptation in Atlantic herring. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2012) 1.49
Mature male parr contribution to the effective size of an anadromous Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) population over 30 years. Mol Ecol (2013) 1.48
Glacial history of the North Atlantic marine snail, Littorina saxatilis, inferred from distribution of mitochondrial DNA lineages. PLoS One (2011) 1.31
Transport of North Sea cod larvae into the Skagerrak coastal populations. Proc Biol Sci (2004) 1.29
Genomic signatures of local directional selection in a high gene flow marine organism; the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). BMC Evol Biol (2009) 1.28
New perspectives on the ecology and evolution of siboglinid tubeworms. PLoS One (2011) 1.26
Environmental selection on transcriptome-derived SNPs in a high gene flow marine fish, the Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus). Mol Ecol (2012) 1.25
Ecological and genetic impact of Atlantic cod larval drift in the Skagerrak. Proc Biol Sci (2006) 1.24
Gene-associated markers provide tools for tackling illegal fishing and false eco-certification. Nat Commun (2012) 1.20
Parallel adaptive evolution of Atlantic cod on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean in response to temperature. Proc Biol Sci (2010) 1.19
A ranking system for reference libraries of DNA barcodes: application to marine fish species from Portugal. PLoS One (2012) 1.18
A genomic island linked to ecotype divergence in Atlantic cod. Mol Ecol (2013) 1.16
Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 May 2009-31 July 2009. Mol Ecol Resour (2009) 1.15
Poleward bound: biological impacts of Southern Hemisphere glaciation. Trends Ecol Evol (2012) 1.15
Long-term effective population sizes, temporal stability of genetic composition and potential for local adaptation in anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations. Mol Ecol (2002) 1.15
Repeated evolution of reproductive isolation in a marine snail: unveiling mechanisms of speciation. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2010) 1.15
Mating trials validate the use of DNA barcoding to reveal cryptic speciation of a marine bryozoan taxon. Proc Biol Sci (2007) 1.13
Concordance of allozyme and microsatellite differentiation in a marine fish, but evidence of selection at a microsatellite locus. Mol Ecol (2007) 1.12
Systematic and evolutionary insights derived from mtDNA COI barcode diversity in the Decapoda (Crustacea: Malacostraca). PLoS One (2011) 1.12
The future of Baltic Sea populations: local extinction or evolutionary rescue? Ambio (2011) 1.10
High symbiont diversity in the bone-eating worm Osedax mucofloris from shallow whale-falls in the North Atlantic. Environ Microbiol (2010) 1.09
Faunal histories from Holocene ancient DNA. Trends Ecol Evol (2011) 1.08
Population structure and gene flow reversals in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) over contemporary and long-term temporal scales: effects of population size and life history. Mol Ecol (2007) 1.08
Genetic population structure of fishes: implications for coastal zone management. Ambio (2005) 1.05
DNA barcoding reveals cryptic diversity within commercially exploited Indo-Malay Carangidae (Teleosteii: Perciformes). PLoS One (2012) 1.03
Outlier SNP markers reveal fine-scale genetic structuring across European hake populations (Merluccius merluccius). Mol Ecol (2013) 1.02
Extreme female promiscuity in a non-social invertebrate species. PLoS One (2010) 1.01
Genomic islands of divergence and their consequences for the resolution of spatial structure in an exploited marine fish. Evol Appl (2013) 1.01
Oceanographic connectivity and environmental correlates of genetic structuring in Atlantic herring in the Baltic Sea. Evol Appl (2013) 1.00
Dynamics of seagrass meadows on the Swedish Skagerrak coast. Ambio (2009) 1.00
High levels of multiple paternity in Littorina saxatilis: hedging the bets? J Hered (2007) 1.00
Lobster and cod benefit from small-scale northern marine protected areas: inference from an empirical before-after control-impact study. Proc Biol Sci (2013) 0.99
On the role of bone-eating worms in the degradation of marine vertebrate remains. Proc Biol Sci (2008) 0.98
Age structure, changing demography and effective population size in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Genetics (2009) 0.97
Novel tools for conservation genomics: comparing two high-throughput approaches for SNP discovery in the transcriptome of the European hake. PLoS One (2011) 0.95
SNP discovery using Next Generation Transcriptomic Sequencing in Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus). PLoS One (2012) 0.95
Unsegmented annelids? Possible origins of four lophotrochozoan worm taxa. Integr Comp Biol (2002) 0.94
Across the southern Andes on fin: glacial refugia, drainage reversals and a secondary contact zone revealed by the phylogeographical signal of Galaxias platei in Patagonia. Mol Ecol (2008) 0.94
A reliable DNA barcode reference library for the identification of the North European shelf fish fauna. Mol Ecol Resour (2014) 0.93
Interaction of landscape and life history attributes on genetic diversity, neutral divergence and gene flow in a pristine community of salmonids. Mol Ecol (2009) 0.93
Spatial genetic structure of northern pike (Esox lucius) in the Baltic Sea. Mol Ecol (2005) 0.92
Life history and demographic determinants of effective/census size ratios as exemplified by brown trout (Salmo trutta). Evol Appl (2012) 0.92
Parallel evolution of local adaptation and reproductive isolation in the face of gene flow. Evolution (2013) 0.92
Evolution of a cichlid fish in a Lake Malawi satellite lake. Proc Biol Sci (2007) 0.90
Progress in systematics: from Siboglinidae to Pogonophora and Vestimentifera and back to Siboglinidae. C R Biol (2008) 0.90
Surviving historical Patagonian landscapes and climate: molecular insights from Galaxias maculatus. BMC Evol Biol (2010) 0.89
A DNA-based approach for the forensic identification of Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) in a traditional Asian medicine. J Forensic Sci (2008) 0.89
Whole mitochondrial genome scan for population structure and selection in the Atlantic herring. BMC Evol Biol (2012) 0.89
Reproductive isolation among deep-water cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi differing in monochromatic male breeding dress. Mol Ecol (2007) 0.89
Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography and mating compatibility reveal marked genetic structuring and speciation in the NE Atlantic bryozoan Celleporella hyalina. Mol Ecol (2007) 0.88
Paleo-drainage basin connectivity predicts evolutionary relationships across three Southeast Asian biodiversity hotspots. Syst Biol (2013) 0.88
Climate-induced changes to the ancestral population size of two Patagonian galaxiids: the influence of glacial cycling. Mol Ecol (2011) 0.87
Bathymetric barriers promoting genetic structure in the deepwater demersal fish tusk (Brosme brosme). Mol Ecol (2009) 0.87
Bone-eating worms from the Antarctic: the contrasting fate of whale and wood remains on the Southern Ocean seafloor. Proc Biol Sci (2013) 0.87
Bone-boring worms: characterizing the morphology, rate, and method of bioerosion by Osedax mucofloris (Annelida, Siboglinidae). Biol Bull (2011) 0.86
Species and gene divergence in Littorina snails detected by array comparative genomic hybridization. BMC Genomics (2014) 0.85
Phylogenetic relationships of Betula species (Betulaceae) based on nuclear ADH and chloroplast matK sequences. Am J Bot (2004) 0.85
Contemporary effective population and metapopulation size (N e and meta-N e): comparison among three salmonids inhabiting a fragmented system and differing in gene flow and its asymmetries. Ecol Evol (2013) 0.83
Permanent genetic resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 December 2011-31 January 2012. Mol Ecol Resour (2012) 0.82
Strong divergence in trait means but not in plasticity across hatchery and wild populations of sea-run brown trout Salmo trutta. Mol Ecol (2012) 0.82
Importance of plasticity and local adaptation for coping with changing salinity in coastal areas: a test case with barnacles in the Baltic Sea. BMC Evol Biol (2014) 0.82
Reconstruction of microsatellite mutation history reveals a strong and consistent deletion bias in invasive clonal snails, Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Genetics (2002) 0.82
Dynamic micro-geographic and temporal genetic diversity in vertebrates: the case of lake-spawning populations of brown trout (Salmo trutta). Mol Ecol (2009) 0.82
New insights into molecular evolution: prospects from the Barcode of Life Initiative (BOLI). Theory Biosci (2010) 0.81
Samples from subdivided populations yield biased estimates of effective size that overestimate the rate of loss of genetic variation. Mol Ecol Resour (2013) 0.81
The effect of multiple paternity on genetic diversity of small populations during and after colonisation. PLoS One (2013) 0.81
Lophelia pertusa corals from the Ionian and Barents seas share identical nuclear ITS2 and near-identical mitochondrial genome sequences. BMC Res Notes (2013) 0.80
The Littorina sequence database (LSD)--an online resource for genomic data. Mol Ecol Resour (2011) 0.80
Short-term genetic changes: evaluating effective population size estimates in a comprehensively described brown trout (Salmo trutta) population. Genetics (2012) 0.80