Published in Plant Cell on January 30, 2014
Cryptochromes Interact Directly with PIFs to Control Plant Growth in Limiting Blue Light. Cell (2015) 1.64
The Red Light Receptor Phytochrome B Directly Enhances Substrate-E3 Ligase Interactions to Attenuate Ethylene Responses. Dev Cell (2016) 1.43
Regulation of the KNOX-GA gene module induces heterophyllic alteration in North American lake cress. Plant Cell (2014) 1.00
Arabidopsis DE-ETIOLATED1 represses photomorphogenesis by positively regulating phytochrome-interacting factors in the dark. Plant Cell (2014) 0.96
Mathematical models light up plant signaling. Plant Cell (2014) 0.93
Phytochromes: an atomic perspective on photoactivation and signaling. Plant Cell (2014) 0.93
PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR1 Enhances the E3 Ligase Activity of CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 to Synergistically Repress Photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2014) 0.90
Shaping plant architecture. Front Plant Sci (2015) 0.89
CUL4 forms an E3 ligase with COP1 and SPA to promote light-induced degradation of PIF1. Nat Commun (2015) 0.88
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated efficient and heritable targeted mutagenesis in tomato plants in the first and later generations. Sci Rep (2016) 0.87
Rewiring of jasmonate and phytochrome B signalling uncouples plant growth-defense tradeoffs. Nat Commun (2016) 0.86
Phytochrome and retrograde signalling pathways converge to antagonistically regulate a light-induced transcriptional network. Nat Commun (2016) 0.85
Molecular convergence of clock and photosensory pathways through PIF3-TOC1 interaction and co-occupancy of target promoters. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2016) 0.84
Shade avoidance components and pathways in adult plants revealed by phenotypic profiling. PLoS Genet (2015) 0.83
LLM-Domain Containing B-GATA Factors Control Different Aspects of Cytokinin-Regulated Development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol (2016) 0.83
SUMOylation of phytochrome-B negatively regulates light-induced signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2015) 0.83
Oxygen sensing coordinates photomorphogenesis to facilitate seedling survival. Curr Biol (2015) 0.82
LLM-Domain B-GATA Transcription Factors Promote Stomatal Development Downstream of Light Signaling Pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana Hypocotyls. Plant Cell (2016) 0.80
Evolutionary Recycling of Light Signaling Components in Fleshy Fruits: New Insights on the Role of Pigments to Monitor Ripening. Front Plant Sci (2016) 0.78
A Negative Feedback Loop between PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTORs and HECATE Proteins Fine-Tunes Photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2016) 0.78
Arabidopsis LEAFY COTYLEDON1 Mediates Postembryonic Development via Interacting with PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR4. Plant Cell (2015) 0.78
SPA proteins: SPAnning the gap between visible light and gene expression. Planta (2016) 0.78
Ethylene- and Shade-Induced Hypocotyl Elongation Share Transcriptome Patterns and Functional Regulators. Plant Physiol (2016) 0.78
The GI-CDF module of Arabidopsis affects freezing tolerance and growth as well as flowering. Plant J (2015) 0.78
Genome-wide analysis of cis-regulatory element structure and discovery of motif-driven gene co-expression networks in grapevine. DNA Res (2017) 0.77
RNA-seq studies using wheat PHYTOCHROME B and PHYTOCHROME C mutants reveal shared and specific functions in the regulation of flowering and shade-avoidance pathways. BMC Plant Biol (2016) 0.77
Identification of HDA15-PIF1 as a key repression module directing the transcriptional network of seed germination in the dark. Nucleic Acids Res (2017) 0.76
PPKs mediate direct signal transfer from phytochrome photoreceptors to transcription factor PIF3. Nat Commun (2017) 0.76
Phytochrome Signaling Is Mediated by PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR in the Liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. Plant Cell (2016) 0.76
The Importance of Ambient Temperature to Growth and the Induction of Flowering. Front Plant Sci (2016) 0.76
Evolutionary divergence of phytochrome protein function in Zea mays PIF3 signaling. J Exp Bot (2016) 0.76
Light Signaling in Bud Outgrowth and Branching in Plants. Plants (Basel) (2014) 0.76
Neighbor Detection Induces Organ-specific Transcriptomes, Revealing Patterns Underlying Hypocotyl-specific Growth. Plant Cell (2016) 0.76
Reciprocal proteasome-mediated degradation of PIFs and HFR1 underlying photomorphogenic development in Arabidopsis. Development (2017) 0.76
Regulatory modules controlling early shade avoidance response in maize seedlings. BMC Genomics (2016) 0.75
Mapping light-driven conformational changes within the photosensory module of plant phytochrome B. Sci Rep (2016) 0.75
Raffinose Family Oligosaccharides Act As Galactose Stores in Seeds and Are Required for Rapid Germination of Arabidopsis in the Dark. Front Plant Sci (2016) 0.75
Integration of Ethylene and Light Signaling Affects Hypocotyl Growth in Arabidopsis. Front Plant Sci (2017) 0.75
Genomic Analysis Reveals Contrasting PIFq Contribution to Diurnal Rhythmic Gene Expression in PIF-Induced and -Repressed Genes. Front Plant Sci (2016) 0.75
Characterization of Phytochrome Interacting Factors from the Moss Physcomitrella patens Illustrates Conservation of Phytochrome Signaling Modules in Land Plants. Plant Cell (2017) 0.75
Phytochrome Interacting Factors (PIFs) in Solanum lycopersicum: Diversity, Evolutionary History and Expression Profiling during Different Developmental Processes. PLoS One (2016) 0.75
A Protein-Based Genetic Screening Uncovers Mutants Involved in Phytochrome Signaling in Arabidopsis. Front Plant Sci (2016) 0.75
PIF4 Coordinates Thermosensory Growth and Immunity in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol (2016) 0.75
The plant cell reviews aspects of photobiology: it's a matter of stop 'n go. Plant Cell (2014) 0.75
Ectopic Expression of CDF3 Genes in Tomato Enhances Biomass Production and Yield under Salinity Stress Conditions. Front Plant Sci (2017) 0.75
Genetic Architecture of Flowering Phenology in Cereals and Opportunities for Crop Improvement. Front Plant Sci (2016) 0.75
DET1 and HY5 Control PIF4-Mediated Thermosensory Elongation Growth through Distinct Mechanisms. Cell Rep (2017) 0.75
YUCCA auxin biosynthetic genes are required for Arabidopsis shade avoidance. PeerJ (2016) 0.75
PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTORS mediate metabolic control of the circadian system in Arabidopsis. New Phytol (2017) 0.75
Light Controls Cytokinin Signaling via Transcriptional Regulation of Constitutively Active Sensor Histidine Kinase CKI1. Plant Physiol (2017) 0.75
The Basic/Helix-Loop-Helix Protein Family in Gossypium: Reference Genes and Their Evolution during Tetraploidization. PLoS One (2015) 0.75
BLADE-ON-PETIOLE proteins act in an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex to regulate PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 4 abundance. Elife (2017) 0.75
The G-box transcriptional regulatory code in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2017) 0.75
Expanding Roles of PIFs in Signal Integration from Multiple Processes. Mol Plant (2017) 0.75
Arabidopsis atypical kinase ABC1K1 is involved in red light-mediated development. Plant Cell Rep (2016) 0.75
SPF45-related splicing factor for phytochrome signaling promotes photomorphogenesis by regulating pre-mRNA splicing in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2017) 0.75
A novel-type phosphatidylinositol phosphate-interactive, Ca-binding protein PCaP1 in Arabidopsis thaliana: stable association with plasma membrane and partial involvement in stomata closure. J Plant Res (2016) 0.75
A PIF1/PIF3-HY5-BBX23 Transcription Factor Cascade Affects Photomorphogenesis. Plant Physiol (2017) 0.75
EIN2, a bifunctional transducer of ethylene and stress responses in Arabidopsis. Science (1999) 7.91
A role for brassinosteroids in light-dependent development of Arabidopsis. Science (1996) 7.83
Nuclear events in ethylene signaling: a transcriptional cascade mediated by ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE3 and ETHYLENE-RESPONSE-FACTOR1. Genes Dev (1998) 6.52
Rhythmic growth explained by coincidence between internal and external cues. Nature (2007) 6.05
A molecular framework for light and gibberellin control of cell elongation. Nature (2008) 5.82
Direct targeting of light signals to a promoter element-bound transcription factor. Science (2000) 5.73
The Arabidopsis basic/helix-loop-helix transcription factor family. Plant Cell (2003) 5.68
PIF3, a phytochrome-interacting factor necessary for normal photoinduced signal transduction, is a novel basic helix-loop-helix protein. Cell (1998) 5.47
Binding of phytochrome B to its nuclear signalling partner PIF3 is reversibly induced by light. Nature (1999) 5.06
Light-regulated transcriptional networks in higher plants. Nat Rev Genet (2007) 4.82
Coordinated regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana development by light and gibberellins. Nature (2008) 4.71
PIFs: pivotal components in a cellular signaling hub. Trends Plant Sci (2010) 3.68
Phytochrome-mediated inhibition of shade avoidance involves degradation of growth-promoting bHLH transcription factors. Plant J (2007) 3.54
Phytochrome-interacting factor 1 is a critical bHLH regulator of chlorophyll biosynthesis. Science (2004) 3.48
Photoactivated phytochrome induces rapid PIF3 phosphorylation prior to proteasome-mediated degradation. Mol Cell (2006) 3.40
Shoot-derived auxin is essential for early lateral root emergence in Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant J (2002) 3.38
Global transcriptome analysis reveals circadian regulation of key pathways in plant growth and development. Genome Biol (2008) 3.33
HFR1 encodes an atypical bHLH protein that acts in phytochrome A signal transduction. Genes Dev (2000) 3.32
Constitutive photomorphogenesis 1 and multiple photoreceptors control degradation of phytochrome interacting factor 3, a transcription factor required for light signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2004) 3.31
Multiple phytochrome-interacting bHLH transcription factors repress premature seedling photomorphogenesis in darkness. Curr Biol (2008) 3.23
Shade avoidance. New Phytol (2008) 3.19
PIF4, a phytochrome-interacting bHLH factor, functions as a negative regulator of phytochrome B signaling in Arabidopsis. EMBO J (2002) 3.19
High temperature-mediated adaptations in plant architecture require the bHLH transcription factor PIF4. Curr Biol (2009) 3.17
Genetic and molecular identification of genes required for female gametophyte development and function in Arabidopsis. Development (2005) 3.14
A novel molecular recognition motif necessary for targeting photoactivated phytochrome signaling to specific basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors. Plant Cell (2004) 3.10
The ELF4-ELF3-LUX complex links the circadian clock to diurnal control of hypocotyl growth. Nature (2011) 3.09
The circadian clock regulates auxin signaling and responses in Arabidopsis. PLoS Biol (2007) 3.03
Decoding of light signals by plant phytochromes and their interacting proteins. Annu Rev Plant Biol (2008) 3.02
Integration of brassinosteroid signal transduction with the transcription network for plant growth regulation in Arabidopsis. Dev Cell (2010) 2.96
Orchestration of floral initiation by APETALA1. Science (2010) 2.95
Cold and light control seed germination through the bHLH transcription factor SPATULA. Curr Biol (2005) 2.87
PIL5, a phytochrome-interacting basic helix-loop-helix protein, is a key negative regulator of seed germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell (2004) 2.74
The phytochrome-interacting transcription factor, PIF3, acts early, selectively, and positively in light-induced chloroplast development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2004) 2.71
Functional characterization of phytochrome interacting factor 3 in phytochrome-mediated light signal transduction. Plant Cell (2003) 2.65
Phytochromes promote seedling light responses by inhibiting four negatively-acting phytochrome-interacting factors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009) 2.61
Ethylene can stimulate Arabidopsis hypocotyl elongation in the light. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1997) 2.57
Phytochrome Interacting Factors: central players in phytochrome-mediated light signaling networks. Trends Plant Sci (2007) 2.57
Target genes of the MADS transcription factor SEPALLATA3: integration of developmental and hormonal pathways in the Arabidopsis flower. PLoS Biol (2009) 2.54
PIL5, a phytochrome-interacting bHLH protein, regulates gibberellin responsiveness by binding directly to the GAI and RGA promoters in Arabidopsis seeds. Plant Cell (2007) 2.52
Interaction between BZR1 and PIF4 integrates brassinosteroid and environmental responses. Nat Cell Biol (2012) 2.51
Gating of the rapid shade-avoidance response by the circadian clock in plants. Nature (2003) 2.46
Genome-wide analysis of genes targeted by PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 3-LIKE5 during seed germination in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2009) 2.44
Plant hormone jasmonate prioritizes defense over growth by interfering with gibberellin signaling cascade. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2012) 2.34
The Arabidopsis phytochrome-interacting factor PIF7, together with PIF3 and PIF4, regulates responses to prolonged red light by modulating phyB levels. Plant Cell (2008) 2.33
PP2A activates brassinosteroid-responsive gene expression and plant growth by dephosphorylating BZR1. Nat Cell Biol (2011) 2.28
Mapping the core of the Arabidopsis circadian clock defines the network structure of the oscillator. Science (2012) 2.26
Inhibition of the shade avoidance response by formation of non-DNA binding bHLH heterodimers. EMBO J (2009) 2.20
Brassinosteroid, gibberellin and phytochrome impinge on a common transcription module in Arabidopsis. Nat Cell Biol (2012) 2.19
A brassinosteroid transcriptional network revealed by genome-wide identification of BESI target genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J (2011) 2.19
Transcription factor PIF4 controls the thermosensory activation of flowering. Nature (2012) 2.18
Definition of early transcriptional circuitry involved in light-induced reversal of PIF-imposed repression of photomorphogenesis in young Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Cell (2009) 2.17
A morning-specific phytohormone gene expression program underlying rhythmic plant growth. PLoS Biol (2008) 2.12
PIF1 is regulated by light-mediated degradation through the ubiquitin-26S proteasome pathway to optimize photomorphogenesis of seedlings in Arabidopsis. Plant J (2005) 2.07
A molecular framework of light-controlled phytohormone action in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol (2012) 2.02
Degradation of phytochrome interacting factor 3 in phytochrome-mediated light signaling. Plant Cell Physiol (2004) 2.00
Phytochrome-interacting factor 4 (PIF4) regulates auxin biosynthesis at high temperature. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 2.00
DELLAs contribute to plant photomorphogenesis. Plant Physiol (2007) 1.97
PIF3 regulates anthocyanin biosynthesis in an HY5-dependent manner with both factors directly binding anthocyanin biosynthetic gene promoters in Arabidopsis. Plant J (2007) 1.96
Plant hormone signaling lightens up: integrators of light and hormones. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2010) 1.95
PIF1 directly and indirectly regulates chlorophyll biosynthesis to optimize the greening process in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008) 1.89
Light-induced phosphorylation and degradation of the negative regulator PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR1 from Arabidopsis depend upon its direct physical interactions with photoactivated phytochromes. Plant Cell (2008) 1.86
Phytochrome interacting factors 4 and 5 control seedling growth in changing light conditions by directly controlling auxin signaling. Plant J (2012) 1.84
Phytochrome induces rapid PIF5 phosphorylation and degradation in response to red-light activation. Plant Physiol (2007) 1.83
Photoreceptor signaling networks in plant responses to shade. Annu Rev Plant Biol (2013) 1.83
Linking photoreceptor excitation to changes in plant architecture. Genes Dev (2012) 1.80
LUX ARRHYTHMO encodes a nighttime repressor of circadian gene expression in the Arabidopsis core clock. Curr Biol (2011) 1.78
Circadian-controlled basic/helix-loop-helix factor, PIL6, implicated in light-signal transduction in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol (2004) 1.73
The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor PIF5 acts on ethylene biosynthesis and phytochrome signaling by distinct mechanisms. Plant Cell (2007) 1.73
A quartet of PIF bHLH factors provides a transcriptionally centered signaling hub that regulates seedling morphogenesis through differential expression-patterning of shared target genes in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genet (2013) 1.73
Gibberellins repress photomorphogenesis in darkness. Plant Physiol (2004) 1.70
phytochrome B and PIF4 regulate stomatal development in response to light quantity. Curr Biol (2009) 1.70
DELLA protein function in growth responses to canopy signals. Plant J (2007) 1.69
Brassinosteroid signaling network and regulation of photomorphogenesis. Annu Rev Genet (2012) 1.68
Genome-wide classification and evolutionary analysis of the bHLH family of transcription factors in Arabidopsis, poplar, rice, moss, and algae. Plant Physiol (2010) 1.66
A Link between circadian-controlled bHLH factors and the APRR1/TOC1 quintet in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol (2003) 1.63
PIF3 is a repressor of chloroplast development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009) 1.63
Global identification of targets of the Arabidopsis MADS domain protein AGAMOUS-Like15. Plant Cell (2009) 1.63
Hormonal regulation of temperature-induced growth in Arabidopsis. Plant J (2009) 1.61
PIF4-mediated activation of YUCCA8 expression integrates temperature into the auxin pathway in regulating arabidopsis hypocotyl growth. PLoS Genet (2012) 1.61
Gibberellin-GID1-DELLA: a pivotal regulatory module for plant growth and development. Plant Physiol (2010) 1.61
EIN3/EIL1 cooperate with PIF1 to prevent photo-oxidation and to promote greening of Arabidopsis seedlings. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009) 1.60
Mechanistic duality of transcription factor function in phytochrome signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008) 1.60
Arabidopsis PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR proteins promote phytochrome B polyubiquitination by COP1 E3 ligase in the nucleus. Plant Cell (2010) 1.59
Interaction of shade avoidance and auxin responses: a role for two novel atypical bHLH proteins. EMBO J (2007) 1.59
Gibberellins modulate light signaling pathways to prevent Arabidopsis seedling de-etiolation in darkness. Plant J (2007) 1.58
The circadian clock regulates the photoperiodic response of hypocotyl elongation through a coincidence mechanism in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol (2009) 1.55
SOMNUS, a CCCH-type zinc finger protein in Arabidopsis, negatively regulates light-dependent seed germination downstream of PIL5. Plant Cell (2008) 1.52
Molecular mechanism for the interaction between gibberellin and brassinosteroid signaling pathways in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2012) 1.52
Cloning and DNA-binding properties of a tobacco Ethylene-Insensitive3 (EIN3) homolog. Nucleic Acids Res (2000) 1.52
Obligate heterodimerization of Arabidopsis phytochromes C and E and interaction with the PIF3 basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor. Plant Cell (2009) 1.52
EARLY FLOWERING4 recruitment of EARLY FLOWERING3 in the nucleus sustains the Arabidopsis circadian clock. Plant Cell (2012) 1.49
Direct regulation of phytoene synthase gene expression and carotenoid biosynthesis by phytochrome-interacting factors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010) 1.49
Circadian clock-associated 1 and late elongated hypocotyl regulate expression of the C-repeat binding factor (CBF) pathway in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 1.47
Arabidopsis HEMERA/pTAC12 initiates photomorphogenesis by phytochromes. Cell (2010) 1.40
Soluble carbohydrates regulate auxin biosynthesis via PIF proteins in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2012) 1.39
The phytochrome-interacting factor PIF7 negatively regulates DREB1 expression under circadian control in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2009) 1.37
Antagonistic basic helix-loop-helix/bZIP transcription factors form transcriptional modules that integrate light and reactive oxygen species signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2013) 1.35
Genomic analysis of circadian clock-, light-, and growth-correlated genes reveals PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR5 as a modulator of auxin signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2011) 1.34
Phytochrome interacting factors 4 and 5 redundantly limit seedling de-etiolation in continuous far-red light. Plant J (2009) 1.33
Transcriptional repressor PRR5 directly regulates clock-output pathways. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2012) 1.33
Multiple phytochrome-interacting bHLH transcription factors repress premature seedling photomorphogenesis in darkness. Curr Biol (2008) 3.23
The Arabidopsis phytochrome-interacting factor PIF7, together with PIF3 and PIF4, regulates responses to prolonged red light by modulating phyB levels. Plant Cell (2008) 2.33
Definition of early transcriptional circuitry involved in light-induced reversal of PIF-imposed repression of photomorphogenesis in young Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Cell (2009) 2.17
Mechanistic duality of transcription factor function in phytochrome signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008) 1.60
Dynamic antagonism between phytochromes and PIF family basic helix-loop-helix factors induces selective reciprocal responses to light and shade in a rapidly responsive transcriptional network in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2012) 1.30
Phytochrome-imposed oscillations in PIF3 protein abundance regulate hypocotyl growth under diurnal light/dark conditions in Arabidopsis. Plant J (2012) 1.19
Functional profiling identifies genes involved in organ-specific branches of the PIF3 regulatory network in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2011) 1.05
Phytochrome signaling in green Arabidopsis seedlings: impact assessment of a mutually negative phyB-PIF feedback loop. Mol Plant (2012) 1.02
Comparative functional analysis of full-length and N-terminal fragments of phytochrome C, D and E in red light-induced signaling. New Phytol (2013) 0.80
Branching of the PIF3 regulatory network in Arabidopsis: roles of PIF3-regulated MIDAs in seedling development in the dark and in response to light. Plant Signal Behav (2012) 0.76