Published in J Clin Microbiol on July 01, 1991
Biochemical identification of Citrobacter species defined by DNA hybridization and description of Citrobacter gillenii sp. nov. (formerly Citrobacter genomospecies 10) and Citrobacter murliniae sp. nov. (formerly Citrobacter genomospecies 11). J Clin Microbiol (1999) 0.97
Isolation, characterization, and U(VI)-reducing potential of a facultatively anaerobic, acid-resistant Bacterium from Low-pH, nitrate- and U(VI)-contaminated subsurface sediment and description of Salmonella subterranea sp. nov. Appl Environ Microbiol (2004) 0.88
Isolation of Yokenella regensburgei ("Koserella trabulsii") from a patient with transient bacteremia and from a patient with a septic knee. J Clin Microbiol (1994) 0.82
The Enterobacterium Trabulsiella odontotermitis Presents Novel Adaptations Related to Its Association with Fungus-Growing Termites. Appl Environ Microbiol (2015) 0.78
Impact of a novel protein meal on the gastrointestinal microbiota and the host transcriptome of larval zebrafish Danio rerio. Front Physiol (2015) 0.77
Phenotypic and Phylogenetic Identification of Coliform Bacteria Obtained Using 12 Coliform Methods Approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Appl Environ Microbiol (2015) 0.75
A deceptive case of cellulitis caused by a Gram-negative pathogen. J Clin Microbiol (2013) 0.75
Labeling deoxyribonucleic acid to high specific activity in vitro by nick translation with DNA polymerase I. J Mol Biol (1977) 205.11
Antibiotic susceptibility testing by a standardized single disk method. Am J Clin Pathol (1966) 159.00
Biochemical identification of new species and biogroups of Enterobacteriaceae isolated from clinical specimens. J Clin Microbiol (1985) 17.42
Escherichia vulneris: a new species of Enterobacteriaceae associated with human wounds. J Clin Microbiol (1982) 14.86
Salmonella typhi: identification, antibiograms, serology, and bacteriophage typing. Am J Med Technol (1978) 9.79
Molecular relationships among the Salmonelleae. J Bacteriol (1973) 4.35
[The taxonomy of Salmonella]. Ann Microbiol (Paris) (1983) 2.27
Koserella trabulsii, a new genus and species of Enterobacteriaceae formerly known as Enteric Group 45. J Clin Microbiol (1985) 2.25
[Characterization of a 7th subspecies of Salmonella: S. choleraesuis subsp. indica subsp. nov]. Ann Inst Pasteur Microbiol (1988) 2.23
A search for infant salmonellosis risk factors on Guam. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health (1986) 1.09
Biochemical identification of new species and biogroups of Enterobacteriaceae isolated from clinical specimens. J Clin Microbiol (1985) 17.42
Escherichia vulneris: a new species of Enterobacteriaceae associated with human wounds. J Clin Microbiol (1982) 14.86
Polynucleotide sequence relationships among members of Enterobacteriaceae. J Bacteriol (1969) 11.27
Classification of the Legionnaires' disease bacterium: Legionella pneumophila, genus novum, species nova, of the family Legionellaceae, familia nova. Ann Intern Med (1979) 9.90
Salmonella typhi: identification, antibiograms, serology, and bacteriophage typing. Am J Med Technol (1978) 9.79
Genetic structure of populations of Legionella pneumophila. J Bacteriol (1985) 7.30
Cancer risks from diagnostic radiology. Br J Radiol (2008) 6.58
Batch procedure for thermal elution of DNA from hydroxyapatite. Anal Biochem (1969) 6.19
Rochalimaea henselae sp. nov., a cause of septicemia, bacillary angiomatosis, and parenchymal bacillary peliosis. J Clin Microbiol (1992) 5.62
Use of a single-strand specific nuclease for analysis of bacterial and plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid homo- and heteroduplexes. J Bacteriol (1973) 5.23
Clonal nature of Salmonella typhi and its genetic relatedness to other salmonellae as shown by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, and proposal of Salmonella bongori comb. nov. J Clin Microbiol (1989) 5.21
Rochalimaea elizabethae sp. nov. isolated from a patient with endocarditis. J Clin Microbiol (1993) 5.06
Reduction in the rate of DNA reassociation by sequence divergence. J Mol Biol (1973) 4.94
Polynucleotide sequence divergence among strains of Escherichia coli and closely related organisms. J Bacteriol (1972) 4.87
Escherichia fergusonii and Enterobacter taylorae, two new species of Enterobacteriaceae isolated from clinical specimens. J Clin Microbiol (1985) 4.52
Toward a population genetic analysis of Salmonella: genetic diversity and relationships among strains of serotypes S. choleraesuis, S. derby, S. dublin, S. enteritidis, S. heidelberg, S. infantis, S. newport, and S. typhimurium. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1988) 4.43
Molecular relationships among the Salmonelleae. J Bacteriol (1973) 4.35
Proposals to unify the genera Bartonella and Rochalimaea, with descriptions of Bartonella quintana comb. nov., Bartonella vinsonii comb. nov., Bartonella henselae comb. nov., and Bartonella elizabethae comb. nov., and to remove the family Bartonellaceae from the order Rickettsiales. Int J Syst Bacteriol (1993) 4.26
Legionella gormanii sp. nov. J Clin Microbiol (1980) 4.12
Salmonellosis associated with marijuana: a multistate outbreak traced by plasmid fingerprinting. N Engl J Med (1982) 4.03
The rickettsia-like organisms TATLOCK (1943) and HEBA (1959): bacteria phenotypically similar to but genetically distinct from Legionella pneumophila and the WIGA bacterium. Ann Intern Med (1980) 3.96
H7 antiserum-sorbitol fermentation medium: a single tube screening medium for detecting Escherichia coli O157:H7 associated with hemorrhagic colitis. J Clin Microbiol (1985) 3.91
Atypical biogroups of Escherichia coli found in clinical specimens and description of Escherichia hermannii sp. nov. J Clin Microbiol (1982) 3.84
Legionella longbeachae species nova, another etiologic agent of human pneumonia. Ann Intern Med (1981) 3.78
Ribosomal RNA gene restriction patterns provide increased sensitivity for typing Salmonella typhi strains. J Infect Dis (1989) 3.76
The ail locus is found uniquely in Yersinia enterocolitica serotypes commonly associated with disease. Infect Immun (1989) 3.75
Kluyvera, a new (redefined) genus in the family Enterobacteriaceae: identification of Kluyvera ascorbata sp. nov. and Kluyvera cryocrescens sp. nov. in clinical specimens. J Clin Microbiol (1981) 3.63
Bordetella holmesii sp. nov., a new gram-negative species associated with septicemia. J Clin Microbiol (1995) 3.63
Francisella philomiragia comb. nov. (formerly Yersinia philomiragia) and Francisella tularensis biogroup novicida (formerly Francisella novicida) associated with human disease. J Clin Microbiol (1989) 3.59
Further determination of DNA relatedness between serogroups and serovars in the family Leptospiraceae with a proposal for Leptospira alexanderi sp. nov. and four new Leptospira genomospecies. Int J Syst Bacteriol (1999) 3.44
Genetics of the Enterobacteriaceae. C. Molecular relationships among members of the Enterobacteriaceae. Adv Genet (1971) 3.43
Classification of citrobacteria by DNA hybridization: designation of Citrobacter farmeri sp. nov., Citrobacter youngae sp. nov., Citrobacter braakii sp. nov., Citrobacter werkmanii sp. nov., Citrobacter sedlakii sp. nov., and three unnamed Citrobacter genomospecies. Int J Syst Bacteriol (1993) 3.26
Epidemiological fingerprinting of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by the production of and sensitivity of pyocin and bacteriophage. Appl Microbiol (1969) 3.24
Characterization of biochemically atypical Vibrio cholerae strains and designation of a new pathogenic species, Vibrio mimicus. J Clin Microbiol (1981) 3.19
Water-related nosocomial pneumonia caused by Legionella pneumophila serogroups 1 and 10. J Infect Dis (1985) 3.16
Identification of Vibrio hollisae sp. nov. from patients with diarrhea. J Clin Microbiol (1982) 3.08
A newly identified bacterium phenotypically resembling, but genetically distinct from, Legionella pneumophila: an isolate in a case of pneumonia. Ann Intern Med (1979) 3.08
Unusual groups of Morganella ("Proteus") morganii isolated from clinical specimens: lysine-positive and ornithine-negative biogroups. J Clin Microbiol (1980) 3.02
Bartonella clarridgeiae, a newly recognized zoonotic pathogen causing inoculation papules, fever, and lymphadenopathy (cat scratch disease). J Clin Microbiol (1997) 3.01
Illness associated with Campylobacter laridis, a newly recognized Campylobacter species. J Clin Microbiol (1985) 3.00
Aeromonas veronii, a new ornithine decarboxylase-positive species that may cause diarrhea. J Clin Microbiol (1987) 2.97
Analysis of eight cases of neonatal meningitis and sepsis due to Enterobacter sakazakii. J Clin Microbiol (1983) 2.96
DNA relatedness among species of Enterobacter and Serratia. Can J Microbiol (1976) 2.94
Endocarditis caused by Rochalimaea quintana in a patient infected with human immunodeficiency virus. J Clin Microbiol (1993) 2.85
Listeria monocytogenes infection in nude mice. Infect Immun (1975) 2.82
Bartonella (Rochalimaea) quintana bacteremia in inner-city patients with chronic alcoholism. N Engl J Med (1995) 2.74
Aeromonas hydrophila and Plesiomonas shigelloides as causes of intestinal infections. Rev Infect Dis (1984) 2.71
DNA characterization of the spirochete that causes Lyme disease. J Clin Microbiol (1984) 2.71
Legionella oakridgensis: unusual new species isolated from cooling tower water. Appl Environ Microbiol (1983) 2.70
Ewingella americana gen.nov., sp.nov., a new Enterobacteriaceae isolated from clinical specimens. Ann Microbiol (Paris) (1983) 2.69
Characterization and clinical identification of Enterobacteriaceae by DNA hybridization. Prog Clin Pathol (1978) 2.64
Legionnaires' disease bacterium isolated in 1947. Ann Intern Med (1979) 2.61
Combinatorial chemistry in insects: a library of defensive macrocyclic polyamines. Science (1998) 2.61
Automation of Salmonella typhi phage typing. Lancet (1975) 2.60
Detection and characterization of fecal verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli from healthy cattle. J Clin Microbiol (1990) 2.60
16S rRNA sequences of Bartonella bacilliformis and cat scratch disease bacillus reveal phylogenetic relationships with the alpha-2 subgroup of the class Proteobacteria. J Clin Microbiol (1991) 2.59
Campylobacter hyointestinalis associated with human gastrointestinal disease in the United States. J Clin Microbiol (1987) 2.59
"Campylobacter hyointestinalis" sp. nov.: a new species of Campylobacter found in the intestines of pigs and other animals. J Clin Microbiol (1985) 2.57
Human disease associated with "Campylobacter upsaliensis" (catalase-negative or weakly positive Campylobacter species) in the United States. J Clin Microbiol (1989) 2.52
Shiga-like toxin II-related cytotoxins in Citrobacter freundii strains from humans and beef samples. Infect Immun (1993) 2.47
The radiobiology of radiosurgery: rationale for different treatment regimes for AVMs and malignancies. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys (1993) 2.44
Identification of Proteus penneri sp. nov., formerly known as Proteus vulgaris indole negative or as Proteus vulgaris biogroup 1. J Clin Microbiol (1982) 2.42
Phage typing of Salmonella enteritidis in the United States. J Clin Microbiol (1991) 2.41
Legionella jordanis: a new species of Legionella isolated from water and sewage. J Clin Microbiol (1982) 2.39
A biotyping scheme for Shiga-like (Vero) toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 and a list of serological cross-reactions between O157 and other gram-negative bacteria. Zentralbl Bakteriol (1992) 2.34
Prevalence and characterization of hippurate-negative Campylobacter jejuni in King County, Washington. J Clin Microbiol (1987) 2.33
Virulence and phenotypic characterization of Yersinia enterocolitica isolated from humans in the United States. J Clin Microbiol (1983) 2.32
The Columbia University single-ion microbeam. Radiat Res (2001) 2.31
Roseomonas, a new genus associated with bacteremia and other human infections. J Clin Microbiol (1993) 2.28
Aeromonas schubertii, a new mannitol-negative species found in human clinical specimens. J Clin Microbiol (1988) 2.27
Koserella trabulsii, a new genus and species of Enterobacteriaceae formerly known as Enteric Group 45. J Clin Microbiol (1985) 2.25