Published in Neuroimage on August 04, 2009
Recommended implementation of arterial spin-labeled perfusion MRI for clinical applications: A consensus of the ISMRM perfusion study group and the European consortium for ASL in dementia. Magn Reson Med (2014) 3.27
Voxel-level comparison of arterial spin-labeled perfusion MRI and FDG-PET in Alzheimer disease. Neurology (2011) 1.81
Test-retest reliability of arterial spin labeling with common labeling strategies. J Magn Reson Imaging (2011) 1.73
Applications of arterial spin labeled MRI in the brain. J Magn Reson Imaging (2012) 1.58
Arterial spin labeling blood flow MRI: its role in the early characterization of Alzheimer's disease. J Alzheimers Dis (2010) 1.48
Cause and prevention of demyelination in a model multiple sclerosis lesion. Ann Neurol (2016) 1.41
A fully automated method for quantitative cerebral hemodynamic analysis using DSC-MRI. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2010) 1.37
Intra- and multicenter reproducibility of pulsed, continuous and pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling methods for measuring cerebral perfusion. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2011) 1.31
Perfusion MRI of brain tumours: a comparative study of pseudo-continuous arterial spin labelling and dynamic susceptibility contrast imaging. Neuroradiology (2009) 1.26
Cerebral blood flow in posterior cortical nodes of the default mode network decreases with task engagement but remains higher than in most brain regions. Cereb Cortex (2010) 1.26
Regional reproducibility of pulsed arterial spin labeling perfusion imaging at 3T. Neuroimage (2010) 1.23
Measurement of OEF and absolute CMRO2: MRI-based methods using interleaved and combined hypercapnia and hyperoxia. Neuroimage (2013) 1.11
Absolute arterial cerebral blood volume quantification using inflow vascular-space-occupancy with dynamic subtraction magnetic resonance imaging. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2010) 1.11
Dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging techniques: CT and MRI. Br J Radiol (2011) 1.09
Imaging of acute stroke. Nat Rev Neurol (2010) 1.09
Resting quantitative cerebral blood flow in schizophrenia measured by pulsed arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI. Psychiatry Res (2011) 1.04
Bolus arrival time and cerebral blood flow responses to hypercarbia. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2014) 1.00
Measurement of absolute arterial cerebral blood volume in human brain without using a contrast agent. NMR Biomed (2011) 0.96
Cerebral blood flow during rest associates with general intelligence and creativity. PLoS One (2011) 0.96
Volumetric cerebral perfusion imaging in healthy adults: regional distribution, laterality, and repeatability of pulsed continuous arterial spin labeling (PCASL). Psychiatry Res (2010) 0.96
The adverse effects of reduced cerebral perfusion on cognition and brain structure in older adults with cardiovascular disease. Brain Behav (2013) 0.93
Cerebral arterial bolus arrival time is prolonged in multiple sclerosis and associated with disability. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2013) 0.93
Magnetic resonance perfusion imaging of resting-state cerebral blood flow in preclinical Huntington's disease. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2011) 0.92
Pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling at 7 T for human brain: estimation and correction for off-resonance effects using a Prescan. Magn Reson Med (2012) 0.92
Brain blood flow and velocity: correlations between magnetic resonance imaging and transcranial Doppler sonography. J Ultrasound Med (2010) 0.90
A selective insular perfusion deficit contributes to compromised salience network connectivity in recovering alcoholic men. Biol Psychiatry (2013) 0.90
Arterial spin labelling: final steps to make it a clinical reality. MAGMA (2012) 0.88
Comparison of relative cerebral blood flow maps using pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling and single photon emission computed tomography. NMR Biomed (2011) 0.87
Reliability of three-dimensional pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling MR imaging for measuring visual cortex perfusion on two 3T scanners. PLoS One (2013) 0.86
Baseline brain perfusion and brain structure in patients with major depression: a multimodal magnetic resonance imaging study. J Psychiatry Neurosci (2015) 0.85
Quantifying the test-retest reliability of cerebral blood flow measurements in a clinical model of on-going post-surgical pain: A study using pseudo-continuous arterial spin labelling. Neuroimage Clin (2013) 0.84
Arterial spin labeled MRI in prodromal Alzheimer's disease: A multi-site study. Neuroimage Clin (2013) 0.84
Comparison of cerebral blood flow measurement with [15O]-water positron emission tomography and arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging: A systematic review. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2016) 0.84
Inter-vendor reproducibility of pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling at 3 Tesla. PLoS One (2014) 0.83
Unilateral fetal-type circle of Willis anatomy causes right-left asymmetry in cerebral blood flow with pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling: A limitation of arterial spin labeling-based cerebral blood flow measurements? J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2016) 0.82
Correlation between arterial blood volume obtained by arterial spin labelling and cerebral blood volume in intracranial tumours. MAGMA (2011) 0.81
Noninvasive functional imaging of cerebral blood volume with vascular-space-occupancy (VASO) MRI. NMR Biomed (2013) 0.81
Magnetic resonance imaging to visualize stroke and characterize stroke recovery: a review. Front Neurol (2013) 0.81
The vascular steal phenomenon is an incomplete contributor to negative cerebrovascular reactivity in patients with symptomatic intracranial stenosis. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2014) 0.81
Increased hippocampal blood volume and normal blood flow in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res (2015) 0.81
Thalamic activity and biochemical changes in individuals with neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury. Pain (2014) 0.81
Inflow-vascular space occupancy (iVASO) reproducibility in the hippocampus and cortex at different blood water nulling times. Magn Reson Med (2015) 0.79
Automatic and reproducible positioning of phase-contrast MRI for the quantification of global cerebral blood flow. PLoS One (2014) 0.79
Quantitative Functional Arterial Spin Labeling (fASL) MRI--Sensitivity and Reproducibility of Regional CBF Changes Using Pseudo-Continuous ASL Product Sequences. PLoS One (2015) 0.78
Noise concerns and post-processing procedures in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral blood volume (CBV) functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroimage (2016) 0.77
Application of Arterial Spin Labelling in the Assessment of Ocular Tissues. Biomed Res Int (2016) 0.77
Reproducibility of pharmacological ASL using sequences from different vendors: implications for multicenter drug studies. MAGMA (2015) 0.77
Cerebral Perfusion Measurements in Elderly with Hypertension Using Arterial Spin Labeling. PLoS One (2015) 0.76
Voxel-Wise Perfusion Assessment in Cerebral White Matter with PCASL at 3T; Is It Possible and How Long Does It Take? PLoS One (2015) 0.75
Comparison of global cerebral blood flow measured by phase-contrast mapping MRI with (15) O-H2 O positron emission tomography. J Magn Reson Imaging (2016) 0.75
Tripled Readout Slices in Multi Time-Point pCASL Using Multiband Look-Locker EPI. PLoS One (2015) 0.75
Regional reliability of quantitative signal targeting with alternating radiofrequency (STAR) labeling of arterial regions (QUASAR). J Neuroimaging (2014) 0.75
Mapping Long-Term Functional Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow by Arterial Spin Labeling. PLoS One (2016) 0.75
Intraoperative resection control using arterial spin labeling - Proof of concept, reproducibility of data and initial results. Neuroimage Clin (2017) 0.75
Feasibility of Using Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion in a Geriatric Population at 1.5 Tesla. PLoS One (2015) 0.75
Sub-Clinical Cognitive Decline and Resting Cerebral Blood Flow in Middle Aged Men. PLoS One (2017) 0.75
Effects of Fast Simple Numerical Calculation Training on Neural Systems. Neural Plast (2016) 0.75
Pulsed arterial spin labeling effectively and dynamically observes changes in cerebral blood flow after mild traumatic brain injury. Neural Regen Res (2016) 0.75
Multiparametric estimation of brain hemodynamics with MR fingerprinting ASL. Magn Reson Med (2016) 0.75
Magnetisation transfer effects of Q2TIPS pulses in ASL. MAGMA (2011) 0.75
Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease Measured with Arterial Spin Labeling Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Int J Alzheimers Dis (2017) 0.75
A Qualitative Comparison of Arterial Spin Labelling and Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI in 52 Children with a Range of Neurological Conditions. Br J Radiol (2016) 0.75
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Influence of the menstrual cycle on sympathetic activity, baroreflex sensitivity, and vascular transduction in young women. Circulation (2000) 3.41
Normal cerebral perfusion measurements using arterial spin labeling: reproducibility, stability, and age and gender effects. Magn Reson Med (2004) 2.71
On-line automatic slice positioning for brain MR imaging. Neuroimage (2005) 2.62
Model-free arterial spin labeling quantification approach for perfusion MRI. Magn Reson Med (2006) 2.40
Simultaneous measurement of regional cerebral blood flow by perfusion CT and stable xenon CT: a validation study. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol (2001) 2.04
Precision of the CASL-perfusion MRI technique for the measurement of cerebral blood flow in whole brain and vascular territories. J Magn Reson Imaging (2003) 1.99
CT and MRI rating of white matter lesions. Cerebrovasc Dis (2002) 1.83
Non-invasive measurement of perfusion: a critical review of arterial spin labelling techniques. Br J Radiol (2006) 1.71
Arterial spin labeling in combination with a look-locker sampling strategy: inflow turbo-sampling EPI-FAIR (ITS-FAIR). Magn Reson Med (2001) 1.65
Quantitative cerebral blood flow measurement with dynamic perfusion CT using the vascular-pixel elimination method: comparison with H2(15)O positron emission tomography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol (2003) 1.61
Quantitative cerebral perfusion using dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI: evaluation of reproducibility and age- and gender-dependence with fully automatic image postprocessing algorithm. Magn Reson Med (2007) 1.53
Human brain: reliability and reproducibility of pulsed arterial spin-labeling perfusion MR imaging. Radiology (2005) 1.45
An account of the discrepancy between MRI and PET cerebral blood flow measures. A high-field MRI investigation. NMR Biomed (2006) 1.42
Menstrual cycle effects on the neurohumoral and autonomic nervous systems regulating the cardiovascular system. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2002) 1.29
Test-retest reproducibility of quantitative CBF measurements using FAIR perfusion MRI and acetazolamide challenge. Magn Reson Med (2002) 1.28
Reproducibility of continuous arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI after 7 weeks. MAGMA (2007) 1.27
In vivo regional cerebral blood volume: quantitative assessment with 3D T1-weighted pre- and postcontrast MR imaging. Radiology (1996) 1.27
Cerebral venous and arterial blood volumes can be estimated separately in humans using magnetic resonance imaging. Magn Reson Med (2002) 1.12
Cerebral border zones between distal end branches of intracranial arteries: MR imaging. Radiology (2007) 1.11
Regional cerebral blood volume and hematocrit measured in normal human volunteers by single-photon emission computed tomography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (1985) 1.10
An investigation of statistical power for continuous arterial spin labeling imaging at 1.5 T. Neuroimage (2007) 0.97
Reproducibility of resting cerebral blood flow measurements with H2(15)O positron emission tomography in humans. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (1993) 0.97
133Xenon inhalation method. Analysis of reproducibility: some of its physiological implications. Stroke (1977) 0.96
Arterial spin labeling: benefits and pitfalls of high magnetic field. Neuroimaging Clin N Am (2006) 0.96
Automatic scan prescription for brain MRI. Magn Reson Med (2001) 0.90
Retinal arteriolar diameter, blood velocity, and blood flow response to an isocapnic hyperoxic provocation. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (2005) 0.87
Menstrual cycle-related brain metabolite changes using 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy in premenopausal women: a pilot study. Psychiatry Res (2001) 0.86
Comparative study of regional cerebral blood flow values measured by Xe CT and Xe SPECT. Acta Neurol Scand Suppl (1996) 0.80
Further Implications of Off-Label Use of Acetazolamide in the Management of Moyamoya Disease in Japan: Response. Radiology (2017) 4.99
Determining the longitudinal relaxation time (T1) of blood at 3.0 Tesla. Magn Reson Med (2004) 4.25
In vivo imaging of glucose uptake and metabolism in tumors. Nat Med (2013) 3.01
Amide proton transfer imaging of human brain tumors at 3T. Magn Reson Med (2006) 2.87
Functional magnetic resonance imaging based on changes in vascular space occupancy. Magn Reson Med (2003) 2.68
Coordination of voluntary and stimulus-driven attentional control in human cortex. Psychol Sci (2005) 2.57
Model-free arterial spin labeling quantification approach for perfusion MRI. Magn Reson Med (2006) 2.40
Control of object-based attention in human cortex. Cereb Cortex (2004) 2.16
Routine clinical brain MRI sequences for use at 3.0 Tesla. J Magn Reson Imaging (2005) 1.94
Sustained poststimulus elevation in cerebral oxygen utilization after vascular recovery. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2004) 1.72
Cerebral artery dilatation maintains cerebral oxygenation at extreme altitude and in acute hypoxia--an ultrasound and MRI study. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2011) 1.71
Is conscious perception gradual or dichotomous? A comparison of report methodologies during a visual task. Conscious Cogn (2006) 1.62
Vessel architectural imaging identifies cancer patient responders to anti-angiogenic therapy. Nat Med (2013) 1.46
Flow territory mapping of the cerebral arteries with regional perfusion MRI. Stroke (2004) 1.41
Comparison of 10 perfusion MRI parameters in 97 sub-6-hour stroke patients using voxel-based receiver operating characteristics analysis. Stroke (2009) 1.38
Territorial arterial spin labeling in the assessment of collateral circulation: comparison with digital subtraction angiography. Stroke (2008) 1.36
Measurements of cerebral perfusion and arterial hemodynamics during visual stimulation using TURBO-TILT. Magn Reson Med (2003) 1.31
Accelerated parallel imaging for functional imaging of the human brain. NMR Biomed (2006) 1.30
MRI detection of early blood-brain barrier disruption: parenchymal enhancement predicts focal hemorrhagic transformation after thrombolysis. Stroke (2008) 1.30
Improved detection of cortical MS lesions with phase-sensitive inversion recovery MRI. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (2012) 1.29
Internal carotid artery occlusion assessed at pulsed arterial spin-labeling perfusion MR imaging at multiple delay times. Radiology (2004) 1.27
Sickle cell disease: continuous arterial spin-labeling perfusion MR imaging in children. Radiology (2003) 1.26
Seeing without Seeing? Degraded Conscious Vision in a Blindsight Patient. PLoS One (2008) 1.26
Melatonin augments hypothermic neuroprotection in a perinatal asphyxia model. Brain (2012) 1.25
A method for rapid in vivo measurement of blood T1. NMR Biomed (2011) 1.22
Imaging brain deoxyglucose uptake and metabolism by glucoCEST MRI. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2013) 1.21
Remote ischemic perconditioning as an adjunct therapy to thrombolysis in patients with acute ischemic stroke: a randomized trial. Stroke (2013) 1.19
Reproducibility of primary motor cortex somatotopy under controlled conditions. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol (2002) 1.19
Quantitative t2 values predict time from symptom onset in acute stroke patients. Stroke (2009) 1.18
T1- and T2*-dominant extravasation correction in DSC-MRI: part I--theoretical considerations and implications for assessment of tumor hemodynamic properties. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2011) 1.16
In vivo flow territory mapping of major brain feeding arteries. Neuroimage (2005) 1.15
The role of the cerebral capillaries in acute ischemic stroke: the extended penumbra model. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2013) 1.12
Magnetization transfer weighted imaging in the upper cervical spinal cord using cerebrospinal fluid as intersubject normalization reference (MTCSF imaging). Magn Reson Med (2005) 1.11
Cerebral border zones between distal end branches of intracranial arteries: MR imaging. Radiology (2007) 1.11
Intervoxel heterogeneity of event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging responses as a function of T(1) weighting. Neuroimage (2002) 1.10
The relationship between tumor blood flow, angiogenesis, tumor hypoxia, and aerobic glycolysis. Cancer Res (2013) 1.08
Origin and minimization of residual motion-related artifacts in navigator-corrected segmented diffusion-weighted EPI of the human brain. Magn Reson Med (2002) 1.07
Energy failure in multiple sclerosis and its investigation using MR techniques. J Neurol (2011) 1.06
Multiple acquisitions with global inversion cycling (MAGIC): a multislice technique for vascular-space-occupancy dependent fMRI. Magn Reson Med (2004) 1.05
The capillary dysfunction hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging (2012) 1.04
Relation between cerebral perfusion territories and location of cerebral infarcts. Stroke (2009) 1.04
Quantitative magnetization transfer characteristics of the human cervical spinal cord in vivo: application to adrenomyeloneuropathy. Magn Reson Med (2009) 1.01
Striatal dopamine release codes uncertainty in pathological gambling. Psychiatry Res (2012) 1.00
High-resolution diffusion tensor imaging of the brain stem at 3 T. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol (2004) 0.99
Macroscopic orientation component analysis of brain white matter and thalamus based on diffusion tensor imaging. Magn Reson Med (2005) 0.99
MS cortical lesions on DIR: not quite what they seem? PLoS One (2013) 0.99
Sodium quantification in the spinal cord at 3T. Magn Reson Med (2013) 0.98
Dual vessel arterial spin labeling scheme for regional perfusion imaging. Magn Reson Med (2006) 0.97
fMRI evidence for multisensory recruitment associated with rapid eye movements during sleep. Hum Brain Mapp (2009) 0.96
Dopaminergic stimulation enhances confidence and accuracy in seeing rapidly presented words. J Vis (2011) 0.95
Low cerebral oxygen consumption and blood flow in patients with cirrhosis and an acute episode of hepatic encephalopathy. Gastroenterology (2008) 0.94
Altered flow territories after extracranial-intracranial bypass surgery. Neurosurgery (2005) 0.93
Reduced R2' in multiple sclerosis normal appearing white matter and lesions may reflect decreased myelin and iron content. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (2012) 0.93
Reduction of magnetic field inhomogeneity artifacts in echo planar imaging with SENSE and GESEPI at high field. Magn Reson Med (2004) 0.93
Carbogen inhalation increases oxygen transport to hypoperfused brain tissue in patients with occlusive carotid artery disease: increased oxygen transport to hypoperfused brain. Brain Res (2009) 0.93
A comparison of imaging techniques to monitor tumor growth and cancer progression in living animals. Int J Mol Imaging (2011) 0.92
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Gastrointestinal transit measurements in mice with 99mTc-DTPA-labeled activated charcoal using NanoSPECT-CT. EJNMMI Res (2013) 0.92
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Accessing the mental space-Spatial working memory processes for language and vision overlap in precuneus. Hum Brain Mapp (2008) 0.91
Simultaneous water and lipid suppression for in vivo brain spectroscopy in humans. Magn Reson Med (2005) 0.91
Defining thresholds for changes in size of simulated T2-hyperintense brain lesions on the basis of qualitative comparisons. AJR Am J Roentgenol (2003) 0.90
Similarities and differences in arterial responses to hypercapnia and visual stimulation. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2010) 0.90
Measuring arterial and tissue responses to functional challenges using arterial spin labeling. Neuroimage (2009) 0.89
Post-mortem cerebral magnetic resonance imaging T1 and T2 in fetuses, newborns and infants. Eur J Radiol (2011) 0.88
Retinotopic mapping in the human visual cortex using vascular space occupancy-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroreport (2005) 0.87
Elevated T2-values in MRI of stroke patients shortly after symptom onset do not predict irreversible tissue infarction. Brain (2012) 0.87
Vascular disorders: insights from arterial spin labeling. Neuroimaging Clin N Am (2012) 0.86
High-sensitivity cerebral perfusion mapping in mice by kbGRASE-FAIR at 9.4 T. NMR Biomed (2010) 0.86
Cerebral perfusion alterations in epileptic patients during peri-ictal and post-ictal phase: PASL vs DSC-MRI. Magn Reson Imaging (2013) 0.86
Predicting infarction within the diffusion-weighted imaging lesion: does the mean transit time have added value? Stroke (2011) 0.86
A functional magnetic resonance imaging technique based on nulling extravascular gray matter signal. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2008) 0.85
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T(1)- and T(2)(*)-dominant extravasation correction in DSC-MRI: part II-predicting patient outcome after a single dose of cediranib in recurrent glioblastoma patients. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (2011) 0.85
Distribution of cerebral blood flow in the nucleus caudatus, nucleus lentiformis, and thalamus: a study of territorial arterial spin-labeling MR imaging. Radiology (2010) 0.85
Multiparametric analysis of magnetic resonance images for glioma grading and patient survival time prediction. Acta Radiol (2011) 0.85
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Predicting tissue outcome from acute stroke magnetic resonance imaging: improving model performance by optimal sampling of training data. Stroke (2009) 0.84
Visualization of maturation of the corpus callosum during childhood and adolescence using T2 relaxometry. Int J Dev Neurosci (2007) 0.84
IQ-related fMRI differences during cognitive set shifting. Cereb Cortex (2009) 0.84
Quantitative magnetization transfer in in vivo healthy human skeletal muscle at 3 T. Magn Reson Med (2010) 0.84
Quantitative assessment of cerebral hemodynamic parameters by QUASAR arterial spin labeling in Alzheimer's disease and cognitively normal Elderly adults at 3-tesla. J Alzheimers Dis (2012) 0.84
Non-invasive visualization of collateral blood flow patterns of the circle of Willis by dynamic MR angiography. Med Image Anal (2005) 0.84
Repeatability of renal arterial spin labelling MRI in healthy subjects. MAGMA (2012) 0.84
Extracranial measurements of amide proton transfer using exchange-modulated point-resolved spectroscopy (EXPRESS). NMR Biomed (2011) 0.83
Evaluation of therapy of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Neurochem Res (2004) 0.83
The BOLD response and vascular reactivity during visual stimulation in the presence of hypoxic hypoxia. Neuroimage (2008) 0.81
Capillary dysfunction: its detection and causative role in dementias and stroke. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep (2015) 0.81
Interrater agreement for final infarct MRI lesion delineation. Stroke (2009) 0.81
Auditory tracts identified with combined fMRI and diffusion tractography. Neuroimage (2013) 0.81
Presymptomatic cerebral blood flow changes in CHMP2B mutation carriers of familial frontotemporal dementia (FTD-3), measured with MRI. BMJ Open (2012) 0.80
Impaired probability estimation and decision-making in pathological gambling poker players. J Gambl Stud (2012) 0.80
Statistical mapping of effects of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) on blood flow and oxygen consumption in porcine brain. J Neurosci Methods (2006) 0.80
Segmentation of dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging data. Acta Oncol (2008) 0.80
Making sense: Dopamine activates conscious self-monitoring through medial prefrontal cortex. Hum Brain Mapp (2015) 0.80
Biased visualization of hypoperfused tissue by computed tomography due to short imaging duration: improved classification by image down-sampling and vascular models. Eur Radiol (2015) 0.79
PROPELLER for motion-robust imaging of in vivo mouse abdomen at 9.4 T. NMR Biomed (2010) 0.79