Published in Hepatology on August 01, 2007
Molecular mechanisms of hepatic apoptosis. Cell Death Dis (2014) 1.21
Pharmacological agents for NASH. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol (2013) 1.15
Vitamin E and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care (2012) 0.96
Innovative parenteral and enteral nutrition therapy for intestinal failure. Semin Pediatr Surg (2010) 0.86
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: new treatments. Curr Opin Gastroenterol (2015) 0.84
The α-tocopherol status and expression of α-tocopherol-related proteins in methionine-choline deficient rats treated with vitamin E. J Clin Biochem Nutr (2014) 0.80
Is vitamin E beneficial in chronic liver disease? Hepatology (2007) 0.77
Review article: novel methods for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis - targeting the gut immune system to decrease the systemic inflammatory response without immune suppression. Aliment Pharmacol Ther (2016) 0.77
Association between vitamin E and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: a meta-analysis. Int J Clin Exp Med (2015) 0.76
Current Management of NAFLD. Clujul Med (2016) 0.75
The use of fish oil lipid emulsion in the treatment of intestinal failure associated liver disease (IFALD). Nutrients (2012) 0.75
Erzhi Pill® Repairs Experimental Liver Injury via TSC/mTOR Signaling Pathway Inhibiting Excessive Apoptosis. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med (2017) 0.75
Risk of celiac disease autoimmunity and timing of gluten introduction in the diet of infants at increased risk of disease. JAMA (2005) 3.61
Rotavirus infection frequency and risk of celiac disease autoimmunity in early childhood: a longitudinal study. Am J Gastroenterol (2006) 3.55
A multicenter study of the outcome of biliary atresia in the United States, 1997 to 2000. J Pediatr (2006) 3.32
Acute liver failure in children: the first 348 patients in the pediatric acute liver failure study group. J Pediatr (2006) 3.03
Vitamins E and C are safe across a broad range of intakes. Am J Clin Nutr (2005) 2.72
A prospective study of the incidence of childhood celiac disease. J Pediatr (2003) 2.50
Genetic induction of proinflammatory immunity in children with biliary atresia. Lancet (2002) 2.44
Biliary atresia is associated with CD4+ Th1 cell-mediated portal tract inflammation. Pediatr Res (2004) 2.38
Failure of resolution of portal fibrosis during omega-3 fatty acid lipid emulsion therapy in two patients with irreversible intestinal failure. J Pediatr (2010) 2.31
Coordinate expression of regulatory genes differentiates embryonic and perinatal forms of biliary atresia. Hepatology (2004) 2.28
Portopulmonary hypertension in pediatric patients. J Pediatr (2005) 2.03
Baseline Analysis of a Young α-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency Liver Disease Cohort Reveals Frequent Portal Hypertension. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr (2015) 1.98
Biliary atresia: clinical profiles, risk factors, and outcomes of 755 patients listed for liver transplantation. J Pediatr (2005) 1.97
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of risperidone for the treatment of adolescents and young adults with anorexia nervosa: a pilot study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2011) 1.92
Faster plasma vitamin E disappearance in smokers is normalized by vitamin C supplementation. Free Radic Biol Med (2005) 1.85
Extrahepatic anomalies in infants with biliary atresia: results of a large prospective North American multicenter study. Hepatology (2013) 1.80
Phytosterols promote liver injury and Kupffer cell activation in parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease. Sci Transl Med (2013) 1.77
Smoking and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke decrease some plasma antioxidants and increase gamma-tocopherol in vivo after adjustment for dietary antioxidant intakes. Am J Clin Nutr (2003) 1.74
Growth failure and outcomes in infants with biliary atresia: a report from the Biliary Atresia Research Consortium. Hepatology (2007) 1.68
Efficacy and safety of a high protein, low carbohydrate diet for weight loss in severely obese adolescents. J Pediatr (2010) 1.57
Cholangiocytes exhibit dynamic, actin-dependent apical membrane turnover. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol (2002) 1.56
Armed CD4+ Th1 effector cells and activated macrophages participate in bile duct injury in murine biliary atresia. Clin Immunol (2005) 1.51
Unraveling the pathogenesis and etiology of biliary atresia. Pediatr Res (2005) 1.51
Stage of cirrhosis predicts the risk of liver-related death in patients with low Model for End-Stage Liver Disease scores and cirrhosis awaiting liver transplantation. Liver Transpl (2014) 1.48
Vitamin E bioavailability from fortified breakfast cereal is greater than that from encapsulated supplements. Am J Clin Nutr (2004) 1.46
Simultaneous pancreas kidney transplant versus other kidney transplant options in patients with type 2 diabetes. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol (2012) 1.45
Cellular and humoral autoimmunity directed at bile duct epithelia in murine biliary atresia. Hepatology (2006) 1.44
Increased susceptibility of fat-laden Zucker-rat hepatocytes to bile acid-induced oncotic necrosis: an in vitro model of steatocholestasis. J Lab Clin Med (2005) 1.41
Oligoclonal expansions of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells in the target organ of patients with biliary atresia. Gastroenterology (2007) 1.39
Emergence of fibroblasts with a proinflammatory epigenetically altered phenotype in severe hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. J Immunol (2011) 1.39
How much vitamin E? ... Just enough! Am J Clin Nutr (2006) 1.35
Gamma-tocopherol supplementation alone and in combination with alpha-tocopherol alters biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation in subjects with metabolic syndrome. Free Radic Biol Med (2007) 1.30
Evaluation of infantile acid and nonacid gastroesophageal reflux using combined pH monitoring and impedance measurement. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr (2006) 1.29
Studies in humans using deuterium-labeled alpha- and gamma-tocopherols demonstrate faster plasma gamma-tocopherol disappearance and greater gamma-metabolite production. Free Radic Biol Med (2005) 1.28
Liver disease in mitochondrial disorders. Semin Liver Dis (2007) 1.26
Niemann-pick disease type C in neonatal cholestasis at a North American Center. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr (2002) 1.25
Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma in children and adolescents. Cancer (2003) 1.25
Complications of pediatric femur fractures treated with titanium elastic nails: a comparison of fracture types. J Pediatr Orthop (2005) 1.23
Biliary diversion for progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis: improved liver morphology and bile acid profile. Gastroenterology (2003) 1.22
Secretion of cytokines and growth factors into autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease liver cyst fluid. Hepatology (2004) 1.21
Zinc deficiency affects DNA damage, oxidative stress, antioxidant defenses, and DNA repair in rats. J Nutr (2009) 1.21
Benefits of prolonged gradient separation for high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry quantitation of plasma total 15-series F-isoprostanes. Anal Biochem (2006) 1.21
Characterization of acute liver failure and development of a continuous risk of death staging system in children. J Hepatol (2005) 1.20
Does gamma-tocopherol play a role in the primary prevention of heart disease and cancer? A review. J Am Coll Nutr (2006) 1.19
Alpha-tocopherol regulation of hepatic cytochrome P450s and ABC transporters in rats. Free Radic Biol Med (2006) 1.13
Mechanisms of disease: Inborn errors of bile acid synthesis. Nat Clin Pract Gastroenterol Hepatol (2008) 1.13
Toll-like receptor 4-dependent Kupffer cell activation and liver injury in a novel mouse model of parenteral nutrition and intestinal injury. Hepatology (2012) 1.13
Quantitation of rat liver vitamin E metabolites by LC-MS during high-dose vitamin E administration. J Lipid Res (2005) 1.12
Configuration challenges: implementing translational research policies in electronic medical records. Acad Med (2007) 1.10
Dietary patterns are associated with plasma F₂-isoprostanes in an observational cohort study of adults. Free Radic Biol Med (2012) 1.08
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) fed vitamin E-deficient diets produce embryos with increased morphologic abnormalities and mortality. J Nutr Biochem (2011) 1.08
Antioxidant supplementation decreases lipid peroxidation biomarker F(2)-isoprostanes in plasma of smokers. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev (2002) 1.07
Antioxidants in cystic fibrosis. Conclusions from the CF antioxidant workshop, Bethesda, Maryland, November 11-12, 2003. Free Radic Biol Med (2006) 1.06
{alpha}-Tocopherol disappearance is faster in cigarette smokers and is inversely related to their ascorbic acid status. Am J Clin Nutr (2005) 1.06
A history of vitamin E. Ann Nutr Metab (2012) 1.06
Licorice compounds glycyrrhizin and 18beta-glycyrrhetinic acid are potent modulators of bile acid-induced cytotoxicity in rat hepatocytes. J Biol Chem (2005) 1.05
Neonatal Cholestasis. Neoreviews (2013) 1.05
Antioxidant supplementation prevents exercise-induced lipid peroxidation, but not inflammation, in ultramarathon runners. Free Radic Biol Med (2004) 1.05
Clinical presentation of femoroacetabular impingement in adolescents. J Pediatr Orthop (2008) 1.05
Endurance exercise results in DNA damage as detected by the comet assay. Free Radic Biol Med (2004) 1.04
Clinical features of children with screening-identified evidence of celiac disease. Pediatrics (2004) 1.04
Vitamin E. Vitam Horm (2007) 1.03
Inferior kidney allograft outcomes in patients with de novo donor-specific antibodies are due to acute rejection episodes. Transplantation (2011) 1.02
Human hepatic mitochondria generate reactive oxygen species and undergo the permeability transition in response to hydrophobic bile acids. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr (2005) 1.02
gamma-Tocopherol nebulization by a lipid aerosolization device improves pulmonary function in sheep with burn and smoke inhalation injury. Free Radic Biol Med (2008) 1.02
Portal hypertension in children and young adults with biliary atresia. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr (2012) 1.01
Clues to the etiology of bile duct injury in biliary atresia. Semin Liver Dis (2013) 1.00
Women and smokers have elevated urinary F(2)-isoprostane metabolites: a novel extraction and LC-MS methodology. Lipids (2008) 1.00
Efficacy of fat-soluble vitamin supplementation in infants with biliary atresia. Pediatrics (2012) 1.00
Vitamin E biokinetics, oxidative stress and cigarette smoking. Pathophysiology (2006) 0.99
International Liver Transplant Society Practice Guidelines: Diagnosis and Management of Hepatopulmonary Syndrome and Portopulmonary Hypertension. Transplantation (2016) 0.99
Plasma micronutrients are associated with dietary intake and environmental tobacco smoke exposure in a paediatric population. Public Health Nutr (2007) 0.99
Spontaneous perforation of the bile duct in a toddler: the role of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in diagnosis and therapy. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr (2006) 0.99
Vitamin C deficiency activates the purine nucleotide cycle in zebrafish. J Biol Chem (2011) 0.97
Treatment of neonatal hemochromatosis with exchange transfusion and intravenous immunoglobulin. J Pediatr (2009) 0.97
Vitamin E inadequacy in humans: causes and consequences. Adv Nutr (2014) 0.97
Design and validation of the biliary atresia research consortium histologic assessment system for cholestasis in infancy. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol (2011) 0.96
Vitamin E deficiency decreases long-chain PUFA in zebrafish (Danio rerio). J Nutr (2011) 0.96
Evaluation of gastroesophageal reflux in pediatric patients with asthma using impedance-pH monitoring. J Pediatr (2006) 0.95
Vitamin E and transfer proteins. Curr Opin Lipidol (2003) 0.95
Human vitamin E requirements assessed with the use of apples fortified with deuterium-labeled alpha-tocopheryl acetate. Am J Clin Nutr (2006) 0.95