Electronic media use and insomnia complaints in German adolescents: gender differences in use patterns and sleep problems.

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Published in J Neural Transm (Vienna) on November 17, 2015


Karoline Lange1, Stefan Cohrs2, Christian Skarupke1, Monique Görke3, Bertram Szagun4, Robert Schlack5

Author Affiliations

1: Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany.
2: Department of Psychiatry, University of Rostock, Gehlsheimer Straße 20, 18147, Rostock, Germany. cohrsste@med.uni-rostock.de.
3: Department of Psychiatry, University of Rostock, Gehlsheimer Straße 20, 18147, Rostock, Germany.
4: University of Applied Sciences, Ravensburg-Weingarten, Weingarten, Germany.
5: Department of Epidemiology and Health Monitoring, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany.

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