R Hauser

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Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Mechanisms of gastroesophageal reflux in patients with reflux esophagitis. N Engl J Med 1982 5.07
2 Isolation and characterization of the ribonucleoprotein of influenza virus. Virology 1969 2.52
3 Association of heart rate variability with occupational and environmental exposure to particulate air pollution. Circulation 2001 2.46
4 Urinary bisphenol A concentrations and ovarian response among women undergoing IVF. Int J Androl 2009 1.75
5 Search for supersymmetry using final states with one lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector in √s=7 TeV pp collisions. Phys Rev Lett 2011 1.60
6 Measurement of the forward-backward charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production. Phys Rev Lett 2008 1.53
7 Pulmonary responses to oil fly ash particles in the rat differ by virtue of their specific soluble metals. Toxicol Sci 1998 1.50
8 Observation of a centrality-dependent dijet asymmetry in lead-lead collisions at sqrt[S(NN)] =2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Phys Rev Lett 2010 1.41
9 A case-crossover study of transient risk factors for occupational acute hand injury. Occup Environ Med 2004 1.41
10 Measurement of dijet azimuthal decorrelations in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7  TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2011 1.39
11 An Airway Wallstent for the treatment of tracheobronchial malignancies. Thorax 1996 1.39
12 High-frequency unilateral thalamic stimulation in the treatment of essential and parkinsonian tremor. Ann Neurol 1997 1.36
13 Determination of the strange-quark density of the proton from ATLAS measurements of the W→ℓν and Z→ℓℓ cross sections. Phys Rev Lett 2012 1.34
14 Search for new particles in two-jet final states in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Phys Rev Lett 2010 1.32
15 Observation of associated near-side and away-side long-range correlations in sqrt[s(NN)]=5.02 TeV proton-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2013 1.27
16 Leishmania tarentolae contains distinct cytosolic and mitochondrial glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase activities. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1997 1.19
17 Search for dark matter candidates and large extra dimensions in events with a photon and missing transverse momentum in pp collision data at sqrt[s]=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2013 1.19
18 Genetic evaluation of infertile men. Hum Reprod 1999 1.17
19 Search for a supersymmetric partner to the top quark in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum at sqrt[s] = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 1.13
20 Wife or Frau, women do worse: a comparison of men and women in the United States and Germany after marital dissolution. Demography 1991 1.10
21 Measurement of the electron charge asymmetry in pp[over ]-->W+X-->enu+X events at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 1.09
22 Search for tb resonances in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 1.07
23 Resolution of three distinct populations of nerve endings from rat brain homogenates by zonal isopycnic centrifugation. J Cell Biol 1974 1.05
24 Isolation of dnaJ, dnaK, and grpE homologues from Borrelia burgdorferi and complementation of Escherichia coli mutants. Mol Microbiol 1993 1.05
25 Search for a light Higgs boson decaying to long-lived weakly interacting particles in proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s] = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 1.05
26 Acute respiratory symptoms in workers exposed to vanadium-rich fuel-oil ash. Am J Ind Med 2000 1.04
27 Adenosine, adenosine A 2A antagonists, and Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2009 1.04
28 Search for large extra dimensions via single photon plus missing energy final states at sqrt s = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 1.04
29 Differential ability of transition metals to induce pulmonary inflammation. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2001 1.03
30 Cleavage of rRNA ensures translational cessation in sperm at fertilization. Mol Hum Reprod 2011 1.03
31 Testicular cancer and spermatogenesis. Hum Reprod 1997 1.02
32 Maternal exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke and pregnancy outcome among couples undergoing assisted reproduction. Hum Reprod 2006 1.01
33 The early development of Kraepelin's ideas on classification: a conceptual history. Psychol Med 1988 1.00
34 Search for supersymmetry in events with three leptons and missing transverse momentum in √[s]=7 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.99
35 A qualitative approach to measure the effectiveness of active avian influenza virus surveillance with respect to its cost: a case study from Switzerland. Prev Vet Med 2012 0.99
36 Retrograde ejaculation. Hum Reprod 1994 0.98
37 Reliability of the comet assay in cryopreserved human sperm. Hum Reprod 2002 0.98
38 Testicular sperm retrieval and cryopreservation prior to initiating ovarian stimulation as the first line approach in patients with non-obstructive azoospermia. Hum Reprod 1999 0.96
39 The effects of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding on the proximal pouch and the esophagus. Obes Surg 2001 0.95
40 Oral immunization of wildlife against rabies: concept and first field experiments. Rev Infect Dis 1989 0.95
41 Pheochromocytoma in pregnancy: case report and review of the literature. Obstet Gynecol Surv 1995 0.95
42 Molecular markers of acute upper airway inflammation in workers exposed to fuel-oil ash. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998 0.95
43 Expression profile of AZF genes in testicular biopsies of azoospermic men. Hum Reprod 2006 0.95
44 Development of a Patient Questionnaire to facilitate recognition of motor and non-motor wearing-off in Parkinson's disease. J Neural Transm (Vienna) 2006 0.94
45 Search for flavor-changing-neutral-current d meson decays. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.94
46 Enhanced left ventricular diastolic filling associated with long-term endurance training. J Gerontol 1992 0.92
47 Measurement of the lifetime of the Bc+/- meson in the semileptonic decay channel. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.92
48 Results of 6139 artificial insemination cycles with donor spermatozoa. Hum Reprod 2001 0.92
49 Sperm quality in Hodgkin's disease versus non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Hum Reprod 1997 0.91
50 Measurement of the forward-backward charge asymmetry and extraction of sin2thetaWeff in pp-->Z/gamma* + X-->e+e- +X events produced at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.91
51 Comparison of functional aspects in two automatic milking systems and auto-tandem milking parlors. J Dairy Sci 2007 0.91
52 Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section in pp[over] collisions at square root [s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.90
53 Report of the policy conference on pacemaker reuse sponsored by the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology. J Am Coll Cardiol 1985 0.89
54 Dental composites and amalgam and physical development in children. J Dent Res 2012 0.88
55 Sperm motility is a major determinant of pregnancy outcome following intrauterine insemination. J Assist Reprod Genet 1998 0.88
56 Pregnancy resulting from frozen-thawed embryos achieved by intracytoplasmic injection of cryopreserved sperm cells extracted from an orchidectomized, seminoma-bearing testis, causing obstructive azoospermia. Hum Reprod 1997 0.88
57 Long-term follow-up of proximal versus distal laparoscopic gastric bypass for morbid obesity. Br J Surg 2008 0.87
58 Frozen-thawed epididymal spermatozoa for intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Fertil Steril 1997 0.87
59 Distortion product otoacoustic emissions in normal and hearing-impaired ears. Am J Otolaryngol 1990 0.87
60 Measurement of the ZZ production cross section and limits on anomalous neutral triple gauge couplings in proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s] = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.86
61 Varicocele and the testicular-renal venous route: hemodynamic Doppler sonographic investigation. J Ultrasound Med 2000 0.86
62 Monitoring the effects of noise exposure using transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions. Acta Otolaryngol 1993 0.85
63 USP26 gene variations in fertile and infertile men. Hum Reprod 2008 0.85
64 Search for gluinos in events with two same-sign leptons, jets, and missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=7  TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.85
65 [Fibrovascular polyps of the esophagus]. HNO 1995 0.85
66 High secondary failure rate of rebanding after failed gastric banding. Surg Endosc 2008 0.85
67 In vivo import of unspliced tRNATyr containing synthetic introns of variable length into mitochondria of Leishmania tarentolae. Nucleic Acids Res 1998 0.84
68 Alcoholism and the D2 receptor gene. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 1992 0.84
69 Bisphenol A concentrations in maternal breast milk and infant urine. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2012 0.84
70 Clinical monitoring using otoacoustic emissions. Br J Audiol 1993 0.84
71 A randomized, controlled trial of remacemide for motor fluctuations in Parkinson's disease. Neurology 2001 0.84
72 Search for Randall-Sundrum gravitons with 1 fb(-1) of data from pp collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.84
73 Search for dilepton resonances in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.83
74 Search for W' boson resonances decaying to a top quark and a bottom quark. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.83
75 [Reliability of the rapid Streptococcus A test]. HNO 1996 0.83
76 Measurement of the Lambda b lifetime in the exclusive decay Lambda b --> J/psi Lambda. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.82
77 Nephrotoxicity of cyclosporine in spontaneously hypertensive rats: effects on blood pressure and vascular lesions. Clin Nephrol 1986 0.82
78 Pulmonary function in workers exposed to low levels of fuel-oil ash. J Occup Environ Med 1999 0.82
79 Search for the flavor-changing neutral current decay B0s--> mu(+) mu(-) in pp Collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.82
80 Rapid smoking as a technique of behavior modification: caution in selection of subjects. J Consult Clin Psychol 1974 0.82
81 Search for scalar bottom quark pair production with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=7  TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.82
82 Observation of a new χ(b) state in radiative transitions to Υ(1S) and Υ(2S) at ATLAS. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.82
83 Search for new phenomena in tt events with large missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s] = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.82
84 Maturation phenotype of Sertoli cells in testicular biopsies of azoospermic men. Hum Reprod 2000 0.81
85 Measurement of Z boson production in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt[s(NN)]=2.76  TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.81
86 Milk cortisol concentration in automatic milking systems compared with auto-tandem milking parlors. J Dairy Sci 2006 0.81
87 Search for production of resonant states in the photon-jet mass distribution using pp collisions at √s=7 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.81
88 Search for diphoton events with large missing transverse energy in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.81
89 Measurement of inclusive differential cross sections for pp collisions at (square root)s = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.80
90 Temporal trends in human semen parameters in New England in the United States, 1989-2000. Arch Androl 2003 0.80
91 [Epidemiological basis and results of the National Survey 2001 conducted in the Swiss pig population]. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd 2002 0.80
92 Pre-freezing sperm preparation does not impair thawed spermatozoa binding to the zona pellucida. Hum Reprod 1999 0.80
93 [Diagnosis and therapy of skeletal infections from the orthopedic viewpoint. Arthritis, infant osteomyelitis, hematogenous and post-traumatic osteomyelitis, spondylitis, infected endoprosthesis]. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax 1987 0.80
94 Localization of E. coli K-12 in livers of mice used for an intrasanguineous host-mediated assay. Mutat Res 1977 0.80
95 Follow-up of sperm concentration and motility in patients with lymphoma. Hum Reprod 2000 0.80
96 Measurement of the polarization of the upsilon(1S) and upsilon(2S) states in pp collisions at square root[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.80
97 Measurement of dijet azimuthal decorrelations at central rapidities in pp collisions at sqrt s =1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.80
98 [Speech audiometry with logatomes]. Laryngorhinootologie 1997 0.80
99 Reproducibility of nasal peak inspiratory flow among healthy adults: assessment of epidemiologic utility. Chest 1997 0.79
100 Patient survival comparison in three generations of automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillators: review of 12 years, 25,000 patients. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 1993 0.79
101 [Magnetic resonance tomography in preoperative analysis of chronic post-traumatic osteomyelitis]. Helv Chir Acta 1989 0.79
102 The Faces Symbol Test, a newly developed screening instrument to assess cognitive decline related to multiple sclerosis: first results of the Berlin Multi-Centre FST Validation Study. Mult Scler 2007 0.79
103 Evaluation of a new self-expandable silicone stent in an experimental tracheal stenosis. Chest 1999 0.79
104 Report of the policy conference on pacemaker re-use sponsored by the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 1985 0.79
105 Eustachian tube function in sudden hearing loss and in healthy subjects. J Laryngol Otol 1992 0.78
106 A child with an unusually high-level spontaneous otoacoustic emission. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1991 0.78
107 Involvement of the prostate and testis expression (PATE)-like proteins in sperm-oocyte interaction. Hum Reprod 2012 0.78
108 Search for production of single top quarks via tcg and tug flavor-changing-neutral-current couplings. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.78
109 Natural tranquilliser in cephalopod eggs. Nature 1976 0.78
110 Different aspects of hearing preservation in surgery of vestibular schwannoma in women and men. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 1996 0.78
111 Percutaneous lumbar spine fusion. Acta Orthop Scand Suppl 1993 0.78
112 Three-generation evaluation of Y-chromosome microdeletion. J Androl 1999 0.78
113 Seasonal variations in pre- and post-thaw donor sperm quality. Hum Reprod 2004 0.78
114 Search for associated higgs boson production WH-->WWW*-->l+/-nul'+/-nu'+X in pp collisions at square root s=1.96 Te V. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.78
115 Search for large extra spatial dimensions in dimuon production with the d0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.78
116 Search for the Higgs boson in the H→WW(*)→ℓ(+)νℓ(-)ν decay channel in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.78
117 Immunohistochemical investigations to demonstrate vital direct traumatic damage of skeletal muscle. Int J Legal Med 1991 0.78
118 Study of Zgamma events and limits on anomalous ZZgamma and Zgammagamma couplings in pp collisions at square root s = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.78
119 Measurement of the Bs(0) lifetime using semileptonic decays. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.77
120 Interference of cyclosporin with lymphocyte proliferation: effects on mitochondria and lysosomes of cyclosporin-sensitive or -resistant cell clones. Cell Immunol 1985 0.77
121 Association between water consumption from polycarbonate containers and bisphenol A intake during harsh environmental conditions in summer. Environ Sci Technol 2013 0.77
122 Identifying patients for prophylactic automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapy: status of prospective studies. Am Heart J 1991 0.77
123 Illegal import of bushmeat and other meat products into Switzerland on commercial passenger flights. Rev Sci Tech 2013 0.77
124 Search for direct top squark pair production in final states with one isolated lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum in sqrt[s] = 7 TeV pp collisions using 4.7 fb(-10 of ATLAS data. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.77
125 Measurement of the azimuthal angle dependence of inclusive jet yields in Pb+Pb collisions at √(sNN)=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.77
126 BRDT gene sequence in human testicular pathologies and the implication of its single nucleotide polymorphism (rs3088232) on fertility. Andrology 2014 0.77
127 Stochastic modelling as a tool for planning animal-health surveys and interpreting screening-test results. Prev Vet Med 2001 0.77
128 Advanced methods for evaluation of sperm quality. Andrologia 1995 0.76
129 Risk assessment of the introduction of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus via boar semen into Switzerland as an example of a PRRSV-free country. Transbound Emerg Dis 2013 0.76
130 Search for charged higgs bosons decaying into top and bottom quarks in pp[over ] collisions. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.76
131 Lipid-protein interactions. I. Role of divalent ions in binding of glycylglycine to phosphatidylserine. Biochim Biophys Acta 1973 0.76
132 [Immunohistochemical identification of testicular germ cells--preliminary report]. Harefuah 2000 0.76
133 Search for pair production of a heavy up-type quark decaying to a W boson and a b quark in the lepton + jets channel with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.76
134 Measurement of the semileptonic branching ratio of B_{s};{0} to an orbitally excited D_{s};{**} state: Br(B_{s};{0}-->D_{s1};{-}(2536)mu;{+}nuX). Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.76
135 Regional distribution of glutamate in the central nervous system of rat terminated by carbon dioxide euthanasia. Lab Anim 2002 0.76
136 Search for neutral supersymmetric Higgs Bosons in multijet events at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.76
137 Evaluation of the emotional state shortly before death--science-fiction or a new challenge? Int J Legal Med 1996 0.75
138 Measurement of the W+ W- cross section in sqrt(s) = 7  TeV pp collisions with ATLAS. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
139 Observation and properties of the X(3872) decaying to J/psipi(+)pi(-) in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2004 0.75
140 The contribution of RNA-binding motif (RBM) antibody to the histopathologic evaluation of testicular biopsies from infertile men. Hum Pathol 2001 0.75
141 Search for pair production of a new b' quark that decays into a Z boson and a bottom quark with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
142 [Lung function and symptoms in employees of poultry farms]. Soz Praventivmed 1988 0.75
143 Zona pellucida binding improvement effect of different sperm preparation techniques is not related to changes in sperm motility characterizations. Fertil Steril 2000 0.75
144 Search for neutral Higgs bosons in multi-b-jet events in pp[over] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
145 Search for the standard model Higgs Boson in the pp[over]-->ZH-->nunu[over]bb[over] channel. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
146 [Effects of a change in environmental pressure on spontaneous nystagmus in patients with cochleovestibular diseases]. Laryngorhinootologie 1993 0.75
147 [Microbial contamination of ABO antigens in bone tissue]. Z Rechtsmed 1984 0.75
148 Measurement of Bs0 mixing parameters from the flavor-tagged decay Bs0-->J/psiphi. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
149 [Fatty liver in indirect calorimetry controlled total parenteral nutrition]. Infusionsther Klin Ernahr 1987 0.75
150 [New methods for predicting sperm fertilizing ability]. Harefuah 1993 0.75
151 Evidence for partial exocrine acinar differentiation in experimentally induced pancreatic ductal/ductular cell tumors. Int J Pancreatol 1987 0.75
152 Observation and properties of the orbitally excited B_(s2)(*) meson. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
153 [What is your diagnosis? Infectious laryngotracheitis in a hen]. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd 1993 0.75
154 [Distortion of body axis in young minnows (Phoxinus laevis) following destruction of the subcommissural organ]. Rev Suisse Zool 1976 0.75
155 [Infant botulism--a "New" disease]. Harefuah 1981 0.75
156 Evaluation of meiotic impairment of azoospermic men by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Fertil Steril 2000 0.75
157 Measurement of semileptonic branching fractions of B mesons to narrow D** states. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
158 Sharing prosperity across the age distribution: a comparison of the United States and Germany in the 1980s. Gerontologist 1994 0.75
159 Financial reserve. Hospitals leery of credit lines, factoring receivables. Healthc Financ Manage 1991 0.75
160 [Esophageal obstruction after laxative administration]. HNO 1997 0.75
161 Measurement of the charge asymmetry in semileptonic Bs0 decays. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
162 [Attempts at postexposure active and passive human rabies immunization]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr 1977 0.75
163 [Diagnostic value of otoacoustic emissions. 2. Clinical applications of otoacoustic emissions]. HNO 1998 0.75
164 Search for the Higgs boson in the H→WW→lνjj decay channel in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
165 Search for a standard model Higgs boson in the H→ZZ→ℓ(+)ℓ(-)νν decay channel with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
166 Observations on the Lewis (a) and Lewis (b) activity of erythrocytes. Int J Legal Med 1995 0.75
167 Twenty-four hours abstinence and the quality of sperm parameters. Andrologia 2013 0.75
168 Lifetime difference and CP-violating phase in the Bs0 system. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
169 First study of the radiation-amplitude zero in Wgamma production and limits on anomalous WWgamma couplings at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
170 Parinaud's syndrome as the initial manifestation of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. J Neuroimaging 1994 0.75
171 The expression of mannose-ligand receptor is correlated with sperm morphology. Arch Androl 2002 0.75
172 Measurement of the ratio of inclusive cross sections sigma(pp --> Z + b jet)/sigma(pp --> Z + jet) at square root(s) = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
173 Measurement of the ratio of B+ and B0 meson lifetimes. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
174 [The Borrelia titer in ENT diseases]. Laryngorhinootologie 1990 0.75
175 Measurement of the Lambda0b lifetime in the decay lambda0b--> J/psiLambda0 with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
176 Measurement of the B0s lifetime in the exclusive decay channel B0s-->J/psiphi. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
177 Search for third-generation scalar leptoquarks in pp at square root s=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
178 Real-time multiprocessing of slit scan chromosome profiles. Comput Biol Med 1990 0.75
179 [Psychological comorbidity and quality of life of patients with morbid obesity and requesting gastric banding]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr 2000 0.75
180 Direct observation of the strange b baryon Xib-. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
181 Search for a heavy particle decaying into an electron and a muon with the ATLAS detector in sqrt[s] = 7 TeV pp collisions at the LHC. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
182 [Gastric pouch dilatation: complications after laparoscopic implantation of a silicone gastric band in pathologic obesity]. Rofo 1998 0.75
183 [Transitory evoked otoacoustic emissions and distortion product emissions in disorders of middle ear ventilation]. HNO 1996 0.75
184 Vascularity index distribution within the testis: a technique for guiding testicular sperm extraction. Ultrasound Med Biol 2001 0.75
185 Humeral fracture in arm wrestling: bone morphology as a permanent risk factor. Indications for safety measures in arm wrestling. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2014 0.75
186 Search for techniparticles in e+jets events at D0. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
187 Evidence for production of single top quarks and first direct measurement of |Vtb|. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
188 School counselors' knowledge of eating disorders. Eat Weight Disord 2011 0.75
189 IgM and IgG antibody profiles after immunization of man with a HDCS-vaccine (preliminary communication). Dev Biol Stand 1978 0.75
190 Electromagnetic power transfer system. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 1981 0.75
191 Measurement of the shape of the boson-transverse momentum distribution in pp --> Z/gamma* --> e+e- + X events produced at square root s = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
192 Sperm separation for gender preference: methods and efficacy. J Androl 1997 0.75
193 [Effect of contralateral noise exposure on otoacoustic distortion product emissions in man]. Laryngorhinootologie 1995 0.75
194 Fabricating moisture chamber spectacles with a sectional facial moulage. J Prosthet Dent 1981 0.75
195 A novel chimaeric derivative of saruplase, rscu-PA-40 kDA/Hir, binds to thrombin and exerts thrombus-specific fibrinolysis in arterial and venous thrombosis in dogs. Thromb Haemost 1997 0.75
196 [3-year follow-up after endonasal microscopic paranasal sinus surgery in migraine and cluster headache]. Laryngorhinootologie 1996 0.75
197 Properties of L=1 B(1) and B(2)* mesons. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
198 Intravascular coagulation in abruptio placentae. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1971 0.75
199 [Lengthening, axial correction and segmental reconstruction of the extremities using the distraction method]. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax 1994 0.75
200 Neutron diffraction study of the non-Fermi liquid compound CeNiGa₂: magnetic behaviour as a function of pressure and temperature. J Phys Condens Matter 2013 0.75
201 [Diagnostic value of otoacoustic emissions. 1]. HNO 1998 0.75
202 Correlation between sperm penetration into the human zona pellucida and in vitro fertilization rates. Andrologia 1997 0.75
203 Search for the Higgs boson in H --> WW(*) decays in pp collisions at square root of 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
204 Search for anomalous heavy-flavor quark production in association with W bosons. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
205 [Disability claims following burns of the extremities]. Pol Tyg Lek 1978 0.75
206 [Treatment of transient ischemic attacks due to carotid bifurcation lesions]. Harefuah 1984 0.75
207 [Estimation of height and weight using femoral morphometry]. Acta Med Leg Soc (Liege) 1980 0.75
208 Dependence of distortion product emission amplitude on primary-tone stimulus levels during middle-ear pressure changes. Acta Otolaryngol 1994 0.75
209 Online head motion tracking applied to the patient registration problem. Comput Aided Surg 2000 0.75
210 Separation of sperm cells by sedimentation technique is not suitable for in vitro fertilization purposes. Andrologia 1996 0.75
211 [Use of scintigraphy for assessing the consequences of renal injury in medicolegal expertise]. Wiad Lek 1982 0.75
212 [Cancer and male infertility]. Harefuah 1996 0.75
213 Study of the decay Bs(0)-->Ds(*)Ds(*). Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
214 Search for supersymmetry with gauge-mediated breaking in diphoton events at D0. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
215 Search for stopped gluinos from pp collisions at square root s = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
216 [Reconstruction of large segmental defects of the lower extremities following resection of malignant and locally aggressive bone tumors]. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax 1991 0.75
217 Production of WZ events in pp collisions at square root(s) = 1.96 TeV and limits on anomalous WWZ couplings. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
218 [Identification using histomorphometry of the femur and tibia]. Acta Med Leg Soc (Liege) 1980 0.75
219 The self-locking Balgrist hip socket for cementless fixation: biomechanical principles and clinical results. Keio J Med 1993 0.75
220 Postpartum periarticular hip abscess with later coxitis caused by group B streptococcus. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1992 0.75
221 Observation of the Bc meson in the exclusive decay Bc-->J/psipi. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
222 Folic acid metabolism and complications of pregnancy. Mo Med 1970 0.75
223 Study of direct CP violation in B(+/-)-->J/psiK(+/-)(pi(+/-)) decays. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
224 [Tube function in sudden hearing loss]. Laryngorhinootologie 1991 0.75
225 Search for Randall-Sundrum gravitons in dilepton and diphoton final states. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
226 [An attempt to explain the mechanism of the appearance of nonspecific reactions in bones subject to putrefaction]. Acta Med Leg Soc (Liege) 1986 0.75
227 Search for decay of a fermiophobic Higgs boson hf-->gammagamma with the D0 detector at sqrt s=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
228 Search for Wbb and WH production in pp collisions at square root [s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
229 Search for the standard model Higgs boson in the diphoton decay channel with 4.9 fb(-1) of pp collision data at √s=7 TeV with ATLAS. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
230 Search for supersymmetry via associated production of charginos and neutralinos in final states with three leptons. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
231 [Pastoral constitution "gaudium et spes" and the future of the world]. Stud Gen (Berl) 1969 0.75
232 Measurement of the lifetime difference in the B0(s) system. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
233 Expression of mannose-ligand receptors on human spermatozoa: effect of lecithin and association with sperm binding to the zona pellucida. Fertil Steril 1998 0.75
234 Precise measurement of the top-quark mass from lepton + jets events. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
235 Measurement of the Lambdab0 lifetime using semileptonic decays. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
236 Experimental discrimination between charge 2e/3 top quark and charge 4e/3 exotic quark production scenarios. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
237 [Stability of selected sperm components in a mixture of sperm and vaginal secretions]. Beitr Gerichtl Med 1988 0.75
238 Search for anomalous Wtb couplings in single top quark production. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
239 [Acute toxoplasmosis in coexistent non-Hodgkin lymphoma]. HNO 1999 0.75
240 Search for doubly charged higgs boson pair production in the decay to mu(+)mu(+)mu(-)mu(-) in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2004 0.75
241 [Deranged axial growth of the Xenopus laevis larva following elimination of the subcommissural organ]. Rev Suisse Zool 1974 0.75
242 Search for neutral Higgs bosons decaying to tau pairs in pp[over ] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
243 Measurement of the WW production cross section in pp collisions at square root[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
244 [Dependence of the normogenetic regeneration of the tail tip of Zenopus laevis Daud. on a neurogenic factor in the cerebrospinal fluid]. Rev Suisse Zool 1966 0.75
245 Observation of spin correlation in tt¯ events from pp collisions at √s=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
246 Morphology of testicular spermatozoa obtained by testicular sperm extraction in obstructive and nonobstructive azoospermic men and its relation to fertilization success in the in vitro fertilization-intracytoplasmic sperm injection system. J Androl 2001 0.75
247 The post-mortem concentration of glutamate in the structures of rat brain as an exponent of short aversive sensory stimulation preceding death. Forensic Sci Int 2001 0.75
248 [Fatal ethanol poisoning of the alcohol abusers]. Przegl Lek 2000 0.75
249 Measurement of the tt[over] production cross section in pp[over] collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
250 Search for pair production of doubly charged Higgs bosons in the H++H- - -->mu+ mu+ mu- mu- final state. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
251 Model-independent measurement of the W-boson helicity in top-quark decays at D0. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
252 Simultaneous measurement of the ratio R=B(t --> Wb)/B(t --> Wq) and the top-quark pair production cross section with the D0 detector at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
253 Search for pair production of scalar bottom quarks in pp collisions at square root of s = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
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