Published in Annu Rev Physiol on January 01, 1978
The pineal gland: a pacemaker within the circadian system of the house sparrow. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1979) 1.36
Circadian rhythms of melatonin release from individual superfused chicken pineal glands in vitro. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1980) 1.18
The cardiomyocyte molecular clock, regulation of Scn5a, and arrhythmia susceptibility. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol (2013) 1.16
Development of the Mouse Circadian Pacemaker: Independence from Environmental Cycles. J Comp Physiol (1981) 1.02
Neurobehavioral performance in young adults living on a 28-h day for 6 weeks. Sleep (2009) 0.90
Integrating beat rate variability: from single cells to hearts. Heart Rhythm (2013) 0.87
Morphine administration and abrupt cessation alter the behavioral diurnal activity pattern. Pharmacol Biochem Behav (2012) 0.76
Age-Related Sleep Disruption and Reduction in the Circadian Rhythm of Urine Output: Contribution to Nocturia? Curr Aging Sci (2016) 0.76
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders. J Clin Outcomes Manag (2013) 0.75
A subset of ipRGCs regulates both maturation of the circadian clock and segregation of retinogeniculate projections in mice. Elife (2017) 0.75
Role of the CLOCK protein in the mammalian circadian mechanism. Science (1998) 10.03
Mop3 is an essential component of the master circadian pacemaker in mammals. Cell (2000) 8.72
Resetting central and peripheral circadian oscillators in transgenic rats. Science (2000) 8.63
Mutagenesis and mapping of a mouse gene, Clock, essential for circadian behavior. Science (1994) 7.83
Positional cloning of the mouse circadian clock gene. Cell (1997) 7.79
Entrainment of the circadian clock in the liver by feeding. Science (2001) 7.09
Closing the circadian loop: CLOCK-induced transcription of its own inhibitors per and tim. Science (1998) 5.72
Transplanted suprachiasmatic nucleus determines circadian period. Science (1990) 5.55
Functional identification of the mouse circadian Clock gene by transgenic BAC rescue. Cell (1997) 5.51
Positional syntenic cloning and functional characterization of the mammalian circadian mutation tau. Science (2000) 4.94
Differential regulation of mammalian period genes and circadian rhythmicity by cryptochromes 1 and 2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1999) 4.62
Circadian rhythms in cultured mammalian retina. Science (1996) 3.80
Genome-wide epistatic interaction analysis reveals complex genetic determinants of circadian behavior in mice. Genome Res (2001) 3.04
Regulation of CREB phosphorylation in the suprachiasmatic nucleus by light and a circadian clock. Science (1993) 3.03
Molecular genetics of circadian rhythms in mammals. Annu Rev Neurosci (2000) 2.96
Clock controls circadian period in isolated suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons. Nat Neurosci (1998) 2.89
A mutation of the circadian system in golden hamsters. Science (1988) 2.73
Sequence interpretation. Functional annotation of mouse genome sequences. Science (2001) 2.54
Stopping time: the genetics of fly and mouse circadian clocks. Annu Rev Neurosci (2001) 2.44
Mammalian circadian autoregulatory loop: a timeless ortholog and mPer1 interact and negatively regulate CLOCK-BMAL1-induced transcription. Neuron (1998) 2.42
Role of mouse cryptochrome blue-light photoreceptor in circadian photoresponses. Science (1998) 2.38
A CLOCK polymorphism associated with human diurnal preference. Sleep (1998) 2.24
The circadian clock mutation alters sleep homeostasis in the mouse. J Neurosci (2000) 2.17
Targeted deletion of the Vgf gene indicates that the encoded secretory peptide precursor plays a novel role in the regulation of energy balance. Neuron (1999) 2.15
Sensitivity and integration in a visual pathway for circadian entrainment in the hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). J Physiol (1991) 2.06
Role of transforming growth factor-beta in long-term synaptic facilitation in Aplysia. Science (1997) 2.05
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Genetics of the mammalian circadian system: Photic entrainment, circadian pacemaker mechanisms, and posttranslational regulation. Annu Rev Genet (2000) 1.92
The circadian rhythm of body temperature. Physiol Behav (1992) 1.89
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Photic and circadian regulation of c-fos gene expression in the hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus. Neuron (1990) 1.76
The mouse Clock mutation behaves as an antimorph and maps within the W19H deletion, distal of Kit. Genetics (1997) 1.75
Effects of aging on the circadian rhythm of wheel-running activity in C57BL/6 mice. Am J Physiol (1997) 1.73
Chimera analysis of the Clock mutation in mice shows that complex cellular integration determines circadian behavior. Cell (2001) 1.62
Genetic control of melatonin synthesis in the pineal gland of the mouse. Science (1986) 1.61
The clock in the mouse retina: melatonin synthesis and photoreceptor degeneration. Brain Res (1998) 1.50
Circadian regulation of iodopsin gene expression in embryonic photoreceptors in retinal cell culture. Neuron (1993) 1.47
Is the food-entrainable circadian oscillator in the digestive system? Genes Brain Behav (2003) 1.44
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The avian pineal, a vertebrate model system of the circadian oscillator: cellular regulation of circadian rhythms by light, second messengers, and macromolecular synthesis. Recent Prog Horm Res (1989) 1.37
The pineal gland: a pacemaker within the circadian system of the house sparrow. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1979) 1.36
Circadian rhythms: molecular basis of the clock. Curr Opin Genet Dev (1998) 1.35
The basic helix-loop-helix-PAS protein MOP9 is a brain-specific heterodimeric partner of circadian and hypoxia factors. J Neurosci (2000) 1.27
Transforming growth factor beta1 alters synapsin distribution and modulates synaptic depression in Aplysia. J Neurosci (2002) 1.25
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Levels of serotonin in the hemolymph of Aplysia are modulated by light/dark cycles and sensitization training. J Neurosci (1999) 1.23
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Rhythmic properties of the hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus in vivo. J Neurosci (1998) 1.23
Role of the suprachiasmatic nuclei in the circadian system of the house sparrow, Passer domesticus. J Neurosci (1982) 1.20
Circadian clock in culture: N-acetyltransferase activity of chick pineal glands oscillates in vitro. Science (1979) 1.19
Extraretinal light perception in the sparrow. I. Entrainment of the biological clock. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1968) 1.19
Regulation of jun-B messenger RNA and AP-1 activity by light and a circadian clock. Science (1992) 1.18
Circadian rhythms of melatonin release from individual superfused chicken pineal glands in vitro. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1980) 1.18
Light, immediate-early genes, and circadian rhythms. Behav Genet (1996) 1.18
Pineal opsin: a nonvisual opsin expressed in chick pineal. Science (1995) 1.17
Circadian clock in cell culture: I. Oscillation of melatonin release from dissociated chick pineal cells in flow-through microcarrier culture. J Neurosci (1988) 1.15
Cardiovascular tissues contain independent circadian clocks. Clin Exp Hypertens (2005) 1.11
NMDA as well as non-NMDA receptor antagonists can prevent the phase-shifting effects of light on the circadian system of the golden hamster. J Biol Rhythms (1992) 1.11
Entrainment of circadian rhythms by sound in Passer domesticus. Science (1966) 1.11
Sex differences in the circadian control of hamster wheel-running activity. Am J Physiol (1983) 1.09
Dose-response relationship between light irradiance and the suppression of plasma melatonin in human volunteers. Brain Res (1988) 1.09
Temporal distribution of partial seizures: comparison of an animal model with human partial epilepsy. Ann Neurol (1998) 1.09
Temperature compensation and temperature entrainment of the chick pineal cell circadian clock. J Neurosci (1995) 1.08
The tau mutation affects temperature compensation of hamster retinal circadian oscillators. Neuroreport (1998) 1.08
Molecular cloning and characterization of the human CLOCK gene: expression in the suprachiasmatic nuclei. Genomics (1999) 1.08
Integration and saturation within the circadian photic entrainment pathway of hamsters. Am J Physiol (1999) 1.08
Temperature-compensated circadian clock in the pineal of Anolis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1983) 1.08
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Extraretinal light perception in the sparrow. II. Photoperiodic stimulation of testis growth. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1968) 1.07
Differential gene expression in glioblastoma defined by ADC histogram analysis: relationship to extracellular matrix molecules and survival. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol (2012) 1.07
Effects of aging on light-induced phase-shifting of circadian behavioral rhythms, fos expression and CREB phosphorylation in the hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus. Neuroscience (1996) 1.06
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Effects of excitatory amino acid receptor antagonists and agonists on suprachiasmatic nucleus responses to retinohypothalamic tract volleys. Brain Res (1989) 1.04
Locomotor response to an open field during C57BL/6J active and inactive phases: differences dependent on conditions of illumination. Physiol Behav (2000) 1.04
Automated measurement of mouse freezing behavior and its use for quantitative trait locus analysis of contextual fear conditioning in (BALB/cJ x C57BL/6J)F2 mice. Learn Mem (1999) 1.02
Use of 2-[125I]iodomelatonin to characterize melatonin binding sites in chicken retina. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1987) 1.01
A developmental gene (Tolloid/BMP-1) is regulated in Aplysia neurons by treatments that induce long-term sensitization. J Neurosci (1997) 1.01
Melatonin: effects on the circadian locomotor rhythm of sparrows. Science (1976) 1.01
Serotonin shifts the phase of the circadian rhythm from the Aplysia eye. Science (1978) 1.01
Long-term regulation of neuronal high-affinity glutamate and glutamine uptake in Aplysia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2000) 0.99
Comparison of visual sensitivity for suppression of pineal melatonin and circadian phase-shifting in the golden hamster. Brain Res (1991) 0.98
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TGF-beta1 in Aplysia: role in long-term changes in the excitability of sensory neurons and distribution of TbetaR-II-like immunoreactivity. Learn Mem (1999) 0.97
The intergeniculate leaflet partially mediates effects of light on circadian rhythms. J Biol Rhythms (1987) 0.96
Lability of circadian pacemaker amplitude in chick pineal cells: a temperature-dependent process. J Biol Rhythms (1997) 0.96
Mechanism for shifting the phase of a circadian rhythm by serotonin: involvement of cAMP. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1982) 0.96
Photoperiodically significant photoreception in sparrows: is the retina involved? Science (1970) 0.95
Cyclic guanosine 3':5'-monophosphate mimics the effects of light on a circadian pacemaker in the eye of aplysia. J Neurosci (1984) 0.95
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Extraretinal light perception in the sparrow. 3. The eyes do not participate in photoperiodic photoreception. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1970) 0.94