Published in Anesth Analg on November 01, 2007
Feasibility of ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve block catheters for pain control on pediatric medical missions in developing countries. Paediatr Anaesth (2008) 0.81
Regional anesthesia at home. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol (2008) 0.79
The role of continuous peripheral nerve blocks. Anesthesiol Res Pract (2012) 0.79
Risk of catheter-associated infection in young hematology/oncology patients receiving long-term peripheral nerve blocks. Paediatr Anaesth (2012) 0.78
Regional anesthesia for pediatric knee surgery: a review of the indications, procedures, outcomes, safety, and challenges. Local Reg Anesth (2015) 0.76
Regional anesthesia for an upper extremity amputation for palliative care in a patient with end-stage osteosarcoma complicated by a large anterior mediastinal mass. J Pain Res (2015) 0.75
Ultrasound-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block in pediatric patients -A report of four cases-. Korean J Anesthesiol (2010) 0.75
Home peripheral nerve catheters: the first 24 months of experience at a children's hospital. J Pain Res (2016) 0.75
Long-term use of nerve block catheters in paediatric patients with cancer related pathologic fractures. Anaesth Intensive Care (2012) 0.75
The Cleveland Clinic experience with supraclavicular and popliteal ambulatory nerve catheters. ScientificWorldJournal (2014) 0.75
Regional anesthesia or patient-controlled analgesia and compartment syndrome in orthopedic surgical procedures: a systematic review. Local Reg Anesth (2016) 0.75
[Regional anesthesia procedures in childhood: Austrian interdisciplinary recommendations on pediatric perioperative pain management]. Schmerz (2014) 0.75
Cuffed versus uncuffed endotracheal tubes in pediatric anesthesia: the debate should finally end. Anesthesiology (2013) 2.02
A comparison of three doses of a commercially prepared oral midazolam syrup in children. Anesth Analg (2002) 2.02
A prospective randomized equivalence trial of the GlideScope Cobalt® video laryngoscope to traditional direct laryngoscopy in neonates and infants. Anesthesiology (2012) 2.00
MRI of HAGL lesions: four arthroscopically confirmed cases of false-positive diagnosis. AJR Am J Roentgenol (2008) 1.79
Primary erythromelalgia in a child responding to intravenous lidocaine and oral mexiletine treatment. Pediatrics (2005) 1.69
Summary proceedings from the neonatal pain-control group. Pediatrics (2006) 1.56
Na(V)1.7 mutant A863P in erythromelalgia: effects of altered activation and steady-state inactivation on excitability of nociceptive dorsal root ganglion neurons. J Neurosci (2006) 1.42
Low-dose intrathecal morphine for postoperative analgesia in children. Anesth Analg (2007) 1.41
Can clinical monitors be used as scientific instruments? Anesth Analg (2006) 1.41
A prospective randomized observer-blinded study to assess postoperative analgesia provided by an ultrasound-guided bilateral thoracic paravertebral block for children undergoing the Nuss procedure. Reg Anesth Pain Med (2014) 1.40
Emergent excision of a prenatally diagnosed sacrococcygeal teratoma. Paediatr Anaesth (2008) 1.38
Dermabond decreases pericatheter local anesthetic leakage after continuous perineural infusions. Anesth Analg (2011) 1.37
Do new anesthesia ventilators deliver small tidal volumes accurately during volume-controlled ventilation? Anesth Analg (2008) 1.27
Human RNase H1 discriminates between subtle variations in the structure of the heteroduplex substrate. Mol Pharmacol (2006) 1.18
Predicting the outcome of physeal fractures of the distal femur. J Pediatr Orthop (2007) 1.15
Spinal cord injury in a child after single-shot epidural anesthesia. Anesth Analg (2003) 1.10
Relationships among pain, protective parental responses, and disability for adolescents with chronic musculoskeletal pain: the mediating role of pain catastrophizing. Clin J Pain (2011) 1.09
Analgesia and anesthesia for neonates: study design and ethical issues. Clin Ther (2005) 1.06
Parental beliefs and worries regarding adolescent chronic pain. Clin J Pain (2009) 1.05
Pathophysiology and management of opioid-induced pruritus. Drugs (2007) 1.05
Incidence and effects of unintentional intraneural injection during ultrasound-guided subgluteal sciatic nerve block. Reg Anesth Pain Med (2012) 1.05
Cerebrolysin decreases amyloid-beta production by regulating amyloid protein precursor maturation in a transgenic model of Alzheimer's disease. J Neurosci Res (2006) 1.04
Pediatric analgesic clinical trial designs, measures, and extrapolation: report of an FDA scientific workshop. Pediatrics (2012) 1.03
Pharmacologic management of acute pediatric pain. Anesthesiol Clin (2009) 1.03
Injury surveillance in young athletes: a clinician's guide to sports injury literature. Sports Med (2007) 1.00
Adolescent self-perception: associations with chronic musculoskeletal pain and functional disability. J Pain (2007) 0.99
Adolescent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a retrospective analysis of quadriceps strength recovery and return to full activity after surgery. J Pediatr Orthop (2009) 0.98
Titanium elastic nails for pediatric tibial shaft fractures. J Child Orthop (2007) 0.96
The positional influence of the helical geometry of the heteroduplex substrate on human RNase H1 catalysis. Mol Pharmacol (2006) 0.94
Adolescent-parent relationships in the context of adolescent chronic pain conditions. Clin J Pain (2006) 0.92
A comparison of epidural bupivacaine-fentanyl and bupivacaine-clonidine in children undergoing the Nuss procedure. Anesth Analg (2006) 0.90
Anesthesia and analgesia during and after surgery in neonates. Clin Ther (2005) 0.89
Combined anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament injuries in adolescents. J Pediatr Orthop (2006) 0.89
Is postoperative pain a self-fulfilling prophecy? Expectancy effects on postoperative pain and patient-controlled analgesia use among adolescent surgical patients. J Pediatr Psychol (2005) 0.87
Pediatric acute pain management. Anesthesiol Clin North America (2005) 0.87
An evaluation of the efficacy and tolerability of oral tramadol hydrochloride tablets for the treatment of postsurgical pain in children. Anesth Analg (2002) 0.86
The efficacy of the Storz Miller 1 video laryngoscope in a simulated infant difficult intubation. Anesth Analg (2009) 0.86
The effects of oral ondansetron disintegrating tablets for prevention of at-home emesis in pediatric patients after ear-nose-throat surgery. Anesth Analg (2008) 0.85
Perioperative management of children undergoing craniofacial reconstruction surgery: a practice survey. Paediatr Anaesth (2011) 0.85
Patellar sleeve fractures in children: a case report and review of the literature. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ) (2006) 0.84
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? The role of patient monitors in medical decision making. Anesth Analg (2009) 0.83
Functional outcomes of early arthroscopic bankart repair in adolescents aged 11 to 18 years. J Pediatr Orthop (2007) 0.83
All-epiphyseal acl reconstruction: a three-year follow-up. Int J Sports Phys Ther (2013) 0.83
Telemedicine consultation and monitoring for pediatric liver transplant. Anesth Analg (2009) 0.83
Fascia iliaca block for an infant with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita undergoing muscle biopsy. Anesth Analg (2005) 0.83
Pain beliefs and readiness to change among adolescents with chronic musculoskeletal pain and their parents before an initial pain clinic evaluation. Clin J Pain (2014) 0.83
Fixation of displaced midshaft clavicle fractures in skeletally immature patients. J Pediatr Orthop (2011) 0.83
The utility of posterior sloping angle in predicting contralateral slipped capital femoral epiphysis. J Pediatr Orthop (2010) 0.82
Lidocaine iontophoresis versus eutectic mixture of local anesthetics (EMLA) for IV placement in children. Anesth Analg (2002) 0.82
All-epiphyseal anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using fluoroscopic imaging. J Pediatr Orthop B (2013) 0.82
The relationship between current intensity for nerve stimulation and success of peripheral nerve blocks performed in pediatric patients under general anesthesia. Anesth Analg (2007) 0.82
Treatment expectations among adolescents with chronic musculoskeletal pain and their parents before an initial pain clinic evaluation. Clin J Pain (2014) 0.82
Ultrasound-guided tracheal intubation: a novel intubation technique. Anesthesiology (2012) 0.81
Gender differences in post-operative pain and patient controlled analgesia use among adolescent surgical patients. Pain (2004) 0.80
Diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance arthrography of the shoulder in children. Pediatr Radiol (2013) 0.80
Intraarticular bupivacaine-clonidine-morphine versus femoral-sciatic nerve block in pediatric patients undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Anesth Analg (2005) 0.80
Proximal clavicle physeal fracture with posterior displacement: diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Orthopedics (2012) 0.79
Do Surgical Times and Efficiency Differ Between Inpatient and Ambulatory Surgery Centers That are Both Hospital Owned? J Pediatr Orthop (2016) 0.79
Efficacy of addition of fentanyl to epidural bupivacaine on postoperative analgesia after thoracotomy for lung resection in infants. Anesthesiology (2008) 0.79
Management of fractures in adolescents. J Bone Joint Surg Am (2010) 0.78
Complete distal femoral metaphyseal fractures: a harbinger of child abuse before walking age. J Pediatr Orthop (2007) 0.78
Protracted pain following partial splenic embolization in an adolescent female with hypersplenism. Paediatr Anaesth (2005) 0.78
Case reports: pediatric PCL insufficiency from tibial insertion osteochondral avulsions. Clin Orthop Relat Res (2008) 0.78
Importance of sagittal MR imaging in nontraumatic femoral head osteonecrosis in children. Pediatr Radiol (2008) 0.78
Radial neck fractures in children: experience from two level-1 trauma centers. J Pediatr Orthop B (2014) 0.77
Quantification of serum fentanyl concentrations from umbilical cord blood during ex utero intrapartum therapy. Anesth Analg (2011) 0.77
Atraumatic compartment syndrome: a manifestation of toxic shock and infectious pyomyositis in a child. A case report. J Bone Joint Surg Am (2007) 0.77
Traumatic lower extremity arteriovenous fistulae in children. Orthopedics (2008) 0.77
Pressure-support ventilation in the operating room. Anesthesiology (2007) 0.77
Complete and incomplete femoral stress fractures in the adolescent athlete. Orthopedics (2008) 0.77
Elective procedures and anesthesia in children: pediatric surgeons enter the dialogue on neurotoxicity questions, surgical options, and parental concerns. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol (2012) 0.77
Electrophysiologic effects of systemic and locally infused epibatidine on locus coeruleus neurons. Eur J Pharmacol (2008) 0.76
Single incision arthroscopic ACL reconstruction in skeletally immature patients with direct visualization of the femoral and tibial physes. Orthopedics (2006) 0.76
The treatment of low-energy femoral shaft fractures: a prospective study comparing the "walking spica" with the traditional spica cast. J Bone Joint Surg Am (2011) 0.76
Perioperative role of methadone in adolescent patients. Anesthesiology (2012) 0.75
Proponents of liberalized fasting guidelines. Anesthesiology (2005) 0.75
Is simulation the best way to assess pediatric anesthesia skills? Anesthesiology (2012) 0.75
In reply. Anesthesiology (2013) 0.75
Hemoglobin to Hematocrit Ratio: The Strongest Predictor of Femoral Head Osteonecrosis in Children With Sickle Cell Disease. J Pediatr Orthop (2016) 0.75
It takes an entrepreneur. Anesth Analg (2008) 0.75
What was the depth of insertion of the femoral nerve catheter and was this a stimulating or nonstimulating catheter? J Arthroplasty (2010) 0.75
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure: regional anesthesia in children. Anesth Analg (2009) 0.75
All-Epiphyseal ACL Reconstruction in Children: Review of Safety and Early Complications. J Pediatr Orthop (2015) 0.75
Magnetic resonance imaging in children with sickle cell disease--detecting alterations in the apparent diffusion coefficient in hips with avascular necrosis. Pediatr Radiol (2011) 0.75
New device simplifies workstation preparation for malignant hyperthermia-susceptible patients. Anesthesiology (2011) 0.75
Evidence of nerve puncture during ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks. Anesthesiology (2007) 0.75
A randomized clinical trial of the efficacy of scheduled dosing of acetaminophen and hydrocodone for the management of postoperative pain in children after tonsillectomy. Clin J Pain (2011) 0.75
Fresh frozen plasma versus human albumin in paediatric craniofacial repair. J Int Med Res (2009) 0.75
Can a Novel, Low-Cost Simulation Model be Used to Teach Anterior Cruciate Ligament Graft Preparation? J Pediatr Orthop (2017) 0.75
When does apparatus dead space matter for the pediatric patient? Anesth Analg (2014) 0.75
Knee pain in a 12-year-old girl. Clin Orthop Relat Res (2004) 0.75
Addressing the variation of post-surgical inpatient census with computer simulation. Pediatr Surg Int (2014) 0.75
Tracheal tube positioning in infants and children using the Draeger Apollo ventilator. Paediatr Anaesth (2008) 0.75
Popliteal artery transection complicating a non-displaced proximal tibial epiphysis fracture. Orthopedics (2007) 0.75