Published in FEBS Lett on January 29, 1990
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Purification and immunological identification of metallothioneins 1 and 2 from Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol (1997) 1.30
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Differential expression of a metallothionein gene during the presymbiotic versus the symbiotic phase of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. Plant Physiol (2002) 1.08
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Characterization and expression of DNA sequences encoding putative type-II metallothioneins in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Plant Physiol (2000) 0.91
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A novel metallothionein gene from a mangrove plant Kandelia candel. Ecotoxicology (2012) 0.81
Characterization and expression of a metallothionein gene in the aquatic fern Azolla filiculoides under heavy metal stress. Planta (2005) 0.77
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Functional analysis of a Douglas-fir metallothionein-like gene promoter: transient assays in zygotic and somatic embryos and stable transformation in transgenic tobacco. Planta (2004) 0.76
A metallothionein-like gene htMT2 strongly expressed in internodes and nodes of Helianthus tuberosus and effects of metal ion treatment on its expression. Planta (2003) 0.76
Nucleotide sequence of cDNA clone encoding a metallothionein-like protein from Chinese cabbage. Plant Physiol (1995) 0.75
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