Bennett G Novitch

Author PubWeight™ 32.98‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Vertebrate neurogenesis is counteracted by Sox1-3 activity. Nat Neurosci 2003 5.65
2 Interpretation of the sonic hedgehog morphogen gradient by a temporal adaptation mechanism. Nature 2007 2.97
3 Directed differentiation of human-induced pluripotent stem cells generates active motor neurons. Stem Cells 2009 2.51
4 Coordinated actions of the forkhead protein Foxp1 and Hox proteins in the columnar organization of spinal motor neurons. Neuron 2008 2.44
5 Olig2 directs astrocyte and oligodendrocyte formation in postnatal subventricular zone cells. J Neurosci 2005 1.92
6 Foxp-mediated suppression of N-cadherin regulates neuroepithelial character and progenitor maintenance in the CNS. Neuron 2012 1.86
7 Npn-1 contributes to axon-axon interactions that differentially control sensory and motor innervation of the limb. PLoS Biol 2011 1.66
8 Dynamic assignment and maintenance of positional identity in the ventral neural tube by the morphogen sonic hedgehog. PLoS Biol 2010 1.58
9 Regulatory pathways linking progenitor patterning, cell fates and neurogenesis in the ventral neural tube. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2008 1.48
10 Sox9 and NFIA coordinate a transcriptional regulatory cascade during the initiation of gliogenesis. Neuron 2012 1.37
11 Olig2+ neuroepithelial motoneuron progenitors are not multipotent stem cells in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2006 1.30
12 ERK inhibition rescues defects in fate specification of Nf1-deficient neural progenitors and brain abnormalities. Cell 2012 1.18
13 Foxp1 and lhx1 coordinate motor neuron migration with axon trajectory choice by gating Reelin signalling. PLoS Biol 2010 1.07
14 Functional neuromuscular junctions formed by embryonic stem cell-derived motor neurons. PLoS One 2012 0.98
15 Regulation of spinal interneuron development by the Olig-related protein Bhlhb5 and Notch signaling. Development 2011 0.97
16 Onecut transcription factors act upstream of Isl1 to regulate spinal motoneuron diversification. Development 2012 0.93
17 Retinoid acid specifies neuronal identity through graded expression of Ascl1. Curr Biol 2013 0.86
18 Hox5 interacts with Plzf to restrict Shh expression in the developing forelimb. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 0.84
19 PLZF regulates fibroblast growth factor responsiveness and maintenance of neural progenitors. PLoS Biol 2013 0.83
20 All the embryo's a stage, and Olig2 in its time plays many parts. Neuron 2011 0.80
21 My brain told me to do it. Dev Cell 2013 0.75