Y Xie

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Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Comparative genomics of the lactic acid bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2006 10.24
2 Pro- and anti-inflammatory forms of interleukin-1 in the tear fluid and conjunctiva of patients with dry-eye disease. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2001 3.72
3 Conditional ectopic expression of C/EBP beta in NIH-3T3 cells induces PPAR gamma and stimulates adipogenesis. Genes Dev 1995 3.63
4 Signal transduction in neuronal migration: roles of GTPase activating proteins and the small GTPase Cdc42 in the Slit-Robo pathway. Cell 2001 3.44
5 DMP1-targeted Cre expression in odontoblasts and osteocytes. J Dent Res 2007 3.07
6 Search for a resonance decaying into WZ boson pairs in pp collisions. Phys Rev Lett 2010 2.83
7 The Dentin matrix protein 1 (Dmp1) is specifically expressed in mineralized, but not soft, tissues during development. J Dent Res 2003 2.48
8 A novel fusion gene, SYT-SSX4, in synovial sarcoma. J Natl Cancer Inst 1999 2.36
9 Vpr-induced cell cycle arrest is conserved among primate lentiviruses. J Virol 1996 2.33
10 Direct association between the yeast Rad51 and Rad54 recombination proteins. J Biol Chem 1996 2.10
11 Association between CYP2D6 *10 genotype and survival of breast cancer patients receiving tamoxifen treatment. Ann Oncol 2008 1.92
12 Upregulation of PIP3-dependent Rac exchanger 1 (P-Rex1) promotes prostate cancer metastasis. Oncogene 2009 1.76
13 Human papillomavirus (HPV) in head and neck cancer. An association of HPV 16 with squamous cell carcinoma of Waldeyer's tonsillar ring. Cancer 1997 1.71
14 Mitochondrial dynamics regulates migration and invasion of breast cancer cells. Oncogene 2012 1.69
15 International survey on NAT testing of blood donations: expanding implementation and yield from 1999 to 2009. Vox Sang 2011 1.69
16 Fate of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 provirus in infected cells: a role for vpr. J Virol 1995 1.69
17 Transcriptional repression of the prointerleukin 1beta gene by heat shock factor 1. J Biol Chem 1996 1.66
18 Cell-extracellular matrix interactions can regulate the switch between growth and differentiation in rat hepatocytes: reciprocal expression of C/EBP alpha and immediate-early growth response transcription factors. Mol Cell Biol 1994 1.65
19 Altered activity, social behavior, and spatial memory in mice lacking the NTAN1p amidase and the asparagine branch of the N-end rule pathway. Mol Cell Biol 2000 1.64
20 Detection of human papillomavirus DNA and oncoprotein overexpression are associated with distinct morphological patterns of tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma. Am J Pathol 1998 1.64
21 Search for supersymmetry using final states with one lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector in √s=7 TeV pp collisions. Phys Rev Lett 2011 1.60
22 PPARgamma induces the insulin-dependent glucose transporter GLUT4 in the absence of C/EBPalpha during the conversion of 3T3 fibroblasts into adipocytes. J Clin Invest 1998 1.57
23 Periostin is essential for the integrity and function of the periodontal ligament during occlusal loading in mice. J Periodontol 2008 1.56
24 Measurement of the forward-backward charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production. Phys Rev Lett 2008 1.53
25 Lentiviral delivery of HIV-1 Vpr protein induces apoptosis in transformed cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1999 1.52
26 Roles of platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1, CD31) in natural killer cell transendothelial migration and beta 2 integrin activation. J Immunol 1996 1.51
27 Strong constraints on the rare decays B(s)(0) → μ+ μ- and B0 → μ+ μ-. Phys Rev Lett 2012 1.50
28 First observation of the decays B(0) → D(+)K(-)π(+)π(-) and B(-) → D(0)K(-)π(+)π(-). Phys Rev Lett 2012 1.50
29 ED(27) trophoblast-like cells isolated from first-trimester chorionic villi are genetically identical to HeLa cells yet exhibit a distinct phenotype. Placenta 2002 1.47
30 Measurement of the W boson mass with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 1.46
31 Human saliva proteome and transcriptome. J Dent Res 2006 1.43
32 Determination of the X(3872) meson quantum numbers. Phys Rev Lett 2013 1.42
33 Observation of a centrality-dependent dijet asymmetry in lead-lead collisions at sqrt[S(NN)] =2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Phys Rev Lett 2010 1.41
34 Measurement of dijet azimuthal decorrelations in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7  TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2011 1.39
35 Light-regulated and cell-specific expression of tomato rbcS-gusA and rice rbcS-gusA fusion genes in transgenic rice. Plant Physiol 1993 1.37
36 Clinical performance of the AMDL DR-70 immunoassay kit for cancer detection. J Immunoassay 1998 1.36
37 Persistent inhibition of protein synthesis precedes delayed neuronal death in postischemic gerbil hippocampus. Acta Neuropathol 1986 1.35
38 Determination of the strange-quark density of the proton from ATLAS measurements of the W→ℓν and Z→ℓℓ cross sections. Phys Rev Lett 2012 1.34
39 Search for new particles in two-jet final states in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Phys Rev Lett 2010 1.32
40 A new reporter system for detection of retroviral infection. Gene Ther 1995 1.32
41 Na+/H+ exchangers, NHE-1 and NHE-3, of rat intestine. Expression and localization. J Clin Invest 1994 1.31
42 An Abd-B class HOX.PBX recognition sequence is required for expression from the mouse Ren-1c gene. J Biol Chem 2001 1.29
43 The psychiatric disease risk factors DISC1 and TNIK interact to regulate synapse composition and function. Mol Psychiatry 2010 1.28
44 Preliminary evidence for a theory of the fractal city. Environ Plan A 1996 1.28
45 Evidence that Gal11 protein is a target of the Gal4 activation domain in the mediator. Biochemistry 2001 1.27
46 The DNA binding activity of C/EBP transcription factor is regulated in the G1 phase of the hepatocyte cell cycle. J Biol Chem 1995 1.25
47 Regulator of G-protein signaling 2 (RGS2) inhibits androgen-independent activation of androgen receptor in prostate cancer cells. Oncogene 2006 1.23
48 IFN-gamma downregulates expression of Na(+)/H(+) exchangers NHE2 and NHE3 in rat intestine and human Caco-2/bbe cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2001 1.22
49 First observation of CP violation in the decays of B(s)0 mesons. Phys Rev Lett 2013 1.21
50 Palliative irradiation for focally symptomatic metastatic renal cell carcinoma: support for dose escalation based on a biological model. J Urol 1997 1.20
51 Ischemic thresholds of cerebral protein synthesis and energy state following middle cerebral artery occlusion in rat. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1991 1.17
52 The SYT-SSX1 variant of synovial sarcoma is associated with a high rate of tumor cell proliferation and poor clinical outcome. Cancer Res 1999 1.16
53 Inhibition of tumor growth and metastasis in vitro and in vivo by targeting macrophage migration inhibitory factor in human neuroblastoma. Oncogene 2006 1.12
54 Endothelin-1 stimulates contraction and ion transport in the rat colon: different mechanisms of action. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1992 1.11
55 Expression of recombinant hepatitis C virus non-structural protein 5B in Escherichia coli. Virus Res 1998 1.11
56 Effects of peroxisome proliferators on the thymus and spleen of mice. Clin Exp Immunol 2000 1.11
57 Cloning, expression, and characterization of a human inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase encoded by the itpa gene. J Biol Chem 2001 1.10
58 The Dri 42 gene, whose expression is up-regulated during epithelial differentiation, encodes a novel endoplasmic reticulum resident transmembrane protein. J Biol Chem 1996 1.10
59 The importance of methionine residues for the catalysis of the biotin enzyme, transcarboxylase. Analysis by site-directed mutagenesis. J Biol Chem 1992 1.09
60 Measurement of the electron charge asymmetry in pp[over ]-->W+X-->enu+X events at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 1.09
61 Evidence for a particle produced in association with weak bosons and decaying to a bottom-antibottom quark pair in higgs boson searches at the tevatron. Phys Rev Lett 2012 1.08
62 Heat shock factor 1 represses Ras-induced transcriptional activation of the c-fos gene. J Biol Chem 1997 1.08
63 Comparison of entecavir and lamivudine in preventing hepatitis B reactivation in lymphoma patients during chemotherapy. J Viral Hepat 2010 1.08
64 Pregnane X receptor suppresses proliferation and tumourigenicity of colon cancer cells. Br J Cancer 2010 1.07
65 Search for tb resonances in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 1.07
66 Confirmation of the depth of the endotracheal tube by ultrasound. Ultraschall Med 2014 1.06
67 Control of aggregation in protein refolding: a variety of surfactants promote renaturation of carbonic anhydrase II. Protein Sci 1995 1.06
68 Extra small virus-like particles (XSV) and nodavirus associated with whitish muscle disease in the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. J Fish Dis 2003 1.06
69 Determination of the width of the top quark. Phys Rev Lett 2011 1.05
70 Isolation and characterization of a human novel RAB (RAB39B) gene. Cytogenet Genome Res 2002 1.05
71 Search for a light Higgs boson decaying to long-lived weakly interacting particles in proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s] = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 1.05
72 Scope, limitations and mechanistic aspects of the photo-induced cross-linking of proteins by water-soluble metal complexes. Chem Biol 2000 1.04
73 Signal Transduction Pathways Leading to Heat Shock Transcription. Sign Transduct Insights 2010 1.04
74 Identification of a positive regulatory element responsible for tissue-specific expression of prostate-specific antigen. Cancer Res 1997 1.04
75 Search for large extra dimensions via single photon plus missing energy final states at sqrt s = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 1.04
76 Elemental solvothermal reaction to produce ternary semiconductor CuInE2 (E = S, Se) nanorods. Inorg Chem 2000 1.03
77 Human immunodeficiency virus Env-independent infection of human CD4(-) cells. J Virol 2000 1.02
78 SCFA increase intestinal Na absorption by induction of NHE3 in rat colon and human intestinal C2/bbe cells. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2001 1.02
79 Phosphorylation regulates RNA binding by the human T-cell leukemia virus Rex protein. J Virol 1992 1.02
80 Sodium nitroprusside stimulates anion secretion and inhibits sodium chloride absorption in rat colon. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1993 1.02
81 The steroid promegestone is a noncompetitive antagonist of the Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor that interacts with the lipid-protein interface. Mol Pharmacol 1999 1.02
82 Search for doubly charged Higgs boson pair production in pp¯ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2012 1.02
83 Increased expression of insulin-like growth factor I receptor in malignant cells expressing aberrant p53: functional impact. Cancer Res 2000 1.01
84 Overexpression of phosphatase of regenerating liver-3 in breast cancer: association with a poor clinical outcome. Ann Oncol 2006 1.01
85 Promoter methylation of BRCA1 in triple-negative breast cancer predicts sensitivity to adjuvant chemotherapy. Ann Oncol 2013 1.01
86 Kinetic modulation of Kv4-mediated A-current by arachidonic acid is dependent on potassium channel interacting proteins. J Neurosci 2001 1.00
87 Inhibition of PYK2-induced actin cytoskeleton reorganization, PYK2 autophosphorylation and focal adhesion targeting by FAK. J Cell Sci 2001 0.99
88 High-frequency promoter hypermethylation of the deleted in liver cancer-1 gene in multiple myeloma. J Clin Pathol 2006 0.99
89 Tissue distribution of Na+/H+ exchanger isoforms NHE2 and NHE4 in rat intestine and kidney. Am J Physiol 1997 0.99
90 Felix Hoppe-Seyler Lecture 2000. The ubiquitin system and the N-end rule pathway. Biol Chem 2001 0.99
91 Co-contamination of aflatoxin B1 and fumonisin B1 in food and human dietary exposure in three areas of China. Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess 2011 0.99
92 Molecular characterization of tomato-infecting begomoviruses in Yunnan, China. Arch Virol 2004 0.98
93 The number of positive margins influences the outcome of women treated with breast preservation for early stage breast carcinoma. Cancer 1998 0.98
94 Selective embolization of the internal iliac arteries for the treatment of severe hemorrhagic cystitis following hematopoietic SCT. Bone Marrow Transplant 2008 0.98
95 Inhibition of N-linked glycosylation down-regulates insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor at the cell surface and kills Ewing's sarcoma cells: therapeutic implications. Anticancer Drug Des 2000 0.98
96 Transmission of light through periodic arrays of sub-wavelength slits in metallic hosts. Opt Express 2006 0.97
97 Targeted induction of collagenase and stromelysin by relaxin in unprimed and beta-estradiol-primed diarthrodial joint fibrocartilaginous cells but not in synoviocytes. Lab Invest 1998 0.96
98 TGF-β-associated miR-27a inhibits dendritic cell-mediated differentiation of Th1 and Th17 cells by TAB3, p38 MAPK, MAP2K4 and MAP2K7. Genes Immun 2012 0.96
99 Positive allosteric modulation by ultraviolet irradiation on GABA(A), but not GABA(C), receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes. J Physiol 2001 0.96
100 Global microsatellite content distinguishes humans, primates, animals, and plants. Mol Biol Evol 2009 0.96
101 Measurement of form-factor-independent observables in the decay B0→K(*0)μ(+)μ(-). Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.96
102 Search for the rare leptonic decay B--->tau-nutau. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.96
103 Oxygen levels that optimize TSC culture are identified by maximizing growth rates and minimizing stress. Placenta 2011 0.95
104 Dextran sodium sulfate inhibition of real-time polymerase chain reaction amplification: a poly-A purification solution. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2011 0.95
105 Observation of a resonance in B+ → K+ μ+ μ- decays at low recoil. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.95
106 Relationship between fluctuations in the cerebral hemoglobin oxygenation state and neuronal activity under resting conditions in man. Neurosci Lett 1998 0.95
107 Regulation of apical membrane Na+/H+ exchangers NHE2 and NHE3 in intestinal epithelial cell line C2/bbe. Am J Physiol 1998 0.95
108 Glucocorticoids regulate Na+/H+ exchange expression and activity in region- and tissue-specific manner. Am J Physiol 1994 0.95
109 Language-activated cerebral blood oxygenation and hemodynamic changes of the left prefrontal cortex in poststroke aphasic patients: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Stroke 1998 0.94
110 Observation of single top-quark production. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.94
111 HNF3 binds and activates the second enhancer, ENII, of hepatitis B virus. Virology 1995 0.94
112 Search for flavor-changing-neutral-current d meson decays. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.94
113 The comparative study of Sprague-Dawley and Lewis rats in adjuvant-induced arthritis. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 2006 0.94
114 Enhanced tumor suppression by adenoviral PTEN gene therapy combined with cisplatin chemotherapy in small-cell lung cancer. Cancer Gene Ther 2013 0.94
115 Cloning, expression and characterization of a novel human REPS1 gene. Biochim Biophys Acta 2001 0.93
116 Cellular stress causes reversible, PRKAA1/2-, and proteasome-dependent ID2 protein loss in trophoblast stem cells. Reproduction 2010 0.93
117 Clinical severity of human infections with avian influenza A(H7N9) virus, China, 2013/14. Euro Surveill 2014 0.93
118 Antihepatoma effect of alpha-fetoprotein antisense phosphorothioate oligodeoxyribonucleotides in vitro and in mice. World J Gastroenterol 2001 0.93
119 Shengmai (a traditional Chinese herbal medicine) for heart failure. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007 0.93
120 Cloning and expression pattern of the human NDRG3 gene. Biochim Biophys Acta 2001 0.92
121 Osteogenesis of electrically stimulated bone cells mediated in part by calcium ions. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1998 0.92
122 Measurement of the lifetime of the Bc+/- meson in the semileptonic decay channel. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.92
123 Computerized endoscopic balloon manometry to detect esophageal variceal pressure. Endoscopy 2009 0.92
124 Syncytium formation by recombinant HTLV-II envelope glycoprotein. Virology 1996 0.92
125 Cloning and characterization of a novel human leptin receptor overlapping transcript-like 1 gene (LEPROTL1). Biochim Biophys Acta 2001 0.92
126 Diagnostic algorithm to differentiate lymphoma from inflammation in feline small intestinal biopsy samples. Vet Pathol 2010 0.92
127 Measurement of dijet angular distributions at square root(s) = 1.96 TeV and searches for quark compositeness and extra spatial dimensions. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.91
128 Measurement of the forward-backward charge asymmetry and extraction of sin2thetaWeff in pp-->Z/gamma* + X-->e+e- +X events produced at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.91
129 Cloning and characterization of a novel human TEKTIN1 gene. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2001 0.91
130 Triptolide induced cytotoxic effects on human promyelocytic leukemia, T cell lymphoma and human hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines. Toxicol Lett 2001 0.91
131 Manipulation of the induction of adjuvant arthritis in Sprague-Dawley rats. Inflamm Res 2006 0.90
132 Effects of Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL protein levels on chemoresistance of hepatoblastoma HepG2 cell line. Biochem Cell Biol 2000 0.90
133 Structure of the agonist-binding sites of the Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: affinity-labeling and mutational analyses identify gamma Tyr-111/delta Arg-113 as antagonist affinity determinants. Biochemistry 1999 0.90
134 Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section in pp[over] collisions at square root [s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.90
135 Search for long-lived charged massive particles with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.90
136 Cloning and characterization of spliced fusion transcript variants of synovial sarcoma: SYT/SSX4, SYT/SSX4v, and SYT/SSX2v. Possible regulatory role of the fusion gene product in wild type SYT expression. Gene 2001 0.90
137 Geographic mobility of scientists: sex differences and family constraints. Demography 1996 0.90
138 Isolation and characterization of Ferroplasma thermophilum sp. nov., a novel extremely acidophilic, moderately thermophilic archaeon and its role in bioleaching of chalcopyrite. J Appl Microbiol 2008 0.89
139 Expression of haptoglobin in human keratinocytes and Langerhans cells. Br J Dermatol 2005 0.89
140 Profiling with structural elucidation of the neutral and anionic O-linked oligosaccharides in the egg jelly coat of Xenopus laevis by Fourier transform mass spectrometry. Glycoconj J 2001 0.88
141 Cloning and characterization of a human lysyl oxidase-like 3 gene (hLOXL3). Matrix Biol 2001 0.88
142 Genome-specific repetitive sequences in the genus Oryza. Theor Appl Genet 1989 0.88
143 Division of family property in Taiwan. J Cross Cult Gerontol 1993 0.88
144 Airborne particle classification with a combination of chemical composition and shape index utilizing an adaptive resonance artificial neural network. Environ Sci Technol 1994 0.88
145 Establishment of a lymph node metastatic model of mouse hepatocellular carcinoma Hca-F cells in C3H/Hej mice. Oncol Res 1998 0.87
146 Single crystal study of competing rhombohedral and monoclinic order in lead zirconate titanate. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.87
147 Induction of MMP-1 (collagenase-1) by relaxin in fibrocartilaginous cells requires both the AP-1 and PEA-3 promoter sites. Orthod Craniofac Res 2009 0.87
148 Molecular characteristics of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium from a tertiary care hospital in Chengdu, China: molecular characteristics of VRE in China. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2014 0.87
149 Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of molybdenum in vegetal and tobacco tissues with a new chromogenic reagent, dimethoxyhydroxyphenylflurone. J Agric Food Chem 2000 0.87
150 Genetic basis of familial Meniere's disease. J Otolaryngol 2002 0.87
151 Diverse system stresses: common mechanisms of chromosome fragmentation. Cell Death Dis 2011 0.86
152 Stem cell traits in long-term co-culture revealed by time-lapse imaging. Leukemia 2009 0.86
153 Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel peptidylprolyl isomerase (cyclophilin)-like gene (PPIL3) from human fetal brain. Cytogenet Cell Genet 2001 0.86
154 Measurement of the ZZ production cross section and limits on anomalous neutral triple gauge couplings in proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s] = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.86
155 Molecular characterization of a novel defective DNA isolated from tobacco tissues infected with tobacco leaf curl virus. Acta Virol 2001 0.86
156 Expression of functional eIF-4Ehuman: purification, detailed characterization, and its use in isolating eIF-4E binding proteins. Protein Expr Purif 1997 0.86
157 Mouse phosphoglycerate mutase M and B isozymes: cDNA cloning, enzyme activity assay and mapping. Gene 2001 0.86
158 Cancer gene therapy by direct tumor injections of a nonviral T7 vector encoding a thymidine kinase gene. Hum Gene Ther 1998 0.85
159 Efficacy of oral and intraperitoneal administration of CBMIDA for removing uranium in rats after parenteral injections of depleted uranium. Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2009 0.85
160 Dendritic cells pulsed with gp96-peptide complexes derived from human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) induce specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Cancer Immunol Immunother 2005 0.85
161 Regional impairment of protein synthesis in the rat brain during bicuculline-induced seizures. Brain Res 1984 0.85
162 RSK2 represses HSF1 activation during heat shock. Cell Stress Chaperones 2000 0.85
163 Search for gluinos in events with two same-sign leptons, jets, and missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=7  TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.85
164 Use of the transgenic approach to determine the role of DMP1 in phosphate regulation. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact 2007 0.85
165 Molecular characterization of a distinct begomovirus infecting tobacco in Yunnan, China. Arch Virol 2001 0.85
166 Solution structure of cytochrome b(5) mutant (E44/48/56A/D60A) and its interaction with cytochrome c. Eur J Biochem 2001 0.85
167 Regulation of expression of EDG family receptors in human prostate cancer cell lines. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2000 0.85
168 Antidepressant-induced lipidosis with special reference to tricyclic compounds. Prog Neurobiol 2000 0.84
169 Enhanced radiosensitivity of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) by adenovirus-mediated ING4 gene therapy. Cancer Gene Ther 2012 0.84
170 Structure, interaction and electron transfer between cytochrome b5, its E44A and/or E56A mutants and cytochrome c. J Mol Biol 1999 0.84
171 A unique sodium-hydrogen exchange isoform (NHE-4) of the inner medulla of the rat kidney is induced by hyperosmolarity. J Biol Chem 1994 0.84
172 Search for Resonant WW and WZ Production in pp collisions at √s=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.84
173 Further evidence for the involvement of inhibition of cell proliferation and development in thymic and splenic atrophy induced by the peroxisome proliferator perfluoroctanoic acid in mice. Biochem Pharmacol 2001 0.84
174 Regionally selective inhibition of cerebral protein synthesis in the rat during hypoglycemia and recovery. J Neurochem 1984 0.84
175 Evidence for an anomalous like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.84
176 Search for Randall-Sundrum gravitons with 1 fb(-1) of data from pp collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.84
177 Cytochrome-c mediated a bystander response dependent on inducible nitric oxide synthase in irradiated hepatoma cells. Br J Cancer 2012 0.83
178 Regulatory role of mevalonate and N-linked glycosylation in proliferation and expression of the EWS/FLI-1 fusion protein in Ewing's sarcoma cells. Exp Cell Res 1999 0.83
179 A common region of allelic loss on chromosome region 3p25.3-26.3 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 1998 0.83
180 Crystal structure of recombinant trypsin-solubilized fragment of cytochrome b(5) and the structural comparison with Val61His mutant. Proteins 2000 0.83
181 Identification of dopamine responsive mRNAs in glial cells by suppression subtractive hybridization. Brain Res 2001 0.83
182 Activation of heat shock transcription factor 1 to a DNA binding form during the G(1)phase of the cell cycle. Cell Stress Chaperones 1999 0.83
183 cAMP-dependent negative regulation of rat aldehyde dehydrogenase class 3 gene expression. J Biol Chem 1997 0.83
184 Combination of Tevatron searches for the standard model Higgs boson in the W+W- decay mode. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.83
185 Search for dilepton resonances in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.83
186 First evidence for the decay B(s)(0)→μ+ μ-. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.83
187 Plasmids encoding foot-and-mouth disease virus VP1 epitopes elicited immune responses in mice and swine and protected swine against viral infection. Virology 2000 0.83
188 Search for W' boson resonances decaying to a top quark and a bottom quark. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.83
189 Human glomerulonephritis accompanied by active cellular infiltrates shows effector T cells in urine. J Am Soc Nephrol 2001 0.83
190 Observation of the semileptonic decays B-->D*tau-nutau and evidence for B-->Dtau-nutau. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.83
191 Anti-hepatoma activity of taxol in vitro. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2000 0.83
192 Electrocardiogram signal quality measures for unsupervised telehealth environments. Physiol Meas 2012 0.82
193 Search for new phenomena in tt events with large missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s] = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.82
194 Observation of a new χ(b) state in radiative transitions to Υ(1S) and Υ(2S) at ATLAS. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.82
195 [Expression and significance of tissue inhibitors of metallproteinases-1 and -2 in serum and liver tissue of patients with liver cirrhosis]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi 2001 0.82
196 Hyperbaric oxygenation ameliorates indomethacin-induced enteropathy in rats by modulating TNF-alpha and IL-1beta production. Dig Dis Sci 2006 0.82
197 Measurement of the Lambda b lifetime in the exclusive decay Lambda b --> J/psi Lambda. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.82
198 Observation of a new Ds meson decaying to DK at a mass of 2.86 GeV/c2. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.82
199 Search for scalar bottom quark pair production with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=7  TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.82
200 Effects of metformin and rosiglitazone on peripheral insulin resistance and β-cell function in obesity: a double-blind, randomized, controlled study. J Int Med Res 2011 0.82
201 Enhanced tumor suppression by an ING4/IL-24 bicistronic adenovirus-mediated gene cotransfer in human non-small cell lung cancer cells. Cancer Gene Ther 2011 0.82
202 Characterization of the rat Na+/H+ exchanger isoform NHE4 and localization in rat hippocampus. Am J Physiol 1996 0.82
203 Effects of aging on language-activated cerebral blood oxygenation changes of the left prefrontal cortex: Near infrared spectroscopy study. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2007 0.82
204 Interleukin-2 enhances susceptibility of colon cancer cells to FasR mediated apoptosis by up-regulating Fas receptor level and down-regulating FAP-1 expression. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol 2003 0.81
205 Molecular cloning, mapping and characterization of the human neurocalcin delta gene (NCALD). Biochim Biophys Acta 2001 0.81
206 A novel nonviral cytoplasmic gene expression system and its implications in cancer gene therapy. Cancer Gene Ther 1995 0.81
207 Search for decays of B0-->e+ e-, B0-->mu+ mu-, B0-->e +/- mu-/+. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.81
208 Measurement of the CP asymmetry in B(+)→K(+)μ(+)μ(-) decays. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.81
209 A redox reaction to synthesize nanocrystalline Cu2-xSe in aqueous solution. Inorg Chem 2000 0.81
210 Search for diphoton events with large missing transverse energy in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.81
211 Effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication on oncogenes and cell proliferation. Eur J Clin Invest 2008 0.81
212 [Corneal topography and pachymetry in normal eyes]. Zhonghua Yan Ke Za Zhi 2001 0.81
213 Palliation of AIDS-related primary lymphoma of the brain: observations from a multi-institutional database. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1997 0.81
214 Search for production of resonant states in the photon-jet mass distribution using pp collisions at √s=7 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.81
215 Downregulation of LAR tyrosine phosphatase prevents apoptosis and augments NGF-induced neurite outgrowth. J Neurobiol 2000 0.81
216 Cloning and characterization of KLHL5, a novel human gene encoding a kelch-related protein with a BTB domain. Biochem Genet 2001 0.81
217 Measurement of the B-->Xsl+l- branching fraction with a sum over exclusive modes. Phys Rev Lett 2004 0.81
218 The effect of mutation at valine-45 on the stability and redox potentials of trypsin-cleaved cytochrome b5. Biophys Chem 2000 0.81
219 Questionnaire-based assessment of owner concerns and doctor responsiveness: 107 canine chemotherapy patients. J Small Anim Pract 2012 0.81
220 Ethnic stratification in northwest China: occupational differences between Han Chinese and national minorities in Xinjiang, 1982-1990. Demography 1998 0.81
221 Expression of penicillin G acylase from the cloned pac gene of Escherichia coli ATCC11105. Effects of pacR and temperature. Eur J Biochem 2001 0.81
222 Response of crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, haemocytes infected by white spot syndrome virus. J Fish Dis 2005 0.80
223 In situ vesicle-template-interface reaction to self-encapsulated microsphere CdS. J Colloid Interface Sci 2004 0.80
224 Measurement of the CP asymmetry in B(0)→K(*0)μ(+)μ(-) decays. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.80
225 Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel human gene (ANP32E alias LANPL) from human fetal brain. Cytogenet Genome Res 2002 0.80
226 The indirect pathway of hepatic glycogen synthesis and reduction of food intake by metabolic inhibitors. Life Sci 1993 0.80
227 Inhibition of Akt sensitises neuroblastoma cells to gold(III) porphyrin 1a, a novel antitumour drug induced apoptosis and growth inhibition. Br J Cancer 2009 0.80
228 Effects of charged amino-acid mutation on the solution structure of cytochrome b(5) and binding between cytochrome b(5) and cytochrome c. Protein Sci 2001 0.80
229 Expression of Bcl-2 family proteins during chemotherapeutic agents-induced apoptosis in the hepatoblastoma HepG2 cell line. Br J Biomed Sci 1999 0.80
230 Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel Dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 1 genea from human fetal brain. Mol Biol Rep 2001 0.80
231 Observation of CP violation in the B(0) meson system. Phys Rev Lett 2001 0.80
232 Identification of an upstream region that controls the transcription of the human autocrine motility factor receptor. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1995 0.80
233 Recombinant fusion protein and DNA vaccines against foot and mouth disease virus infection in guinea pig and swine. Viral Immunol 1999 0.80
234 Measurement of the polarization of the upsilon(1S) and upsilon(2S) states in pp collisions at square root[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.80
235 Efficacy of uvulopalatopharyngoplasty combined with oral appliance in treatment of obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome. Ir J Med Sci 2014 0.80
236 Molecular cloning, structure and expression of a novel nuclear RNA-binding cyclophilin-like gene (PPIL4) from human fetal brain. Cytogenet Cell Genet 2001 0.80
237 Surface-enhanced Raman scattering on uniform platinum-group overlayers: preparation by redox replacement of underpotential-deposited metals on gold. Anal Chem 2001 0.80
238 Evaluation methods on the nutritional status of stroke patients. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2014 0.80
239 Efficient colonization and harpins mediated enhancement in growth and biocontrol of wilt disease in tomato by Bacillus subtilis. Lett Appl Microbiol 2013 0.80
240 Nitric oxide synthase activity in renal ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat: implications for renal transplantation. Transplantation 1997 0.79
241 [Dynamic change and expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2, -9 in alcoholic liver disease in rats]. Zhonghua Gan Zang Bing Za Zhi 2001 0.79
242 Identification of breast cancer prognosis markers using integrative sparse boosting. Methods Inf Med 2012 0.79
243 Repression of the HSP70B promoter by NFIL6, Ku70, and MAPK involves three complementary mechanisms. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2001 0.79
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477 Search for the rare decays B-->Kl(+)l(-) and B-->K(*)l(+)l(-). Phys Rev Lett 2002 0.75
478 Search for scalar neutrino superpartners in e+mu final states in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
479 Search for Higgs bosons decaying to tau pairs in pp over collisions with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
480 Search for neutral, long-lived particles decaying into two muons in pp[over] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
481 [Quantitative assessment of allospecific interleukin-2-secreting helper T lymphocyte in cord blood with limiting dilution assay]. Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi 1997 0.75
482 [Spectrophotometric determination of iron using eriochrome cyanine R as extractant with phase-separation]. Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi 1999 0.75
483 Measurement of the B0-B-0 oscillation frequency with inclusive dilepton events. Phys Rev Lett 2002 0.75
484 Solvothermal route to tin monoselenide bulk single crystal with different morphologies. Inorg Chem 2000 0.75
485 [Reproducibility and comparison study of two methods evaluating the optic nerve subarachnoid space sectional area using MRI]. Zhonghua Yan Ke Za Zhi 2017 0.75
486 Search for third-generation scalar leptoquarks in pp at square root s=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
487 Search for resonant second generation slepton production at the Fermilab Tevatron. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
488 Evidence for the decay Bs0-->Ds(*)Ds(*) and a measurement of DeltaGammasCP/Gammas. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
489 Improved measurements of CP-violating asymmetry amplitudes in B0-->pi+pi- decays. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
490 A novel method for the preparation of III-V semiconductors: sonochemical synthesis of InP nanocrystals. Ultrason Sonochem 2001 0.75
491 Measurements of branching fractions and time-dependent CP-violating asymmetries in B --> eta'K decays. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
492 Measurement of CP violation parameters with a Dalitz plot analysis of B{+/-}-->D{pi{+}pi{-}pi{0}}K{+/-}. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
493 Rodent p53 suppresses the transforming activity of the activated Neu oncogene by modulating the Basal promoter activity of Neu. Int J Oncol 1995 0.75
494 Branching fraction and CP asymmetries of B0-->K0(S)K0(S)K0(S). Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
495 Observation of spin correlation in tt¯ events from pp collisions at √s=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
496 Observation of B0 meson decay to a 1 +/(1260)pi /+. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
497 [A study on the phenomena of diapause of Paragonimus westermani in mice]. Ji Sheng Chong Xue Yu Ji Sheng Chong Bing Za Zhi 1984 0.75
498 Small-angle x-ray scattering study of kinetics of spinodal decomposition in N-isopropylacrylamide gels. Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics 1999 0.75
499 Measurement of branching fractions and search for CP-violating charge asymmetries in charmless two-body B decays into pions and kaons. Phys Rev Lett 2001 0.75
500 Search for violation of Lorentz invariance in top quark pair production and decay. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
501 Measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa angle gamma in B+/--->D*K+/- decays with a Dalitz analysis of D-->K0(S)pi-pi+. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
502 Measurement of the lifetime difference in the B0(s) system. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
503 [Efficacy and survival analysis of DICE regimen for 97 patients with relapsed or refractory Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma]. Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi 2016 0.75
504 Direct measurement of the W boson width. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
505 Branching fraction measurements of B+-->rho+gamma, B0-->rho0gamma, and B0-->omegagamma. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
506 [The abnormal expression of epidermal growth factor receptor family in pterygium]. Zhonghua Yan Ke Za Zhi 2000 0.75
507 Measurement of branching fractions and resonance contributions for B0 --> D0K+pi- and search for B0 --> D0K+pi- decays. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
508 Observation of e(+)e(-) annihilation into the C = +1 hadronic final states rho(0)rho(0) and phirho(0). Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
509 Study of direct CP violation in B(+/-)-->J/psiK(+/-)(pi(+/-)) decays. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
510 Study of the decay B0(B- 0)-->rho+rho-, and constraints on the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa angle alpha. Phys Rev Lett 2004 0.75
511 Study of the decay Bs(0)-->Ds(*)Ds(*). Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
512 [Endoscopic subperiosteal facial rejuvenation]. Zhonghua Zheng Xing Shao Shang Wai Ke Za Zhi 1997 0.75
513 Search for the Higgs boson in H --> WW(*) decays in pp collisions at square root of 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
514 Search for lepton flavor violation in the decay tau+/- --> mu+ gamma. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
515 Age patterns of marital fertility: revising the Coale-Trussell method. J Am Stat Assoc 1992 0.75
516 Thickness-induced structural phase transformation of layered gallium telluride. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2016 0.75
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518 Measurements of B(c)+ production and mass with the B(c)+ → J/ψπ+ decay. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
519 [The types and distributive features of gene mutation on beta-thalassemia in three districts in northwest China]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi 1998 0.75
520 Measurement of the B-->pi l nu branching fraction and determination of absolute value of V(ub) with tagged B mesons. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
521 [Correlative study on the level of serum type IV collagen, laminin and the diameters of portal veins in patients with viral hepatitis]. Hunan Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1999 0.75
522 Search for the rare decay B0-->tau+tau- at BABAR. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
523 Construction and screening of a multi-point site-specific mutant library of subtilisin E with a set of oligonucleotides. Sci China C Life Sci 1997 0.75
524 Observation of B(+)-->phiphiK(+) and evidence for B(0)-->phiphiK(0) below eta(c) threshold. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
525 Measurements of the branching fractions of exclusive charmless B meson decays with eta(') or omega mesons. Phys Rev Lett 2001 0.75
526 Search for a heavy particle decaying into an electron and a muon with the ATLAS detector in sqrt[s] = 7 TeV pp collisions at the LHC. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
527 cDNA representational difference analysis of differentially expressed cDNA sequences in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Chin Med J (Engl) 1999 0.75
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529 [Effects of adrenergic agonist on population spike in CA1 region of hippocampal slices from partial and full kindled rats]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1992 0.75
530 Search for events with leptonic jets and missing transverse energy in pp collisions at √s=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
531 Search for universal extra dimensions in pp collisions. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
532 [Intracellular potential changes in crucian carps Mauthner cells evoked by vagal sensory inputs]. Sheng Li Xue Bao 2001 0.75
533 [Progress in the study of Fanconi anemia]. Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi 1999 0.75
534 Reaction of niobium and tantalum neutral clusters with low pressure, unsaturated hydrocarbons in a pickup cell: from dehydrogenation to Met-Car formation. J Chem Phys 2006 0.75
535 Search for lepton number violating decays B+ → π- μ+ μ+ and B+ → K- μ+ μ+. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
536 Dynamic changes of mechanically activated channels and K+ channels at injury site of peripheral nerve in rat. Sci China C Life Sci 1996 0.75
537 [Temperature measure with relation to blood circulation changes after rejoining severed fingers]. Zhonghua Hu Li Za Zhi 1995 0.75
538 Excitatory connections between spinal motoneurons in the adult rat. Chin Med Sci J 2000 0.75
539 Branching fractions and CP asymmetries in B0-->K+ K- K0 S and B+-->K+ K0 S K0 S. Phys Rev Lett 2004 0.75
540 Polymer-assisted formation of giant polyoxomolybdate structures. J Am Chem Soc 2001 0.75
541 Search for lepton flavor violation in the decay tau+/--->e+/-gamma. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
542 Observation of B Meson decays to b1pi and b1K. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
543 Observation of an excited charm baryon Omega c* decaying to Omega c0gamma. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
544 Search for T and CP violation in B0-B-0 mixing with inclusive dilepton events. Phys Rev Lett 2002 0.75
545 Differential branching fraction and angular analysis of the decay B0 → K*0 μ+ μ-. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
546 [A kindling model of epilepsy induced by intraperitoneal injection of coriaria lactone in rats]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1990 0.75
547 Observation of CP violation in B(0) --> K(+)pi(-) and B(0) --> pi(+)pi(-). Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
548 Search for Randall-Sundrum gravitons in the dielectron and diphoton final states with 5.4  fb(-1) of data from pp collisions at square root(s) = 1.96  TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
549 Observation of B-->eta'K* and evidence for B+-->eta'rho+. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
550 [Vascular endothelial growth factor in non-small cell lung carcinoma expression and its significance]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi 1999 0.75
551 Search for rare B(0)((s))→μ(+)μ(-)μ(+)μ(-) decays. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.75
552 Bounds on an anomalous dijet resonance in W+jets production in pp collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
553 [The clinical features and prognostic factors of 22 patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma]. Zhonghua Nei Ke Za Zhi 2001 0.75
554 Search for anomalous top-quark couplings with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
555 Observations of synaptic efficacy and paired-pulse facilitation in area CA1 of hippocampal slices from coriaria lactone-kindled rats. Brain Res 1992 0.75
556 [Detection of hemophilia A carriers by PCR analysis of hind III polymorphism in the factor VIII gene]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi 1998 0.75
557 Class 3 aldehyde dehydrogenase. A northern perspective in the land down under. Adv Exp Med Biol 1995 0.75
558 Observation of Upsilon(4S) decays to pi(+)pi(-)Upsilon(1S) and pi(+)pi(-)Upsilon(2S). Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
559 Production and decay of Omegac0. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
560 First evidence of direct CP violation in charmless two-body decays of Bs0 mesons. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
561 [Experimental study on antitumor activity of the root of Eurphorbia helioscopia in vivo]. Zhong Yao Cai 1999 0.75
562 Observation of a Charmed Baryon Decaying to D;{0}p at a Mass Near 2.94 GeV/c;{2}. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
563 Measurement of the Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry in B;{0}-->D_{CP};{(*)}h;{0} Decays. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
564 Search for large extra spatial dimensions in the dielectron and diphoton channels in pp[over ] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
565 [Clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of 99 cases with primary intestinal lymphoma]. Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi 2017 0.75
566 Precise measurement of the top quark mass in the dilepton channel at D0. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
567 EXAFS studies of (Pb,Cd)1212 phase superconductor and (Bi,Cd)1212 phase compound. J Synchrotron Radiat 1999 0.75
568 Measurement of the CP asymmetry and branching fraction of B0-->rho0K0. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
569 Measurements of the absolute branching fractions of B+/- --> K+/-X(cc). Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
570 [Clinical analysis of thalidomide in 36 untreated patients with T-cell lymphoma]. Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi 2016 0.75
571 Direct limits on the oscillation frequency. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
572 [Observation of paired-pulse depression in CA1 region of hippocampal slices from coriaria lactone-kindled rats]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1992 0.75
573 Search for the standard model Higgs boson in ZH→ℓ(+)ℓ(-)bb production with the D0 detector in 9.7 fb(-1) of pp collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
574 Synthesis, structural characterization and antitumor activity evaluations of copper complex with tetraazamacrocyclic ligand. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 1999 0.75
575 Observation of decays B0-->Ds(*)+ pi- and B0-->Ds(*)- K+. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
576 Observation of the decay B(c)(+) → B(s)(0)π+. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.75
577 What is natural fertility? The remodeling of a concept. Popul Index 1990 0.75
578 [Effect of cadmium on the phagocytic function of polymorphonuclear leukocyte in mice tested by chemiluminescence of whole blood]. Wei Sheng Yan Jiu 2001 0.75
579 Observation of excited Λ(b)(0) baryons. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
580 Measurement of branching fractions and mass spectra of B-->Kpipigamma. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
581 Search for the associated production of a b quark and a neutral supersymmetric Higgs boson that decays into tau pairs. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
582 Zeeman laser interferometer errors for high-precision measurements. Appl Opt 1992 0.75
583 Measurement of the Λ(b)(0), Ξ (b)(-), and Ω(b((-) Baryon masses. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.75
584 Binuclear homoleptic copper carbonyls Cu(2)(CO)(x) (x = 1-6): remarkable structures contrasting metal-metal multiple bonding with low-dimensional copper bonding manifolds. Inorg Chem 2001 0.75
585 [Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in primary esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and its significance in angiogenesis and prognosis of the tumor]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi 2001 0.75
586 Measurement of the branching fraction and CP content for the decay B0-->D(*+)D(*-). Phys Rev Lett 2002 0.75
587 First study of the radiation-amplitude zero in Wgamma production and limits on anomalous WWgamma couplings at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
588 Search for lepton flavor violating decays tau+/--->l+/-omega. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
589 Exclusive branching-fraction measurements of semileptonic tau decays into three charged hadrons, into phipi(-)nu tau, and into phi K(-)nu tau. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
590 [Lignans from Schisandra propinqua (Wall.) Hook. f. et Thoms]. Zhong Yao Cai 2001 0.75
591 [Quantitative study of myocardial mitochondrial DNA4977 deletion in rheumatic heart disease and its significance]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi 1995 0.75
592 [Observation of enzyme histochemistry and ultrastructure of brain in kindling rats with epilepsy induced by intraperitoneal injection of coriaria lactone]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1991 0.75
593 Measurement of the B0-->pi(-l)(+nu) form-factor shape and branching fraction, and determination of /Vub/ with a loose neutrino reconstruction technique. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
594 Measurement of the W boson mass. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
595 Study of B-->D(*)sJ +-D(*) decays. Phys Rev Lett 2004 0.75
596 Is out-of-pocket cost a barrier to receiving repeat tests for chlamydia and gonorrhoea? Int J STD AIDS 2013 0.75
597 Search for associated W and Higgs Boson production in pp[over ] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
598 Evidence of a broad structure at an invariant mass of 4.32 GeV/c2 in the reaction e+e- --> pi+pi-psi(2S) measured at BABAR. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
599 Measurement of the decays B--> phiK and B--> phiK*. Phys Rev Lett 2001 0.75
600 Measurement of B0-B-0 flavor oscillations in hadronic B0 decays. Phys Rev Lett 2002 0.75
601 Searches for B0 decays to combinations of two charmless isoscalar mesons. Phys Rev Lett 2004 0.75
602 Measurement of the Zgamma --> nunu[over ]gamma production cross section and limits on anomalous ZZgamma and Zgammagamma couplings in pp[over] collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
603 Search for the standard model Higgs boson in associated WH production in 9.7 fb(-1) of pp collisions with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
604 [Anatomical basis for the newly developed facelifting]. Zhonghua Zheng Xing Shao Shang Wai Ke Za Zhi 1999 0.75
605 Search for the decay B+ --> K+nunu. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
606 Identification of a new gene product of PKIbeta by HPLC-ESIMS. Fresenius J Anal Chem 2001 0.75
607 [A study of controlling mechanism on mitochondrial respiratory chain function]. Sheng Li Ke Xue Jin Zhan 2001 0.75
608 Measurement of CP-violating asymmetries in B0 decays to CP eigenstates. Phys Rev Lett 2001 0.75
609 [Expression of matrix metalloproteinasa-2,9 in cholesteatoma and middle ear cancer]. Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Ke Za Zhi 2001 0.75
611 [Two-dimensional surface Raman imaging of a roughened iron electrode in saline solution]. Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi 2000 0.75
612 Measurements of CP-violating asymmetries in B0-->a1+/-(1260)pi-/+ decays. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
613 Search for neutral Higgs Bosons at high tanbeta in the b(h/H/A)-->btau;{+}tau;{-} channel. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
614 Search for lepton flavor violating decays tau(+/-) --> l(+/-)pi0, l(+/-)eta, l(+/-)eta'. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
615 Search for the standard model Higgs boson in the H→WW→lνq'q decay channel. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
616 Vascular manifestations of small solitary pulmonary masses. Angiographic-pathologic correlations and clinical significance. Invest Radiol 1996 0.75
617 Determinations of from inclusive semileptonic decays with reduced model dependence. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
618 Search for diphoton events with large missing transverse energy in 6.3  fb(-1) of pp collisions at √s=1.96  TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
619 [Urinary calcium excretion in patients with pregnant hypertension syndrome]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1995 0.75
620 [Ca2+ channels and the abnormal electrical activity of demyelinated nerve]. Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao 1992 0.75
621 Determination of Imazaquin and its metabolite by liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time of flight tandem mass. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 2010 0.75
622 [Effect and regulation of metformin on endometrial carcinoma subline of progestin-resistance]. Zhonghua Fu Chan Ke Za Zhi 2016 0.75
623 Study of B meson decays with excited eta and eta' mesons. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
624 Search for resonant diphoton production with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
625 Search for a fermiophobic and standard model Higgs boson in diphoton final states. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
626 Measurement of the semileptonic charge asymmetry using B(s)(0) → D(s)μX decays. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.75
627 The influence of mutation at Glu44 and Glu56 of cytochrome b5 on the protein's stabilization and interaction between cytochrome c and cytochrome b5. Biochemistry 1998 0.75
628 Measurement of the B0-->phiK*0 decay amplitudes. Phys Rev Lett 2004 0.75
629 [Enantiomeric high performance liquid chromatographic separation of epinephrine and analogous using chiral mobile phase additives]. Se Pu 1998 0.75
630 Precise measurement of the top-quark mass from lepton + jets events. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
631 [Degradation of methamidophos by Saccharomyces rouxii WY-3]. Huan Jing Ke Xue 2001 0.75
632 Evidence for spin correlation in t ̅t production. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
633 Evidence for charged B meson decays to a1+/-(1260)pi0 and a1(0)(1260)pi+/-. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
634 Search for a fourth generation t' Quark in p ̄p collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
635 Search for ZH → l+ l- bb production in 4.2 fb(-1) of pp collisions at sqrt[s] =1 .96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
636 [Dynamic changes in abnormal afferent activities following peripheral nerve injury]. Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao 1990 0.75
637 Measurement of the B(0) lifetime with partially reconstructed B(0)-->D(-)l(+)nu(l) decays. Phys Rev Lett 2002 0.75
638 A new phenomenon in the induction period of the methane dehydroaromatization reaction. Chem Commun (Camb) 2001 0.75
639 Measurement of the direct CP asymmetry in b-->s gamma Decays. Phys Rev Lett 2004 0.75
640 [Effects of SC1001-sodium on hippocampal kindled seizures by coriaria lactone in rabbits]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1991 0.75
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642 Measurement of B --> K*gamma branching fractions and charge asymmetries. Phys Rev Lett 2002 0.75
643 [Effects of calcium channel blocker verapamil on hippocampal kindled seizures induced by coriaria lactone in rabbits]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1992 0.75
644 Model-independent measurement of the W-boson helicity in top-quark decays at D0. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
645 [Construction and identification of vectors containing maize plasmid-like DNA S1 and reporter genes]. Yi Chuan Xue Bao 1992 0.75
646 Measurements of branching fractions, polarizations, and direct CP-violation asymmetries in B-->rhoK* and B-->f0(980)K* decays. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
647 Search for D0-D0 mixing and branching-ratio measurement in the decay D0-->K+ pi- pi0. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
648 [The establishment of ADBS data bank system for autopsy records]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1995 0.75
649 Measurement of the absolute branching fraction of D0-->K-pi+. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
650 [Study on red cell enzymes and isoenzymes in patients with leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes]. Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi 1997 0.75
651 [Intron 44 is not the most unstable intron in the "central deletion hot spot" of dystrophin gene]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi 2001 0.75
652 Search for the standard model Higgs Boson in the pp[over]-->ZH-->nunu[over]bb[over] channel. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
653 [Ultrastructural observation of SC1001-sodium on brain neurons kindled seizures by coriaria lactone in rabbits]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1992 0.75
654 Combined search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to bb using the D0 run II data set. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
655 Search for the rare decay B-->pil+ l-. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
656 Measurement of branching fractions and charge asymmetries in B decays to an eta meson and a K* meson. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
657 Search for pair production of scalar bottom quarks in pp collisions at square root of s = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
658 Measurement of J/psi production in continuum e(+)e(-) annihilations near square root of s = 10.6 GeV. Phys Rev Lett 2001 0.75
659 Identification and characterization of a factor which is essential for assembly of transcarboxylase. Biochemistry 1993 0.75
660 Search for neutral Higgs bosons decaying to tau pairs in pp[over ] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
661 Measurement of spin correlation in tt production using a matrix element approach. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
662 Search for T, CP, and CPT violation in B0-B0 mixing with inclusive dilepton events. Phys Rev Lett 2006 0.75
663 Quantitation of plasma oxidatively modified low density lipoprotein by sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Clin Chim Acta 1993 0.75
664 [Study on the expression of pig zona pellucida-3 beta excluding N-terminus signal peptide and C-terminus transmembrance-like domain in Escherichia coli]. Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao 2001 0.75
665 Search for decay of a fermiophobic Higgs boson hf-->gammagamma with the D0 detector at sqrt s=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
666 Measurement of time-dependent CP-violating asymmetries in B0-->K*0gamma(K*0-->K(0)Spi0) decays. Phys Rev Lett 2004 0.75
667 Detailed allelic loss mapping on 7q32 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi 2000 0.75
668 [Effect of bee pollen on maternal nutrition and fetal growth]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1994 0.75
669 The role of SARS-CoV protein, ORF-6, in the induction of host cell death. Hong Kong Med J 2010 0.75
670 Elliptical polarization and nonorthogonality of stabilized Zeeman laser output. Appl Opt 1989 0.75
671 [Experimental observation of origins of osteoblasts in guided bone regeneration in long bone]. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi 1999 0.75
672 Production and decay of xi(c)(0) at BABAR. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
673 Transformation of maize embryogenic calli mediated by ultrasonication and regeneration of fertile transgenic plants. Sci China C Life Sci 1997 0.75
674 Expression of a partial synthetic human TNF cDNA in E. coli. Sci China B 1992 0.75
675 The microfocus assay system (mfas) - a simple quantitative assay to identify inhibitory drugs targeted against specific oncogenes. Oncol Rep 1994 0.75
676 [The effects of 2-chloro-4-bromo-alpha-methylcinnamic acid on the neuromuscular transmission of toad]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1995 0.75
677 Search for Higgs boson production in dilepton and missing energy final states with 5.4 fb(-1) of pp collisions at square root(s) = 1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
678 Evidence for production of single top quarks and first direct measurement of |Vtb|. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
679 Purification of HBsAg from human placental blood by density-gradient zonal centrifugation. J Med Virol 1981 0.75
680 Direct observation of the strange b baryon Xib-. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
681 Search for radiative penguin decays B(+)-->rho(+)gamma, B(0)-->rho(0)gamma, and B(0)-->omegagamma. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
682 [Variation of cAMP in cerebral cortex and hippocampus in seizure mice induced by coriaria lactone]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1990 0.75
683 Observation of B+-->a1+(1260)K0 and B0-->a1-(1260)K+. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
684 [Determination of circulating antigen in urine of rabbits infected with Schistosoma japonicum]. Zhongguo Ji Sheng Chong Xue Yu Ji Sheng Chong Bing Za Zhi 1999 0.75
685 [Normal values for solid state high resolution anorectal manometry in healthy adult volunteers]. Zhonghua Nei Ke Za Zhi 2017 0.75
686 Direct measurement of the mass difference between top and antitop quarks. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
687 Sister-chromatid exchanges in lymphocytes from methimazole-induced hypothyroid mice. Mutat Res 1995 0.75
688 Measurement of the B(0) and B(+) meson lifetimes with fully reconstructed hadronic final states. Phys Rev Lett 2001 0.75
689 Measurement of the WW production cross section with dilepton final states in pp collisions at square root(s) = 1.96 TeV and limits on anomalous trilinear gauge couplings. Phys Rev Lett 2009 0.75
690 The interaction of azide with polyphenol oxidase II from tobacco. J Protein Chem 2001 0.75
691 Remote Internet access to advanced analytical facilities: a new approach with Web-based services. Anal Chem 2012 0.75
692 Measurements of CP-violating asymmetries in the decay B0-->K+K-K0. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
693 Search for a standard model Higgs boson in the H→ZZ→ℓ(+)ℓ(-)νν decay channel with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
694 Search for lepton-flavor and lepton-number violation in the decay tau(-) -->l-(+)h+(-)h'(-). Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
695 Evidence for B+ --> K0K+ and B0 --> K0K0, and measurement of the branching fraction and search for direct CP violation in B+ --> K0pi+. Phys Rev Lett 2005 0.75
696 Search for the Decay B+-->K+ tau-/+ mu+/-. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
697 Observation of CP violation in B --> eta'K0 decays. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
698 Precise study of the Z/γ* boson transverse momentum distribution in pp collisions using a novel technique. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
699 [Sequencing and analysis of a cDNA clone CO111 of Plasmodium falciparum]. Zhongguo Ji Sheng Chong Xue Yu Ji Sheng Chong Bing Za Zhi 1999 0.75
700 Measurements of WW and WZ production in W + jets final states in pp collisions. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
701 [Effect of iron deficiency anemia on the reproduction of female rats and the development of their offspring]. Wei Sheng Yan Jiu 2001 0.75
702 Search for new fermions ("quirks") at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
703 Monitoring of Lactobacillus fermentation process by using ion chromatography with a series piezoelectric quartz crystal detector. J Microbiol Methods 2001 0.75
704 [Preliminary study of a recombinant polyvalent vaccine of Plasmodium falciparum and its immunological activity]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi 1995 0.75
705 Postnatal changes in size and actomyosin content of rabbit gastric myocytes. Reprod Fertil Dev 1995 0.75
706 Search for W' bosons decaying to an electron and a neutrino with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
707 Search for the standard model higgs Boson in the ZH-->nunubb channel in 5.2 fb{-1} of pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Phys Rev Lett 2010 0.75
708 Short-term effects of combined treatment with potassium bromide and methimazole in patients with Graves' disease. J Endocrinol Invest 2011 0.75
709 Search for long-lived particles decaying into electron or photon pairs with the D0 detector. Phys Rev Lett 2008 0.75
710 Search for the Higgs boson in the H→WW→lνjj decay channel in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.75
711 [Study on red blood cell immune adherence function in coriaria lactone-induced epileptic seizure rats]. Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao 1994 0.75
712 Vector-tensor and vector-vector decay amplitude analysis of B0-->phiK*0. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
713 [Ex vivo study of ultraviolet-B inactivating immunocompetence and hematopoietic potential of cord blood]. Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi 1998 0.75
714 Measurement of the B--> J/psiK*(892) decay amplitudes. Phys Rev Lett 2001 0.75
715 Lifetime difference and CP-violating phase in the Bs0 system. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
716 Evidence for B(0) --> rho(0)rho(0) decays and implications for the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa angle alpha. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75
717 Improved measurement of CP violation in neutral B decays to cc[over]s. Phys Rev Lett 2007 0.75