Published in Science on March 02, 1973
Multidisciplinary audit in primary healthcare teams: facilitation by audit support staff. Qual Health Care (1994) 2.50
Large scale ivermectin distribution and its epidemiological consequences. Acta Leiden (1990) 1.51
Expert consensus on the desirable characteristics of review criteria for improvement of health care quality. Qual Health Care (2001) 1.35
Studies on a primaquine-tolerant strain of Plasmodium vivax from Brazil in Aotus and Saimiri monkeys. J Parasitol (1997) 1.14
A community trial of ivermectin in the onchocerciasis focus of Asubende, Ghana. I. Effect on the microfilarial reservoir and the transmission of Onchocerca volvulus. Trop Med Parasitol (1989) 1.06
Karyotypes of some asian mosquitoes of the subfamily culicinae (Diptera: Culicidae). J Med Entomol (1969) 1.04
Direct and correlated responses to artificial selection on male mating frequency in the stalk-eyed fly Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni. J Evol Biol (2005) 1.01
Sterility enhancement in the mosquito. Culex tritaeniorhynchus. Can J Genet Cytol (1972) 0.99
Onchocerciasis in Sudan: the distribution of the disease and its vectors. Trop Med Parasitol (1986) 0.98
Phylogenetic analysis of the repleta species group of the genus Drosophila using multiple sources of characters. Mol Phylogenet Evol (2000) 0.95
Experimental vertical transmission of Japanese encephalitis virus by Culex tritaeniorhynchus and other mosquitoes. Am J Trop Med Hyg (1989) 0.94
Linkage groups and recombination in the malaria mosquito. J Hered (1973) 0.89
Complete linkage in females of Culex tritaeniorhynchus mosquitoes. J Hered (1971) 0.88
Polytene chromosomes as indicators of phylogeny in several species groups of Drosophila. BMC Evol Biol (2001) 0.87
The genetics of 'golden', a new sex-linked colour mutant of the mosquito Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles. Ann Trop Med Parasitol (1968) 0.86
Red-spotted eye in the mosquito. An autosomal, conditionally codominant mutant. J Hered (1971) 0.86
Linkage group-chromosome correlation in a mosquito: inversions in Culex tritaeniorhynchus. J Hered (1971) 0.86
Triploids and male determination in the mosquito, Anopheles culicifacies. J Hered (1980) 0.85
Ocular onchocerciasis and intensity of infection in the community. III. West African rainforest foci of the vector Simulium sanctipauli. Trop Med Parasitol (1990) 0.85
The relationship between measures of patient satisfaction and enablement and professional assessments of consultation competence. Med Teach (2004) 0.85
Use of benzodiazepines. BMJ (1994) 0.84
Stage-selective inhibition of rodent malaria by cyclosporine. Antimicrob Agents Chemother (1988) 0.84
Are audits wasting resources by measuring the wrong things? A survey of methods used to select audit review criteria. Qual Saf Health Care (2003) 0.83
Familial polyposis coli: the spectrum of ocular and other extracolonic manifestations. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol (1991) 0.82
Aqueous dynamics in exfoliation syndrome. Am J Ophthalmol (1992) 0.82
Genetic and linkage analyses of dieldrin resistance in Anopheles culicifacies Giles. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg (1979) 0.82
Extracellular deposition of eosinophil major basic protein in orbital histiocytosis X. Ophthalmology (1991) 0.81
Genetics of ebony, a nonlethal recessive melanotic mutant in a mosquito. J Hered (1973) 0.80
Observations on mating behavior and survivorship of Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles (Diptera: culicidae) during late autumn. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health (1977) 0.80
Localized onchocerciasis vector control in the Bahr el Ghazal Region of South-Western Sudan. I. Precontrol. Trop Med Parasitol (1986) 0.79
Genetic variation for West Nile virus susceptibility in Culex tritaeniorhynchus. Am J Trop Med Hyg (1984) 0.79
The semitendinosus tenodesis for recurrent dislocation of the patella. J Bone Joint Surg Br (1972) 0.79
Effects of ornamentation and phylogeny on the evolution of wing shape in stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae). J Evol Biol (2013) 0.78
An EMS-induced mutant, rose eye, in Culex quinquefasciatus. J Hered (1980) 0.78
Heterogeneous length and in-series arrangement of orbicularis oculi muscle: individual myofibers do not extend the length of the eyelid. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc (1994) 0.78
Genetic sexing for a mosquito sterile-male release. J Hered (1981) 0.78
Acute necrotizing pancreatitis in a horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc (1978) 0.77
Isolation stoma colostomy and radiation-induced rectovaginal fistula. Am J Obstet Gynecol (1966) 0.77
Genetics of rose, an allele of the white locus in a mosguito. J Hered (1973) 0.77
Genetic studies of two new mutants in linkage group 3 of the mosquito Culex tritaeniorhynchus. Ann Trop Med Parasitol (1973) 0.77
Male determining factor on chromosome 3 in the mosquito, Culex tritaeniorhynchus. J Hered (1977) 0.77
Experiments in Crossing Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti Linnaeus and Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus Skuse. Science (1949) 0.76
Linkage group-chromosome correlation in Culex tritaeniorhynchus. Science (1971) 0.76
The salivary gland chromosomes of Anopheles pseudopunctipennis pseudopunctipennis. Bull World Health Organ (1965) 0.75
A method for detecting and measuring concealed variability in the mosquito, Culex tritaeniorhynchus. Genetics (1972) 0.75
Obstructive sleep apnoea. J R Coll Gen Pract (1985) 0.75
Deaths from asthma. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1984) 0.75
Translocations in the mosquito, Culex tritaeniorhynchus. J Hered (1977) 0.75
A temperature sensitive eye-color mutant in a mosquito. J Hered (1975) 0.75
Answer to the latest medical mystery. N Engl J Med (1998) 0.75
The patient map as an aid to surgery planning. Practitioner (1984) 0.75
Extraction of thromboxane B2 from urine using an immobilized antibody column for subsequent analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Prostaglandins (1987) 0.75
Health care reform: a Louisiana Congressmen's perspective. LDA J (1993) 0.75
A phosphoglucomutase polymorphism in the mosquito, Anopheles culicifacies. J Hered (1981) 0.75
Genetic and linkage analyses of maroon eye and acid phosphatase I in Culex tritaeniorhynchus. Can J Genet Cytol (1980) 0.75
Genetics of black, a nonlethal, dominant, melanotic mutant in the mosquito, Anopheles culicifacies. Ann Trop Med Parasitol (1982) 0.75
Esterases in the malaria vector mosquito, Anopheles culicifacies. Genetic and linkage analyses of an alpha and beta polymorphism. J Hered (1982) 0.75
An isocitrate dehydrogenase polymorphism in Culex tritaeniorhynchus. Parassitologia (1976) 0.75
The genetics of curly, a dominant, sex-linked mutant of Culex tritaeniorhynchus. J Med Entomol (1977) 0.75
Inheritance of two new eye mutants in a mosquito. Brown and abnormal eye in Culex tritaeniorhynchus. J Hered (1976) 0.75
The genetics of an alcohol dehydrogenase in the mosquito Anopheles stephensi. J Med Entomol (1973) 0.75
The salivary chromosomes of Anopheles vestitipennis. Cytologia (Tokyo) (1966) 0.75
Abnormal eye, a new eye mutant in the mosquito, Anopheles culicifacies. Parassitologia (1982) 0.75
Genetic analysis of two enzyme polymorphisms in a malaria vector mosquito: octanol dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase in Anopheles culicifacies Giles. J Hered (1979) 0.75
The inheritance of golden body, a sex linked mutant in the malaria vector Anopheles culicifacies. Can J Genet Cytol (1981) 0.75
Results of a survey on bacteriologic culturing of broodmares. J Am Vet Med Assoc (1970) 0.75
Induced chromosomal aberrations and linkage group-chromosome correlation in Anopheles stephensi. J Hered (1983) 0.75
Localized onchocerciasis vector control in the Bahr el Ghazal Region of South-Western Sudan. II. Control. Trop Med Parasitol (1986) 0.75
Linkage group III in the malaria vector, Anopheles stephensi. J Hered (1983) 0.75
Amylase isozymes in the mosquito, Culex tritaeniorhynchus. Can J Genet Cytol (1976) 0.75
Correction of lordoscoliosis in spina bifida by multiple spinal osteotomy and fusion with dwyer fixation: a preliminary report. Dev Med Child Neurol Suppl (1973) 0.75
Efficacy of acupuncture for the treatment of sensorineural deafness. Am J Chin Med (Gard City N Y) (1973) 0.75
The genetics of delta, a dominant sex-linked mutant of the mosquito, Culex tritaeniorhynchus. Can J Genet Cytol (1972) 0.75
Linkage group-chromosome correlation in a mosquito: translocations in Culex tritaeniorhynchus. J Hered (1971) 0.75
The genetics of Stripe, a new morphological mutant in the malaria mosquito, Anopheles stephensi. Can J Genet Cytol (1974) 0.75
The salivary gland chromosomes of Anopheles hectoris. Chromosoma (1966) 0.75