G Lafferty

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Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Strong constraints on the rare decays B(s)(0) → μ+ μ- and B0 → μ+ μ-. Phys Rev Lett 2012 1.50
2 First observation of the decays B(0) → D(+)K(-)π(+)π(-) and B(-) → D(0)K(-)π(+)π(-). Phys Rev Lett 2012 1.50
3 Determination of the X(3872) meson quantum numbers. Phys Rev Lett 2013 1.42
4 First observation of CP violation in the decays of B(s)0 mesons. Phys Rev Lett 2013 1.21
5 Measurement of form-factor-independent observables in the decay B0→K(*0)μ(+)μ(-). Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.96
6 Observation of a resonance in B+ → K+ μ+ μ- decays at low recoil. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.95
7 First evidence for the decay B(s)(0)→μ+ μ-. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.83
8 Measurement of the CP asymmetry in B(+)→K(+)μ(+)μ(-) decays. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.81
9 Measurement of the CP asymmetry in B(0)→K(*0)μ(+)μ(-) decays. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.80
10 Determination of f(s)/f(d) for 7 TeV pp collisions and measurement of the B0→D-K+ branching fraction. Phys Rev Lett 2011 0.78
11 Determination of the sign of the decay width difference in the B(s)(0) system. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.77
12 Observation of B(s)(0) → J/ψf(2)'(1525) in J/ψK+ K- final states. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.77
13 Search for the lepton-flavor-violating decays B(s)0→e(±)μ(∓) and B0→e(±)μ(∓). Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.76
14 Evidence for CP violation in time-integrated D0→h(-)h(+) decay rates. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
15 Measurement of the CP-violating phase ϕ(s) in the decay B(s)(0) → J/ψϕ. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
16 Observation of excited Λ(b)(0) baryons. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
17 First observation of the decay B(c)+ → J/ψπ(+) π- π+. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
18 Measurement of the B¯(s)(0) effective lifetime in the J/ψf0(980) final state. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
19 A blood drive model for health education projects. Health Educ 1978 0.75
20 Search for lepton number violating decays B+ → π- μ+ μ+ and B+ → K- μ+ μ+. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
21 Measurement of the Λ(b)(0), Ξ (b)(-), and Ω(b((-) Baryon masses. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.75
22 Observation of B0→D¯(0)K(+)K(-) and evidence for B(s)(0)→D¯(0)K(+)K(-). Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
23 Differential branching fraction and angular analysis of the decay B0 → K*0 μ+ μ-. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
24 Observation of D0-D0 oscillations. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.75
25 Search for rare B(0)((s))→μ(+)μ(-)μ(+)μ(-) decays. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.75
26 Rural health education in a professional preparation course. Health Educ 1977 0.75
27 Observation of the decay B(c)(+) → B(s)(0)π+. Phys Rev Lett 2013 0.75
28 First evidence of direct CP violation in charmless two-body decays of Bs0 mesons. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75
29 Measurements of B(c)+ production and mass with the B(c)+ → J/ψπ+ decay. Phys Rev Lett 2012 0.75