Published in Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A on November 05, 2012
EEG-based Depth of Anesthesia-monitoring, Effects on Dosage and Cognition | NCT04529304
Electroencephalogram signatures of loss and recovery of consciousness from propofol. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013) 2.04
A comparison of propofol- and dexmedetomidine-induced electroencephalogram dynamics using spectral and coherence analysis. Anesthesiology (2014) 1.66
Altered activity in the central medial thalamus precedes changes in the neocortex during transitions into both sleep and propofol anesthesia. J Neurosci (2014) 1.48
Attenuation of high-frequency (50-200 Hz) thalamocortical EEG rhythms by propofol in rats is more pronounced for the thalamus than for the cortex. PLoS One (2015) 1.44
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