Elizabeth Pennisi

Author PubWeight™ 206.47‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Taxonomy. Wanted: a barcode for plants. Science 2007 2.85
2 Plant genetics. The blue revolution, drop by drop, gene by gene. Science 2008 2.61
3 Breakthrough of the year. Human genetic variation. Science 2007 2.29
4 DNA data. Proposal to 'Wikify' GenBank meets stiff resistance. Science 2008 2.23
5 Modernizing the tree of life. Science 2003 2.07
6 Genomics. ENCODE project writes eulogy for junk DNA. Science 2012 2.05
7 Armed and dangerous. Science 2010 1.96
8 National Science Foundation. Boom in digital collections makes a muddle of management. Science 2005 1.83
9 How did cooperative behavior evolve? Science 2005 1.76
10 Evolutionary biology. Deciphering the genetics of evolution. Science 2008 1.65
11 The CRISPR craze. Science 2013 1.63
12 Breakthrough of the year: evolution in action. Science 2005 1.63
13 Evolution. Modernizing the modern synthesis. Science 2008 1.63
14 Human genome. A low number wins the GeneSweep Pool. Science 2003 1.43
15 Genetics. Honey bee genome illuminates insect evolution and social behavior. Science 2006 1.42
16 Human genome 10th anniversary. Will computers crash genomics? Science 2011 1.40
17 Human genome project. Genome institute wrestles mightily with its future. Science 2002 1.40
18 Genetics. Europe going to the dogs. Science 2007 1.40
19 Ecology. Rare tree species thrive in local neighborhoods. Science 2006 1.39
20 A hothouse of molecular biology. Science 2003 1.39
21 Animal behavior. Strong personalities can pose problems in the mating game. Science 2005 1.39
22 Genomics. 1000 Genomes Project gives new map of genetic diversity. Science 2010 1.21
23 Plant biology. Stressed out over a stress hormone. Science 2009 1.20
24 Genomics. Synthetic genome brings new life to bacterium. Science 2010 1.18
25 Genetics. Working the (gene count) numbers: finally, a firm answer? Science 2007 1.18
26 Tending the global garden. Science 2010 1.17
27 Origins. On the origin of cooperation. Science 2009 1.15
28 Genomics. DNA study forces rethink of what it means to be a gene. Science 2007 1.13
29 How will big pictures emerge from a sea of biological data? Science 2005 1.12
30 Why do humans have so few genes? Science 2005 1.08
31 Bioinformatics. Gene counters struggle to get the right answer. Science 2003 1.08
32 Systems biology. Tracing life's circuitry. Science 2003 1.07
33 What determines species diversity? Science 2005 1.03
34 Tending tender tendons. Science 2002 1.02
35 Genetics. 17q21.31: not your average genomic address. Science 2008 1.02
36 Genomics. On your mark. Get set. Sequence! Science 2006 1.00
37 Genomics. Semiconductors inspire new sequencing technologies. Science 2010 0.99
38 Data sharing. Group calls for rapid release of more genomics data. Science 2009 0.99
39 Sowing the seeds for the ideal crop. Science 2010 0.94
40 Neandertal genomics. Tales of a prehistoric human genome. Science 2009 0.93
41 The Biology of Genomes. Disease risk links to gene regulation. Science 2011 0.93
42 The Institute for Genomic Research meeting. Gene researchers hunt bargains, fixer-uppers. Science 2002 0.93
43 Origins. On the origin of flowering plants. Science 2009 0.93
44 Meiotic drive. Bickering genes shape evolution. Science 2003 0.92
45 Plant sciences. Corn genomics pops wide open. Science 2008 0.92
46 Genome sequencing. Search for pore-fection. Science 2012 0.92
47 Searching for the genome's second code. Science 2004 0.89
48 A mouthful of microbes. Science 2005 0.89
49 The man who bottled evolution. Science 2013 0.89
50 Changing oceans. Introduction. Science 2010 0.88
51 Boom time for monkey research. Science 2007 0.88
52 The river masters. Science 2014 0.88
53 Shaking up the Tree of Life. Science 2016 0.87
54 Synthetic biology. DARPA offers $30 million to jump-start cellular factories. Science 2011 0.87
55 Ancient DNA. No sex please, we're Neandertals. Science 2007 0.87
56 2013 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. Nervous system may have evolved twice. Science 2013 0.86
57 Plant biology. Evolution heresy? Epigenetics underlies heritable plant traits. Science 2013 0.86
58 Genomicists tackle the primate tree. Science 2007 0.86
59 Population genetics. Population geneticists move beyond the single gene. Science 2007 0.86
60 Biochemistry. What poison? Bacterium uses arsenic to build DNA and other molecules. Science 2010 0.86
61 Drafting a tree. Science 2003 0.86
62 Metagenomics. Massive microbial sequence project proposed. Science 2007 0.85
63 Shining a light on the genome's 'dark matter'. Science 2010 0.85
64 The secret life of fungi. Science 2004 0.84
65 Microbiology. Modern symbionts inside cells mimic organelle evolution. Science 2014 0.84
66 A groundbreaking observatory to monitor the environment. Science 2010 0.84
67 Research funding. Are epigeneticists ready for big science? Science 2008 0.83
68 Plant genetics. How sorghum withstands heat and drought. Science 2009 0.83
69 Evolution. How birds got their beaks. Science 2015 0.83
70 Genetics. Pollen contamination may explain controversial inheritance. Science 2006 0.82
71 Evolution and development. Comparative biology joins the molecular age. Science 2002 0.82
72 Canine evolution. A shaggy dog history. Science 2002 0.82
73 Synthetic biology. Synthetic biology remakes small genomes. Science 2005 0.82
74 Physiology. Opsins: not just for eyes. Science 2013 0.82
75 Profile: Ewan Birney. Genomics' big talker. Science 2012 0.82
76 Evolutionary medicine. Darwin applies to medical school. Science 2009 0.81
77 Cell biology. Lengthy RNAs earn respect as cellular players. Science 2014 0.81
78 Genomics. Sequence tells mouse, human genome secrets. Science 2002 0.81
79 Amphibian decline. Life and death play out on the skins of frogs. Science 2009 0.81
80 Evolutionary biology. The birth of the nucleus. Science 2004 0.81
81 Microbiology. Girth and the gut (bacteria). Science 2011 0.81
82 DNA's cast of thousands. Science 2003 0.81
83 Genome sequencing. The greening of plant genomics. Science 2007 0.81
84 Conservation. Filling gaps in global biodiversity estimates. Science 2010 0.81
85 Evolution. Jumping genes hop into the evolutionary limelight. Science 2007 0.81
86 Mammalian biology: more genomes, but shallower coverage. Science 2004 0.80
87 Plant genetics. Getting to the root of drought responses. Science 2008 0.80
88 The dynamic gut. Science 2005 0.80
89 Animal ecology. Global tracking of small animals gains momentum. Science 2011 0.80
90 Genomics. Charting a genome's hills and valleys. Science 2002 0.80
91 4th International Symbiosis Society Congress. Fungi shield new host plants from heat and drought. Science 2003 0.80
92 Symbiosis. Fast friends, sworn enemies. Science 2003 0.80
93 Microbiology. Researchers trade insights about gene swapping. Science 2004 0.80
94 Geography. Worth a thousand words. Science 2013 0.80
95 Evolutionary biology. Agreeing to disagree. Science 2009 0.80
96 Evolutionary biology. Finches adapt rapidly to new homes. Science 2002 0.79
97 Genetics. Volvox genome shows it doesn't take much to be multicellular. Science 2010 0.79
98 Evolution of developmental diversity meeting. RNAi takes Evo-Devo world by storm. Science 2004 0.79
99 The tale of the TALEs. Science 2012 0.79
100 Developmental biology. Bonemaking protein shapes beaks of Darwin's finches. Science 2004 0.79
101 Microbiology. Bacteria are picky about their homes on human skin. Science 2008 0.79
102 Materials science. Biology reveals new ways to hold on tight. Science 2002 0.79
103 Human genome 10th anniversary. Digging deep into the microbiome. Science 2011 0.79
104 Genetics of behavior. From genes to social behavior. Introduction. Science 2008 0.79
105 Reefs in trouble. Spawning for a better life. Science 2007 0.79
106 Forest research. Sky-high experiments. Science 2005 0.79
107 Cultural evolution. Conquering by copying. Science 2010 0.79
108 Genetics. DNA reveals diatom's complexity. Science 2004 0.78
109 Body's hardworking microbes get some overdue respect. Science 2010 0.78
110 DNA sequencing. No genome left behind. Science 2009 0.78
111 The gut microbiota. Introduction. Science 2012 0.78
112 The Biology of Genomes. On the trail of brain domestication genes. Science 2011 0.78
113 Tree growth. The sky is not the limit. Science 2005 0.78
114 Genetics. Sea urchin genome confirms kinship to humans and other vertebrates. Science 2006 0.78
115 Environmental epigenomics meeting. Supplements restore gene function via methylation. Science 2005 0.78
116 Mysteries of development. How do microbes shape animal development? Science 2013 0.78
117 Sequencing. Chimps and fungi make genome. Science 2002 0.78
118 Genomics. DNA sequencers still waiting for the nanopore revolution. Science 2014 0.78
119 Microbiology. Going viral: exploring the role of viruses in our bodies. Science 2011 0.78
120 The rice genome. Rice: boiled down to bare essentials. Science 2002 0.78
121 Microbiology. Microbial survey of human body reveals extensive variation. Science 2012 0.78
122 Genome sequencing. Going solid-state. Science 2012 0.78
123 Long noncoding RNAs may alter chromosome's 3D structure. Science 2013 0.78
124 Plant biology. Green genomes. Science 2011 0.78
125 Physiology Nobel. U.S. Researchers recognized for work on telomeres. Science 2009 0.78
126 Evolution. Building the tree of life, genome by genome. Science 2008 0.78
127 Genetics. The geneticist's best friend. Science 2007 0.78
128 Behavioral ecology. Sex and social structure. Science 2009 0.77
129 Evolution of developmental diversity. Evo-devo devotees eye ocular origins and more. Science 2002 0.77
130 Disputed islands. Science 2014 0.77
131 History of science. The case of the midwife toad: fraud or epigenetics? Science 2009 0.77
132 Genetics. DNA's molecular gymnastics. Science 2006 0.77
133 Evolution. All in the (bigger) family. Science 2015 0.77
134 Marine ecology. Seagrasses partner with clams to stay healthy. Science 2012 0.77
135 Genomics. 'Simple' animal's genome proves unexpectedly complex. Science 2008 0.77
136 Infectious disease. New culprit emerges in river blindness. Science 2002 0.77
137 Evolution. Field test shows selection works in mysterious ways. Science 2013 0.77
138 SCIENCE AND SOCIETY. Gene drive turns mosquitoes into malaria fighters. Science 2015 0.77
139 The Biology of Genomes meeting. The case of the disappearing DNA hotspots. Science 2004 0.77
140 Scientific publishing. Genomics researchers upset by rivals' publicity. Science 2010 0.77
141 Ecology. Africa's soil engineers: termites. Science 2015 0.77
142 Water reclamation going green. Science 2012 0.77
143 Human genome. Reaching their goal early, sequencing labs celebrate. Science 2003 0.77
144 Paleogenetics. The dawn of Stone Age genomics. Science 2006 0.77
145 Entomology. The little wasp that could. Science 2010 0.77
146 'Cell painting' highlights responses to drugs and toxins. Science 2016 0.77
147 The power of personality. Science 2016 0.77
148 Biomaterials. Introduction. Science 2012 0.76
149 Microbiology. Gut bacteria lend a molecular hand to viruses. Science 2011 0.76
150 Scientific meetings. Once failing biology society thrives as it nurtures new disciplines. Science 2014 0.76
151 Evolution. Spineless fish and dark flies prove gene regulation crucial. Science 2009 0.76
152 Evolutionary biology. Changing a fish's bony armor in the wink of a gene. Science 2004 0.76
153 Biology of genomes. In Latino genomes, a rich source of history. Science 2013 0.76
154 Plant science. Long-sought plant flowering signal unmasked, again. Science 2007 0.76
155 Personal genomics. Number of sequenced human genomes doubles. Science 2008 0.76
156 Human genome 10th anniversary. Using DNA to reveal a mosquito's history. Science 2011 0.76
157 Genomics. Ecological genomics gets down to genes--and function. Science 2009 0.76
158 Genomics. Sea anemone provides a new view of animal evolution. Science 2007 0.76
159 EVOLUTION. Templeton grant funds evolution rethink. Science 2016 0.76
160 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. Neural beginnings for the turtle's shell. Science 2004 0.76
161 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. Estrogen may disrupt nitrogen fixation. Science 2004 0.76
162 Human evolution. The primate bite: brawn versus brain? Science 2004 0.76
163 Steering cancer genomics into the fast lane. Science 2013 0.76
164 Paleogenetics. Cloned Neandertals still in the realm of sci-fi. Science 2010 0.76
165 Mysteries of the cell. Does a gene's location in the nucleus matter? Science 2011 0.76
166 Evolution 2005 meeting. Color genes help mice and lizards. Science 2005 0.76
167 Evolution. Darwinian medicine's drawn-out dawn. Science 2011 0.76
168 Microbiology. Contamination plagues some microbiome studies. Science 2014 0.76
169 Beyond TALENs. Science 2012 0.76
170 Genomics. New database links regulatory DNA to its target genes. Science 2015 0.76
171 Psychology. Nonhuman primates demonstrate humanlike reasoning. Science 2007 0.76
172 EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY. Do genomic conflicts drive evolution? Science 2016 0.76
173 Human evolution. More genomes from Denisova Cave show mixing of early human groups. Science 2013 0.76
174 Evolution. Gene duplication's role in evolution gets richer, more complex. Science 2012 0.76
175 Infectious disease. Cholera strengthened by trip through gut. Science 2002 0.76
176 How do gut microbes help herbivores? Counting the ways. Science 2017 0.76
177 Animal cognition. Social animals prove their smarts. Science 2006 0.75
178 Ecology. Naturalists' surveys show that British butterflies are going, going. Science 2004 0.75
179 Ecology. Sucrose-free sips suit acacia ants. Science 2005 0.75
180 Evolution. Cavefish study supports controversial evolutionary mechanism. Science 2013 0.75
181 Ecology. Satellite tracking catches sharks on the move. Science 2005 0.75
182 Evolution. Competition drives big beaks out of business. Science 2006 0.75
183 Behavior. Robot cockroach tests insect decision-making behavior. Science 2007 0.75
184 Genomics. Frog DNA yields clues to vertebrate genome evolution. Science 2010 0.75
185 Ancient DNA. Sequencing Neandertal mitochondrial genomes by the half-dozen. Science 2009 0.75
186 Biochemistry. Irresistible lure for cockroaches determined. Science 2005 0.75
187 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. Water launches spores like a rocket. Science 2006 0.75
188 Genetics. One gene determines bee social status. Science 2002 0.75
189 Genetics. In voles, a little extra DNA makes for faithful mates. Science 2005 0.75
190 Ecology. How a little fish keeps overfished ecosystem productive. Science 2010 0.75
191 Herpetology. 100 frogs a-leaping for biodiversity. Science 2002 0.75
192 Developmental biology. Worm's light-sensing proteins suggest eye's single origin. Science 2004 0.75
193 Evolutionary biology. Bacteria shared photosynthesis genes. Science 2002 0.75
194 Microbial ecology. How a marine bacterium adapts to multiple environments. Science 2006 0.75
195 Evolution. Genome comparisons hold clues to human evolution. Science 2003 0.75
196 Plant science. Parasitic weed uses chemical cues to find host plant. Science 2006 0.75
197 Evolution. Ice ages may explain ancient bison's boom-bust history. Science 2004 0.75
198 Genetics. Genome resources to boost canines' role in gene hunts. Science 2004 0.75
199 Evolutionary biology. On ant farm, a threesome coevolves. Science 2003 0.75
200 Evolutionary biology. Uphill dash may have led to flight. Science 2003 0.75
201 Evolutionary biology. Outside agitators alter wasp behavior. Science 2003 0.75
202 Primate evolution. Gene activity clocks brain's fast evolution. Science 2002 0.75
203 The right gut microbes help infants grow. Science 2016 0.75
204 ROBOTICS. Heartmaker's next step: a ray 'biohybrid'. Science 2016 0.75
205 Ancient DNA. Old dogs teach a new lesson about canine origins. Science 2013 0.75
206 Microbiology. Concerns about arsenic-laden bacterium aired. Science 2011 0.75
207 Archaeology. Burials in Cyprus suggest cats were ancient pets. Science 2004 0.75
208 ANIMAL BEHAVIOR. Wild bird comes when honey hunters call for help. Science 2016 0.75
209 Evolution. Special hemoglobin helped swim bladders give fish diversity a lift. Science 2005 0.75
210 Microbiology. Environmentally sensitive protein proves key to making yeast pathogenic. Science 2006 0.75
211 Evolution. 'Toadness' a key feature for global spread of these amphibians. Science 2010 0.75
212 Evolution. New migration route could lead to new species of bird. Science 2005 0.75
213 Agriculture. Harvest of genome data for wheat growers. Science 2014 0.75
214 Plant science. New gene boosts plant's defenses against pests. Science 2005 0.75
215 Ecology. Western U.S. forests suffer death by degrees. Science 2009 0.75
216 Biomedicine. Cancer therapies use a little help from microbial friends. Science 2013 0.75
217 The Biology of Genomes, 5-9 May 2009, Cold Spring Harbor, New York. The bug and the bacterium: interdependent genomes. Science 2009 0.75
218 Ecology. A coral by any other name. Science 2002 0.75
219 Microbiology. Neither cold nor snow stops tundra fungi. Science 2003 0.75
220 Coral reefs. Calcification rates drop in Australian reefs. Science 2009 0.75
221 Biomaterials. Crystalline eyes of chitons inspire materials scientists. Science 2015 0.75
222 Evolution. Two rapidly evolving genes spell trouble for hybrids. Science 2006 0.75
223 Evolution. Male rivalry extends to sperm in female reproductive tract. Science 2010 0.75
224 Evolution. Robot suggests how the first land animals got walking. Science 2007 0.75
225 Genomics. Genome yields clues to tsetse fly's strange and deadly ways. Science 2014 0.75
226 Evolution. Rogue fruit fly DNA offers protection from insecticides. Science 2005 0.75
227 Evolution. Colorful males flaunt their health. Science 2003 0.75
228 Neuroscience. Monarchs check clock to chart migration route. Science 2003 0.75
229 Comparative genomics. Tunicate genome shows a little backbone. Science 2002 0.75
230 DNA sequencing. A new window on how genomes work. Science 2007 0.75
231 Evolutionary biology. Ancient DNA untangles evolutionary paths. Science 2002 0.75
232 Behavioral ecology. At home on the range: prairie rodents yield their secrets to a dogged observer. Science 2013 0.75
233 Human genome 10th anniversary. Tracing the tree of life. Science 2011 0.75
234 Geobacteria. Microbes use mud to make electricity. Science 2002 0.75
235 Evolution. Passages found through labyrinth of bacterial evolution. Science 2003 0.75
236 Evolution. Hidden genetic variation yields caterpillar of a different color. Science 2006 0.75
237 A new neglected crop: cannabis. Science 2017 0.75
238 Plant evolution. Elaborate carnivorous plants prove to be kin. Science 2002 0.75
239 The private lives of ants. Science 2013 0.75
240 Cultural evolution. A winning combination. Science 2010 0.75
241 EVOLUTION. Fossils, cells point to early appearance of the brain. Science 2015 0.75
242 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. Whale worm sperm factories. Science 2007 0.75
243 The Biology of Genomes meeting. Surveys reveal vast numbers of genes. Science 2004 0.75
244 Entomology. New insect order speaks to life's diversity. Science 2002 0.75
245 Prizes. Cell transport win long overdue. Science 2013 0.75
246 Developmental biology. Bird wings really are like dinosaurs' hands. Science 2005 0.75
247 Ninth International Plant Molecular Biology Congress, 25-30 October 2009, St. Louis, Missouri. Chloroplast shuffle. Science 2009 0.75
248 Malaria research. Parasite genome sequenced, scrutinized. Science 2002 0.75
249 Making waves. Science 2017 0.75
250 European Society for Evolutionary Biology meeting. Tracing the common roots of antibiotic resistance. Science 2011 0.75
251 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. Shedding light on avian iridescence. Science 2003 0.75
252 Green genes. Plant genomes. Introduction. Science 2008 0.75
253 Mining the molecules that made our mind. Science 2006 0.75
254 Ecology. Daring to live on the edge. Science 2014 0.75
255 Evolutionary biology. The burdens of being a biped. Science 2012 0.75
256 Evolution 2003 meeting. Male bugs sponge off of their mates. Science 2003 0.75
257 Ecosystems: The grand (canyon) experiment. Science 2004 0.75
258 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Robotic fish point to schooling gene. Science 2012 0.75
259 Molecular biology. Genes commute to factories before they start work. Science 2006 0.75
260 The biology of genomes. HDL itself does not prevent heart attacks. Science 2012 0.75
261 Genetics. Development gene may give nerve cells a sense of identity. Science 2004 0.75
262 Bio-inspired engineering. Manta machines. Science 2011 0.75
263 Oceanography. Survey confirms coral reefs are in peril. Science 2002 0.75
264 Pocket DNA sequencers make real-time diagnostics a reality. Science 2016 0.75
265 Evolutionary biology. Speciation standing in place. Science 2006 0.75
266 In battle. Fighting rituals. Science 2012 0.75
267 Evolution. Diverse crystals account for beetle sheen. Science 2013 0.75
268 Computational biology. Virtual hot spots. Science 2012 0.75
269 Research facilities. Hawaii marine lab fights to stay afloat. Science 2008 0.75
270 Genetics. Hopping to a better protein. Science 2008 0.75
271 Genetic engineering. Two steps forward for synthetic biology. Science 2009 0.75
272 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. With flippers, two can equal four. Science 2005 0.75
273 Plant genomics. Syngenta donates 48,000 mutant Arabidopsis plants. Science 2004 0.75
274 Human origins. Louse DNA suggests close contact between early humans. Science 2004 0.75
275 Environmental epigenomics meeting. Food, tobacco, and future generations. Science 2005 0.75
276 Ecology. Parasitic puppeteers begin to yield their secrets. Science 2014 0.75
277 Evolution accelerated when life set foot on land. Science 2017 0.75
278 South Asia tsunami. Powerful tsunami's impact on coral reefs was hit and miss. Science 2005 0.75
279 Evolutionary ecology. Variable evolution. Science 2007 0.75
280 Marine biology. Extraordinary eyes. Science 2012 0.75
281 Genes for extremes. Science 2013 0.75
282 Edward Buckler profile. Romping through maize diversity. Science 2008 0.75
283 Lost worlds found. Science 2015 0.75
284 Geography. Humans greening a landscape. Science 2013 0.75
285 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. Shark flexes its teeth for tough meals. Science 2004 0.75
286 Journey to the center of the cell. Introduction to special issue. Science 2007 0.75
287 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. Lean times, lean gut. Science 2003 0.75
288 Neandertal genomics. Wanted: clean Neandertal DNA. Science 2009 0.75
289 Science and commerce. Systematics researchers want to fend off patents. Science 2009 0.75
290 Genetics. Talking about a revolution: hidden RNA may fix mutant genes. Science 2005 0.75
291 Immunology. Versatile development gene aids insect immune response. Science 2005 0.75
292 Genetics. A genomic view of animal behavior. Science 2005 0.75
293 Building the ultimate yeast genome. Science 2014 0.75
294 Evolutionary biology. How beach life favors blond mice. Science 2009 0.75
295 Prospecting for genetic gold. Science 2015 0.75
296 The mud is electric. Science 2020 0.75
297 Genomic medicine. Gene sequence study takes a stab at personalized medicine. Science 2005 0.75
298 What's eating you? Science 2005 0.75
299 Ecology and evolution. Eco-evo effects up and down the food chain. Science 2012 0.75
300 Student assembly drives yeast project. Science 2014 0.75
301 When is a GM plant not a GM plant? Science 2016 0.75
302 On rarity and richness. Science 2010 0.75
303 Evolution. In the deep blue sea. Science 2010 0.75
304 Ecology. Ecosystems say 'pass the salt!'. Science 2014 0.75
305 Ecology. Beloved Arctic station braces for its own climate change. Science 2005 0.75
306 Mini-livers reveal fine details of organ development. Science 2017 0.75
307 ECOLOGY. Blind cave fish may provide insights into human health. Science 2016 0.75
308 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Soccer and the art of deception. Science 2011 0.75
309 U.S. budget. Smithsonian science: vote of confidence. Science 2002 0.75
310 Evolutionary genetics. Jumbled DNA separates chimps and humans. Science 2002 0.75
311 A fast and furious hunt for gene regulators. Science 2004 0.75
312 Tracking how humans evolve in real time. Science 2016 0.75
313 Molecular biology. Venter cooks up a synthetic genome in record time. Science 2003 0.75
314 A shortcut to a species. Science 2016 0.75
315 Birds don't need exercise to stay fit for epic flights. Science 2017 0.75
316 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 3-7 January 2010, Seattle, Washington. Koalas calling. Science 2010 0.75
317 Geobiologists: as diverse as the bugs they study. Science 2002 0.75
318 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Getting to the guts of tadpole carnivory. Science 2011 0.75
319 4th International Symbiosis Society Congress. Scurrying larvae join seaweed society. Science 2003 0.75
320 Microbial ecology. Lost in microbial space. Special section introduction. Science 2008 0.75
321 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 3-7 January 2010, Seattle, Washington. Racing crash-happy cockroaches. Science 2010 0.75
322 Of mice and men. Science 2015 0.75
323 Profile: Douglas and Pamela Soltis. The power of two. Science 2010 0.75
324 European Society for Evolutionary Biology meeting. Epigenetics linked to inbreeding depression. Science 2011 0.75
325 Comparative physiology. Recharged field's rallying cry: gene chips for all organisms. Science 2002 0.75
326 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. Scurrying roaches outwit without their brains. Science 2005 0.75
327 Bioinformatics. New way to look at life. Science 2012 0.75
328 Paleontology. Fossil shows an early fish (almost) out of water. Science 2006 0.75
329 Evolution. Better habits sometimes heritable. Science 2005 0.75
330 GENETICS. An enhanced view of gene control. Science 2015 0.75
331 Ninth International Plant Molecular Biology Congress, 25-30 October 2009, St. Louis, Missouri. Steak with a side of beta-glucans. Science 2009 0.75
332 Runners-up. Science 2014 0.75
333 BIOMECHANICS. Bendy bugs inspire roboticists. Science 2016 0.75
334 Jim Hanken profile. Shaking the dust off Agassiz's museum. Science 2006 0.75
335 Paleoanthropology. Rocking the cradle of humanity. Science 2008 0.75
336 Like birds, insects may travel in sync with the seasons. Science 2017 0.75
337 A better way to denitrify wastewater. Science 2012 0.75
338 Fossil fishes challenge 'urban legend' of evolution. Science 2016 0.75
339 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting: Was Lucy's a fighting family? Look at her legs. Science 2006 0.75
340 Marine biology. Marine census scrambles to fund a second phase with expanded focus. Science 2011 0.75
341 A new evolutionary classic. Science 2016 0.75
342 Speaking in tongues. Science 2004 0.75
343 Plants find their places on the tree of life. Science 2003 0.75
344 Smithsonian Institution. New leaders, fellowships kindle science on the mall. Science 2004 0.75
345 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. Seeing the invisible. Science 2003 0.75
346 Museums. Smithsonian takes the plunge with ocean exhibit. Science 2008 0.75
347 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. More than one way to dig a tunnel. Science 2005 0.75
348 Aeroecology. Researchers use weather radar to track bat movements. Science 2011 0.75
349 Developmental basis of evolution meeting. Development out of sync. Science 2005 0.75
350 Neuroscience. Mapping the brain's genes: a Microsoft dividend. Science 2003 0.75
351 Evolution. Large-scale gene comparisons boost tree of life studies. Science 2013 0.75
352 Museums. Smithsonian struggles to strike a balance with sponsors. Science 2007 0.75
353 In battle. From war to peace. Science 2012 0.75
354 Evolutionary ecology. Sex and the single killifish. Science 2006 0.75
355 Science funding. U.S. shutdown spares an 'essential' few. Science 2013 0.75
356 AI in Action: Combing the genome for the roots of autism. Science 2017 0.75
357 Paleogenetics. Computer kid makes good. Science 2010 0.75
358 Transgenic animals. Editing of targeted genes proved possible in monkeys. Science 2014 0.75
359 Microbiology. Genetics may foster bugs that keep you thin. Science 2014 0.75
360 Evolution 2003 meeting. Genetic deficiency blamed on bacteria. Science 2003 0.75
361 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. Muscle fibers shift into high gear. Science 2007 0.75
362 2013 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. Snapshots from the meeting. Science 2013 0.75
363 How plants learned to breathe. Science 2017 0.75
364 PALEOECOLOGY. Human impacts on ecosystems began thousands of years ago. Science 2015 0.75
365 Pocket-sized sequencers start to pay off big. Science 2017 0.75
366 Untangling spider biology. Science 2017 0.75
367 Marine biology. Light in the deep. Science 2012 0.75
368 Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology. Insulin may guarantee the honesty of beetle's massive horn. Science 2012 0.75
369 In battle. Preening the troops. Science 2012 0.75
370 4th International Symbiosis Society Congress. Fixers in the sky. Science 2003 0.75
371 Jim Hanken profile. An outsider moves in. Science 2006 0.75
372 Immunology. Metabolic shift may train immune cells. Science 2014 0.75
373 A spinner's secrets. Science 2017 0.75
374 Genetics. Mutterings from the silenced X chromosome. Science 2005 0.75
375 Natural history museums. Museums that made a master. Science 2004 0.75
376 Evolutionary biology. Evo-devo enthusiasts get down to details. Science 2002 0.75
377 Human evolution. Genomes throw kinks in timing of chimp-human split. Science 2006 0.75
378 The future of forests. Science 2008 0.75
379 Evolution. Chimp genome draft online. Science 2003 0.75
380 The plant engineer. Science 2016 0.75
381 Ecology. Plant wannabes. Science 2006 0.75
382 The Biology of Genomes, 5-9 May 2009, Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Some RNA may play key role in repressing genes, slowing cancer. Science 2009 0.75
383 Evolutionary biology. Evolutionary time travel. Science 2011 0.75
384 Water's tough skin. Science 2014 0.75
385 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY. Using evolution to better identify cell types. Science 2015 0.75
386 Microbiology. Leaf bacteria fertilize trees, researchers claim. Science 2015 0.75
387 Physiological ecology. Salt and the sea serpent. Science 2012 0.75
388 Profile: Laurent Keller. Chasing ants--and robots--to understand how societies evolve. Science 2013 0.75
389 Genomics. Bird genomes give new perches to old friends. Science 2014 0.75
390 Biotechnology. The ultimate gene gizmo: humanity on a chip. Science 2003 0.75
391 Evolution 2005 meeting. Wine yeast's surprising diversity. Science 2005 0.75
392 Biomechanics. Crab's downfall reveals a hole in biomechanics studies. Science 2007 0.75
393 Physiology. Treading air. Science 2011 0.75
394 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Heads-up on a whale's gulp. Science 2012 0.75
395 PHYSIOLOGY. A fish back from the dead. Science 2016 0.75
396 4th International Symbiosis Society Congress. Worms open route to whale bones. Science 2003 0.75
397 Comparative biology. Female organs revealed as weapons in sexual arms race. Science 2016 0.75
398 Human genome 10th anniversary. Tackling the mystery of the disappearing frogs. Science 2011 0.75
399 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 3-7 January 2010, Seattle, Washington. Rattan stuck in a growth mode. Science 2010 0.75
400 Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology. By the skin of their teeth. Science 2012 0.75
401 Baboon watch. Science 2014 0.75
402 Science policy. Ocean research budget ebbs. Science 2005 0.75
403 Researchers parse ecosystems fueled by chemistry, not light. Science 2017 0.75
404 Marine biology. Seeing deeply into the sea's biodiversity. Science 2010 0.75
405 Paleoecology. Fossils help figure out food webs old and new. Science 2008 0.75
406 Hidden web of fungi could shape the future of forests. Science 2020 0.75
407 Ecosystems. A cowboy lawyer goes down the river. Science 2004 0.75
408 Microbiology. Ever-bigger viruses shake tree of life. Science 2013 0.75
409 Synthetic biology. The allure of synthetic biology. Introduction. Science 2011 0.75
410 The biology of genomes meeting. Reading ancient DNA the community way. Science 2005 0.75
411 A celebration and a challenge. Science 2009 0.75
412 The biology of genomes meeting. Extinct genome under construction. Science 2005 0.75
413 Searching for life in the deep shale. Science 2014 0.75
414 Genomics. Genome centers push for polished draft. Science 2002 0.75
415 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Turtles are not just drifters. Science 2011 0.75
416 Museum management. Turnover at the top, but problems persist at the Smithsonian. Science 2007 0.75
417 Profile: Ruth Ley. Gut reactions. Science 2009 0.75
418 Evolutionary biology. Melding mammals and molecules to track evolution. Science 2009 0.75
419 Breakthrough of the year. Doing science remotely. Science 2004 0.75
420 7th International Congress on Vertebrate Morphology meeting. Newly hatched dinosaur babies hit the ground running. Science 2004 0.75
421 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. Sea slug inks its way to safety. Science 2006 0.75
422 Next up: a phone powered by microbial wires? Science 2020 0.75
423 Invertebrate conservation. Respect for things that flutter, creep, and crawl. Science 2004 0.75
424 Developmental basis of evolution meeting. Hummingbirds keep plant speciation humming along. Science 2005 0.75
425 Geography. Tree line shifts. Science 2013 0.75
426 PLANT BIOLOGY. How crop-killing witchweed senses its victims. Science 2015 0.75
427 7th International Congress on Vertebrate Morphology meeting. Tiny salamanders show their teeth. Science 2004 0.75
428 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. Crab, raccoon play tag team against turtle. Science 2006 0.75
429 Record storm puts gulf resilience to the test. Science 2017 0.75
430 Don't crush that ant-it could plant a wildflower. Science 1 0.75
431 Plant biology. Banking seeds for future evolutionary scientists. Science 2011 0.75
432 Susan Herring profile. Getting inside your head. Science 2004 0.75
433 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. Bird in bush aids snake in grass. Science 2004 0.75
434 Evolutionary genomics. Fruit fly blitz shows the power of comparative genomics. Science 2007 0.75
435 Evolution. Where have all Thoreau's flowers gone? Science 2008 0.75
436 Neuroscience. Brain evolution on the far side. Science 2006 0.75
437 7th International Congress on Vertebrate Morphology meeting. Snake tartare--quite a bodyful. Science 2004 0.75
438 FOREST HEALTH. Second Act. Science 2015 0.75
439 Genomics. DOE hits potholes on the road to systems biology. Science 2006 0.75
440 Evolution 2005 meeting. Fungal trees grow faster with computer help. Science 2005 0.75
441 Stranding sleuth. Science 2016 0.75
442 The first language? Science 2004 0.75
443 Profile: Jim Toomey. LOL and a touch of science, too. Science 2012 0.75
444 Zoology. International arbiter of animal names faces financial woes. Science 2013 0.75
445 Human genome 10th anniversary. Probing pronghorn mating preferences. Science 2011 0.75
446 The Biology of Genomes meeting. Disposable DNA puzzles researchers. Science 2004 0.75
447 Population genetics. Private partnership to trace human history. Science 2005 0.75
448 The Biology of Genomes. DNA circles cause cow coat color changes. Science 2011 0.75
449 Claire Fraser profile. TIGR's chief: results without the roar. Science 2002 0.75
450 Ninth International Plant Molecular Biology Congress, 25-30 October 2009, St. Louis, Missouri. A question of balance. Science 2009 0.75
451 Oceanography. Diagnosis and Rx for U.S. coral reefs. Science 2002 0.75
452 Evolution of developmental diversity meeting. The genes that change the cichlid jaws. Science 2004 0.75
453 Human genome 10th anniversary. Beyond human: new faces, fields exploit genomics. Science 2011 0.75
454 2013 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. Eating was tough for early tetrapods. Science 2013 0.75
455 Fish biology. Fishing for common ground. Science 2006 0.75
456 Behavioral genetics. Abuzz about behavior. Science 2008 0.75
457 Endangered species. U.S. weighs protection for polar bears. Science 2007 0.75
458 Animal cognition. Man's best friend(s) reveal the possible roots of social intelligence. Science 2006 0.75
459 Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology. Texas wildflower's red keeps it a species. Science 2012 0.75
460 Evolution 2003 meeting. Garden flower evolves into weed. Science 2003 0.75
461 Genetics. Replacement genome gives microbe new identity. Science 2007 0.75
462 Epigenetics. Ancient DNA holds clues to gene activity in extinct humans. Science 2014 0.75
463 Genetics. A ruff theory of evolution: gene stutters drive dog shape. Science 2004 0.75
464 Geography. Tundra in turmoil. Science 2013 0.75
465 SYMBIOSIS. A lichen ménage à trois. Science 2016 0.75
466 European Society for Evolutionary Biology meeting. Mothering beetles suppress microbes to protect food for their young. Science 2011 0.75
467 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting. Loopy lens proteins provide squid with excellent eyesight. Science 2007 0.75
468 Evolution. How global change shaped the squirrel family. Science 2003 0.75
469 Physiology. Going the distance. Science 2011 0.75
470 Infectious diseases. Researchers crack malaria genome. Science 2002 0.75
471 Genomics. New sequence boosts rats' research appeal. Science 2004 0.75
472 Ecology and evolution. The great guppy experiment. Science 2012 0.75
473 Human evolution. Out of the Kenyan mud, an ancient climate record. Science 2013 0.75
474 Animal behavior. In the battle for fitness, being smart doesn't always pay. Science 2014 0.75
475 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Clingfish stick like geckos. Science 2012 0.75
476 Cuba's coral Eden. Science 2015 0.75
477 Drowned wildebeest provide ecological feast. Science 2017 0.75
478 Gene evolution. Cannibalism and prion disease may have been rampant in ancient humans. Science 2003 0.75
479 Ecology. Comprehensive conservation database details threats to mammals. Science 2008 0.75
480 Evolution of developmental diversity meeting. Japanese catch of the day. Science 2004 0.75
481 Biochemistry. Cut-rate genomes on the horizon? Science 2005 0.75
482 New technologies boost genome quality. Science 2017 0.75
483 Genomics. Inching toward the 3D genome. Science 2015 0.75
484 Geography. Advancing seasons in China. Science 2013 0.75
485 Sequencing all life captivates biologists. Science 2017 0.75
486 Our egalitarian Eden. Science 2014 0.75
487 Evolution. Natural selection, not chance, paints the desert landscape. Science 2007 0.75