Published in Acta Paediatr on May 01, 2007
The undescended testis: diagnosis, treatment and long-term consequences. Dtsch Arztebl Int (2009) 2.29
Identification of de novo copy number variants associated with human disorders of sexual development. PLoS One (2010) 2.14
The risk of cryptorchidism among sons of women working in horticulture in Denmark: a cohort study. Environ Health (2011) 1.39
A systematic review and meta-analysis of perinatal variables in relation to the risk of testicular cancer--experiences of the son. Int J Epidemiol (2010) 1.19
Congenital idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: evidence of defects in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and testes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2010) 1.05
No association between maternal pre-pregnancy obesity and risk of hypospadias or cryptorchidism in male newborns. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol (2011) 0.87
Identification of novel low-dose bisphenol a targets in human foreskin fibroblast cells derived from hypospadias patients. PLoS One (2012) 0.86
The timing of surgery for undescended testis - a retrospective multicenter analysis. Dtsch Arztebl Int (2014) 0.85
Epidemiology, classification and management of undescended testes: does medication have value in its treatment? J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol (2013) 0.82
Similar causes of various reproductive disorders in early life. Asian J Androl (2013) 0.82
Effects of posterior urethral valves on long-term bladder and sexual function. Nat Rev Urol (2012) 0.79
Individual variation of the genetic response to bisphenol a in human foreskin fibroblast cells derived from cryptorchidism and hypospadias patients. PLoS One (2012) 0.78
Current management of non-palpable testes: a literature review and clinical results. Transl Pediatr (2016) 0.77
Could androgen receptor gene CAG tract polymorphism affect spermatogenesis in men with idiopathic infertility? J Assist Reprod Genet (2014) 0.77
Effects on normalized testicular atrophy index (TAIn) in cryptorchid infants treated with GnRHa pre and post-operative vs surgery alone: a prospective randomized trial and long-term follow-up on 62 cases. Pediatr Surg Int (2014) 0.77
Undescended testis - current trends and guidelines: a review of the literature. Arch Med Sci (2016) 0.77
Undescended testis guideline - is it being implemented in practice? Dtsch Arztebl Int (2014) 0.76
Intrauterine growth retardation associated with precocious puberty and sertoli cell hyperplasia. Horm Metab Res (2010) 0.76
Management of cryptorchidism: a survey of clinical practice in Italy. BMC Pediatr (2012) 0.76
Food components and contaminants as (anti)androgenic molecules. Genes Nutr (2017) 0.75
Treatment of undescended testes--time for a change in European traditions. Acta Paediatr (2007) 0.75
Operative management of cryptorchidism: guidelines and reality--a 10-year observational analysis of 3587 cases. BMC Pediatr (2015) 0.75
Groin exploration for the nonpalpable testes: a single center experience. Niger J Surg (2015) 0.75
Causes of delay in proper treatment of patients with undescended testis. Iran J Reprod Med (2011) 0.75
[Current and practice-relevant news from pediatric urology]. Urologe A (2011) 0.75
A allele of SNP12 in estrogen receptor 1 was a risk factor for cryptorchidism in Asians: a systematic review with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis. Pediatr Surg Int (2016) 0.75
Decrease in anogenital distance among male infants with prenatal phthalate exposure. Environ Health Perspect (2005) 7.43
Body mass index in relation to semen quality and reproductive hormones among 1,558 Danish men. Fertil Steril (2004) 2.40
Public health implications of altered puberty timing. Pediatrics (2008) 2.26
ATM activation in normal human tissues and testicular cancer. Cell Cycle (2005) 2.25
Cryptorchidism and hypospadias as a sign of testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS): environmental connection. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol (2010) 2.04
Vitamin D receptor and vitamin D metabolizing enzymes are expressed in the human male reproductive tract. Hum Reprod (2010) 2.00
Intrauterine exposure to mild analgesics is a risk factor for development of male reproductive disorders in human and rat. Hum Reprod (2010) 1.97
Do perfluoroalkyl compounds impair human semen quality? Environ Health Perspect (2009) 1.81
Gene polymorphisms and male infertility--a meta-analysis and literature review. Reprod Biomed Online (2007) 1.79
Environmental chemicals and thyroid function. Eur J Endocrinol (2006) 1.75
Activating mutations in FGFR3 and HRAS reveal a shared genetic origin for congenital disorders and testicular tumors. Nat Genet (2009) 1.72
Caffeine intake and semen quality in a population of 2,554 young Danish men. Am J Epidemiol (2010) 1.69
Childhood exposure to phthalates: associations with thyroid function, insulin-like growth factor I, and growth. Environ Health Perspect (2010) 1.60
Prenatal and adult exposures to smoking are associated with adverse effects on reproductive hormones, semen quality, final height and body mass index. Hum Reprod (2011) 1.60
Sperm counts, data responsibility, and good scientific practice. Epidemiology (2011) 1.59
OCT2, SSX and SAGE1 reveal the phenotypic heterogeneity of spermatocytic seminoma reflecting distinct subpopulations of spermatogonia. J Pathol (2011) 1.59
Embryonic stem cell-like features of testicular carcinoma in situ revealed by genome-wide gene expression profiling. Cancer Res (2004) 1.56
Dysregulation of the mitosis-meiosis switch in testicular carcinoma in situ. J Pathol (2013) 1.56
Thyroid effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Mol Cell Endocrinol (2011) 1.55
Association of sleep disturbances with reduced semen quality: a cross-sectional study among 953 healthy young Danish men. Am J Epidemiol (2013) 1.54
Is human fecundity declining? Int J Androl (2006) 1.52
Shorter anogenital distance predicts poorer semen quality in young men in Rochester, New York. Environ Health Perspect (2011) 1.52
Urological outcome after myelomeningocele: 20 years of follow-up. BJU Int (2010) 1.51
The relation between adult dark spermatogonia and other parameters of fertility potential in cryptorchid testes. J Urol (2013) 1.49
From embryonic stem cells to testicular germ cell cancer-- should we be concerned? Int J Androl (2006) 1.48
Association between organic dietary choice during pregnancy and hypospadias in offspring: a study of mothers of 306 boys operated on for hypospadias. J Urol (2012) 1.47
Association Between Use of Marijuana and Male Reproductive Hormones and Semen Quality: A Study Among 1,215 Healthy Young Men. Am J Epidemiol (2015) 1.41
Phenotypic characterisation of immune cell infiltrates in testicular germ cell neoplasia. J Reprod Immunol (2013) 1.41
[Molecular diagnostics in endocrine diseases]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen (2005) 1.41
Association of in utero exposure to maternal smoking with reduced semen quality and testis size in adulthood: a cross-sectional study of 1,770 young men from the general population in five European countries. Am J Epidemiol (2004) 1.38
Serum levels of anti-Müllerian hormone as a marker of ovarian function in 926 healthy females from birth to adulthood and in 172 Turner syndrome patients. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2010) 1.37
Overweight and obesity in Norwegian children: prevalence and socio-demographic risk factors. Acta Paediatr (2010) 1.35
Analysis of gene expression profiles of microdissected cell populations indicates that testicular carcinoma in situ is an arrested gonocyte. Cancer Res (2009) 1.35
Developmental expression of POU5F1 (OCT-3/4) in normal and dysgenetic human gonads. Hum Reprod (2004) 1.34
Persistent pesticides in human breast milk and cryptorchidism. Environ Health Perspect (2006) 1.33
Increased number of sex chromosomes affects height in a nonlinear fashion: a study of 305 patients with sex chromosome aneuploidy. Am J Med Genet A (2010) 1.31
Mild gestational diabetes as a risk factor for congenital cryptorchidism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2006) 1.27
Transcription factor AP-2gamma is a developmentally regulated marker of testicular carcinoma in situ and germ cell tumors. Clin Cancer Res (2004) 1.27
Exome sequencing reveals FAM20c mutations associated with fibroblast growth factor 23-related hypophosphatemia, dental anomalies, and ectopic calcification. J Bone Miner Res (2013) 1.26
Postnatal penile length and growth rate correlate to serum testosterone levels: a longitudinal study of 1962 normal boys. Eur J Endocrinol (2006) 1.26
Testicular dysgenesis syndrome: foetal origin of adult reproductive problems. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) (2009) 1.25
Are environmental levels of bisphenol a associated with reproductive function in fertile men? Environ Health Perspect (2010) 1.25
Quality of life in 70 women with disorders of sex development. Eur J Endocrinol (2006) 1.24
Semen quality in sub-fertile range for a significant proportion of young men from the general German population: a co-ordinated, controlled study of 791 men from Hamburg and Leipzig. Int J Androl (2008) 1.23
Serum inhibin B and follicle-stimulating hormone levels as tools in the evaluation of infertile men: significance of adequate reference values from proven fertile men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2004) 1.23
Diagnostic work-up of 449 consecutive girls who were referred to be evaluated for precocious puberty. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2011) 1.22
The pubertal transition in 179 healthy Danish children: associations between pubarche, adrenarche, gonadarche, and body composition. Eur J Endocrinol (2012) 1.21
What is new in cryptorchidism and hypospadias--a critical review on the testicular dysgenesis hypothesis. J Pediatr Surg (2010) 1.20
Meaningful peer review is integral to quality science and should provide benefits to the authors and reviewers alike. Andrology (2013) 1.18
Cryptorchidism and maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Environ Health Perspect (2006) 1.14
Regional differences in semen qualities in the Baltic region. Int J Androl (2002) 1.14
Impaired kidney growth in low-birth-weight children: distinct effects of maturity and weight for gestational age. Kidney Int (2005) 1.14
Presumed pluripotency markers UTF-1 and REX-1 are expressed in human adult testes and germ cell neoplasms. Hum Reprod (2008) 1.13
The early human germ cell lineage does not express SOX2 during in vivo development or upon in vitro culture. Biol Reprod (2008) 1.13
High dietary intake of saturated fat is associated with reduced semen quality among 701 young Danish men from the general population. Am J Clin Nutr (2012) 1.12
Low concentration of circulating antimüllerian hormone is not predictive of reduced fecundability in young healthy women: a prospective cohort study. Fertil Steril (2012) 1.12
[Growth references for Norwegian children]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen (2009) 1.12
Regional differences and temporal trends in male reproductive health disorders: semen quality may be a sensitive marker of environmental exposures. Mol Cell Endocrinol (2011) 1.12
Origin of pluripotent germ cell tumours: the role of microenvironment during embryonic development. Mol Cell Endocrinol (2008) 1.11
Increased risk of carcinoma in situ in patients with testicular germ cell cancer with ultrasonic microlithiasis in the contralateral testicle. J Urol (2003) 1.11
The 2014 Danish references from birth to 20 years for height, weight and body mass index. Acta Paediatr (2013) 1.09
Association between testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS) and testicular neoplasia: evidence from 20 adult patients with signs of maldevelopment of the testis. APMIS (2003) 1.08
Frequent polymorphism of the mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma gene (POLG) in patients with normal spermiograms and unexplained subfertility. Hum Reprod (2004) 1.08
Nuclear transit of human zipcode-binding protein IMP1. Biochem J (2003) 1.07
Identity of M2A (D2-40) antigen and gp36 (Aggrus, T1A-2, podoplanin) in human developing testis, testicular carcinoma in situ and germ-cell tumours. Virchows Arch (2006) 1.07
Temporal variability in urinary excretion of bisphenol A and seven other phenols in spot, morning, and 24-h urine samples. Environ Res (2013) 1.07
Testicular descent: INSL3, testosterone, genes and the intrauterine milieu. Nat Rev Urol (2011) 1.07
Development and descent of the testis in relation to cryptorchidism. Acta Paediatr (2007) 1.06
Expression and localization of the progesterone receptor in mouse and human reproductive organs. J Endocrinol (2006) 1.06
Narrow intra-individual variation of maternal thyroid function in pregnancy based on a longitudinal study on 132 women. Eur J Endocrinol (2009) 1.06
Urinary concentrations of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate metabolites and serum reproductive hormones: pooled analysis of fertile and infertile men. J Androl (2011) 1.06
Leydig cell micronodules are a common finding in testicular biopsies from men with impaired spermatogenesis and are associated with decreased testosterone/LH ratio. J Pathol (2003) 1.05
Correlations between phthalate metabolites in urine, serum, and seminal plasma from young Danish men determined by isotope dilution liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. J Anal Toxicol (2010) 1.05
Vitamin D is positively associated with sperm motility and increases intracellular calcium in human spermatozoa. Hum Reprod (2011) 1.04
Temporal variability in urinary phthalate metabolite excretion based on spot, morning, and 24-h urine samples: considerations for epidemiological studies. Environ Sci Technol (2012) 1.03
Growth references for 0-19 year-old Norwegian children for length/height, weight, body mass index and head circumference. Ann Hum Biol (2013) 1.02
Spermaturia and serum hormone concentrations at the age of puberty in boys prenatally exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls. Eur J Endocrinol (2002) 1.02
Meeting report: measuring endocrine-sensitive endpoints within the first years of life. Environ Health Perspect (2008) 1.02
The cancer-testis gene, NY-ESO-1, is expressed in normal fetal and adult testes and in spermatocytic seminomas and testicular carcinoma in situ. Lab Invest (2002) 1.02
Hormonal changes in 3-month-old cryptorchid boys. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2006) 1.01
Human urinary excretion of non-persistent environmental chemicals: an overview of Danish data collected between 2006 and 2012. Reproduction (2014) 1.01
Impaired reproductive development in sons of women occupationally exposed to pesticides during pregnancy. Environ Health Perspect (2008) 1.01
Phthalate excretion pattern and testicular function: a study of 881 healthy Danish men. Environ Health Perspect (2012) 1.00
Environment, testicular dysgenesis and carcinoma in situ testis. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab (2007) 1.00
Natural history of seminiferous tubule degeneration in Klinefelter syndrome. Hum Reprod Update (2005) 1.00
Contributions of intrinsic mutation rate and selfish selection to levels of de novo HRAS mutations in the paternal germline. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013) 1.00
Current exposure of 200 pregnant Danish women to phthalates, parabens and phenols. Reproduction (2014) 0.99
Parabens in urine, serum and seminal plasma from healthy Danish men determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol (2010) 0.99
Recessive mutations in PTHR1 cause contrasting skeletal dysplasias in Eiken and Blomstrand syndromes. Hum Mol Genet (2004) 0.99