Published in PLoS Med on December 11, 2012
Do healthier foods and diet patterns cost more than less healthy options? A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open (2013) 2.15
Palm oil taxes and cardiovascular disease mortality in India: economic-epidemiologic model. BMJ (2013) 1.81
Increased food energy supply as a major driver of the obesity epidemic: a global analysis. Bull World Health Organ (2015) 1.48
Averting obesity and type 2 diabetes in India through sugar-sweetened beverage taxation: an economic-epidemiologic modeling study. PLoS Med (2014) 1.39
Food prices and consumer demand: differences across income levels and ethnic groups. PLoS One (2013) 1.03
The potential impact on obesity of a 10% tax on sugar-sweetened beverages in Ireland, an effect assessment modelling study. BMC Public Health (2013) 1.02
Complexity in mathematical models of public health policies: a guide for consumers of models. PLoS Med (2013) 0.98
Effects of different discount levels on healthy products coupled with a healthy choice label, special offer label or both: results from a web-based supermarket experiment. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act (2013) 0.92
Stores Healthy Options Project in Remote Indigenous Communities (SHOP@RIC): a protocol of a randomised trial promoting healthy food and beverage purchases through price discounts and in-store nutrition education. BMC Public Health (2013) 0.91
Promotion of healthy eating through public policy: a controlled experiment. Am J Prev Med (2013) 0.90
Understanding price elasticities to inform public health research and intervention studies: key issues. Am J Public Health (2013) 0.90
Taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages to curb future obesity and diabetes epidemics. PLoS Med (2014) 0.83
Taxes on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages to Reduce Overweight and Obesity in Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. PLoS One (2016) 0.82
Choosing healthier foods in recreational sports settings: a mixed methods investigation of the impact of nudging and an economic incentive. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act (2014) 0.81
The effects of the Danish saturated fat tax on food and nutrient intake and modelled health outcomes: an econometric and comparative risk assessment evaluation. Eur J Clin Nutr (2016) 0.80
Studying the consumption and health outcomes of fiscal interventions (taxes and subsidies) on food and beverages in countries of different income classifications; a systematic review. BMC Public Health (2015) 0.77
Pre-Pregnancy Weight Status Is Associated with Diet Quality and Nutritional Biomarkers during Pregnancy. Nutrients (2016) 0.77
Cost-Effectiveness of Fiscal Policies to Prevent Obesity. Curr Obes Rep (2013) 0.76
Effects of Health-Related Food Taxes and Subsidies on Mortality from Diet-Related Disease in New Zealand: An Econometric-Epidemiologic Modelling Study. PLoS One (2015) 0.76
Obtaining fruit and vegetables for the lowest prices: pricing survey of different outlets and geographical analysis of competition effects. PLoS One (2014) 0.76
DASH for less cash? JAMA Intern Med (2013) 0.75
Public support for a sugar-sweetened beverage tax and pro-tax messages in a Mid-Atlantic US state. Public Health Nutr (2014) 0.75
Equity in access to fortified maize flour and corn meal. Ann N Y Acad Sci (2013) 0.75
Study protocol: combining experimental methods, econometrics and simulation modelling to determine price elasticities for studying food taxes and subsidies (The Price ExaM Study). BMC Public Health (2016) 0.75
Taxing sugar-sweetened beverages: impact on overweight and obesity in Germany. BMC Public Health (2017) 0.75
Taxes and Subsidies for Improving Diet and Population Health in Australia: A Cost-Effectiveness Modelling Study. PLoS Med (2017) 0.75
Differential Responses to Food Price Changes by Personal Characteristic: A Systematic Review of Experimental Studies. PLoS One (2015) 0.75
Discounts on fruit and vegetables combined with a space management intervention increased sales in supermarkets. Eur J Clin Nutr (2017) 0.75
Use and cumulation of evidence from modelling studies to inform policy on food taxes and subsidies: biting off more than we can chew? BMC Public Health (2015) 0.75
Improving food environments and tackling obesity: A realist systematic review of the policy success of regulatory interventions targeting population nutrition. PLoS One (2017) 0.75
Selected major risk factors and global and regional burden of disease. Lancet (2002) 24.47
Priority actions for the non-communicable disease crisis. Lancet (2011) 15.18
Effects of beverage alcohol price and tax levels on drinking: a meta-analysis of 1003 estimates from 112 studies. Addiction (2009) 6.76
Empirical assessment of effect of publication bias on meta-analyses. BMJ (2000) 5.96
Why Americans eat what they do: taste, nutrition, cost, convenience, and weight control concerns as influences on food consumption. J Am Diet Assoc (1998) 4.65
System dynamics modeling for public health: background and opportunities. Am J Public Health (2006) 4.22
UN High-Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases: addressing four questions. Lancet (2011) 3.68
Dietary lipids and blood cholesterol: quantitative meta-analysis of metabolic ward studies. BMJ (1997) 3.51
Food prices and obesity: evidence and policy implications for taxes and subsidies. Milbank Q (2009) 3.36
Estimating the potential of taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages to reduce consumption and generate revenue. Prev Med (2011) 3.34
Completeness of reporting of trials published in languages other than English: implications for conduct and reporting of systematic reviews. Lancet (1996) 3.17
Small taxes on soft drinks and snack foods to promote health. Am J Public Health (2000) 2.96
Exploring a fiscal food policy: the case of diet and ischaemic heart disease. BMJ (2000) 2.75
Could targeted food taxes improve health? J Epidemiol Community Health (2007) 2.66
Taxing unhealthy food and drinks to improve health. BMJ (2012) 2.54
Soda taxes, soft drink consumption, and children's body mass index. Health Aff (Millwood) (2010) 2.41
Effects of price discounts and tailored nutrition education on supermarket purchases: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr (2009) 2.01
'Traffic-light' nutrition labelling and 'junk-food' tax: a modelled comparison of cost-effectiveness for obesity prevention. Int J Obes (Lond) (2010) 1.94
Systematic review of the use and value of computer simulation modelling in population health and health care delivery. J Public Health Med (2003) 1.91
Impact of targeted beverage taxes on higher- and lower-income households. Arch Intern Med (2010) 1.87
The effect of fiscal policy on diet, obesity and chronic disease: a systematic review. Bull World Health Organ (2010) 1.77
Taxing food: implications for public health nutrition. Public Health Nutr (2005) 1.58
Reducing obesity: policy strategies from the tobacco wars. Methodist Debakey Cardiovasc J (2009) 1.53
Can Soft Drink Taxes Reduce Population Weight? Contemp Econ Policy (2010) 1.48
Intended and unintended consequences of a proposed national tax on sugar-sweetened beverages to combat the U.S. obesity problem. Health Econ (2011) 1.44
Determining the impact of food price and income changes on body weight. J Health Econ (2007) 1.42
Modelling income group differences in the health and economic impacts of targeted food taxes and subsidies. Int J Epidemiol (2009) 1.39
Taxing soft drinks in the Pacific: implementation lessons for improving health. Health Promot Int (2010) 1.38
A penny-per-ounce tax on sugar-sweetened beverages would cut health and cost burdens of diabetes. Health Aff (Millwood) (2012) 1.35
Simulation models of obesity: a review of the literature and implications for research and policy. Obes Rev (2010) 1.31
International application of sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) taxation in obesity reduction: factors that may influence policy effectiveness in country-specific contexts. Health Policy (2012) 1.06
Hungary to introduce broad range of fat taxes. Lancet (2011) 1.04
European nations launch tax attack on unhealthy foods. CMAJ (2011) 1.04
Supermarket Healthy Eating for Life (SHELf): protocol of a randomised controlled trial promoting healthy food and beverage consumption through price reduction and skill-building strategies. BMC Public Health (2011) 1.00
The impact of tax reforms designed to encourage healthier grain consumption. J Health Econ (2009) 0.96
Cost-effective design of economic instruments in nutrition policy. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act (2007) 0.94
Economic incentives and nutritional behavior of children in the school setting: a systematic review. Nutr Rev (2011) 0.90
The public health impacts of a fat tax. Eur J Clin Nutr (2011) 0.89
Tobacco taxes and regressivity. J Health Econ (2008) 0.86
Does the EU sugar policy reform increase added sugar consumption? An empirical evidence on the soft drink market. Health Econ (2011) 0.86
Inequalities in non-communicable diseases and effective responses. Lancet (2013) 4.18
Are socially disadvantaged neighbourhoods deprived of health-related community resources? Int J Epidemiol (2006) 3.32
Effects of active video games on body composition: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr (2011) 2.61
Measuring cancer survival in populations: relative survival vs cancer-specific survival. Int J Epidemiol (2010) 2.48
Patterns and trends of beverage consumption among children and adults in Great Britain, 1986-2009. Br J Nutr (2011) 2.20
International collaborative project to compare and monitor the nutritional composition of processed foods. Eur J Prev Cardiol (2011) 2.17
A nutritional analysis of New Zealand military food rations at Gallipoli in 1915: likely contribution to scurvy and other nutrient deficiency disorders. N Z Med J (2013) 2.13
Neighborhood deprivation and access to fast-food retailing: a national study. Am J Prev Med (2007) 2.01
Effects of price discounts and tailored nutrition education on supermarket purchases: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr (2009) 2.01
Changing trends in indigenous inequalities in mortality: lessons from New Zealand. Int J Epidemiol (2009) 2.00
How to substantially increase recruitment in cancer trials in New Zealand. N Z Med J (2013) 1.95
Global positioning system: a new opportunity in physical activity measurement. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act (2009) 1.91
Effect of insulating existing houses on health inequality: cluster randomised study in the community. BMJ (2007) 1.91
Ending appreciable tobacco use in a nation: using a sinking lid on supply. Tob Control (2010) 1.62
The contribution of causes of death to socioeconomic inequalities in child mortality: New Zealand 1981-1999. N Z Med J (2005) 1.57
Neighbourhood access to open spaces and the physical activity of residents: a national study. Prev Med (2008) 1.53
Varying evolution of the New Zealand lung cancer epidemic by ethnicity and socioeconomic position (1981-1999). N Z Med J (2005) 1.46
Effectiveness of monetary incentives in modifying dietary behavior:a review of randomized, controlled trials. Nutr Rev (2006) 1.45
Updated New Zealand health system cost estimates from health events by sex, age and proximity to death: further improvements in the age of 'big data'. N Z Med J (2015) 1.43
The New Zealand Socio-economic Index of Occupational Status: methodological revision and imputation for missing data. Aust N Z J Public Health (2004) 1.40
Food choices among students using the school food service in New Zealand. N Z Med J (2007) 1.39
New Zealand's shocking diabetes rates can be reduced--9 urgently needed actions. N Z Med J (2011) 1.38
The variability of reported salt levels in fast foods across six countries: opportunities for salt reduction. CMAJ (2012) 1.36
Trends in survival and life expectancy by ethnicity, income and smoking in New Zealand: 1980s to 2000s. N Z Med J (2010) 1.34
Body mass index and risk of diabetes mellitus in the Asia-Pacific region. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr (2006) 1.33
Income inequality as a public health concern: where do we stand? Commentary on "Is exposure to income inequality a public health concern?". Health Serv Res (2003) 1.32
Image-assisted dietary assessment: a systematic review of the evidence. J Acad Nutr Diet (2014) 1.31
Foods and dietary patterns that are healthy, low-cost, and environmentally sustainable: a case study of optimization modeling for New Zealand. PLoS One (2013) 1.26
Neighborhood built environment and transport and leisure physical activity: findings using objective exposure and outcome measures in New Zealand. Environ Health Perspect (2012) 1.23
Mortality among "never smokers" living with smokers: two cohort studies, 1981-4 and 1996-9. BMJ (2004) 1.23
Are mortality differences and trends by education any better or worse in New Zealand? A comparison study with Norway, Denmark and Finland, 1980-1990s. Eur J Epidemiol (2005) 1.22
Triggers of subarachnoid hemorrhage: role of physical exertion, smoking, and alcohol in the Australasian Cooperative Research on Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Study (ACROSS). Stroke (2003) 1.20
Compression, expansion, or dynamic equilibrium? The evolution of health expectancy in New Zealand. J Epidemiol Community Health (2004) 1.19
Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of increased vegetable and fruit consumption on body weight and energy intake. BMC Public Health (2014) 1.19
What are the elements of the tobacco endgame? Tob Control (2012) 1.19
Is neighborhood access to health care provision associated with individual-level utilization and satisfaction? Health Serv Res (2008) 1.19
The association of food security with psychological distress in New Zealand and any gender differences. Soc Sci Med (2011) 1.18
Survival disparities in Indigenous and non-Indigenous New Zealanders with colon cancer: the role of patient comorbidity, treatment and health service factors. J Epidemiol Community Health (2010) 1.18
International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and New Zealand Physical Activity Questionnaire (NZPAQ): a doubly labelled water validation. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act (2007) 1.16
Impact of the UK voluntary sodium reduction targets on the sodium content of processed foods from 2006 to 2011: analysis of household consumer panel data. Prev Med (2013) 1.15
Key opportunities for sodium reduction in New Zealand processed foods. Aust N Z J Public Health (2012) 1.12
A national study of the association between neighbourhood access to fast-food outlets and the diet and weight of local residents. Health Place (2008) 1.12
Do effects of price discounts and nutrition education on food purchases vary by ethnicity, income and education? Results from a randomised, controlled trial. J Epidemiol Community Health (2011) 1.11
Housing affordability and mental health: does the relationship differ for renters and home purchasers? Soc Sci Med (2013) 1.11
The effect of comorbidity on the use of adjuvant chemotherapy and survival from colon cancer: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Cancer (2009) 1.10
Modelling of tobacco endgame interventions: a response. N Z Med J (2015) 1.09
Air pollution and mortality in New Zealand: cohort study. J Epidemiol Community Health (2010) 1.09
Invited Commentary: Harnessing Housing Natural Experiments Is Important, but Beware Differential Misclassification of Difference in Difference. Am J Epidemiol (2016) 1.08
Ethnic inequalities in cancer survival in New Zealand: linkage study. Am J Public Health (2005) 1.08
Unlocking the numerator-denominator bias III: adjustment ratios by ethnicity for 1981-1999 mortality data. The New Zealand Census-Mortality Study. N Z Med J (2003) 1.07
Possible methodological reason for the finding that "Neither tax increase nor reimbursement reduced health disparities": comment on the article by by Over et al. (2014). Nicotine Tob Res (2014) 1.07
Development of an Evidence-Based mHealth Weight Management Program Using a Formative Research Process. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth (2014) 1.06
Fixed effects analysis of repeated measures data. Int J Epidemiol (2013) 1.05
Nutrition labels: a survey of use, understanding and preferences among ethnically diverse shoppers in New Zealand. Public Health Nutr (2008) 1.03
Food prices and consumer demand: differences across income levels and ethnic groups. PLoS One (2013) 1.03
In-work tax credits for families and their impact on health status in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2013) 1.03
The smoking-mortality association varies over time and by ethnicity in New Zealand. Int J Epidemiol (2005) 1.02
Socioeconomic inequalities in cancer survival in New Zealand: the role of extent of disease at diagnosis. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev (2009) 1.01
Indigenous inequalities in cancer: what role for health care? ANZ J Surg (2012) 1.01
Chitosan for overweight or obesity. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2008) 0.99
How well does routine hospitalisation data capture information on comorbidity in New Zealand? N Z Med J (2010) 0.98
Tackling 'wicked' health promotion problems: a New Zealand case study. Health Promot Int (2012) 0.98
Change in income and change in self-rated health: Systematic review of studies using repeated measures to control for confounding bias. Soc Sci Med (2010) 0.97
Stroke rehabilitation services to accelerate hospital discharge and provide home-based care: an overview and cost analysis. Pharmacoeconomics (2002) 0.96
What potential has tobacco control for reducing health inequalities? The New Zealand situation. Int J Equity Health (2006) 0.95
Ethnicity and management of colon cancer in New Zealand: do indigenous patients get a worse deal? Cancer (2010) 0.95
Ethnic and socioeconomic trends in breast cancer incidence in New Zealand. BMC Cancer (2010) 0.93
Stores Healthy Options Project in Remote Indigenous Communities (SHOP@RIC): a protocol of a randomised trial promoting healthy food and beverage purchases through price discounts and in-store nutrition education. BMC Public Health (2013) 0.91
What effect do attempts to lose weight have on the observed relationship between nutrition behaviors and body mass index among adolescents? Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act (2007) 0.91
Understanding price elasticities to inform public health research and intervention studies: key issues. Am J Public Health (2013) 0.90
Mortality among lifelong nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke at home: cohort data and sensitivity analyses. Am J Epidemiol (2006) 0.89
Effects of childhood socioeconomic position on subjective health and health behaviours in adulthood: how much is mediated by adult socioeconomic position? BMC Public Health (2011) 0.89
Potential advantages and disadvantages of an endgame strategy: a 'sinking lid' on tobacco supply. Tob Control (2013) 0.89
Comorbidity among patients with colon cancer in New Zealand. N Z Med J (2011) 0.89
Estimating the cost of new public health legislation. Bull World Health Organ (2012) 0.89
Ethnic disparities in nutrition-related mortality in New Zealand: 1997-2011. N Z Med J (2006) 0.88
Trends in absolute socioeconomic inequalities in mortality in Sweden and New Zealand. A 20-year gender perspective. BMC Public Health (2006) 0.88
Do ethnic and socio-economic inequalities in mortality vary by region in New Zealand? An application of hierarchical Bayesian modelling. Soc Sci Med (2009) 0.88
Using mobile technology to support lower-salt food choices for people with cardiovascular disease: protocol for the SaltSwitch randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health (2014) 0.87
Strategies to promote healthier food purchases: a pilot supermarket intervention study. Public Health Nutr (2007) 0.87
The Maori Affairs Select Committee Inquiry and the road to a smokefree Aotearoa. N Z Med J (2010) 0.87
Differential loss of participants does not necessarily cause selection bias. Aust N Z J Public Health (2012) 0.87
Parents' and children's perceptions of active video games: a focus group study. J Child Health Care (2010) 0.87
Trends in colorectal cancer mortality by ethnicity and socio-economic position in New Zealand, 1981-99: one country, many stories. Aust N Z J Public Health (2006) 0.87
Use of household supermarket sales data to estimate nutrient intakes: a comparison with repeat 24-hour dietary recalls. J Am Diet Assoc (2010) 0.86
What is behind smoker support for new smokefree areas? National survey data. BMC Public Health (2010) 0.86
Comparing self-rated health and self-assessed change in health in a longitudinal survey: which is more valid? Soc Sci Med (2012) 0.86
When does neighbourhood matter? Multilevel relationships between neighbourhood social fragmentation and mental health. Soc Sci Med (2011) 0.86
The burden of cancer in New Zealand: a comparison of incidence and DALY metrics and its relevance for ethnic disparities. Aust N Z J Public Health (2013) 0.86
Healthier vending machines in workplaces: both possible and effective. N Z Med J (2010) 0.86
Potential for electronic household food purchase data to enhance population nutrition monitoring. N Z Med J (2014) 0.85
Patterns of disparity: ethnic and socio-economic trends in breast cancer mortality in New Zealand. Cancer Causes Control (2006) 0.85
The non-advertising effects of screen-based sedentary activities on acute eating behaviours in children, adolescents, and young adults. A systematic review. Appetite (2013) 0.84
Availability and accessibility of healthier options and nutrition information at New Zealand fast food restaurants. Appetite (2011) 0.84
Perceived versus actual distance to local physical-activity facilities: does it really matter? J Phys Act Health (2010) 0.84
Traffic lights and health claims: a comparative analysis of the nutrient profile of packaged foods available for sale in New Zealand supermarkets. Aust N Z J Public Health (2013) 0.84