David G Camp

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Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Identification of proteins in human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) particles: the HCMV proteome. J Virol 2004 4.30
2 Probability-based evaluation of peptide and protein identifications from tandem mass spectrometry and SEQUEST analysis: the human proteome. J Proteome Res 2005 4.13
3 DAnTE: a statistical tool for quantitative analysis of -omics data. Bioinformatics 2008 3.51
4 Comparative analysis of proteome and transcriptome variation in mouse. PLoS Genet 2011 3.23
5 Quantitative proteome analysis of human plasma following in vivo lipopolysaccharide administration using 16O/18O labeling and the accurate mass and time tag approach. Mol Cell Proteomics 2005 2.50
6 Temporal proteome and lipidome profiles reveal hepatitis C virus-associated reprogramming of hepatocellular metabolism and bioenergetics. PLoS Pathog 2010 2.48
7 Reversed-phase chromatography with multiple fraction concatenation strategy for proteome profiling of human MCF10A cells. Proteomics 2011 2.44
8 Human plasma N-glycoproteome analysis by immunoaffinity subtraction, hydrazide chemistry, and mass spectrometry. J Proteome Res 2005 2.35
9 Integrative analysis of the mitochondrial proteome in yeast. PLoS Biol 2004 2.31
10 High dynamic range characterization of the trauma patient plasma proteome. Mol Cell Proteomics 2006 2.25
11 Advances and challenges in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based proteomics profiling for clinical applications. Mol Cell Proteomics 2006 2.14
12 Evaluation of multiprotein immunoaffinity subtraction for plasma proteomics and candidate biomarker discovery using mass spectrometry. Mol Cell Proteomics 2006 2.11
13 Enhanced detection of low abundance human plasma proteins using a tandem IgY12-SuperMix immunoaffinity separation strategy. Mol Cell Proteomics 2008 2.08
14 Development and evaluation of a micro- and nanoscale proteomic sample preparation method. J Proteome Res 2005 2.06
15 Clinical microfluidics for neutrophil genomics and proteomics. Nat Med 2010 2.02
16 Ultra-high-efficiency strong cation exchange LC/RPLC/MS/MS for high dynamic range characterization of the human plasma proteome. Anal Chem 2004 2.00
17 High-throughput comparative proteome analysis using a quantitative cysteinyl-peptide enrichment technology. Anal Chem 2004 1.99
18 Head-to-head comparison of serum fractionation techniques. J Proteome Res 2007 1.98
19 Utilizing human blood plasma for proteomic biomarker discovery. J Proteome Res 2005 1.96
20 Comparative proteome analyses of human plasma following in vivo lipopolysaccharide administration using multidimensional separations coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Proteomics 2005 1.94
21 High throughput quantitative analysis of serum proteins using glycopeptide capture and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Mol Cell Proteomics 2004 1.94
22 Proteome and computational analyses reveal new insights into the mechanisms of hepatitis C virus-mediated liver disease posttransplantation. Hepatology 2012 1.82
23 Tandem mass spectrometry identifies many mouse brain O-GlcNAcylated proteins including EGF domain-specific O-GlcNAc transferase targets. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 1.75
24 Sites of proteolytic processing and noncovalent association of the distal C-terminal domain of CaV1.1 channels in skeletal muscle. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2005 1.68
25 Ultrasensitive proteomics using high-efficiency on-line micro-SPE-nanoLC-nanoESI MS and MS/MS. Anal Chem 2004 1.66
26 Improved peptide elution time prediction for reversed-phase liquid chromatography-MS by incorporating peptide sequence information. Anal Chem 2006 1.59
27 Application of peptide LC retention time information in a discriminant function for peptide identification by tandem mass spectrometry. J Proteome Res 2004 1.56
28 Establishing the proteome of normal human cerebrospinal fluid. PLoS One 2010 1.53
29 Antibody-free, targeted mass-spectrometric approach for quantification of proteins at low picogram per milliliter levels in human plasma/serum. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 1.52
30 Spatial mapping of protein abundances in the mouse brain by voxelation integrated with high-throughput liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Genome Res 2007 1.46
31 Profiling signaling polarity in chemotactic cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007 1.40
32 Phosphoprotein isotope-coded solid-phase tag approach for enrichment and quantitative analysis of phosphopeptides from complex mixtures. Anal Chem 2003 1.39
33 High-pH reversed-phase chromatography with fraction concatenation for 2D proteomic analysis. Expert Rev Proteomics 2012 1.35
34 Analysis of factorial time-course microarrays with application to a clinical study of burn injury. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010 1.33
35 Improved proteome coverage by using high efficiency cysteinyl peptide enrichment: the human mammary epithelial cell proteome. Proteomics 2005 1.33
36 Phosphoproteome profiling of human skin fibroblast cells in response to low- and high-dose irradiation. J Proteome Res 2006 1.33
37 Advancing the sensitivity of selected reaction monitoring-based targeted quantitative proteomics. Proteomics 2012 1.30
38 Endogenously nitrated proteins in mouse brain: links to neurodegenerative disease. Biochemistry 2006 1.30
39 Proteome analysis of liver cells expressing a full-length hepatitis C virus (HCV) replicon and biopsy specimens of posttransplantation liver from HCV-infected patients. J Virol 2005 1.29
40 Targeted comparative proteomics by liquid chromatography-tandem Fourier ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Anal Chem 2005 1.28
41 Multidimensional proteome analysis of human mammary epithelial cells. J Proteome Res 2004 1.24
42 Large-scale multiplexed quantitative discovery proteomics enabled by the use of an (18)O-labeled "universal" reference sample. J Proteome Res 2009 1.24
43 Characterization of the mouse pancreatic islet proteome and comparative analysis with other mouse tissues. J Proteome Res 2008 1.23
44 Quantitative analysis of human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected CD4+ cell proteome: dysregulated cell cycle progression and nuclear transport coincide with robust virus production. J Virol 2007 1.22
45 Shotgun proteomics identifies proteins specific for acute renal transplant rejection. Proteomics Clin Appl 2010 1.20
46 Spatial mapping of the neurite and soma proteomes reveals a functional Cdc42/Rac regulatory network. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2008 1.20
47 High-throughput proteomics using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Expert Rev Proteomics 2004 1.18
48 Proteomic profiling of human liver biopsies: hepatitis C virus-induced fibrosis and mitochondrial dysfunction. Hepatology 2007 1.18
49 Characterization of the human blood plasma proteome. Proteomics 2005 1.18
50 Distinct cerebrospinal fluid proteomes differentiate post-treatment lyme disease from chronic fatigue syndrome. PLoS One 2011 1.18
51 Global proteomics reveal an atypical strategy for carbon/nitrogen assimilation by a cyanobacterium under diverse environmental perturbations. Mol Cell Proteomics 2010 1.18
52 DtaRefinery, a software tool for elimination of systematic errors from parent ion mass measurements in tandem mass spectra data sets. Mol Cell Proteomics 2009 1.17
53 Application of proteomics in the discovery of candidate protein biomarkers in a diabetes autoantibody standardization program sample subset. J Proteome Res 2007 1.16
54 A method for selective enrichment and analysis of nitrotyrosine-containing peptides in complex proteome samples. J Proteome Res 2007 1.16
55 Enhanced sensitivity for selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry-based targeted proteomics using a dual stage electrodynamic ion funnel interface. Mol Cell Proteomics 2010 1.12
56 Proteome analysis of mitochondrial outer membrane from Neurospora crassa. Proteomics 2006 1.12
57 Application of pressurized solvents for ultrafast trypsin hydrolysis in proteomics: proteomics on the fly. J Proteome Res 2008 1.11
58 Mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and apoptosis revealed by proteomic and transcriptomic analyses of the striata in two mouse models of Parkinson's disease. J Proteome Res 2008 1.09
59 Coupled transcriptome and proteome analysis of human lymphotropic tumor viruses: insights on the detection and discovery of viral genes. BMC Genomics 2011 1.09
60 An extensive survey of tyrosine phosphorylation revealing new sites in human mammary epithelial cells. J Proteome Res 2009 1.07
61 Quantitative proteomics analysis of adsorbed plasma proteins classifies nanoparticles with different surface properties and size. Proteomics 2011 1.06
62 Elimination of systematic mass measurement errors in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry based proteomics using regression models and a priori partial knowledge of the sample content. Anal Chem 2007 1.06
63 Linear discriminant analysis-based estimation of the false discovery rate for phosphopeptide identifications. J Proteome Res 2008 1.06
64 A proteomic view of Desulfovibrio vulgaris metabolism as determined by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Proteomics 2006 1.05
65 Plasma proteome response to severe burn injury revealed by 18O-labeled "universal" reference-based quantitative proteomics. J Proteome Res 2010 1.05
66 Blood peptidome-degradome profile of breast cancer. PLoS One 2010 1.04
67 Reduced insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1 signaling and dietary restriction inhibit translation but preserve muscle mass in Caenorhabditis elegans. Mol Cell Proteomics 2013 1.04
68 Characterization of the human pancreatic islet proteome by two-dimensional LC/MS/MS. J Proteome Res 2006 1.03
69 Improved LC-MS/MS spectral counting statistics by recovering low-scoring spectra matched to confidently identified peptide sequences. J Proteome Res 2010 1.02
70 A proteomic study of the HUPO Plasma Proteome Project's pilot samples using an accurate mass and time tag strategy. Proteomics 2005 1.02
71 Mass spectrometry analysis of proteome-wide proteolytic post-translational degradation of proteins. Anal Chem 2008 1.02
72 A simple procedure for effective quenching of trypsin activity and prevention of 18O-labeling back-exchange. J Proteome Res 2009 1.01
73 Identification of a novel mitotic phosphorylation motif associated with protein localization to the mitotic apparatus. J Cell Sci 2007 1.00
74 Phosphate-containing polyethylene glycol polymers prevent lethal sepsis by multidrug-resistant pathogens. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2013 1.00
75 Proteome analysis of Borrelia burgdorferi response to environmental change. PLoS One 2010 0.99
76 Simple sodium dodecyl sulfate-assisted sample preparation method for LC-MS-based proteomics applications. Anal Chem 2012 0.99
77 Quantitative proteome analysis of breast cancer cell lines using 18O-labeling and an accurate mass and time tag strategy. Proteomics 2006 0.99
78 IgY14 and SuperMix immunoaffinity separations coupled with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for human plasma proteomics biomarker discovery. Methods 2011 0.99
79 Rapid sample processing for LC-MS-based quantitative proteomics using high intensity focused ultrasound. J Proteome Res 2008 0.98
80 Analysis of serum total and free PSA using immunoaffinity depletion coupled to SRM: correlation with clinical immunoassay tests. J Proteomics 2012 0.96
81 Automated metal-free multiple-column nanoLC for improved phosphopeptide analysis sensitivity and throughput. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2009 0.96
82 Proteomic analysis of Lyme disease: global protein comparison of three strains of Borrelia burgdorferi. Proteomics 2005 0.96
83 The influence of sample preparation and replicate analyses on HeLa Cell phosphoproteome coverage. J Proteome Res 2008 0.95
84 Strategy for degradomic-peptidomic analysis of human blood plasma. J Proteome Res 2010 0.95
85 Sources of technical variability in quantitative LC-MS proteomics: human brain tissue sample analysis. J Proteome Res 2013 0.94
86 Reevaluation of the coding potential and proteomic analysis of the BAC-derived rhesus cytomegalovirus strain 68-1. J Virol 2012 0.94
87 A highly sensitive targeted mass spectrometric assay for quantification of AGR2 protein in human urine and serum. J Proteome Res 2013 0.94
88 In-source fragmentation and the sources of partially tryptic peptides in shotgun proteomics. J Proteome Res 2013 0.94
89 Mapping N-linked glycosylation sites in the secretome and whole cells of Aspergillus niger using hydrazide chemistry and mass spectrometry. J Proteome Res 2011 0.93
90 Targeted quantification of low ng/mL level proteins in human serum without immunoaffinity depletion. J Proteome Res 2013 0.93
91 Region-specific protein abundance changes in the brain of MPTP-induced Parkinson's disease mouse model. J Proteome Res 2010 0.91
92 Mouse-specific tandem IgY7-SuperMix immunoaffinity separations for improved LC-MS/MS coverage of the plasma proteome. J Proteome Res 2009 0.91
93 Long-gradient separations coupled with selected reaction monitoring for highly sensitive, large scale targeted protein quantification in a single analysis. Anal Chem 2013 0.90
94 Combined pulsed-Q dissociation and electron transfer dissociation for identification and quantification of iTRAQ-labeled phosphopeptides. Anal Chem 2009 0.90
95 The identification of novel potential injury mechanisms and candidate biomarkers in renal allograft rejection by quantitative proteomics. Mol Cell Proteomics 2013 0.89
96 Proteome and transcriptome profiles of a Her2/Neu-driven mouse model of breast cancer. Proteomics Clin Appl 2011 0.89
97 HepatoProteomics: applying proteomic technologies to the study of liver function and disease. Hepatology 2006 0.89
98 On-line digestion system for protein characterization and proteome analysis. Anal Chem 2008 0.88
99 High sensitivity proteomics assisted discovery of a novel operon involved in the assembly of photosystem II, a membrane protein complex. J Biol Chem 2008 0.88
100 Quantitative site-specific reactivity profiling of S-nitrosylation in mouse skeletal muscle using cysteinyl peptide enrichment coupled with mass spectrometry. Free Radic Biol Med 2012 0.88
101 Applying a targeted label-free approach using LC-MS AMT tags to evaluate changes in protein phosphorylation following phosphatase inhibition. J Proteome Res 2007 0.88
102 Integrated post-experiment monoisotopic mass refinement: an integrated approach to accurately assign monoisotopic precursor masses to tandem mass spectrometric data. Anal Chem 2010 0.88
103 The cerebrospinal fluid proteome in HIV infection: change associated with disease severity. Clin Proteomics 2012 0.88
104 Determination of burn patient outcome by large-scale quantitative discovery proteomics. Crit Care Med 2013 0.88
105 The mammary epithelial cell secretome and its regulation by signal transduction pathways. J Proteome Res 2008 0.87
106 STEPS: a grid search methodology for optimized peptide identification filtering of MS/MS database search results. Proteomics 2013 0.87
107 Phosphoproteomics profiling of human skin fibroblast cells reveals pathways and proteins affected by low doses of ionizing radiation. PLoS One 2010 0.87
108 Cytomegalovirus pp65 limits dissemination but is dispensable for persistence. J Clin Invest 2014 0.86
109 Improved detection of multi-phosphorylated peptides in the presence of phosphoric acid in liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. J Mass Spectrom 2004 0.86
110 LC-MS proteomics analysis of the insulin/IGF-1-deficient Caenorhabditis elegans daf-2(e1370) mutant reveals extensive restructuring of intermediary metabolism. J Proteome Res 2014 0.85
111 Sensitive targeted quantification of ERK phosphorylation dynamics and stoichiometry in human cells without affinity enrichment. Anal Chem 2014 0.85
112 Integrated workflow for characterizing intact phosphoproteins from complex mixtures. Anal Chem 2009 0.84
113 The use of a quantitative cysteinyl-peptide enrichment technology for high-throughput quantitative proteomics. Methods Mol Biol 2007 0.84
114 Highly stable trypsin-aggregate coatings on polymer nanofibers for repeated protein digestion. Proteomics 2009 0.84
115 Phosphopeptide elution times in reversed-phase liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr A 2007 0.84
116 18O-labeled proteome reference as global internal standards for targeted quantification by selected reaction monitoring-mass spectrometry. Mol Cell Proteomics 2011 0.83
117 LC-MS/MS based proteomic analysis and functional inference of hypothetical proteins in Desulfovibrio vulgaris. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 0.83
118 Quantitative phosphoproteome analysis of lysophosphatidic acid induced chemotaxis applying dual-step (18)O labeling coupled with immobilized metal-ion affinity chromatography. J Proteome Res 2008 0.83
119 Expediting SRM assay development for large-scale targeted proteomics experiments. J Proteome Res 2014 0.82
120 Novel Ser/Thr protein phosphatase 5 (PP5) regulated targets during DNA damage identified by proteomics analysis. J Proteome Res 2010 0.82
121 Comparison of normal and breast cancer cell lines using proteome, genome, and interactome data. J Proteome Res 2005 0.82
122 Gray matter is targeted in first-attack multiple sclerosis. PLoS One 2013 0.82
123 Global analysis of the membrane subproteome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Proteome Res 2004 0.81
124 Detection of in situ labeled cell surface proteins by mass spectrometry: application to the membrane subproteome of human mammary epithelial cells. Proteomics 2003 0.81
125 Spatial phosphoprotein profiling reveals a compartmentalized extracellular signal-regulated kinase switch governing neurite growth and retraction. J Biol Chem 2011 0.80
126 Cerebrospinal fluid proteome of patients with acute Lyme disease. J Proteome Res 2012 0.80
127 Endogenous 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine and dopaquinone modifications on protein tyrosine: links to mitochondrially derived oxidative stress via hydroxyl radical. Mol Cell Proteomics 2010 0.80
128 Trauma-associated human neutrophil alterations revealed by comparative proteomics profiling. Proteomics Clin Appl 2013 0.80
129 Resin-assisted enrichment of N-terminal peptides for characterizing proteolytic processing. Anal Chem 2013 0.79
130 A systematic analysis of a deep mouse epididymal sperm proteome. Biol Reprod 2012 0.79
131 Quantitative phosphoproteomics identifies filaggrin and other targets of ionizing radiation in a human skin model. Exp Dermatol 2012 0.79
132 GlyQ-IQ: glycomics quintavariate-informed quantification with high-performance computing and GlycoGrid 4D visualization. Anal Chem 2014 0.78
133 Evaluation of enzymatic digestion and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry peptide mapping of the integral membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin. Electrophoresis 2002 0.78
134 Proteomic approaches for site-specific O-GlcNAcylation analysis. Bioanalysis 2014 0.75
135 Polysialylated N-glycans identified in human serum through combined developments in sample preparation, separations, and electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. Anal Chem 2014 0.75